Chapter 39: The Little Mermaid Under the Sea (2)

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The mermaids continued to move forward, and the thrilling scene just now seemed to be just an insignificant episode.

Most intelligent marine creatures are emotionally indifferent, and the same is true for mermaids. They have no sense of family, and their partnership only exists during the courtship and breeding periods. After the little mermaid is born, it basically fends for itself.

Therefore, as the silver-tailed mermaid at the bottom of the clan, no one would care if he died outside without a sound one day.

Passing through this sea area, the Sea Snake Clan's territory is about to arrive. Along the way, Ming Shu didn't speak to Yi Qing again, and walked silently.

Yi Qing probably also felt embarrassed and unreasonable, so he kept quiet and followed the mermaid npc in front.

Soon, a high wall appeared in front of it, swaying gently with the current, as if alive.

The mermaid npc raised his hand to signal the mermaids to stay in place and approach the wall alone.

From a distance, Mingshu saw a black sea snake with the thickness of an arm coming out from the bottom of the wall, it seemed to be talking with the mermaid NPC, and turned to look at the mermaids waiting not far away.

Afterwards, the mermaid npc took out a small bag from his body and handed it to the sea snake.

The sea snake wrapped its tail around the bag, turned around and got back into the wall.

The mermaid npc turned back and said, "Go, everything has been dealt with."

He swept his eyes around the mermaids and snorted heavily: "If you enter the territory of the sea snake, you will no longer belong to the mermaid clan. You wish for yourselves."

These merman smugglers will be looked down upon by their peers, and the mermaid npc sent them here safely, just as a transaction.

Several mermaids expressed their gratitude to him and came to the wall together.

When he got close to the wall, Ming Shu realized that the wall was made of strips of aquatic plants, and he couldn't see the edge at a glance.

The sea snake from just now reappeared, opened a narrow gap in the aquatic plants under the wall, and opened its mouth to say, "Come in."

The gap can only accommodate one mermaid at a time, Yi Qing goes in first, and Ming Shu is the last.

Passing through the gap, Ming Shu followed the mermaid in front of him and touched the stone wall beside him with his hand.

They were passing through an underground tunnel. The tunnel was narrow and curved, and the mermaids were inconvenient to move. The sea snake kept urging: "Hurry up!" Soon after,

they finally reached the end of the tunnel.

The end is vertical, like a well, Ming Shu climbed on the stone wall and swam upwards, but was caught off guard and rushed out of the water.

Breathing fresh air suddenly, Ming Shu was even choked and coughed while holding the ground outside the tunnel.

There is no water here... The other mermaids have already come out of the tunnel, there is no water source, the mermaids can't use their fish tails, they lie on the ground and move aside clumsily.

The sea snake that brought them in turned into a human form, wearing a gray robe, looking at Mingshu with disgust.

He didn't know when he held some clothes in his hand, which looked like a robe similar to his, and threw them on the mermaids one by one: "Hurry up and hide your fish tails, if other sea snakes find them, I can't protect them." Stop you."

Ming Shu climbed out of the tunnel, covering himself with a robe.

Hai Snake was about to leave after speaking, Yi Qing hurriedly called him: "Master Hai Snake!"

He took out a few small golden shells from his sleeve, and said courteously and flatteringly: "Mr Sea Snake, this is the one I specially brought from the Mermaid Clan." Come here, I want to dedicate it to you."

The sea snake approached, looked at the golden shell in Yi Qing's hand, and took it away without any politeness: "You are smart."

He took the golden shell and left, Yi Qing's His complexion was a little ugly.

Ming Shu didn't notice this, he sat up while leaning against the wall beside him, staring blankly around.

They were in a simple courtyard. Some tables and chairs were more like shapes for human use. The courtyard walls were made of stones of different sizes.

And through the courtyard wall, Mingshu saw that the end of the line of sight above was still sea water, but it was separated by an invisible force, like a huge transparent bowl buckled on the bottom of the sea, and the water in the bowl was automatically drawn away.

But the source of water has not completely disappeared. Several tall stone pillars are located in all directions, and the aquatic plants and algae on the stone pillars are still covered by the condensed seawater.

