Chapter 133: Angel in Disguise (10)

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Mingshu lowered his head, holding the medicine box in his hand in a daze.

So suddenly... The devil in the plot only came into contact with the archangel once, and that time he used the incense and failed.

There were also tasks with demonic scent on the outer robe. Mingshu found that these were all based on his actual progress.

He successfully approached Zhiyuan and lived close to him, so his task was to climb into his bed.

Mingshu curled up his fingertips, his ears turning red quietly.

Although Zhiyuan hugged him, it was him who hugged Zhiyuan.

Zhiyuan did not refuse, nor did he push him away forcefully, but even touched his face.

For a moment, Mingshu even thought he was going to kiss her, but unfortunately he didn't in the end.

He finally found some signs that Zhiyuan was suspected of being tempted, but what if his tail was discovered while doing such a task...

The time limit for the task was three days, and he had three days to prepare for it.

Zhiyuan didn't seem to notice the increasingly red tips of Mingshu's ears. He leaned back on the stone chair and said lazily: "Go get water and water the flowers here."

Even if the flowers and plants in the center of the temple don't need to be taken care of, they still need to be taken care of. It looks better than other places, but apart from these, Mingshu has nothing else to do.

At this time, Zhiyuan seemed to be as cold as before, and he did not speak to Mingshu when he was applying the medicine.

If Mingshu wanted to stay with him, he naturally had to behave obediently. He responded and left the garden to find a kettle.

Things like kettles were only available in the outer hall. Mingshu came to the hall of the west hall and took a pair of scissors for pruning branches and leaves. On the way, he met the envoy of the west hall and another envoy next to Zhiyuan.

He left with Zhiyuan yesterday and never came back. The envoy went to the inner hall early in the morning to inquire, only to find out that Mingshu was left in the inner hall and would directly follow Zhiyuan's orders from now on.

Zhiyuan's original words were that if Mingshu had any abnormality and stayed alone with him, he would definitely not be able to continue to maintain the disguise. If not, he should personally guide him. There is currently no angel in the entire temple who can advance faster than him.

The envoy had no objection to this at all, but he still felt a little strange. Why did Zhiyuan say nothing when he reported Mingshu's advancement to Zhiyuan last time, but this time he directly left Mingshu behind.

And listening to Zhiyuan's wishes, Mingshu did not go to Tianchi.

But no one has the right to question the decision made by Zhiyuan. If Mingshu really faked his grade, it would be impossible to hide it from Zhiyuan.

In short, the envoy still hopes that Mingshu can stay in the inner hall. He called Mingshu aside and gave him a few words, telling him to listen to the archangel and be more active in his work.

Mingshu nodded, thinking of several tasks to be completed, lowering his head and hugging the kettle tightly in his arms.

Another envoy next to him also had an impression of Mingshu. The medicine he prepared for Zhiyuan was sent by Mingshu, and he went there twice.

This was the first time he looked at Mingshu seriously, his eyes fell on Mingshu's face, and he frowned slightly.

Growing up like this, being left by Zhiyuan's side...

the golden bird's prophecy seemed to still echo in his ears, ringing alarm bells in his heart.

The prophecy mentioned a succubus. Apart from being overly beautiful, Mingshu had nothing strange about him. He was an envoy with a pure aura.

But... everything has a cause and effect. Could it be that the archangel is obsessed with a succubus because he is unable to resist beauty in the first place?

Or was it Ming Shu who came first to cause the predicted consequences?

Shijiao thought more and more deeply, and the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became. He almost regarded Mingshu as the source of the prophecy.

The poisoning of the animal taming park has not yet been investigated, so we must be extremely cautious and not let go of any suspicion.

The teacher thought about it, stared at Mingshu's back, raised his feet and followed him quietly.

The water from the Tianchi in the four side halls eventually gathered around the outside of the inner hall to form a stream. The envoy followed Mingshu from a distance, watching him carry a kettle to fill up the water and walk towards the small garden of the inner hall.

During this period, Mingshu stopped once. He seemed to be tired from walking and rested for a while. He leaned against the wall in the corner and couldn't see clearly what he was doing.

When they came to the small garden, Zhiyuan was also inside. Mingshu saluted Zhiyuan first, then carried a kettle to water the flowers, and occasionally pruned the flower branches.

Everything looked very normal, Zhiyuan didn't even look at Mingshu.

The envoy was still worried and hid in the distance and continued to observe until Mingshu finished watering the flowers and Zhiyuan got up and left.

From beginning to end, Zhiyuan seemed to have only said two words to Mingshu.

With such a long distance, Zhijiao couldn't identify Zhiyuan's expression and tone, and he looked rather indifferent.

He felt a little more at ease, seeing that Ming Shu was still watering the garden, looking well-behaved.

The envoy felt a little ashamed that he had misunderstood the archangel, turned around and left quietly.


the afternoon, the plot was updated.

[A new plot update has been detected. Do you want to check it now? 】

Mingshu had nothing to do, staying in the corridor to bask in the sun.

Zhiyuan didn't know where he went, so Mingshu took out some perfume, refilled it, and turned on the system.

