Chapter 36: The Wolf-Eared Boy (36)

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After taking the poisonous weed powder, Ming Shu lost consciousness. The dungeon plot is not over yet, and the system is still running.

Jing Shuang led several gray wolves into the village from the side, trying to take Mingshu away.

He has found a place for the wolves to resettle, and after days of rest and recovery, he rushed to launch a surprise attack tonight.

The werewolf's tall body blocked the front of the courtyard, his face full of anger: "You dare to steal my little wolf, tonight is your death day."

A few gray wolves beside him growled fiercely, ready to pounce forward at any time.

Jing Shuang thought that he hadn't recovered enough, so he ate the red lotus fruit again. Ming Shu was secretly taken away by Yuan Chen on his territory. Only Yuan Chen can relieve his hatred.

The villagers were all defending against the wolves at the entrance of the village, and because of Ming Shu's identity, no one was willing to help. Only Yuan Chen and Jing Chu stayed at the gate of the courtyard.

"You, little, wolf?" Yuan Chen said word by word, raising the crossbow in his hand: "He sleeps on my bed every night, when did he become yours?

" The anger was even worse, with sharp claws emerging from his hands, he bowed and rushed forward: "Shut up!"

Yuan Chen pulled the trigger, Jing Shuang easily dodged a crossbow arrow sideways, and the tip of his nose twitched slightly.

It was the smell of poisonous grass, he was more cautious, and told the other gray wolves to be careful in wolf language.

The gray wolves dealt with Jing Chu, and Jing Chu was not as strong as Yuan Chen, so it was very difficult for them to deal with it.

"My good brother," Jing Shuang sneered, "I haven't seen you for a long time, and you are still useless."

While avoiding the crossbow arrows, he was distracted to seduce Jing Chu: "Why don't you cooperate with me again and kill Yuan Yuan together?" Chen, Mingshu will also be grateful to you..."

"Grateful?" Yuan Chen raised his eyebrows, "Could it be that Mingshu is lying to me again..."

The entire village was shrouded in pitch darkness, his face was flickering He couldn't see clearly in the candlelight, but Jing Shuang could only hear his somewhat resentful voice.

Mentioning Mingshu, Jing Shuang lost his mind for a moment, and then heard Yuan Chen say, "But he is still pestering me tonight, and he insists on giving him a bath." shredded.

He couldn't restrain himself from imagining the situation Yuan Chen described, the little white wolf whom he misses so much, is held in another person's arms every night.

Jing Shuang's pupils were flushed, the bones in his hands crackled, and an abnormal hot breath sprayed from his nose.

Yuan Chen continued to stimulate him, and smiled slightly: "He is not the same kind of wolf as you, is he? His temperament is different, and his appearance after transformation is also different. No matter what I do to him, he will always be like that..." He paused and

continued Said: "So obedient, I don't even know how to resist."

Jing Shuang couldn't hold back anymore, raised his sharp claws and swung at Yuan Chen with a roar.

Yuan Chen couldn't dodge in time, and a few bloodstains appeared on one shoulder.

The clothes were scratched in several places, and the toxin invaded along Jing Shuang's hands unconsciously.

But this amount of measurement is not enough for him to be poisoned immediately, so he needs to wait patiently.

Jing Chu lost to the siege of several gray wolves, and was injured and retreated.

Yuan Chen was the only one left at the gate of the courtyard, and a gray wolf took advantage of his unpreparedness and opened its mouth to bite his arm.

Yuan Chen reacted quickly, and with the other hand, he pulled out the dagger at his waist and stabbed Gray Wolf's neck.

Jing Shuang took the opportunity to attack his heart, but somehow missed.

He frowned tightly, and wanted to kick Yuan Chen away, but suddenly felt that his body was unable to exert strength.

Jing Shuang immediately took a few steps back with a look of surprise.

Could it be a side effect of him eating red lotus fruit twice in a short period of time?

Gray Wolf noticed Jing Shuang's abnormality, and immediately stood in front of him, but this also gave Yuan Chen and Jing Chu time to breathe.

Yuan Chen killed two gray wolves with a bow and crossbow, and Jing Chu led the other away.

At this time, Jingshuang supported the stone wall outside the courtyard, and raised a pair of angry and unwilling eyes: "You poisoned me?" "You

finally found out," Yuan Chen approached slowly, clenched the dagger in his hand, " Don't be fooled by the poisonous weeds I specially prepared for you."

If Jing Shuang was more cautious, he might be able to smell the smell on his clothes.