As long as the seabed plants grow, there will be these seawater, and Mingshu also found a small group of soft corals wrapped in seawater in the corner of the wall.

He touched it with his hand, and while the coral was shaking, a few drops of water scattered, and the water droplets gradually rose upwards, slowly converging to the ocean at the top.

Not enough seawater is needed by the corals, and more is spilled from the bottom soil until the corals are recovered.

Sea snakes are not fish, and have no gills for breathing. The air here is sufficient, but they coexist with sea water.

It was the first time Ming Shu saw such a strange scene, and was shocked for a moment.

"Ming Shu?" Yi Qing yelled at him, "Quickly change the form, in the system."

The last half of his words were in such a low voice that only Ming Shu could hear them.

Ming Shu regained consciousness, turned on the system, and indeed saw an extra button.

[Environmental changes detected, do you want to change form? ]

Although he and Yi Qing are mermaids, they are different from the mermaid NPCs in the dungeon. Mermaids have natural abilities, and they can only rely on the system.

Mingshu clicked to confirm, and felt a slight pain in the center of the fish's tail.

The pain didn't last long, and under the cover of the robe, Mingshu's silver fishtails turned into legs.

The same is true for the other mermaids. They wear the robes left by the sea snake before they leave, and they look no different from ordinary human sea snakes.

Could it be that Yi Qing said before that as long as the tail of the fish is not exposed...

Mingshu put on her robe and stood up, when Yi Qing approached and whispered: "It's too outrageous..."

He frowned: "A friend of mine said that sending ten golden shells can increase the favorability of the leading sea snake npc by two points... Why did I only increase by 0.5?" This favorability can basically be ignored

... Either the strategy given by this so-called "friend" is wrong, or this method has already been used by many people, and the effect is beginning to be reduced.

Yi Qing sighed: "It's really difficult..."

Ming Shu didn't answer, the other mermaid npcs who came together had all turned into human forms, put on their robes and left, he looked at the open courtyard door: "We also Do you want to go out?"

"You can go out, or you can stay temporarily," Yi Qing explained, "This is a free place to stay, as long as there is a place, you can stay as long as you want." If you leave here, you have to go

elsewhere Finding a suitable place to live is difficult for mermaid smugglers.

"There is a small restaurant in the north, why don't we go there to try our luck," Yi Qing stared at the air in front of him, as if rummaging through his own system panel, "I have a friend who works in the restaurant, I don't know him Is there any shortage of people there..."

Ming Shu couldn't keep up with his train of thought for a moment: "Restaurant?"

"Yes, he is in charge of washing dishes in the restaurant, and he also includes food and lodging," Yi Qing turned off the system, "Otherwise, what do you think? You have to settle down in one place, so that you can gain goodwill with the surrounding NPCs."

For example, working in a restaurant, you can get in touch with the staff NPCs inside, and there are many guests who come and go, and you can chat with NPCs from time to time. Let's chat, and if you are familiar with it, you will have a chance to trigger random tasks.

They don't have special skills, and they don't have access to higher-level NPCs, so they can only use this method.

Ming Shu memorized it silently, and nodded: "Okay."

He didn't really want to stay in the same place with Yi Qing, but he also planned to go out and have a look to get familiar with the environment here.

The two went out together, towards the direction Yi Qing pointed.

As Mingshu walked, he looked at the territory of the Sea Snake Clan.

There is a big difference between this place and other places on the seabed. Except for the abundance of oxygen, the streets and various houses are closer to the land.

There is no sunlight on the bottom of the sea, but the place where intelligent creatures live is shining with light from nowhere. It is almost night, and there are still many human-shaped sea snakes coming and going. Occasionally, there are a few small jellyfish wrapped in the water mass Wandering in the air.

Yi Qing hurriedly walked, turning her head from time to time to see if Ming Shu had followed.

The place where they came in was the edge of the sea snake tribe's territory. Looking forward, there was a golden tower in the middle, shining brightly on the seabed that was about to darken.

