Chapter 45: The Little Mermaid Under the Sea (8)

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The powder was scattered on the ground, and the extremely light color turned whiter, but Ming Shu recognized it at a glance.

This seems to be the few shells he gave to Heihu, which were crushed into slag in Xiuju's hands.

A sea serpent soldier brought a chair from the front hall, served Xiu Qi to sit down, and presented a soft handkerchief.

Xiuwen took the veil and wiped his hands slowly: "Where have you been?"

Ming Shu stood under the corridor and replied: "I went to see the pearl in the morning, and in the afternoon... I have nothing to do in the afternoon, so I went for a walk elsewhere. "

At this moment, Xiu Kun only asked about his whereabouts, and didn't mention anything else, and didn't let the sea snake soldiers arrest him immediately. He probably hasn't revealed his identity yet.

Is that because he gave Heihu shells? What's wrong with shells?

Ming Shu began to worry again, these shells were given to him by Xia Zhu, could it be because of Xia Zhu?

Xiuwen threw away the handkerchief that he had wiped, and the soldiers beside him hurriedly picked it up and disposed of it.

He stretched out his hand towards Mingshu, seemingly calm and never angry, but his tone was still cold: "Come here."

Mingshu didn't dare to delay, stepped onto the corridor and came to the front of the chair, Xiuqi held his hand and hugged him, and sat on him on the legs.

Xiu Qi pinched his chin lightly, no emotion could be seen in his pitch-black pupils: "Is this boring?"

Ming Shu couldn't figure out his attitude, and said honestly: "Well... a little bit.

" I went to look for Pearl every day, and it was not boring to play with it. During the day, Xiuzhi hardly saw anyone, and Mingshu stayed alone most of the time.

If it wasn't for the mission, he wouldn't dare to leave the courtyard easily.

"Blame me," Xiu Qi stroked Ming Shu's face, "I don't have time to spend with you."

His movements were gentle, but the conversation suddenly changed: "Bring it up."

The Sea Snake soldier on the side answered "Yes" and ordered His subordinates escorted a sea snake in guard clothes from outside the courtyard.

The sea snake's skin was dark, it was the black beard that Ming Shu had seen not long ago.

Heihu knelt down, his body shaking like chaff.

Not long after he received the shells from Mingshu, he was caught by a group of sea snake soldiers, and the shells on his body were also taken away.

Heihu didn't know what mistake he had made at all, only when he saw Mingshu in Xiujun's arms did he vaguely understand.

Probably because he didn't know how to live or die, he even said a few more words to the beauty whom the leader loved, and even accepted the beauty's gift.

To make the leader unhappy, there is only one end. Heihu knew that he would not even have a chance to defend himself, so he kowtowed his head on the ground: "Boss, please forgive me..." Seeing that Heihu had really been arrested, Ming Shu felt displeased

. Good hunch: "He..."

Xiu Qi looked at him quietly, as if waiting for him to confess.

"What did he do wrong?" Ming Shu asked anxiously, "Is it... because of the shells I gave him?"

Xiu Qi raised his hand without saying a word.

Several Sea Snake soldiers stepped forward, covered Heihu's mouth with cloth strips, made him lie on the ground, and beat him severely with soft iron whips.

This scene happened too fast, the iron whip made a muffled sound as the iron whip lashed his body, Ming Shu trembled in fright.

He hurriedly turned his head to take a look, but Xiuwen squeezed his chin forcefully, forcing him to face himself: "Don't look at him." At

this moment, Xiuwan's eyes were full of hostility, as if Mingshu would kill him immediately if he said a wrong word. He and Heihu were killed.

Mingshu was afraid and blamed himself, so he mustered up the courage to ask: "Why..." "

Are you angry?" He tried to explain: "I gave him those shells just by chance, there is no other meaning."

In short, Heihu was right , this is an innocent disaster for him, if Xiu Qi is unhappy, he can be punished.

He felt that he had harmed Heihu, and it would have been fine if he hadn't done that task, and if Xiu Kun knew that Xia Zhu gave him the shell, Xia Zhu might be implicated.

The iron whip still didn't stop, and every blow was accompanied by Heihu's muffled groan, Ming Shu's face was pinched and he couldn't move, his expression became more and more disturbed.

Xiu Qi looked at him coldly: "By coincidence? What are you doing in the main hall?"

