Chapter 77: Dragons and Elves (5)

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The favorability level increased by 10 points.

Sure enough, it worked... It was the same yesterday. Maybe the reason for the increase in favorability is the closer contact with Si Ning?

Mingshu's mood is complicated and subtle. Now that he is so young, will Si Ning fall in love with him?

But then he thought about it, Yuan Chen was the same in the past. He liked him to be beautiful, weak, and shy, and would rely on him and obey him.

Moreover, the current favorability level is only 20. It is estimated that it has not reached the level of liking him, but it can help him confirm the general direction of completing the mission.

The thin top was torn into rags. Si Ning paused slightly, picked it up and took a look.

The fabric was very soft and there was nothing wrong with the collar, at least he couldn't feel it.

Si Ning looked at Ming Shu again. The silver-haired elf had no shirt and tried to cover himself with his fingers.

Mingshu's red cheeks proved that he was shy, but he had to press his body close to her, as if he could feel safe in this way.

He is only about the size of a palm, but if he were a little bigger and had a normal human body shape, and his clothes were uncomfortable, would he still ask for help to look at them, or would he crawl into his arms if something happened?

Ming Shu was stared at by Si Ning and couldn't help but clasp his fingers: "Your Highness...the clothes are ruined."

After experiencing two copies, he sometimes subconsciously asked the person in front of him for help, knowing that he would probably not reject him.

Si Ning looked away and directly took the small wardrobe from the table.

He had no intention of choosing clothes for Mingshu himself. Mingshu slowly released his fingers, turned around and flew to the closet.

With his back to Si Ning, he found a shirt and hurriedly put it on, with transparent wings stretching out from the small opening on his back.

Mingshu simply tidied up and returned to Si Ning.

"Thank you, Your Highness." Of course, he had to lie back. Mingshu stood obediently, "I don't feel bad anymore."

Si Ning looked at him for a moment, then reached out and touched his cheek.

His fingertips could easily cover most of his face, and his skin turned slightly red as soon as he touched it. Mingshu almost couldn't stand still.

Si Ning retracted his hand and whispered: "Squeamish."

This is the Dragon Clan. He specially ordered his attendants to carefully prepare the clothes. The materials and craftsmanship are naturally the best. Ming Shu would still feel prickly, which is not what he is squeamish about.

Mingshu covered his face: "No..."

Si Ning didn't say anything anymore. His favorability level had increased by 10 points just now, and he didn't have any intention of forming a bond with Mingshu.

Later, an attendant brought fresh flower petals and put them into a porcelain bowl specially prepared for Mingshu. Mingshu ate a piece and saw Si Ning getting up to leave.

Mingshu quickly followed, flew for a short distance and then turned back, picking up a petal and bringing it with her.

The place Si Ning went to was the study, and Ming Shu saw an old man with gray hair standing outside the door in a gray robe, holding a heavy wooden stick in his hand.

There is no guardian spirit around the old man, so he does not seem to be a dragon.

"Your Highness, Fifth Highness," the old man saluted Si Ning. When he saw Ming Shu following behind him, he looked surprised and asked, "Is this your guardian elf?" Everyone knew that Si Ning didn't like guardian elves, and he had never chosen a suitable one to

take him with him . around.

"Teacher," Si Ning nodded without retorting, "I just sent it here yesterday."

He looked cold, as if he didn't want to mention it more, and opened the door first and entered the study.

Mingshu followed closely and found that the old man in gray robe, whom Si Ning called "mentor", was still looking at him, and turned to give him a friendly smile.

After entering the study, Mingshu sat silently next to the flower pot and nibbled on flower petals, trying to minimize her presence so as not to disturb Si Ning. From time to time, she quietly looked at the two people at the table.

From the conversation between Si Ning and the old man in gray robe, he learned that this "mentor" whose surname was Ji seemed to be specifically here to guide Si Ning in learning spells and incantations.

Dragons have powerful divine powers, but they are not born with these abilities. Even if there are books available for reference, guidance and confusion from a mentor are still needed. Otherwise, those with low levels of understanding will not be able to read the books, and those with too high levels of understanding will easily go astray.

Si Ning ignored Ming Shu all morning, either talking to Ji Lian or reading alone, occasionally practicing the unfamiliar spells in the book.

It wasn't until it was getting late and Ji Lian left under the leadership of his attendants that Si Ning waved to Mingshu in the corner: "Come here." Mingshu immediately

flew over and landed in his hands: "Your Highness."

Si Ning turned over a page. Book: "Remember to get up early in the future."

If Mingshu hadn't gotten up too late today, he wouldn't have eaten enough when he came over and would have taken away another petal.

Mingshu didn't understand what he meant for a moment, thinking he was just asking him to get up early, so he nodded obediently: "I will, Your Highness."

Si Ning said "yes", his eyes touched a certain place in the book, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

After a moment, he raised his hand, and a ray of dark light flew to the flower pot by the window. A leaf in the flower pot was hit, and the leaf suddenly became three or four times larger.