Yi Qing noticed Ming Shu's line of sight, and followed her gaze, with yearning eyes: "I heard that's where the leader of the sea snake lives." When

he can sneak into the inner circle where the nobles of the sea snake live, the mission will definitely be even more serious. smoothly.

But he and Mingshu are still in the outer slums at the moment, seeing more and more sea snakes around, casting strange glances at them from time to time, Yi Qing raised his hand and touched his face: "Let's take the mask away. "

They covered their faces when smuggling, so that they could run away when they were discovered. Now that they have successfully entered the sea snake clan, they don't need to continue doing this, so as not to arouse the suspicion of other sea snakes.

Ming Shu hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Okay."

He untied the white cloth, revealing the face that had been hidden for a long time.

There was a soft gasp from the side, and Yi Qing's eyes were full of surprise: "You..."

He was stunned for a while, and then said: "You should continue to wear it."

Ming Shu is so beautiful...with a fair complexion His facial features were exquisite and delicate, and with the silver hair hanging down to his collarbone, even wearing the simplest gray robe could not conceal his beauty, and even made him look like a pearl dug out of the mud.

In this slum, too much attention is not a good thing.

So Ming Shu covered the white cloth again, and put on the hood of the outer robe.

But the actions of the two still attracted a lot of attention. Ming Shu was keenly aware of some of the gazes cast on her, and walked away with Yi Qing with her head down.

However, not long after walking, the two were stopped by several sea snakes in human form.

"Hello, little beauty." The leader of the sea snake looked pretty decent, but his eyes were dark blue and black, looking decadent and wretched.

He couldn't stop looking at Mingshu, and said with a smile, "What's your name? Why haven't I seen you around here before..."

Sea Snake tried to grab Mingshu's hand while talking, and Mingshu took a few steps back Dodging: "Sorry, I have something urgent to do."

At this moment, the system prompt sounded.

[Ding dong--trigger a random task]

[Among the following items, which one is the npc in front of you likes (you can get 5 favorability points if you successfully gift it)]

[a. Jellyfish flower] [b. Beauty portrait] [ c. Fresh Fish Soup]

Ming Shu was slightly stunned, so this is a random mission?

Does it mean that as long as you guess correctly and give the corresponding items, you can increase the favorability, that is, the camp value.

But the sea snake blocking the way in front of him obviously had bad intentions, and Mingshu felt uncomfortable with his undisguised gaze.

He turned off the system, skipped the message, turned around and left quickly.

The sea snake who was rejected didn't look very good. It happened that the patrol team in the territory passed by nearby. He didn't chase after him, and stared at Mingshu's back until he disappeared into the crowd.

Yi Qing followed Mingshu, glanced sideways, and couldn't help asking: "What happened to you just now? Did... some mission was triggered?"

Mingshu's hesitation and hesitation just now did not escape his eyes, he vaguely guessed Arriving, I thought it was impossible, but I wanted to confirm it again.

In the case of no basic acquaintance with npcs, the probability of triggering random missions of the strategy type is very small, does Mingshu really have such good luck...

But it was purposeful for him to be approached by an npc. With this premise, it is indeed possible.

Ming Shu didn't speak, but Yi Qing said anxiously: "Is it true? Why did you leave like this...Aren't you going to do this task?" He knew that

Ming Shu was almost caught by an octopus and died, so he must still be alive He was angry, but in order to complete the task earlier, he didn't care so much anymore.

"Are you worried about choosing the wrong answer? How about we try it together?" Yi Qing said cheekily, "I will choose first. If I choose the wrong answer, then the other answer will be the correct answer. In this way, you will have no risk..."

Send Wrong things may reduce the favorability of NPCs and the value of the Sea Serpent faction. Once the identity is discovered, the consequences will be more serious. Although Yi Qing's method requires Mingshu to share the strategy with him, he believes that it is not harmful to Mingshu.

Mingshu stopped in his tracks: "Another one?"

Seeing Yi Qing nodding, he said, "There are three options in total." "

Three?" Yi Qing was taken aback, "Why are there so many?"

There are no random tasks for the three options. More common, more options, means more difficult.