Both here and where Pearl lives are far away from the main hall.

Mingshu had never been to the main hall before, he gave the shell to Heihu and then left, as if deliberately looking for him.

Mingshu said in a hurry, "I...I want to find you."

"Looking for me?"

Xiu Qi whispered, he raised his hand again, and the sea snake soldier who was waving his iron whip stopped below.

The hand that was holding Mingshu loosened a little bit. Mingshu resisted not looking back, and continued to lie: "You said you would come last night...but I never waited for you." This is indeed the truth,

Mingshu It was only in the morning that I found out that Xiu Qi had come.

"So I..." Ming Shu lowered his eyelashes, "I want to know if you are very busy."

Xiu Qi was silent for a moment: "I came here last night."

Ming Shu had already guessed that he would say that, pretending Unknowingly: "Really?"

He looked confused, with a little ignorance and simplicity: "Why didn't you wake me up?"

Xiu Qi's eyes dimmed slightly, and his Adam's apple slipped slightly.

Seeing that his attitude had softened, Ming Shu took the initiative to lean into his arms and said, "After I go, I'm afraid I'll disturb you." The

steward of the sea snake stood silently behind, snorting at the words.

These words were full of loopholes, and they were too false. It seemed that some other means had to be used to make Mingshu tell the truth.

However, Xiuju didn't get angry as the sea snake manager expected, and the hand on Mingshu's body was still gently stroking his lower back.

Afterwards, he saw Ming Shu boldly holding the leader's face and leaning in for a kiss.

Ming Shu kissed again, firmly on Xiu Qi's lips, unable to control the strength due to nervousness and apprehension, a little eager.

"Boss, don't be angry," Ming Shu said softly, "It's all my fault, I shouldn't run around."

He was also afraid that Xiu Qi would not believe him, so he continued to let Heihu be punished, with a trace of fear hidden in his eyes .

Perhaps cruelty and ruthlessness are the real appearance of Xiuqi. He was too gentle in front of Mingshu before, making Mingshu forget Yi Qing's evaluation of him.

Through the half-section mask, Ming Shu couldn't accurately know Xiu Qi's expression at the moment, and could only judge from his eyes and movements.

He took Xiuju's other hand, put it on the side of his face, tilted his head and rubbed against the slightly cool palm: "Boss?"

Xiuju finally couldn't help it, hugged Ming Shu pressed tightly and came over to kiss him .

But he didn't seem to be very good at kissing, he just rubbed Mingshu's lips vigorously, holding the back of his neck to prevent him from escaping.

Except for Yuan Chen, Ming Shu had never been so intimate with anyone else before. He struggled unsuccessfully, and was hugged and kissed by Xiu Qi halfway.

Ming Shu kept saying in his heart, this is just an npc.

Xiuju is an npc, and so is Yuan Chen, they are just a bunch of data.

The Sea Snake soldiers stood without looking sideways, and Heihu, who was lying on the ground, did not dare to make a sound. In the quiet courtyard, only the slight movement of the cloth rubbing against each other, as well as his heavier breathing could be heard.

The corner of the sea snake steward's eyes twitched in the rear, and his expression was vaguely worried.

After Xiu finally let go of Mingshu, he touched his hot cheek.

Ming Shu didn't forget that there was still a person lying on his stomach in the yard, and asked nervously, "Chief, are you not angry?"

Xiu Qi's tone was light: "Be good, and I won't be angry."

He looked slightly sideways: "Take it down."

The Sea Snake soldier responded and pulled Heihu up. Heihu showed fear and despair, feeling that he probably wouldn't survive today up.

The Sea Snake soldiers escorted Heihu away, leaving only two attendants and the Sea Snake in charge in the yard.

Ming Shu didn't dare to make a sound, and after the soldiers had left, he carefully looked at Xiu Yun's expression: "The leader..."

Xiu Yun lowered his eyes and said, "Are you worried about him?"

Ming Shu quickly shook his head: "I, I I'm afraid you're still angry..."

But he couldn't hide what was going on in his heart.

"It's just a few whips, it won't kill you." He said coldly.

Ming Shu finally felt relieved, his body relaxed a lot, and he hugged Xiu Qi's neck obediently.

He was somewhat resistant to getting in touch with Xiuqi before, but if he could change from irritable to "docile" like Pearl, then he wouldn't care about anything else.

