Chapter 125: Angel in Disguise (2)

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The wings seemed to be carved from palm-thick glass. They were a little soft when pressed and were not really connected to the skin on the back, but they could still be controlled.

But such wings definitely cannot fly. At most, they can flap a little and stir up a little breeze.

In the third dungeon, Mingshu had wings before, so he was quite adaptable.

He opened the remaining two boxes and took out a bottle of perfume and a small bottle of potion.

The perfume bottle has the word "angel" on it. It's quite heavy. The bottle is heavy in your hand and should last a long time.

Mingshu sprayed a little on his hand and smelled it. The smell was very light, like a light fragrance mixed with flowers and grass.

The final shaping water, there is no specific time limit in the product details before purchasing, but now I pick it up and see that it can only last for 24 hours after one use.

And it's also limited to purchase, you can only buy it once a day, and change one body part at a time.

Mingshu drank the potion, and a dialog box popped up in front of him with a long list of options.

[Please select the body part you want to change]

The tail can be hidden in clothes, but the devil horns on the top of his head cannot be covered. Mingshu has no second choice.

He clicked on [Devil's Horn], and the way to change the part was to hide it directly. The system that comes with the potion is very convenient. It can set user habits. Every time he uses the potion in the future, he does not need to waste time re-checking the box.

After confirming that the potion took effect immediately, Mingshu touched the top of his head again. His pair of black horns had completely disappeared, as if they had never grown.

There are only three items in the mall. The shaping water will be refreshed on time the next day. I don't know if the wings and perfume will be replaced with something else.

Mingshu turned off the system and the empty box containing the items disappeared into thin air. He stood up and quietly tidied his tail.

Next, it was time to sneak into the temple... Mingshu was not familiar with this place at all. He walked in the opposite direction from where he came and came to the other edge of the small forest.

Only then did Mingshu realize that the place he was on was a small suspended island. As far as he could see, there were many such small islands. There were transparent bridges connecting the islands to each other. Anywhere.

At the edge of the forest, which is also the edge of the island, a large group of clouds was blown slowly over by the wind. Mingshu stretched out his hand to touch it, leaving a faint trace of water on his palm.

Is he in heaven now?

Mingshu stood there for a while, took out the perfume and sprayed it on himself, making sure that every place was covered with the scent and not too strong. Then he carefully followed the path at the edge of the woods and came to the transparent place not far in front of the island. bridge.

There is another nearest island on the opposite side of the bridge. There is a figure standing on the island, arranging his hair carefully. Mingshu waved to him from a distance.

The person opposite saw him, hesitated for a moment, and then raised his hand in response.

The man looked very friendly, and Mingshu immediately walked across the transparent bridge towards him. When he got closer, he found that the man had a pair of small transparent wings hanging in the air on his back just like himself.

Mingshu breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the angel wings here really looked like this.

He approached and showed a friendly smile: "Hello."

The angel looked at Mingshu in front of him curiously, especially his dark red robe, and said with a subtle expression: "Why are you dressed like this? "

Mingshu lowered his head and looked at it: "What's wrong with this dress?"

"Are you also here to participate in the selection of attendants?" The angel took a step forward, gently raised a section of Mingshu's sleeve with his fingers, and said with a hint of disgust. : "The Emissary won't like these clothes."

Being able to enter the temple to serve the Archangel is their supreme honor. How could they wear such... unclean colors.

Hearing this, Mingshu felt a little embarrassed: "But I don't have any other clothes..."

His hair was long, and his delicate facial features looked innocent and pitiful. The angel couldn't bear to say, "Wear mine."

Mingshu kept saying After thanking him, the angel took him to the center of the island and handed him a pure white coat.

"It should fit you well," he said. "Get dressed first. When you enter the temple, you will have uniform attire."

Mingshu nodded gratefully. The angel looked about the same age as him and had no intention of avoiding it. He looked at Mingshu. Wait for him to change.

Mingshu took off his dark red wizard's robe and put on the clothes given by the angel, putting them on over his thin inner clothes. While adjusting them sideways, he secretly hid the angel perfume in his pocket.

After he finished dressing, the angel urged: "Let's go quickly, the selection is about to begin." The

original clothes could only be temporarily discarded on the island, but Mingshu did not dare to delay and kept up with the pace of the angel.

They walked forward and came to another longer transparent bridge, which could not even be seen to the side.

The angel led the way while talking to Mingshu: "The temple this time is very big. It must be an incredible archangel... There are many attendants to choose from, and there is a high probability that we will be selected." They made short remarks to each other

. The self-introduction of the angel is Qinghe, and he is three months old.

Mingshu looked at this face of about twenty years old and said, "I'm about the same age as you."

There were some angels not far away, walking in the same direction as them on different glass bridges.

Ming Shu glanced out of the corner of his eye and turned around to see two angels flying quickly through the air, with a pair of real feather wings on their backs.

He couldn't take his eyes away for a moment, and Qinghe beside him was also very envious: "If you go to the temple, you will have the opportunity to get holy water and become an angel..." As

soon as he finished speaking, Ming Shu showed a confused look: "Become an angel? Aren't we? ..."

Qinghe's expression changed and he immediately made a gesture of silence.

Mingshu shut up obediently, Qinghe looked around to make sure no one else noticed them, and then whispered: "We are not qualified to be angels..."

