Chapter 51: The Little Mermaid Under the Sea (14)

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The water tank is connected to the side of the stairs, and several steps are made inside. The uppermost floor is about the width of a normal bathtub, covered with a layer of white soft algae. When you are not diving into the bottom, you can go to this platform. rest.

Ming Shu murmured: "I like it."

He himself is not interested in water and swimming pools. There are some entertainment items outside the copy of the system, which can be played with a small amount of points. Ming Shu has never been there.

But in this dungeon, he is a mermaid. Although the system didn't give him any usable skills, it gave him some mermaid habits.

He likes water and longs for water. In this territory separated by water and air, the huge water tank is like a small ocean, which belongs to him alone.

Mingshu turned around and hugged Xiuyun, his eyes sparkled: "When did you prepare?"

He really liked it and was very happy, Xiuyun lowered his eyes: "I treat you badly?"

This is the night when Mingshu rejected him What he said, Ming Shu knew he was wrong, leaned in front of Xiu Qi and looked at him without saying a word.

He admits now that Xiu Hu treats him very well, he knows he is a mermaid but he still wants to protect him and build him such a big water tank.

Ming Shu thought of Yuan Chen from the previous dungeon again. In some respects, Xiu Hu was very similar to Yuan Chen.

Ming Shu stretched out his hand unconsciously, and lightly touched the mask on Xiu Qi's face.

Xiu Kun didn't stop her, Ming Shu's heart beat faster, and she wanted to take off the mask.

His intention was obvious, when he touched the edge of the mask, Xiu Qi grabbed his wrist.

"Go in and have a try." Xiuwen took Mingshu's hand and put it on his lips, kissing the soft palm, "

Just tell me if you don't like it." Mingshu had no choice but to give up, wondering if there was anything he couldn't see.

He was looking forward to seeing if the face under Xiu Qi's mask would be the same as he thought... and he was afraid that it would be completely different, so he didn't insist on it after being entangled.

The water source in the tank has been specially treated so that it can stay in the tank. Like other seawater wrapped in plants, it will be automatically filled and cleaned automatically.

Mingshu squatted down and dipped his hands into the water, and the algae clusters on the bottom and surface of the water lit up, like several small light bulbs.

He took off his outer robe, wearing only a thin jacket and trousers, and stared at Xiu Qi dawdly.

Xiu Qi stood aside, showing no intention of avoiding it at all.

Although the two of them had tried many intimate things, he still couldn't do it calmly if he wanted Mingshu to take the initiative to take off his clothes in front of Xiuyun.

Xiuwen saw Mingshu's hesitation, and turned his back on the initiative.

Ming Shu was forced to conjure up a fishtail in front of him tonight, and the fright she received has not yet fully recovered. At this time, she may be a little nervous and afraid, and needs a little privacy and space.

Seeing this, Mingshu breathed a sigh of relief, quickly took off his trousers and folded them aside, stepped on the steps inside the water tank and entered the water.

He changed form, and his legs turned into a silver-white fishtail.

Since entering the territory of the Sea Snake Clan, it was the first time for Ming Shu to be surrounded by so much sea water. The algae tank in his courtyard was too small, barely able to hold a fish's tail.

The water tank was very high, and Ming Shu swam to the bottom. Several black stones stood in the fine sand. He touched the aquatic plants and red corals, and found a few small fishes as thick as fingers in the coral.

There is a shell bed in the corner, just enough for Mingshu to sleep on, and the algae lamp hanging above it can light up when touched.

Ming Shu swam around several times, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it, especially the shell bed, he could still sleep directly in it in the future.

He was so happy that he lay down on it and tried it out. He reached out and stroked the hanging algae lamp, and saw Xiuqi standing above, casting his gaze at himself in the water.

Ming Shu got up from the shell bed, swung the tail of the fish and slowly swam up.

Wherever he passed, the algae lights lit up one by one, making the silvery white scales on the tail more dazzling.