The case of the shell not only involves an innocent npc, but also Xia Zhu who gave him the shell first. There are not many players in the central city, so it's best to get through it safely.

It's just like this, Mingshu didn't dare to brush the favorability of other npcs anymore.

Sure enough, as Xia Zhu said, the leader's strategy mission rewards are very high, but the risks are also directly proportional.

Xiuwen was very satisfied with Mingshu's initiative and obedience today, so he took his hand and said, "Wait for me tonight."

Mingshu blushed inexplicably, suppressed the panic in his heart, and replied, "En.

" At night, Xiu Qi got up to leave, and the attendants took away a few lamps with him, and the light in the courtyard dimmed a lot.

Ming Shu went back to the front hall and turned on the system, there were several messages from Xia Zhu in it.

[Private Chat] Xia Zhu: I found out some news that Heihu was taken away by the leader

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Are you all right?

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Did you really give away shells today? Is it because of the shells?

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: It shouldn't be, it was fine when I sent it last time

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Mingshu? ? Don't scare me, are you asleep?

Ming Shu never replied, Xia Zhu was so anxious that he almost wanted to come to him, but couldn't get away for a while.

[Private Chat] Ming Shu: It's okay

[Private Chat] Xia Zhu:! You've answered me.

He keenly noticed the tone of Ming Shu's words, and quickly sent another message.

[Private Chat] Xia Zhu: What's wrong? Is there something wrong?

Ming Shu hesitated for a moment, then sighed silently.

[Private chat] Ming Shu: You're right, it's too dangerous to stay by the leader's side

. For safety's sake, not only will he not be able to gain the favorability of other npcs in the future, it's best not to meet Xia Zhu either.

Mingshu briefly told Xia Zhu everything that happened in the afternoon. He didn't mention that Xiuyun liked him, but that he sent shells to Heihu and was discovered by Xiuyun.

Xia Zhu didn't delve into it either. After all, Mingshu's current identity is a beauty who pays tribute. Even if the leader doesn't like him, he probably won't tolerate him giving gifts to other sea snakes.

[Private Chat] Xia Zhu: Hey, what will you do in the future?

[Private chat] Mingshu: Can the same npc only spawn one strategy mission?

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: It should be, I have never swiped out a second time, no matter how good the relationship is

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Yes, I found out how to get the venom

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: To get the venom, the sea snake must be willing

They are mermaids disguised as sea snakes. Some questions that are too basic cannot be asked, and other sea snakes will find out. Xia Zhu spent a lot of effort in order to find the answer.

The four words "willingly" seem simple, but they are also very difficult. Sea snakes are intelligent creatures on the seabed. They have human form and have long since stopped using the most primitive hunting methods.

However, apart from hunting, what other circumstances can make sea snakes willingly release the venom in their bodies?

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: I analyzed it. It is best to establish a good relationship with a sea snake first, and then find a way to cheat. It is

definitely the best to run away without cheating. The follow-up plot is unclear. In case they will Deal with the Sea Serpents.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: In short, let's take a step at a time, we are the cannon fodder villains in fairy tales, we have to prepare for the worst in everything Ming Shu replied a few words, stretched out his hand and rubbed the back of his neck


He felt a little uncomfortable, his skin was dry and hot to the touch, and it was hot when he touched it with his hands.

Before the attendant delivered the dinner, Ming Shu couldn't wait any longer, got up and went to the bathroom.

He took off his clothes and soaked in the water, and immediately changed back to the mermaid form.

Ming Shu dived into the bottom of the water and let the sea water completely wrap him up, finally feeling a little more comfortable.

The area of ​​the algae tank was limited, so he lay down below, raised the fish's tail to rest on the edge, and the silver-white scales shone under the light.

Not long after, Xiu Qi approached the front hall, and a sea snake attendant brought dinner, but Ming Shu was nowhere to be seen.

He asked: "Where is Mingshu?"

The attendant shook his head, he had just delivered the food and had never seen Mingshu.

Xiu Qi went to the bedroom to look for it. In the empty room, there was only a robe that Ming Shu had worn during the day, thrown casually beside the bed.

He took a look, then turned and looked for the other side of the yard.

The semi-open-air bathroom was built in the side yard, and it was built close to the closed stone gate. As expected, the faint sound of water could be heard from inside.

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