Chapter 119: Halloween (23)

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The vampire disappeared. Mingshu hesitated and did not choose to send a team request for the time being.

He looked down and saw that after the team was successfully formed, there were no restrictions on the little black cat in the house.

The little black cat tried its paws twice to make sure it was unobstructed. Then it jumped into the house with its hind legs and excitedly circled Mingshu, rubbing its body against his trousers and meowing.

Mingshu held his breath and remained motionless. He didn't have time to think too much when he formed the team just now, and he didn't expect that doing so would allow the little black cat to enter the house.

Although he had basically determined that the little black cat would not hurt him, there was still a little bit of vigilance left that made him dare not act rashly, wondering if the little black cat would do anything else after entering the house.

Sang Yin was not so polite. He took a step forward, leaned over and dragged the little black cat's belly with one hand, and grabbed it directly.

The little black cat was slightly dissatisfied and turned around to bite Sang Yin. Sang Yin didn't care and even touched its back hair: "Why did it suddenly come in?"

He intuitively felt that something was going on. Could it be... that they were forming a team?

Sang Yin guessed the score exactly, and Mingshu explained: "I received the team selection from the little black cat... How strange, a cat can also be a team member?"

Its appearance, expression, and movements are exactly the same. It looks like a cat, but the system recognizes it as a "monster" that can be formed into a team.

Sang Yin rubbed the little black cat's head again, which made it cry out in dissatisfaction. He said, "As long as I can help you, species doesn't matter." Hearing

Sang Yin say that he wanted to help Mingshu, the little black cat He suddenly became quiet and tilted his head to look at Mingshu. A pair of golden eyes seemed to be asking what he needed help from.

Sang Yin was also looking at Mingshu. The little black cat bit him yesterday, and now he lifted it up with one hand, and it didn't seem to reject him anymore.

This mode of getting along, as well as Sang Yin's action of rubbing the cat's head just now... Mingshu's eyes shone faintly: "It's just Guji, right?"

Without any special induction, Sang Yin still couldn't be 100% sure, so he just said : "You'll know after tonight."

The little black cat can now enter and leave the house freely. As long as they are fine tonight and it doesn't kill itself, it proves that it is the little mushroom it once was.

Mingshu reached out and touched the little black cat, then turned to look at the street illuminated by street lights: "I just received a team belongs to a vampire."

The team prompt is still there, he should be nearby and has not left. .

Sang Yin's expression suddenly became cold, and he put down the little black cat: "I'll go out and take a look."

He walked out of the door and disappeared in a flash. Mingshu stood nervously by the door, fearing that they would start fighting outside again.

Now that they have a little black cat, if Sang Yin can control two bodies at the same time, he can just use the townspeople's bodies to join the team.

The vampire seems to be much stronger than the former wizard and demon. Killing him will consume energy. If he doesn't kill him... Sang Yin will definitely not agree to him joining the team.

The little black cat was also squatting at the door, staring at a dark corner, wagging the tip of its tail leisurely.

It opened its mouth and yawned, stood up, climbed up Mingshu's trouser legs, and jumped into his arms nimbly.

Mingshu hugged the little black cat. It was still very quiet outside, without any sound. Several houses in the distance turned off their lights one after another.

After a while, Sang Yin returned to the house.

His expression was not very good: "Not found."

He ran so fast, and he didn't know if he came to the house every night to keep watch.

At this time, Mingshu discovered that the team formation prompt in the system disappeared and the vampire left the vicinity.

The door was closed and locked again. Sang Yin conveniently placed a protective shield outside to prevent any creatures from approaching. He turned around and pulled Mingshu into his arms: "You also chose him as a teammate?" Sang Yin thought Mingshu was telling him

. The vampire has been turned into a teammate before, so like the little black cat, the vampire can enter and leave the house at will.

Mingshu quickly shook his head: "No... I didn't confirm."

Sang Yin's expression softened slightly: "Okay, let's ignore him for now."

Mingshu knew that he would be jealous again, so he nodded obediently.

The little black cat was still in his arms, squeezed so hard that it couldn't breathe. It scratched Sang Yin's chin angrily, jumped out from between them and landed firmly on the ground.

Sang Yin escaped in time and kissed Mingshu without any scruples in front of the little black cat.

Mingshu struggled slightly, then gradually couldn't resist, and took the initiative to put his arms around Sang Yin's neck.

The little black cat got angry, leaned over and bit Sang Yin through the thick robe, then turned around and ran to the sofa to lie down.

When the little black cat went to the sofa and stopped circling around Mingshu, Sang Yin stepped away in time, pinched Mingshu's wrist and stroked it: "Have a rest? Wait until tomorrow..."

Tomorrow he will put on the shell of a town citizen, and then Regrouping with Mingshu will help him complete his mission.

Mingshu leaned in his arms and was unwilling to come out, so she hesitated: "Then... do you want to take a shower with me?"

Sang Yin seemed unmoved, and his voice was low and soft: "Didn't you take a shower yesterday? Already?"

Mingshu remained silent, looking at him with accusing eyes, as if to say that he didn't want to touch her, but he still wanted to kiss him just now.