Xiu Qi didn't take his eyes off, stepped into the water and ignored the wet clothes, leaned over to catch the beautiful mermaid swimming towards him.

The table covered with soft algae played a role at this time, Xiuju sat on it, hugged Mingshu and kissed him eagerly, while touching the scales on his waist.

Mingshu obediently put his arms around Xiuju's neck, and said vaguely: "Your clothes are wet."

Most of Xiuju's body was submerged in the water. Take off his drenched shirt.

Without the last layer of cover, Ming Shu faintly sensed Xiu Qi's intentions, and pushed him away to slip away.

Xiu Qi easily held him down, picked him up and put him on his lap, and stroked his tail.

Ming Shu's face was very red, and she lowered her head to gently smell the scent on Xiu Qi's body.

Xiuju noticed his actions, felt a scale in his hand, and pressed it lightly.

Mingshu snorted, and hurriedly avoided: "What are you doing..."

Xiuwen looked at his flushed cheeks, and said meaningfully: "It really is a small fish."

Mingshu was still too young to guide him , Some instincts were subconsciously hidden by him, without guidance, he was so uncomfortable that he didn't know what was going on.

Xiuwen kissed Mingshu comfortingly: "Take it off for me."

Mingshu was still at a loss in the strange feeling just now, and said bluntly: "What..."

He reacted, and his face turned even redder: "No."

Mingshu Only then did he refuse to help him, and after he refused, the half-snake state that had been cultivated uncontrollably appeared in his mind.

I don't know why, these days, he always thinks of the black snake's tail, and the way the snake's tail is entangled. He was obviously afraid at first.

Xiuju sat in the water, the smell on his body seemed to become stronger under the soaking of sea water, he coaxed: "Is it still uncomfortable?"

Mingshu knew what he was referring to. When he said that his symptom was estrus, Mingshu thought he was lying to herself.

But Xiuju already knew that he was a mermaid, and he didn't judge it based on the habits of sea snakes from the beginning.

It was Mingshu's first time to be a mermaid, and he had never experienced such a thing. He had asked Xia Zhu before and couldn't tell. Maybe Xiuwen was still lying to him, or it was indeed true.

His mind was in a mess, the scale was held down again, and his cold fingertips lightly brushed across.

Ming Shu was ignorant and innocent, and didn't know how shameful and indecent Xiu Jin's actions were, so he shrank into his arms in confusion: ""

He subconsciously felt that Xiu Jin would help him, and it didn't matter even if he did something. Then he protected himself and promised to give him the venom.

Ming Shu clumsily untied Xiu's belt, and saw the familiar pitch-black snake tail as he wished.

Rough scales are entwined, and the two extreme colors are closely attached.

Ming Shu leaned against the transparent glass wall of the water tank, with a silvery white fin hooked at the end of the snake's tail, and kissed the side of his neck: "Is it better now?" It seems... a little bit,

Ming Shu frowned slightly , looking down at the two intertwined tails.

To be precise, Xiuji's snake tail was entangled with him, the familiar and favorite smell was around him, and his whole body was wrapped in sea water. Mingshu's "water thirst syndrome" was indeed soothed and relieved like never before.

But what followed was another kind of strange strangeness and uneasiness, the rough snake tail rubbed against a small piece of silvery white scale, Ming Shu could not help but hum softly, biting a part of Xiu Qi's collarbone.

But he still hadn't forgotten another important thing, and raised his head: "What about the venom you give me?"

Xiu Qi was silent for a moment, looking a little displeased.

He let go of Mingshu, changed back to human form, sat on the algae again and hugged him: "I'll give it to you tomorrow." The

snake tail disappeared, Mingshu felt lost, and couldn't say anything to let Xiujin change back.

He took the initiative to kiss Xiuyun as if to please him: "Thank you."

Xiuyun looked down at him and squeezed his waist: "You will live here tonight, and I will come to see you tomorrow morning."

Tomorrow morning? Ming Shu froze for a moment.

He thought that Xiuju would stay...

