Chapter 140: Angel in Disguise (17)

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Not only the door, but also the window was closed tightly and could not be opened even though it was not locked.

The only one who can keep him in the room is Zhiyuan.

After Mingshu was at a loss, he was not too surprised. Zhiyuan knew his identity. He was a demon hiding in the inner palace and had a close relationship with the archangel. He should be more cautious...

Zhiyuan told him not to do it last night. No matter how disguised he was, Mingshu stopped buying the wings in the mall and they had disappeared this morning.

After a while, the time limit of the shaping water also expired. Mingshu touched his forehead, and a pair of small black horns reappeared.

Zhiyuan was not here, and he couldn't get out. Mingshu had no choice but to return to the bed, hugging the pillow and wait.

On the other side of the inner hall, two envoys were in the hall.

Zhiyuan was sitting on a stone chair in front of the hall, his eyes lowered and a little distracted, not knowing what he was thinking.

He was inexplicably angry yesterday, and the envoys around him were trembling, thinking that he had done something wrong. But this morning Zhiyuan was nowhere to be seen, and did not show up until noon.

The envoys below quietly looked at Zhiyuan, vaguely aware that he must be in a good mood, but he didn't seem to be listening to what they were saying.

One of the envoys said cautiously: "Your Majesty?"

Zhiyuan raised his eyes slightly and stood up suddenly: "You can judge this kind of trivial matter by yourself in the future. There is no need to ask me."

The envoy hurriedly agreed without waiting. After saying goodbye, three pairs of white wings spread out behind Zhiyuan, and disappeared into the hall in a matter of seconds.

The two envoys looked at each other, straightened up, turned around and walked out.

On the way out of the inner temple, one of the envoys said: "I always feel that something is wrong with the Archangel in recent days..."

It should have started with the discovery of the robe that was full of demonic aura. Zhiyuan's way of handling it made him Very puzzled.

Later, Zhiyuan became uncertain. Although he seemed to be very restrained, the envoys still noticed some clues.

He was no longer purely cold and indifferent, but he was infected with other emotions due to something.

It was like that robe that was contaminated with filthy smell... The teacher's heart skipped a beat, and he always felt worried.

The other envoy saw Zhiyuan less often, frowning and thinking back: "Really? Are you worried about the devil?"

The temple has only been established for a month, and the devil who made a few noises has not yet been caught. Come on, if this spreads out, it will be a shame to the world.

This is also the reason why they did not ask for help from other temples. The temples do not communicate with each other, and temples that have been invaded by demons have always solved their own problems.

And the demons hiding in the dark did things similar to provocation, but the temple did not suffer any substantial casualties. The apostles in the outer temple no longer felt anxious and worried, and just did what they should do every day.

Their conversation did not come to a conclusion in the end. When the envoy who spoke earlier passed by the corridor, he looked around: "Why didn't I see Mingshu today..." At

this time, Mingshu was leaning on the bed and heard something outside the room. There were footsteps.

Zhiyuan pushed open the door, and a figure jumped into his arms.

Mingshu raised his head, his eyes full of joy: "You're back..."

The wings on his back disappeared without leaving any trace, and a pair of black horns sprouted on both sides of his originally smooth forehead.

Mingshu was also wearing clothes that represented an envoy. The fabric was pure white, and with the demonic features on his head, he didn't feel out of place.

Zhiyuan said "hmm" and saw that Mingshu was not wearing shoes. He picked him up by the waist and came to sit on the chair by the window.

Mingshu was placed on Zhiyuan's lap. He adjusted his position and hugged Zhiyuan's neck affectionately: "I've been awake for a while and have been waiting for you."

He wanted to ask Zhiyuan if he was afraid of him when he was locked up. After being discovered by other angels, I felt that the answer to this question was obvious.

There is a water source in the dormitory hall, which is connected to the Tianchi in the outer hall. Mingshu can wash and drink water, but there is no food.

But he and Zhiyuan were too intemperate last night and didn't feel hungry, so it didn't matter if they stayed in the room.

Zhiyuan said "hmm" again, held Mingshu's chin and kissed him, stroking the side of his face and the horns on his head.

The horn is not big, and the surface is a bit rough to the touch. The slightly curved tip feels blunt to the touch, and will not pierce the skin even if you use force.

Seeing Zhiyuan staring at his horns, Mingshu hesitated and said: "Isn't it ugly..."

All angels hate demons. Mingshu was not sure whether the identity given to Zhiyuan by the copy would make him too. Likes his own demonic features.

But Zhiyuan doesn't seem to hate tails... He touched and looked at them for a long time last night.

The tail under the clothes was not tied anymore and rubbed restlessly against the skin. Mingshu couldn't help but move.

"It's not ugly," Zhiyuan retracted his hand and touched Mingshu's waist, rubbing it ambiguously, "Unbutton it."

Mingshu blushed: "Now, now?"

Isn't that too indulgent... ...He just woke up not long ago.

Zhiyuan looked at him and said nothing. Mingshu blushed even more and obediently unbuttoned his clothes.

After most of the undoing, Zhiyuan suddenly pressed forward for a kiss. One hand clasped Mingshu's wrist tightly, and the other hand slipped into the open collar.

The sun was shining outside the window, and a few rays shone in through the window, but the occasional movement in the house was not heard at all. Yi Quyue kissed

her for a long time, Mingshu couldn't breathe well, and her shirt hung loosely on her arms, exposing traces all over her body.

These were all taken out last night. There is an obvious tooth mark on one side below the collarbone.