It's a pity that Jing Shuang ate the red lotus fruit and was angered by Yuan Chen's words, so he couldn't think calmly at all.

Yuan Chen raised the crossbow and pulled the trigger. Jing Shuang wanted to avoid it, but his body was slow and slow in the poisoned state, and was stabbed in the shoulder by the crossbow arrow.

He also began to have difficulty breathing, kneeling on the ground as if exhausted.

Yuan Chen was condescending, and the last crossbow aimed at Jing Shuang's forehead: "I know you like him, and you can't let him go, and you will definitely come for him. How could you not make any preparations?" They used to be confused about werewolves

. Her intentions were always passive, and it was the appearance of Mingshu that turned the corner.

Yuan Chen guessed that Ming Shu was once controlled by Jing Shuang, and was threatened by Jing Shuang when he entered the village, but later Jing Shuang also fell in love with Ming Shu.

With feelings, there are weaknesses, and he is the same, if he is more useless, Ming Shu has already died in the hands of other villagers.

Jing Shuang struggled to death: "If you keep a wolf by your side, you won't be won't be afraid that he will bite you to death in the middle of the night?"

Yuan Chen was silent for a moment, squatting in front of Jing Shuang, pulled down his collar and turned his head to let him see his neck side.

"Ming Shu bit it tonight." There was a small red mark on the skin there, but the skin was not broken.

He didn't care whether Jing Shuang could see clearly, and said to himself, "I bathed him and wiped his tail with a towel, but I ignored his needs. He was unhappy, so he bit me." No need to look

, Jing Shuang also knew that Ming Shu didn't really bite down, otherwise Yuan Chen wouldn't be standing here safe and sound.

As for the "need" that Yuan Chen said, he did not specify what it was, leaving Jing Shuang's endless room for imagination.

At this time, I have to stimulate him once, so that he will die in an uneasy way.

Who told him to bite a little wolf, as if he regarded Mingshu as his own.

Yuan Chen stood up, his eyes became cold again.

The last crossbow arrow pierced Jing Shuang's forehead, and he fell backwards, losing his breath in an instant.

The last injured gray wolf was left. Seeing that the leader and companions were dead, it whimpered and took a few steps back, turned and fled.

Yuan Chen didn't chase, he threw the crossbow and dagger in his hand, took off his coat and threw it on Jing Shuang's body at random, and strode into the courtyard.

He didn't enter the house immediately, but went to the backyard first, washed his hands, and wiped the wound with a handkerchief soaked in water to ensure that there was no residue of poisonous weed powder.

Then Yuan Chen returned to the front yard and pushed open the door.

"Ming Shu?"

He looked around the room, but he didn't see Ming Shu.

"Shu Shu! Shu Shu!" Little Mushroom was in front of the closet, slamming on the door of the closet, crying and shouting: "Shu Shu, come out quickly..."

Yuan Chen approached, knelt down and gently waved Little Mushroom away: "Ming Sleeping in it?"

Little Mushroom nodded, wiping away tears.

Yuan Chen thought that Ming Shu was afraid, so he hid and refused to come out, so he called him again and opened the cabinet door.

Ming Shu curled up quietly in a corner, with her white tail hanging limply on one side, and she lowered her head soundlessly.

Yuan Chen's breath trembled, and he reached out to touch his cold hand.

Ming Shu's left hand hangs down weakly, a ball of paper rolled down from his hand.

The little mushroom ran over to pick up the paper balls and smelled them, and cried louder: "Yes, it's poisonous weeds..."

It was too late when it realized something was wrong. He couldn't open the cupboard door and couldn't get out, so he couldn't ask Yuan Chen for help.

Yuan Chen frowned: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

He knelt down on the ground, gently hugged Ming Shu out, and said to himself, "I'm so frightened, I don't even want to open my eyes.

" There were some tear stains, Yuan Chen wiped them away for him, the movements became slower and slower.

His face was expressionless, and his slightly arched back was tense.

Mingshu is dead.

Before he came back, he hid in the closet and secretly ate the poisonous weed powder.

"Why?" Yuan Chen murmured, stroking Ming Shu's side face, the veins on the back of his hand popped out.

After a long while, he lowered his head and pressed a kiss on Ming Shu's icy cold lips, then hugged him and got up.

The bed was still the same as when he left, the towel that had wiped Mingshu's tail was casually thrown aside, and the quilt was piled up in a corner.