But as the leader, Xiuju might be busy with other important things. He solved Luo Yunfu, gave him such a big water tank, and gave him venom. Very satisfied.

He watched Xiuqi get up and put on his clothes, reluctantly leaning against the water tank.

Maybe he didn't even notice Mingshu's dependence, Xiuju saw it, leaned over and kissed him before leaving: "Wait for me."

These two words made Mingshu even more disappointed, he responded, turned and sank to the bottom of the water .

The algae lights outside and under the water gradually went out, and Ming Shu lay on the shell bed, unable to fall asleep.

He closed his eyes, and his mind was full of images of fish tails being entangled.

And Xiuju caressed his scales and thin tail fin with his hand, every move showed affection.

Ming Shu couldn't help turning over on the bed, hugging the pillow with a blushing face, after a while, he touched the scale that Xiu Qi had touched.

He vaguely guessed something, but the scales were tightly closed, Ming Shu didn't understand anything, he didn't dare to move any more, and hoped that Xiu Qi would come early tomorrow.

In the middle of the night, Ming Shu fell into a deep sleep and dreamed of Xiu Qi again.

They still stayed on the algae platform above, Xiuju coaxed in his ear: "Open it." Mingshu

woke up with red ears, and lay down in a trance for a while before swimming out of the water.

He saw a message in the system, clicked on it and found that it was from Xia Zhu.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: I got the venom

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: The situation outside the city is not very good recently, the sea snake has found many mermen who stole immigrants, and they are gradually searching

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: The central city is about to start searching, I'm sure I can't hide it, I have to find a way to leave tomorrow at the latest

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: How are you doing there? Let's go back together? Luckily,

Xia Zhu, a caregiver on the way, got two copies of medium-quality venom, and it took a long time to get them. The system announcements are separated, but there are not many medium-quality ones at present, and they may still be targeted by interested people.

He had contacted his friends outside the city, and the sea snake that brought them in at first was willing to send them out, and when Xia Zhu sneaked out of the central city with the venom, they left the sea snake tribe.

Ming Shu hesitated for a moment, and replied "Yes".

Xiu Qi said that he would be given the venom today, and after getting the venom, he should also leave.

He has a mission, even if Xiu Ke will protect him, he can't stay here forever, and he has to go back before the selection of the successor of the mermaid patriarch is over.

It's just a pity for this water tank...Ming Shu felt uncomfortable, he seemed to have fallen into the situation before he had to leave the last dungeon again.

He took a few deep breaths, comforting himself that this is not the end of the copy, even if he leaves, he may come back later.

What I have to worry about now is how to leave.

Ming Shu came out of the water, put on the clothes she took off yesterday, and looked for the way out in the garden.

He almost lost his way, passed a clump of coral, and saw Xiu Qi walking towards him.

Ming Shu quickly stepped forward and threw himself into his arms, and said unhappily: "This place is too big, I don't even know where to find you..."

Xiu Yun hugged him: "Sorry."

He sent him away on purpose All the attendants don't want other sea snakes to see Ming Shu.

Xiuju took Mingshu out of the garden, went to the bedroom to change, washed up and went to the front hall to have breakfast.

All of Mingshu's clothes were sent over last night, and a few more gorgeous ones were hurriedly made, but the colors were still very plain. Now many sea snakes in the city knew that there was a silver-haired beauty living in the chief's palace.

After breakfast, Xiu Qi didn't seem to be busy, so he stayed in the hall to accompany Ming Shu.

"Should I make you some more clothes that can be worn in the water," he said, with his palms poking into his outer robe, "You don't have to wear them." Ming Shu blushed, but didn't hide, and began to smell the clothes on

Xiuxiu's body again. smell.

He was a little impatient and grabbed Xiuju's sleeve: "I'm not feeling well."

Xiuju just left like that last night, and he had a dream at night, and when he saw him, he couldn't help it.

Xiu Kun's palm moved slowly, and he asked slowly, "What's uncomfortable?"

He deliberately ignored Ming Shu for the whole night, knowing that he would feel uncomfortable.