He treated Mingshu as if he didn't understand anything and no one wanted to The new teacher taught him a lot.

For example, those with small transparent wings can only be called apostles. When their strength becomes stronger, their wings will grow, and they can barely fly a short distance, and then they can advance to become envoys.

Those with real feathered wings are envoys, and even they only call themselves so in private and dare not say it in front of the archangel.

The archangels in each temple have at least four or six wings. Their power far exceeds that of ordinary angels, and they are the closest existence to gods.

Such levels may seem simple, but for angels with insufficient talent and blood, each level up is very difficult.

"Don't ever say the words you just said in the future," Qinghe warned seriously, "Being exiled to the arid desert is the lightest punishment for being known by the envoy." Mingshu nodded silently, thinking that he had become an

angel. There will also be this unequal class relationship.

With wings as small as Qinghe's, he is naturally the lowest apostle, and the number of apostles is also the largest, becoming increasingly rarer as he goes up.

Qinghe didn't know much about the temple. Although the ranking of the archangels who succeeded this time was more than 10,000, it was said that there were only a dozen or so archangels left in the front.

The size of the temple at the beginning of its birth is also related to the strength of the archangel it belongs to.

"But..." Qinghe looked at the white clouds in the distance, "This archangel, I heard that he ascended from a very far away border, is very special..."

Mingshu gradually became distracted. He could not contact Xia Zhu here. , Qinghe is not like a player, the copy should be a single player.

That Sang Yin... before he was directly teleported here, he caught the light spots overflowing from Sang Yin's body.

Was he brought here by a point of light? According to the usual situation in the past, Sang Yin must be here.

Will he still retain his memory... Mingshu's hand hanging by his side quietly adjusted his tail and pressed down the raised tip.

After walking forward for about ten minutes, they finally saw the towering temple standing in the clouds.

There were gradually more angels around, and there were people standing on each bridge. Mingshu glanced over and saw that they were all apostles like him.

At least the temple's standards for selecting attendants are not high, and they don't need to be very powerful.

The subsequent selection went very smoothly. Mingshu and Qinghe passed the preliminary screening, registered their names and entered the temple gate.

There were at least fifty or sixty apostles who came in with them, gathering together in the open-air hall.

An envoy with feathered wings on his back stood on the high platform in the front, beating the drum beside him.

The noisy hall fell silent, and the teacher looked down at everyone: "You have passed the preliminary screening. In the next three days, you need to stay in the hall for a new assessment." The preliminary screening is based on appearance

. , the archangel will appear anywhere in the temple at any time, and the first condition for serving him is to be good-looking and have a pleasing appearance.

The rest of the assessment focused on character, which the teacher didn't explain too much, and his stern look looked a bit stern.

You have to wait until three days to actually pass the selection. Fortunately, the main task has no time limit.

While the envoy was still talking, Mingshu stood in the crowd and quietly bent down and rubbed his knees.

He had been busy in his last dungeon for almost a whole day. After being teleported here, he walked all the way and stood there for so long without even taking a sip of water.

At the same time, in the main hall in the center of the temple, an envoy lowered his head and reported to the figure sitting on the chair in front.

"Lord, a group of attendants in the temple have been screened. Here is the list."

In the past, many archangels were promoted from low-level envoys. If you have friends who know each other, you can make a special case and be promoted directly to personal assistants. Attendants are treated differently.

After a moment, a cold and calm voice said: "No need."

The figure sitting on the chair was slender and tall, raising his hand to support his forehead, and resting his other hand on the armrest.

He was dressed in white, with an unusually handsome face. His meticulous collar was buttoned to the top, and the wings behind him were temporarily hidden.

The envoy agreed, turned around and was about to exit when a golden bird flew in and landed directly on the short stone pillar next to the chair.

With a "plop" sound, the envoy immediately fell to his knees, lowered his back and crawled towards the golden bird.

This golden bird is a prophetic bird. It was born together with the temple. Every time it appears next to the archangel, it will make important prophecy announcements and point the way forward for the archangel.

The archangel stood up and stretched out his left hand to the golden bird, and the golden bird flew to his hand.

The golden bird tilted its head, staring at the archangel with a pair of black bean eyes, and spoke in human words: "You will fall." The

kneeling envoy below took a breath of cold air, and his hands supporting the ground began to tremble.

The archangel's succession to the throne was short. This was the first time the golden bird appeared, announcing his fall... The

golden bird was still speaking, shaking its wings, and said in a clear tone: "You will be tempted by a succubus. , you like him, you are obsessed with him, you will not be able to extricate yourself."

Cold sweat fell from the teacher's forehead, and he began to worry about whether he would be silenced.

After the golden bird finished speaking, it flew away, and the sound of flapping wings passed through the palace door until it disappeared.

There was deathly silence all around, so the teacher mustered up his courage and raised his head cautiously.

"Lord," he tried hard to hide his fear, "please allow me to investigate all the attendants in the temple. If any are found to be related to..., they will be eliminated immediately." The

prophecy can be circumvented, as long as the method is appropriate and the archangel always maintains The original intention is unwavering.

In addition, it is also necessary to ensure that no filthy things of demonic blood can sneak into the interior of the temple, so as to eliminate hidden dangers at their root.

The hall was quiet, and the teacher's sweat dripped down and hit the white stone bricks. After a while, he heard an indifferent response: "Go."

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