Chapter 149: Angel in Disguise (26)

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The demon lord hurriedly retreated and fled. His body reacted faster than his brain, but he was still too late. He was suddenly blown away by the strong wind and hit the tree trunk behind him hard, causing blood to flow from the corner of his mouth.

The group of demons at the door were also afraid and fearful, lowering their heads and not daring to raise them.

The fallen angel spread its huge wings behind him, and the original snow-white feathers became mottled, and burning ashes continued to fall. Zhiyuan coldly spat out two words: "Seeking death." How dare you

prepare it for Mingshu, no matter if it is hell or not This move angered Zhiyuan, who immediately wanted to kill the demon lord.

At the critical moment, Mingshu caught him in time and held him up with soft palms: "Just let them leave... I'm so sleepy and want to go back to the room to rest." The

demon lord had good intentions. They were already in hell, there was no need to do this because of it. The misunderstanding was exterminated.

Mingshu also found that Zhiyuan's state here was very casual, and he could do whatever he wanted.

It's just a demon, so kill him if you want, but Mingshu doesn't want Zhiyuan to get too angry and become cruel and hostile.

He successfully diverted Zhiyuan's attention, his eyebrows softened, and his wings drooped slightly.

"Okay." Zhiyuan responded, pulling Mingshu over to hug him and kissing his forehead.

The demon lord under the tree got up from the ground. Seeing this scene, he vaguely understood why he had angered Zhiyuan.

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth without hesitating, quickly let the demons at the door disperse, and carefully sent Zhiyuan and Mingshu back to their rooms.

The door was closed tightly again, Mingshu was buried in Zhiyuan's arms and couldn't get up: "Were you jealous and unhappy just now?"

Even if Mingshu didn't respond, Zhiyuan also felt anxious when he thought of him being coveted or approached by other demons. Can't accept it.

He touched Mingshu's black hair: "Yeah."

Mingshu raised his head and whispered: "I have a little bit too."

He also cares about this kind of thing... Zhiyuan is new here, but don't be affected by the bad habits of hell. .

Mingshu's eyelashes trembled and he hugged Zhiyuan tightly, looking a little nervous and uneasy: "If this happens again in the future, you are not allowed to accept it." "


Zhiyuan whispered, holding Mingshu's hand. Putting the fingertips of his hand on his lips and kissing her as if to comfort him, his dark eyes showed deep fascination, and his mottled wings surrounded Mingshu.


news that a certain territory changed hands quickly spread around, and many demons were curious to know who was so powerful.

Later, there was news that all the territories along the way towards the center were attacked and fell overnight in the same way, and no one was spared.

For a time, the demons in each territory reacted in various ways. Some were afraid and prepared to escape first, while others were eager to challenge them.

They arranged for soldiers to go investigate, but when the soldiers went to those territories, they were told that the new lord had left.

The soldier only got one piece of information from those territories. This extremely powerful new lord was a fallen angel.

He is also accompanied by a beautiful little succubus with whom he has a lot of connections.

Zhiyuan never stayed in the same territory for more than three days. Every time he defeated the demon lord in it, his request was always simple: find a place to rest and ask a few more questions.

All he wanted to know was everything about the Lord of Hell.

The closer you get to the center of hell, the higher the level of the demon lord becomes, and the more you have seen.

Until a demon lord tremblingly told Zhiyuan that he looked very much like the Lord of Hell.

The demon lord had a look of confusion and doubt on his face, but after all, he was a race that respected force, and he couldn't think of anything more complicated. He just shouted that Zhiyuan must be their next monarch.

The Lord of Hell has been sleeping for a long time, and there were rumors that he was dead. Compared with the unfathomable Zhiyuan in front of him, the Demon Lord naturally chose the latter.

Zhiyuan didn't make any further response. He glanced at the demon lord indifferently, got up and returned to the room alone.

He pushed the door open and went in. Mingshu was playing with the little black cat while waiting for him to come back.

Zhiyuan's way of breaking through the territory was too direct. Mingshu consciously stayed with the little black cat every time, waiting for him to be solved before entering the territory to find him, so he didn't know that he had recently asked multiple lords for news about the Lord of Hell. .

Zhiyuan approached, waved his hand to drive away the little black cat, and bent down to hug Mingshu.

Mingshu yawned and leaned into his arms: "I'm sleepy."

Zhiyuan lowered his head to kiss him and stroked his tail from under the hem of his clothes.

Gradually, Zhiyuan's name became more and more famous. In the territory he arrived, some lords even took the initiative to open the door to welcome him in and gave up the entire city.

Another one immediately fell to his knees the moment he saw Zhiyuan and called him "Monarch" loudly.

In just over half a month, the current Lord of Hell is already showing signs of being replaced.

The demons don't have complicated thoughts. Whoever is the most powerful is the boss, and they don't care that Zhiyuan came from heaven before.

Mingshu's main mission has never been completed. He tried to get close to Zhiyuan in front of a strange demon, and deliberately revealed that he was the succubus who was arranged to go to heaven to seduce the archangel. He succeeded, so Zhiyuan came here. .