Mingshu frowned and didn't speak, Xiuwen kissed the tip of his nose: "Speak up, and I'll help you."

Seeing that Mingshu still refused to speak, he continued to coax: "Are you in heat?

" Mingshu's refusal was bitter, and he insisted on admitting it.

Mingshu's small Adam's apple slipped, and she gave a soft "hmm".

It's daytime now, Xiuju didn't care about this at all, dismissed all the attendants, and asked Ming Shu in a low voice: "Go into the water?

" Started to feel dizzy.

He licked his parched lips, and asked Xiuqi earnestly: "Can mermaids and sea snakes do it too?"

Ming Shu really didn't know, and he didn't know what the mermaids were... He even needed Xiuqi, the leader of the sea snakes, to teach him.

Xiu Hu hugged him and stood up: "Then let's not go into the water."

He had never tried it, and was worried that it would hurt Ming Shu.

The two returned to the bedroom, the door was closed tightly, and Ming Shu's crying voice gradually came out from inside.

Xiuyun endured it for a long time, at first he was reluctantly gentle, but later on he gradually lost his sense of proportion, and every blow was ruthless.

It's useless for Ming Shu to cry, he still hasn't regained his composure after leaning on Xiu Qi's body once.

Xiu Kun rubbed his waist: "Is it better?"

The mermaid's estrus period is not so easy to pass, and Ming Shu's symptoms worsened after trying it in human form.

He was embarrassed to say it, so he took the initiative to kiss Xiu Qi.

Until the afternoon, Xiuju came out with Mingshu in his arms, heading towards the garden.

On the way, Mingshu asked in a low voice, "Do you want to use the snake tail?"

He couldn't tell whether it was fear or expectation, but he always thought about it these two days.

Without saying a word, Xiu Qi came to the water tank in the center of the garden, and went in with Ming Shu.

He didn't allow Mingshu to conjure a fish tail, so he did it once on the algae platform. Finally, Mingshu couldn't take it anymore, pushed him away and dived into the water.

A pitch-black snake tail suddenly appeared, entangled him and brought him back to Xiu Qi's arms.

"Little fish," Xiu Wan touched his silvery white scales, with the snake's tail entwined close to his body, "Do you like this?" Mermaids value

blood, and the color and appearance of fish tails are also one of their aesthetics. Ming Shu entered estrus, Will instinctively focus on the tail of the courtship target.

Although Mingshu didn't want to say it, Xiuwen could guess it.

He pressed the scale: "Let me in."

Ming Shu was at a loss and shook his head in fear: "No..."

He saw a scale somewhere on the tail of the snake slowly opening, which was more ferocious and terrifying than when it was in human form. pain.

Xiuju coaxed patiently: "Don't be afraid, you are my little fish."

Even if he was a sea snake, he would never hurt him, otherwise he would not have endured until now.

Ming Shu was gradually soothed, the scales loosened, and Xiu Qi coaxed them to lift them up, revealing soft and tender flesh.

The body structure of mermaids is different from other creatures, perhaps because the estrus is not fixed and the concentration is insufficient. Mermaids have the same organs regardless of gender.

Mingshu couldn't get pregnant with the little mermaid, but she could still use it at this time.

Sure enough, he was in pain, and started crying again, but he just wanted to look down, and he got some kind of strange psychological satisfaction.

The water in the tank was too full, and it kept overflowing along the edge, and when it hit the fine sand on the ground, it turned its direction and floated up.

When it was full, Ming Shu didn't feel any pain anymore, and her blushing cheeks pressed against Xiu Qi actively.

Later, Xiu Ke sank to the bottom of the water with him and lay on a bed of shells.

The narrow shell bed couldn't bear the weight, and the algae lamp hanging above was crumbling, Ming Shu couldn't even take care of it.

Finally, when he returned to Zaotai, Mingshu's scales couldn't close, and he tried to push it down with shame.

Xiuwen grabbed his hand to stop him, and pressed Ming Shu's lower back amid the surging water: "Don't touch yourself."