Sang Yin found clothes for him as usual and sent them to the bathroom door. He bowed his head and kissed him again before Mingshu agreed to go in alone.

Then Sang Yin came to the sofa and sat next to the little black cat.

The little black cat was playing with the TV remote control on the sofa. There were no batteries in it and the TV was broken.

Sang Yin reached out and grabbed the little black cat, held it in front of his eyes, rubbed the tips of his ears: "Let me see your true self."

The little black cat was very dissatisfied with the way he "held" her and pushed him away. His hands turned around and jumped onto the coffee table.

Sang Yin waited patiently. The little black cat squatted and looked at him, its golden pupils raised.

The light in the living room flickered faintly, the light became dim, and the pair of pupils suddenly disappeared.

The furry appearance melted and reshaped, turning into a dark shadow that quickly spread outwards, covering the entire living room in an instant. The surrounding area was completely plunged into darkness, except for the light in the bathroom where Mingshu was, which shined through the crack in the door. A trace.

Seeing that the shadow was about to spread to the bathroom door, Sang Yin frowned and stopped him: "That's enough." The shadow

suddenly shrank, the light in the living room turned on, the little black cat opened its pupils, raised its paw and licked it.

Its tail swayed constantly behind it, and it looked at Sang Yin quietly, as if to see if he was scared.

Sang Yin bent down slightly and tapped the little black cat's head lightly with his finger: "Be careful, don't scare him."

The little black cat's tail stiffened and he looked away with a guilty conscience.

This reaction proved that it understood and understood. Sang Yin rubbed its head again: "Do you want to eat? Find a place to sleep by yourself at night." The house is so big, it can

sleep wherever it wants. Just don't enter the bedroom anyway.

The little black cat slapped Sang Yin's hand away, jumped off the coffee table and ran towards the bedroom with its tail erect.

When Mingshu came out of the bathroom, he saw the little black cat standing at the door of the bedroom, baring its teeth at the sangyin in front of him, and was about to pounce on him and bite him.

Mingshu hurried over and stood between them: "What, what's wrong..."

"It wants to sleep in the bedroom," Sang Yin's face didn't look good, and he led Mingshu to him, "I don't allow it."

It's a pity. If the little black cat doesn't listen to him, and if he really wants to fight, he may not be able to defeat Sang Yin.

Mingshu had just finished taking a shower, his cheeks were flushed by the heat. He hesitated, squatted down and stroked the little black cat's back hair: "You... just sleep outside, okay? The bedroom is too small..." This was an

excuse at first sight. , but the little black cat had no objection to Mingshu's request. It whispered "meow", rubbed Mingshu's hand, and turned its head in the direction of the sofa.

Mingshu breathed a sigh of relief, watched it jump on the sofa and lay down, turned off the light in the living room and returned to the bedroom.

There were only two people left in the room. Mingshu's hair was quickly dried, and she leaned into Sang Yin's arms and asked him for a kiss.

While kissing Sang Yin, he restrained himself: "You should rest early today."

Mingshu's tail tip was pinched and he kept rubbing against Sang Yin: "But Xia Zhu said..."

They discussed during the day about the impact of Halloween costumes. Being assimilated into a town citizen may not be the same situation at all.

Besides, he and Sang Yin were not really restrained, and nothing seemed to have happened.

Mingshu was in that not-so-lucid state again, but he remembered this clearly and wanted to convince Sang Yin.

His body temperature increased, and he liked the wizard's cold skin and fingertips the most. Sang Yin refused to touch him, so he insisted on touching him.

"It was you who wanted to kiss me at night," Ming Shu blamed Sang Yin and said vaguely, "You are responsible..." The living room outside was dark. The

little black cat raised his head and found that the entire bedroom was covered by a layer of The protective cover is up.

It approached suspiciously and scratched it with its paw, but it didn't scratch it.

There must be a reason for the protective cover. Is it to better protect Mingshu? The little black cat was quite satisfied with Sang Yin's move. He turned around and pulled down a cushion on the sofa.

It has a small body and can effortlessly hold a mat several times larger than itself. It drags it to the door of the bedroom and puts it down. Then it steps on it and curls up, closes its eyes and goes to sleep.

Inside the house, the protective shield blocked out all sounds.

Mingshu was held in Sang Yin's arms, his eyes filled with water, and he said intermittently that he would be heard.

"No, I used magic," Sang Yin soothed, kissing Mingshu's white collarbone, "Don't be afraid."

His voice was gentle, but his movements were not. He pinched the back of Mingshu's waist to show the veins, and breathed out There is cruelty in it.

The previous patience and restraint were all because he was worried that Mingshu would be assimilated, but he said he would not.

There is no way to verify this yet, but Ming Shu and Xia Zhu have basically not had too much contact with the townspeople, and they have been safe and sound.

If the guess is correct, Sang Yin still has himself to blame for having made Mingshu feel wronged for so long.

Tonight was more indulgent than ever before. Mingshu couldn't remember how many times he had done it. In the end, he even wanted to hide, but was dragged back by his ankles, half pushed and half on the ground.

When it was finally over, Sang Yin kissed the tip of his ear: "Is that enough? Little succubus."