[Plot Tips]:

[The missionaries failed to find the culprit who poisoned the animal taming park. Later, they punished several apostles who were responsible for feeding the animals that day, and the matter just went away. The devil escaped successfully, but the archangel did not appear later. He felt dissatisfied and wanted to continue looking for opportunities. ]

[One day later, the devil sneaked into the inner temple after dark and happened to bump into the archangel. The devil asked the archangel for help, pretending to have accidentally lost his way, and asked the archangel to send him back. The archangel agreed, and the demon was overjoyed. He racked his brains to talk to the archangel on the way, hoping to take this opportunity to get closer. He also intentionally pulled off a button on the collar, claiming that the clothes were damaged, exposing his neck and a small section of his collarbone. He pretended to be unsteady and fell on top of the archangel. ]

[The devil's acting skills are superb. Even so, the archangel did not doubt him, but he did not seem to be tempted at all. In front of the archangel, the devil with a gorgeous appearance and succubus bloodline seemed no different from a stone on the roadside. 】

【Finally, the archangel sent the devil to his residence and left without any regrets. ]

[Ding dong - main mission released]

[Task 3: Find a way to seduce the archangel without revealing your identity, and fail]

Ming Shu frowned, this is actually the main mission?

Moreover, the completion condition of this main task is that the seduction fails, which would be inconsistent with the side task.

Not only did he want to climb into Zhiyuan's bed, but he also had to fail in seduction.

One is a side mission based on the actual situation, and the other is a main mission based on the plot.

Mingshu was a little confused for a moment, and took a look at the time limit of the main mission, which was seven days.

In order of time limit, he has to complete the side mission first.

Or... do it together? Mingshu considered this possibility.

When the sky was getting dark, Mingshu went back to his room early. After taking a bath, he used Zhiyuan's robe to wipe the water as usual, and then applied angel perfume all over his body.

Change into clean clothes and patch them again to make sure you don't smell anything strange.

To be on the safe side, Mingshu also looped his tail and tied it, making it hang in a small ball behind him. If Zhiyuan touched his leg, he wouldn't notice it.

Thinking of this, Mingshu blushed and changed his tight-fitting pants into looser ones.

After doing all this, he left the room and searched alone in the inner sanctum.

After walking around the neighborhood, Mingshu stopped and looked around blankly.

There were lights on at intervals in the corridor, so he wouldn't be able to find his way, but... he had no idea where Zhiyuan lived.

Mingshu has searched all the nearby rooms, and every one is empty, with no trace of living there.

Is it still further away? Mingshu tried to change direction and walked forward aimlessly.

After an unknown amount of time, Mingshu sat on the edge of the corridor, sighing and feeling a little frustrated.

Thanks to him preparing for so long, he almost finished spraying the perfume and couldn't even find the place.

Mingshu leaned against the stone pillar beside him, his head lowered in despair, when he suddenly heard the sound of flapping wings.

He turned around and saw a familiar figure at the other end of the corridor.

Mingshu's eyes immediately lit up and he stood up to greet him.

Zhiyuan was fully dressed, as if he hadn't taken any rest. His face looked even more indifferent under the cold light: "What are you doing here?"

Mingshu stood in front of him and hesitated: "I... had a nightmare. ."

"Nightmare?" Zhiyuan whispered.

Mingshu's heartbeat quickened and he continued to make up lies: "I dreamed that I fell into the Tianchi Lake and couldn't bear the pain... Then you didn't want me anymore and you wanted to drive me out of the temple."

Zhiyuan took a step closer and smelled The fragrance of Mingshu.

It's this light, pure and flawless taste. As an angel, Ming Shu has a good character and high talent, so he shouldn't have such random thoughts.

"How long have you been out?" Zhiyuan asked.

Mingshu answered honestly: "I've been looking for you for a while, but I can't find you..."

He thought about how to get Zhiyuan to take him back to the house, or to follow Zhiyuan secretly to see where he lived. ?

"What are you doing with me?" Zhiyuan asked again.

Mingshu clenched his sleeves to muster up the courage, and as if seeking comfort, he took the initiative to step forward and lean into Zhiyuan's arms.

He did the same thing yesterday. Since Zhiyuan didn't push him away yesterday, it should be the same now.

Mingshu hugged him tightly and raised his face: "I just...want to see you."

Zhiyuan remained unmoved and remained silent for a moment: "Go back and rest."

Mingshu pretended not to hear, hugging his hands tighter and lowering his chin He leaned against Zhiyuan's chest and looked at him eagerly.

As soon as he got close to Zhiyuan, so close to him, and at night, Mingshu's breathing gradually became heavier, and his mind became a little unclear.

"I...I don't want to go back," Mingshu prayed, "I want to stay with you..."

His eyes were wet, and his voice was trembling and soft.

The night wind blew from the side of the corridor. Zhiyuan raised his hand to brush the hair on Mingshu's face and hugged his waist.

He leaned forward slightly, stared at Mingshu's red ears, and whispered: "Do you know what you are doing?"

[Main mission three: Trying to seduce the archangel (1/1); seduction failed (0/1)]

Mingshu came back to his senses when he heard the system prompt.

He originally wanted to do the side mission first, but now he was suddenly reminded that half of the main mission was completed.

Mingshu was stunned and waited for a moment, but he still didn't receive the notification that the other half of the task was completed.

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