Ming Shu couldn't speak, and finally stopped, so tired that he didn't even want to move his fingers.

Xiuju's snake tail was still wrapped around him, gently stroking his hair.

After a long time, Mingshu raised his head: "Where's my venom?"

Xiuku reached out and took out a small bottle from the clothes on the steps, and put it in Mingshu's hand.

[Congratulations to the player [Ming Shu] for obtaining [High Quality·Sea Snake Venom]! Please keep the rest of the players working hard! ]

There was a black liquid in the small bottle, Xiu Qi asked: "What do you want this for?"

Sea snake venom is not a particularly precious thing, Ming Shu wanted it, so he gave it.

Xia Zhu's private chat message followed, asking where Mingshu is now.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: The agreed time is tomorrow morning. I have a set of sea snake soldier clothes here. We will sneak out after you change into [Private chat] Mingshu: I squeezed the small bottle

in the leader's palace.

Putting it in his hand, he lowered his head and said, "I heard...the venom of each sea snake is unique."

To Xiuwen, it seemed that Mingshu wanted him because he liked him. venom.

He didn't ask any more questions, and rubbed Ming Shu's lower back: "Does it still hurt?"

Ming Shu didn't answer, but looked at Xiu Qi: "Why are you wearing a mask all the time?"

He didn't want to wait until he left the Sea Snake Clan. Know what Xiu Qi looks like.

Xiu Qi was silent for a moment: "You won't like it."

He pointed to his own face, but Ming Shu insisted.

He put down the venom in his hand, put his arms around Xiuju's neck and begged, "Can you let me take a look?"

Xiuju didn't make another sound, Ming Shu boldly reached out to take his mask.

He didn't stop, Ming Shu held his breath and took off the mask.

There was silence in the air for a while, Ming Shu stared blankly at the face in front of him, as if frightened.

Xiuju laughed at himself: "I told you, you won't like it."

Many sea snakes in Central City knew the reason why the leader wore a mask, but they never dared to mention it.

The half of Xiuju's right face was covered with a layer of black scars. At first glance, it looked like a few rough scales spliced ​​together, or it seemed to have been burned by fire.

But it wasn't the scars on his face that made Mingshu stunned, but his facial features. If this face was intact, it would be at least 70% similar to Yuan Chen in the previous dungeon.

Their voices are also similar, and there are some unclear personalities and preferences. Mingshu has guessed, but when he really saw it, he still felt unbelievable.

Ming Shu reached out and touched Xiu Qi's side face: "Why..." Why is there such a resemblance, even when he doesn't have any expression on his face.

Xiuwen thought he was talking about why his face became like this, he hugged Mingshu tightly, wanted to kiss him, but hesitated not to approach him: "Aren't you afraid?" Even if you weren't afraid, no one would like it like

this A disfigured face.

Ming Shu gently touched the scar on his right cheek, feeling a little distressed: "I'm not afraid." He even offered to kiss, but Xiu Qi avoided it.

Xiu Kun put on the mask again before kissing Ming Shu again.

As expected of the little fish he had a crush on, he spent a lot of time building this water tank to keep him by his side.

As for Ming Shu's purpose of infiltrating into the Sea Snake Clan, Xiu Qi never asked, anyway, he just gave him what he wanted, and staying here would definitely be worse than his life in the Mermaid Clan.


Ji wasted a whole day with Ming Shu in the dormitory, the sea snake steward came several times, but he didn't get to see Xiu Ji.

After dinner, after transferring the account, Xiu said, "I have something to do at night, so I can't stay with you."

He also left like this last night, and didn't come back until early the next morning. Recently, there must be many searches for mermaids in the territory. Waiting for it to be fixed.

Tomorrow morning is also the time when Ming Shu is about to leave with Xia Zhu, he reluctantly held Xiu Qi, hesitatingly said: "Then you...I'm not feeling well, can you do it again?" He said

, His face was already blushing, and Xiuju couldn't refuse, so he pressed Mingshu against the door and kissed.