Mingshu lay on top of him, too tired to speak. Sang Yin fed him some water and simply cleaned it with magic. , not long after turning off the light, Mingshu breathed evenly and fell asleep.

Mingshu slept soundly this time, and it was almost noon when he woke up.

He opened his eyes and was in a daze for a while, then opened the system and saw the message from Xia Zhu, and quickly got up and got dressed.

[Private Chat] Xia Zhu: What does teammate Black Cat mean? Is it the black cat I think of? [Private chat] Xia Zhu: Then we are only one short of one now!

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Are you asleep?

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Have you gotten up? Shall we meet again today? Let's go look for any remaining players. If that doesn't work, we'll use the method we discussed yesterday

[private chat] Xia Zhu: Not up yet?

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Don't scare me!

[Private chat] Mingshu: Sorry,

there was a sofa cushion left at the door of the bedroom when I got up. Mingshu hurried to the bathroom to wash up while sending a message to Xia Zhu.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: It's okay. I met him outside and he told me that you had a headache at night and didn't get a good rest.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Are you feeling better now?

Mingshu blushed and hung up the towel.

[Private chat] Mingshu: Much better.

Today is Halloween. At the last moment of the day, they are going to continue looking for other players and help Sang Yin find some Halloween costumes.

The latter was not difficult. The three of them came to the abandoned farm. Xia Zhu pulled out a chainsaw from the haystack and handed it to Sang Yin.

Sang Yin held the electric saw, but no system prompt appeared on Mingshu's side.

Xia Zhu didn't receive it either. He asked doubtfully: "Does it have to be at night?"

The situation tonight was special. Sang Yin could go out at night and had to control the wizard's body at night. They discussed it again and found the right one. Several kinds of Halloween supplies came to the grove where the wizard was.

Supplies include chainsaws, vampire fangs, skull ghost headgear, etc.

When night came, Sang Yin picked up the supplies one by one and tried them, but there was no system prompt.

He only skipped the vampire fangs, but since nothing else worked, fangs definitely didn't work either.

Xia Zhu looked solemn: "It's over, there may be some restrictions on the identity of the townspeople, and they cannot be used as Halloween monsters." The

Halloween costumes didn't work, so Sang Yin began to try to control two bodies at the same time.

He tried for more than ten minutes, leaning against the tree trunk and hanging his head.

"No," the wizard appeared from behind and stepped forward, "I can't do it."

Both plans failed. Originally, Sang Yin planned to use vampires because the townspeople's shells couldn't form a team.

But he can't control two bodies at the same time, so the vampire can't die.

Xia Zhu looked at the two of them and suggested: "Then add vampires to the team?"

Sang Yin has not shown any abnormalities so far. The townspeople can indeed go out on this day. Halloween must be very important to the town. Special, now they don't know what's going on outside and still have to do tasks.

In Xia Zhu's view, recruiting vampires into the team would give him an extra fighting force.

Anyway, the vampire is also Sang Yin, so he will definitely be willing to help Mingshu.

Xia Zhu analyzed it and felt that this method was feasible.

Next to the grove was the ownerless cemetery. Mingshu looked at Sang Yin quietly.

Sang Yin had no expression on his face and pulled out the short knife from his sleeve: "I'll go find him."

At this time, both Mingshu and Xia Zhu received system prompts.

[It has been detected that there is a suitable team target near you: [Vampire]. Do you want to send a team request? 】

Mingshu stood up immediately: "He is nearby."

Xia Zhu saw this system prompt for the first time. He didn't know how Mingshu teamed up with the wizard and the black cat last night, so he clicked OK.

He asked in surprise: "Is this true?"

There was one more [Vampire] in the team list, and it was full of five players.

Mingshu's expression froze, and he quickly came to Sang Yin, took his hand hanging by his side, and asked cautiously: "Shall we go find him? Kick him out when the mission is completed..." He knew that

Sang Yin would definitely Not happy, but it's the only way.

Sang Yin held Ming Shu in his hand and was silent for a moment: "We don't have to go."

Xia Zhu didn't know why: "Why?"

At this time, the three of them heard a cat meow.

A little black cat crossed the grass and ran towards Mingshu.

Mingshu was not in the house, so the little black cat came to him by smell and circled around him.

Sang Yin leaned over and picked up the little black cat, making it look at him with a serious expression: "There is a very important thing now, related to Ming Shu's safety." The

little black cat immediately pricked up its ears and heard Sang Yin say: "There is a vampire nearby. Catch him and keep him alive."

Xia Zhu's eyes widened and his gaze kept flickering between Sang Yin and the little black cat, confirming that Sang Yin's words were aimed at this weak little black cat. The cat said.

vampire? The little black cat thought it was some eyeless monster that wanted to hurt Ming Shu, so it showed its claws fiercely: "Meow!"

Sang Yin was very satisfied with its reaction, and did not forget to warn: "Be sure to live, don't hurt." It's too heavy."

"No need to go to such trouble."

A voice sounded from not far away, and a familiar figure walked out from behind the thick tree trunk.

Two identical faces, similar black attire, the vampire looked sideways slightly, looking at Mingshu: "I will do it myself."

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