Yi Qing showed hesitation. Originally, there was a one-half chance of success, but now it was one-third. He was not willing to take the initiative to try.

Ming Shu didn't think about how kind he would be, so he didn't care about it, but asked again: "Among the options, is there only one correct answer?"

Yi Qing shook his head, but said: "At most one, maybe Not a single one."

This is what he heard from other players, some high-level npc's strategy missions are not only difficult to master, but also difficult to do after mastering them.

If a task with three options is triggered, and all three options are wrong, the favorability point may be deducted three times.

And the high-level npc's favorability has dropped once, and I'm afraid they won't even be able to meet each other the second time.

Yi Qing couldn't make up her mind to help Mingshu try, but she was still thinking about that task, and answered Mingshu seriously.

Mingshu nodded: "You have added so many players, you must have a lot of their strategies, right? We can exchange."

Although his task is difficult and there is no correct answer, but it can add 5 favorability points at a time.

Sure enough, when Yi Qing heard that the reward would be 5 points, he immediately said excitedly: "Okay!"

The two retreated to the side of the road and communicated in the private chat of the system, so that they could keep the records and not forget them.

Mingshu opened the dialog box and received a message from Yi Qing.

Yi Qing talked about the preferences of two NPCs, one was the sea snake who brought them in earlier, and liked golden shells, and the other was a restaurant employee, who liked red coral ornaments.

Before he came out, he himself said that the sea snake's favorability can only be increased by 0.5 at a time. Although red coral can be seen everywhere and is a relatively easy item to collect, it is still not as good as Mingshu's 5 points of favorability for this task.

Ming Shu shook his head: "You have to give me three more."

"Three?!" Yi Qing wondered: "But you..."

"I may not stay in the restaurant, red coral is not very useful to me," Mingshu interrupted him, "Do you know what 5 points of favorability mean?"

5 points of favorability means 5 points of camp value, which is already a quarter of what is needed for the mission.

Yi Qing hesitated: "But how do I know... have you told me the truth?"

In case Mingshu deliberately told him the wrong answer, he couldn't do anything to him.

Most of Ming Shu's face was covered, unable to see clearly, he raised his amber eyes and said, "If you get the strategy, you should also share it with others, right?" The

implication is that Yi Qing might not try it by himself, If others choose the correct answer, he will know it too.

Yi Qing was stunned and remained silent.

Ming Shu didn't have a good impression of this person, so she didn't want to tell him.

But he really didn't want to do the task just now, so Yi Qing took the initiative to ask.

Except for the sea snake's negligible one, it's not too bad to change four of them for one. When he finds an opportunity, he will part ways with Yi Qing.

"Okay," Yi Qing agreed, with a heartache on his face, "The only ones I know here are those..."

Reluctantly, he sent the remaining three.

In exchange, Mingshu sent three options for random tasks on his side.

Yi Qing's eyes lit up: "That npc is very horny at first glance, the answer must be a portrait of a beauty!"

He didn't expect the answer to this strategy to be so obvious, although it may not be 100% correct.

Yi Qing silently lamented Mingshu's good luck again: "It's just that things are hard to find, let's go to the restaurant and ask, there are too many people..." Before he

finished speaking, there was a commotion in front of him.

The wet and salty sea breeze blows from the end of the street, rolling up the fine sand on the ground, and the seawater mass wrapped around the plants is also blown away by the wind. For a while, many water droplets float upward, converging into a current and entangled with the sea breeze.

"Run!" A voice shouted, "Pearls are coming! Hide quickly!"

The crowd rushed, and Mingshu saw a huge white object approaching quickly in the distance.

He was aware of the danger: "What is that?"

Yi Qing also changed his face: "Pearl, the pet of the leader of the sea snake."

He hurriedly led Mingshu to a distance, while explaining to him: "It is a jellyfish. "

A jellyfish with a huge body and a ferocious personality often runs rampant and wreaks havoc in its territory. It can't even spit out the scum that it swallows.

Pearl was obviously raised near the tower, and I heard that she had been docile for a long time recently, but she ran out again today.

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