Yuan Chen put Ming Shu on the bed, covered him with a quilt, held his hand and said, "I killed Jing Shuang, you can stay here with peace of mind, no one dares to say anything more." Ming Shu never said anything

. In response, his eyes were closed tightly, his face was pale and bloodless, and his fingers had begun to stiffen slightly.

Yuan Chen looked at him intently for a while, and said in a low voice: "Are you angry with me? I... What did I do wrong?"

Little Mushroom was still crying, holding the paper ball in his arms: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Shushu..."

At this moment, Jingchu walked in, and was startled when he saw the little mushroom sitting on the ground: "Why did this thing come here..." The

purple mushroom that can move and talk, he recognized that it was the little mushroom that had helped Yuan Chen's tree mushroom.

Jing Chu didn't know what happened, but when Little Mushroom saw him, he wiped away his tears and rushed over angrily: "It's you! It's all you!" It saw it all, and it was

Jing Chu who gave Mingshu a small package.

"It's the poisonous weed you gave me!" Little Mushroom slammed Jingchu's shoe with his hand, "It's you, the bad guy!"

It couldn't speak clearly, and such a small mushroom didn't do much damage, so he stood still and said, "Yuan Chen, get your mushroom away." He raised his head and found that

Yuan Chen had come to him at some point .

Jing Chu couldn't hear what Little Mushroom said, but Yuan Chen was familiar with it.

His eyes seemed to be looking at a dead person, and his tone was calm: "It was you... who gave Ming Shu the poisonous weed powder?"

Jing Chu wanted to argue, but was suddenly grabbed by Yuan Chen's neck. Yuan

Chen whispered: "Why?"

Jing Chu almost suffocated under his confinement, his survival instinct made him tell the truth: "It is... Ming Shu wants it."

Some looked confused.

But this confusion only appeared for a short moment, and he tried again: "I don't believe it


" open him.

Jing Chu fell to the ground, clutching his neck and coughing violently.

A hand reached out and took away the dagger pinned to his waist.

Before Jing Chu could react, a cold light flashed in front of his eyes, and his throat was cut cleanly.

A lot of blood gushed out, and he opened his eyes wide, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

Yuan Chen stood up, looking at Jing Chu's body indifferently.

Suddenly, all the surrounding sounds disappeared.

Little Mushroom's crying stopped abruptly, and he fell down like losing consciousness.

There was a muffled thunder outside, but there was no rain. A gradually enlarged crack appeared in the night, like a torn net, with an abnormal red light.

The wind stopped, the blades of grass lay dormant quietly, and the other villagers in the village fell silently, like puppets whose souls had been taken from them.

Only Yuan Chen was still standing there, he seemed unaware of all these abnormalities, and looked down at the blood-stained dagger in his hand.

【warn! The system parameters are wrong]

[Warning! The system parameters are wrong]


the light is flickering, and some mottled light and shadows appear everywhere, and the whole world is on the verge of collapsing and crumbling.

Some messy and unfamiliar memories flooded into Yuan Chen's mind, he had a splitting headache, and his brows were furrowed.

In these memories, he found Ming Shu's figure.

Mingshu was in the forest, and kept backing away in panic.

Then, a familiar short knife appeared in sight and cut his throat.

He fell to the ground, blood stained a large blade of grass, and "I" reached out to pick up Yin Kuai beside him.

Ming Shu's pupils were dilated, and what was reflected in his eyes was Yuan Chen's face.

As soon as the screen changed, it turned into a familiar room again, which was the first residence he placed for Mingshu when he brought him back to the village.

This time, Ming Shu still fell into a pool of blood, his body convulsed slightly due to the severe pain, and soon he lost his breath.

However, in the next moment, as if turning back time, he reappeared in the same place, throwing himself into his arms with an expression of fear and fear.

But Yuan Chen has no time to delve into the abnormalities in these memories. The scene of Mingshu's death appeared in his mind over and over again.

To him, it was like seeing Mingshu die three times in different ways in a short period of time before his eyes.

And the time Ming Shu died in the forest was done by him.

The short knife in Yuan Chen's hand fell to the ground. He looked at his palm and murmured: "I killed him." The

calm appearance finally broke, and Yuan Chen knelt on the ground, with pain and confusion gradually appearing on his face. color.

The cracks in the sky were getting bigger and bigger, and the overflowing red light almost enveloped the entire land.


[System failure]

[Failed to escape, will return to copy one]

Ming Shu stayed halfway for a long time. He heard the sound of the system and was at a loss.

What's going on, isn't the task completed? But he obviously heard the prompt to clear the customs.

Unable to open the system panel in the void, Ming Shu could only continue to wait with apprehension.