Zhiyuan stroked him gently, and Mingshu leaned on the side of his neck, complaining in a low voice: "You were so cruel yesterday..."

Zhiyuan was silent for a moment, then hugged Mingshu and coaxed him: "Does it hurt?" Mingshu hesitated for a while before answering. : "It doesn't hurt."

Zhiyuan continued to kiss him, this time much more gently than before. He moved his palm behind his back and touched a restless tail.

Mingshu's breathing became heavier, his eyes were wet, and he allowed Zhiyuan to move.

"So good," Zhiyuan kissed Mingshu's lips as a reward, and whispered: "It is indeed a succubus."

Mingshu couldn't understand what he meant by this for a moment, and then he was picked up and sat on table edge.

Zhiyuan's eyes fell on him for an instant and he began to unbutton his clothes.

The cold tabletop had been exposed to the sun for most of the day, and it was still uncomfortable to lean on. Zhiyuan took Mingshu back to the bed midway.

Mingshu lay on Zhiyuan's body. The continuous and excessive bloating made him almost unable to think. He only knew that he relied on Zhiyuan and gave him whatever he wanted.

When Mingshu woke up again, it was already night. He had been changed into clean clothes, and the entire dormitory had been simply cleaned. There were no traces on the sheets.

Zhiyuan was beside him, lying down with him and rubbing his lower back.

Seeing that Mingshu woke up, Zhiyuan asked, "Are you hungry?"

He touched Mingshu's black hair and asked, "Want to go for a walk?"

"I'm not hungry," Mingshu answered first, then nodded. : "I think..."

He has been in this room all day. He might as well go out to get some air. It's dark now, so he shouldn't need to pretend.

However, Mingshu later discovered that his clothes were damaged in the afternoon. He could still wear them, but they were not suitable for going out... There is no

dirt in heaven, not even dust. Each angel only has two clothes in total. Mingshu was wrapped in a quilt in embarrassment, thinking about the possibility of asking Zhiyuan to go to his room to help get clothes.

Zhiyuan was fully dressed and took Mingshu out of the quilt: "Wear mine."

A set of clothes appeared out of thin air on the wooden stand nearby. The cuffs and collar of the robe were tattooed with gold edges, which was the symbol of the archangel.

Other angels might not dare to wear it, but Mingshu didn't care so much, but Zhiyuan's clothes were a bit too big for him and the sleeves were too long.

He barely managed to put it on, and the cuffs would slide down as soon as he raised his hand, revealing a section of his fair arms, and the collar was also loose.

Zhiyuan looked at it carefully for a while, then took Mingshu's hand and led him out.

Mingshu had just woken up and his energy had not yet fully recovered. After walking for a while, he didn't want to move, and he didn't want to go back so soon.

He held Zhiyuan's sleeves: "Hold me..."

Zhiyuan hugged him and kissed him for a while, then slowly opened his wings behind him and asked in a low voice: "Want to go up and take a look?"

Mingshu opened his eyes wide. He opened his eyes and carefully reached out to touch the feathers on one of his wings, his eyes expecting: "I want to..."

As soon as he finished speaking, his wings fluttered and took off, Zhiyuan held him and flew from the open-air corridor to high altitude.

Zhiyuan's speed was very slow at first. After Ming Ming got used to it, he gradually increased his speed, taking him higher and higher until he flew up to the tallest building in the center of the temple.

He landed on the top. The narrow stone pillar was just big enough for two people to stand on. Mingshu looked around excitedly and stretched out his arms to touch the clouds passing by him.

In the past, when he was in the third dungeon, he could fly, but he had never flown so high.

Zhiyuan saw his happiness and held him firmly, his spread wings firmly blocking the wind blowing from behind.

Mingshu finished touching Yun and wiped all the water on Zhiyuan's body. She asked him for a kiss like a baby, "I like you so much..."

Zhiyuan gently bent down and said as if unintentionally: "How much I like you." ?"

"It's just..." Mingshu couldn't be more specific, "I really, really like it."

Zhiyuan seemed to smile, flapped his wings, and took Mingshu back to the dormitory.

In the distance, the envoy passed by in a hurry. He looked up inadvertently and saw a figure in the air.

"Archangel?" He was too far away and the envoy didn't see Ming Shu, so he said to himself: "It's so late..."

He didn't pay attention, retracted his sight and left the place.


Returning to the dormitory, Mingshu, who had just stepped in, was pressed against the door and kissed.

He gave in half, and started a new round of endurance, with a cry in his voice: "Why are you..."

Even though Mingshu has a succubus physique, he has never been so unrestrained, and he couldn't resist Zhiyuan's closeness.

Zhiyuan's eyes were dark, he held Mingshu's tail and said in his ear: "Don't you like it? Little succubus." "

After you leave here," he kissed the tip of Mingshu's red ear, "don't leave me for half a day. Step."

The implication was that he could only leave the room if accompanied by Zhiyuan.

Mingshu couldn't think, and responded to Zhiyuan's request in a confused manner.

He didn't fall asleep until late at night. He was very tired, but satisfied.

When it was almost dawn, a little black cat crawled up on the outermost edge of the temple, scratching the grass.

It was a small one, with jet-black hair all over its body. It looked around with a pair of golden eyes. It twitched the tip of its nose and sniffed the air. It took a few steps forward and hit an invisible wall of air.

This is the protective shield that the envoys set up a few days ago to block the passage between the temple and the outside world.

The little black cat was a little annoyed. He raised his paw and waved, and the protective shield in front of him immediately broke open.

It continued forward, swaggering into the temple.

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