However, there was no movement at all on the mission. Although the time limit was a full month, his attempt failed and there was not much time left.

Mingshu began to feel uneasy until he followed Zhiyuan to the central city of hell.

Central City is guarded by several high-level demons second only to the Lord of Hell. They are much more difficult to deal with than before. Zhiyuan has been away for a long time.

Mingshu stood at the gate of the city with the cat in his arms, looking inside: "Should we go and help..."

He said "we", but in fact, the only one who could help was the little black cat. It was still dim during the day in hell, and it could help at any time. Returning to his shadow form, a group of demons are no match for him.

The little black cat licked its paws leisurely, and its golden eyes flashed occasionally, killing several demon soldiers who tried to get close to Mingshu.

It wasn't worried at all. Not long after, the city gate opened wide, and two demons dressed as attendants hurried over and invited Mingshu to come in.

This shows that Zhiyuan has won again.

Mingshu breathed a sigh of relief and followed the devil in.

He deliberately refused to look at the blood-stained ground in the city or the corpses being processed, and carried the little black cat to the palace in Central City.

Zhiyuan didn't know where he was. The attendant led Mingshu forward, passing through several corners of the corridor.

With the little black cat around, Mingshu was not afraid that the demon attendant would hurt him. He looked at his surroundings and walked further and further into the countryside.

The attendant finally sent Mingshu to the door of a dark room. Several injured demons were kneeling outside. Hearing his footsteps, they only glanced at him and quickly lowered their heads.

Mingshu walked into the darkroom, and Zhiyuan was indeed inside.

There was a huge rectangular stone platform in the center of the darkroom. Zhiyuan stood in front of the stone platform, quietly lowering his eyes.

When Ming Shu got closer, he realized that it was not a stone platform, but a sarcophagus with a figure lying inside.

Even with dim vision, Mingshu could see at a glance that the person inside had the same face as Zhiyuan.

Mingshu was still calm. He had expected this situation when he learned that the Lord of Hell was sleeping inexplicably.

The reason why the Lord of Hell was sleeping and the connection with Zhiyuan were no longer important. He had to worry about whether Zhiyuan would misunderstand him.

Sure enough, Zhiyuan raised his eyes coldly, and after a moment reached out to Mingshu: "Come here." Mingshu put down

the little black cat, came to Zhiyuan obediently, held his hand and said uneasily: "Who is this? Why are you with me? Look so similar?"

At the same time, Mingshu also discovered that there was a wound on the heart of the Lord of Hell, and the location was exactly the same as Zhiyuan's before.

This was something he didn't expect, and he was stunned for a moment. After going through so many copies, his acting skills had improved, and he looked like he really didn't know anything about it.

Zhiyuan dodged Mingshu's hand and hugged him from behind. His breath fell into his ears as he spoke: "Is he the one who asked you to go to heaven to seduce me?"

Mingshu said bravely: "...Yes. ."

Zhiyuan asked again: "Have you ever seen him?"

He had asked this question half a month ago, and Mingshu said he had never seen him before.

Now Mingshu said the same thing, Zhiyuan didn't seem to believe it.

He tightened his arms, imprisoned Mingshu in his arms, and whispered: "Don't lie to me."

Then, he called two demons who were guarding outside.

The demon knelt in front of the sarcophagus. Zhiyuan asked them about the details of the Lord of Hell's arrangement for Mingshu to go to heaven. The key point was to know how the Lord of Hell chose Mingshu.

Mingshu secretly clenched his palms, trying to hide his nervousness, and heard the devil say: "It seems... it was the monarch, no, it was the whim of the previous monarch, who suddenly asked us to find a succubus and send it to heaven."

Before he From what he said, the Lord of Hell had indeed never met Ming Shu. After he gave this order, he was injured and fell asleep for no apparent reason.

Surprisingly... it wasn't exposed.

Mingshu felt relieved, and when he looked up, he realized that Zhiyuan was looking at him.

He looked intently and kissed Mingshu on the cheek: "Okay."

Suddenly, the body of the Lord of Hell in the sarcophagus burst into flames. Mingshu was startled and instinctively shrank into Zhiyuan's arms.

Zhiyuan still looked at him intently, not missing the slightest change in the expression on his face, making sure that he did not show any expression of distress.

His tense thoughts finally relaxed, and the pent-up suspicion and jealousy dissipated.

It was really a misunderstanding, Mingshu only belonged to him.

Zhiyuan kissed Mingshu again, this time more tenderly, and stood with him in front of the burning sarcophagus: "Don't be afraid." The

firelight illuminated the side of Zhiyuan's face, and he was too lazy to care whether the Lord of Hell was related to him.

The demon below was not talkative. He endured the pain of the wounds on his body and hit his forehead on the ground: "What are your orders, your Majesty?"

From this moment on, Zhiyuan is the new Lord of Hell.

Before he could say anything, Mingshu received a system prompt first.

[Main mission four has been completed! Please go to the backend to check your points and rewards yourself] Yiquyue

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[Ding dong - the main mission has been released]

[Task 5: Return the feather to the archangel, confess all your mistakes to him, and tell him your love]

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