After the familiar dizziness passed, Ming Shu took a breath of fresh air.

He opened his eyes, and all the senses in his body slowly recovered.

The first thing Mingshu felt was the cold, bitingly cold all over his body.

His limbs were stiff, and he turned over and sat up trembling.

The environment in front of me is unfamiliar, there are... ice cubes everywhere?

Ming Shu looked down and saw that the bed he was on was also covered with ice, no wonder he felt cold.

He seemed to have been frozen for too long, his movements were stiff and clumsy, his legs were unsteady when he got out of bed, and he accidentally fell down.

Some ice cubes beside the bed were also blown off by Ming Shu, crackling and smashing to the ground.

At this time, the door not far away was pushed open.

Yuan Chen stood at the door, feeling a little dazed when he saw this scene.

He was stunned for a moment before coming over, squatting in front of Ming Shu, touching his face with his hand, with an uncertain tone: "Hallucination?" The

warm palm seemed to be Ming Shu's life-saving straw, and he tried his best to pounce on Ming Shu. Entering Yuan Chen's arms, shivering: "It's so cold..."

His voice was hoarse, not only because he had eaten poisonous weed powder before, but it was still too cold.

Yuan Chen couldn't believe it, and said softly, "Are you awake?"

He was afraid that if he spoke louder, he would puncture everything in front of him, so he sat there for a long time before getting up with his arms around Mingshu.

He walked out of the cold storage, the sun was shining brightly outside, but the surrounding was dead silent, Ming Shu raised his head and saw a red crack in the sky. the reason for the system error?

Mingshu has never seen this kind of scene since he started the mission, but he has heard from other players that some extreme behaviors may cause the system to crash and the instance to freeze.

But he doesn't do anything... so it shouldn't have anything to do with him, right?

Yuan Chen didn't seem to see the crack, and led Ming Shu back without saying a word.

Back in the familiar yard, he put Mingshu on the bed, gently took off his and his clothes, and wrapped him in the quilt.

With the warm body pressed against each other, Ming Shu finally felt as if he had come alive.

He was still in the werewolf form before he left, and Yuan Chen held his tail in his hand while stroking it. Ming Shu kept rubbing against his arms: "There are still ears..."

The pair of wolf ears on the top of his head were also cold, almost freezing Lost consciousness.

Yuan Chen let go of his tail, and rubbed Ming Shu's wolf ears instead, until a healthy pink appeared on the tip of the thin ears.

Ming Shu's body temperature recovered, and his complexion and body were no longer pale and stiff.

Yuan Chen watched his changes with downcast eyes, and touched his lips.

The surface of the body is warm, but Mingshu's breath is still cold.

Yuan Chen lowered his head and kissed him, not only to make him warmer, but also eager to get Mingshu's response.

Ming Shu was kissed so that the base of his tongue was numb, and he was more sluggish than when he was frozen. He couldn't bear to push Yuan Chen, and turned his head away.

At this moment, he became hot inside and out, and Yuan Chen was finally satisfied, and hugged him even tighter: "Ming Shu?"

Ming Shu responded, panting slightly.

He felt that something was wrong with Yuan Chen...but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Ming Shu tentatively asked: "Outside...what's that?"

After his death, some things should have happened, which caused him to fail to escape.

Yuan Chen turned a deaf ear to him, looked at Ming Shu intently, stroked his whole body, and confirmed that he really came back to life.

After a while, he replied: "I don't know."

He really didn't know, and he didn't care.

Ming Shu couldn't find an answer from Yuan Chen, and wanted to see if the system was normal.

However, he tried several times, but couldn't open the system panel.

At this time Yuan Chen leaned over to kiss him again, pushed him against the bed, and said in a low voice: "I thought you wouldn't come back."

Ming Shu's eyelashes trembled, and he pursed his lips: "I'm sorry."

He also said He never thought that he could come back again, and he didn't connect to the moment of death.

Yuan Chen may have found his body in the closet before freezing him.

Ming Shu felt a little uncomfortable. He thought that after he died, everything in the dungeon would stop after completing the task.

He tried to open the panel again, and Yuan Chen's character details, but there was still no response.

But Ming Shu's actions seemed to be sensed by Yuan Chen, Yuan Chen's eyes flashed, and a few lines of strange words popped up in front of his eyes.

[Name]: Ming Shu

[Gender]: Male

[Age]: 19

[Current instance role]: Werewolf

[Points ranking]: Not open to strangers

yet [Current relationship]: None (please add friends first)

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