"To the water?" Xiu Qi asked.

Ming Shu thought for a while, with anticipation and apprehension on his face: "Can humans and sea snakes be okay?"

He didn't want to go into the water anymore, and the lack of water would not affect Xiuqi's half-snake form.

"I've grown a lot more courageous," Xiu Yun whispered in his ear, "Of course you can, Xiaoyu is very powerful."

Steward Hai Snake waited outside the palace for a long time, the algae lamp went off and on again, and finally waited until Xiu Qi came out.

He hurried forward: "Boss."

Taking advantage of the light, Sea Snake Steward saw a very obvious tooth mark on the side of Xiu Qi's neck, and the words he wanted to say were suddenly blocked in his throat.

Xiu Kun turned around and said, "Let's go."

Ming Shu, who stayed in the dormitory, slept for a while, got up and brought the poison to the water tank in the middle of the garden.

Xia Zhu has already told him how to use the venom, in order to escape smoothly, he has to use it tonight.

Mingshu opened the bottle, poured all the venom into the water, and then changed back to the mermaid form.

The pitch-black liquid couldn't melt in the seawater, and when it touched the scales on the fish's tail, they scrambled to absorb it.

[Props used successfully, changing appearance]

Starting from the tail fin, the silver-white scales are slowly dyed black, as if being eroded inch by inch by venom.

When the fish tail completely turned black, Ming Shu's hair also turned black.

[Appearance conversion completed, maintenance time remaining: 479:59:59]

A total of twenty days, I don't know if it is enough.

Ming Shu changed back to human form, his hair color was still pitch black, he put on his clothes and left quickly, sending a message to Xia Zhu.

Xia Zhu replied quickly, asking Mingshu to go to the north corner of the palace.

There are sea serpent soldiers patrolling and guarding outside the main hall at any time, but there are not many inside the main hall, especially in the past two days, they did not want to be disturbed, and many attendants and soldiers were dismissed.

In addition, Xia Zhu has always acted cautiously and disguised well. The soldiers are still searching for suspicious sea snakes inside and outside the city, and they have never suspected that there are mermaids in the patrol team.

Following Xia Zhu's guidance, Mingshu quietly walked through the corridor in the dark, and came to a high courtyard wall, and saw Xia Zhu climbed up to the courtyard wall from a distance, laying on top of it and waving desperately at him .

It was the second time the two met, and they chatted a lot in the system on weekdays. Ming Shu stepped on the coral decoration by the wall and reached out to Xia Zhu. Xia Zhu tacitly grabbed him and pulled him up.

After successfully climbing over, Xia Zhu immediately took Mingshu out of here, waited to a remote corner, and took out a set of sea snake soldier clothes from under a few stones.

Mingshu put on his clothes, put on a hat made of soft armor, and pulled up the mask below, which not only covered most of his face, but also covered his hair.

With this attire, Xia Zhu was able to hide his hair color all the time. He was extremely cautious, and even the best-connected sea snake in the patrol team didn't know that he had white hair.

There was no one nearby, Xia Zhu saw Mingshu's black hair, knew that he had used venom, and asked in a low voice: "Didn't the leader find out?"

Mingshu paused when he put on the mask: "No." "

That's good, "Xia Zhu urged, "Let's go quickly, we have to reach the outside of the central city before dawn."

Ming Shu followed his footsteps closely while looking at the palace behind.

The night gradually receded, and the day dispelled the darkness. After finishing the work at hand, I returned to the bedroom alone.

He reckoned that Ming Shu was still asleep, so he stepped lightly and pushed the door open silently, but Ming Shu was nowhere to be seen.

Xiu Kun frowned slightly, then turned around and went to the garden, stepped up the stairs and stood by the water tank.

The water is clear, the shell beds in the corners are empty, and the algae float quietly.

Ming Shu is not there either.

The genius just lights up, where will he go?

Xiu Kun stared at the water surface, noticed something strange, and leaned over to touch it with his hand.

In this water, there is the residual breath of his venom.

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