Mingshu opened his eyes wide and was shocked by this scene. He flapped his wings and flew over to take a look.

He circled around the leaf, grabbed the edge of the leaf and lifted it up: "Your Highness, I want this..."

He wanted to use it as a quilt, and it was so big that it was just right to cover him.

Sining's expression did not change, his eyes moved downwards, and there was a line written under the spell: Cannot be used on living creatures.

Any species has its own appropriate size. Once the size is changed, it will subvert common sense. Some plants and the like do not matter, but the enlargement of living creatures is a forbidden curse.

Especially for a race like the dragon race that is very large in form, it would be a big deal if they could grow as large as they wanted.

Si Ning turned the page and said ruthlessly: "No."

Mingshu brought two leaves into his bed last night, but he took them away and threw them away. Mingshu didn't notice it when he woke up.

Mingshu was lost for a second: "Okay."

He put down the leaf, flew to Si Ning, and looked curiously at the book in his hand.

Elves are different from dragons. They are born with some spells and can learn spells, but they have limitations and cannot learn many.

Seeing that Mingshu was looking at it seriously, Si Ning asked aloud: "You also want to learn?"

Mingshu shook his head. He couldn't understand the various characters and symbols on it, let alone learn it.

Si Ning closed the book, leaned back on the chair, put one hand on the armrest, and suddenly asked: "Do you have a name?"

The elves have no names after they are born. A small number of them will choose one by themselves, and the rest will Then wait until you form a contract with the dragon clan before accepting the name given by the other party.

Mingshu was obviously the former, he nodded: "Your Highness, my name is Mingshu."

"Mingshu," Si Ning called out, and then asked, "What do you know?"

Mingshu looked confused: "What do you know... What?"

Si Ning was not satisfied with his answer: "You are a guardian elf, is it possible that you don't know spells?"

Even if the current dragon clan does not need guardian elves to protect them, they are not completely useless. Some attack and defense types You must know the spells, or the healing system.

Mingshu was even more confused. He looked down at his hands and then opened the system panel to search.

Like the previous two dungeons, he is a player, which is different from an NPC, so he is not an elf in the true sense. If you want to have "spells", you have to see whether the system provides skills.

Mingshu searched around the panel and finally found a button in the upper corner. He clicked it and found a line of words.

[Exclusive Skill]: Light (it has not been tested, please use it with caution).

After seeing the reminder behind it, Mingshu suddenly recoiled from the idea of ​​trying it out.

This system was as stingy as ever, asking him to be the guardian elf of the most powerful Fifth Highness, but not giving him any powerful skills to prevent him from being disliked.

Mingshu stayed in a daze for too long, and Si Ning frowned slightly.

Do you really know nothing? Apart from being pretty, being able to act coquettishly, and having a personality that suits him well, Mingshu has no use at all.

Sure enough, Mingshu came to his senses and came over to hug his hand, coquettishly: "Your Highness, I... my spell is not stable enough..."

Si Ning raised his fingertips and stroked his small chin. , with a calm tone: "I know."

Ming Shu raised his face obediently, not knowing whether Si Ning disliked him or didn't care.

The longer the contract... was delayed, the more worried Mingshu became. There was no time limit for the task but he wanted to complete it quickly.


At noon, Si Ning rested in the study. He didn't eat anything and only asked his attendants to pick some more flower petals for Ming Shu.

After noon, Guilian came over again. Si Ning seemed to have returned to the indifference he had in the morning, almost pretending that Ming Shu didn't exist.

Mingshu didn't care. He vaguely noticed that Si Ning was gentler when he was alone with him. Maybe he didn't want others to know that he was about to accept a guardian elf.

He sat by the window and swayed his legs in boredom, basking in the warm sunshine behind his back and yawning widely.

Si Ning caught a glimpse of him out of the corner of his eye, and his words while talking to Ji Lian were almost inaudible.

Not long after, Mingshu received a system prompt.

[A new plot update has been detected. Do you want to check it now? ]

[Plot Tips]:

[In front of outsiders, the elf is impeccable. He behaves friendly, kind, helpful, and hates evil. Many dragons and other highnesses also have a good impression of him and have given him many gifts. ]

[However, as soon as he returned to the palace, the elf in private was arrogant, irritable and irritable. He would break the Fifth Highness's things if he didn't go his way, or ridicule the Fifth Highness because he was too slow in practicing magic and was not worthy of having the abyss. The blood of the dragon. ]

[The Fifth Highness has a very good temper. He always remembers the protection given to him by the elves when he was young. He has never cared about this with the elves, and he always responds to the elves. 】

After watching the plot update, several more system messages popped up one after another.

[Ding dong - Side mission released]

[Task three: npc [Si Ning]'s [receptive value] reaches more than 10]

[Side mission three has been completed! Please check your points rewards in the background]

[Ding dong - side task released]

[Task 4: NPC [Si Ning]'s [Popularity Value] reaches more than 20]

The task time limit is two days, and the popularity value has already increased once before , so task three is completed directly.

Mingshu read the plot again and guessed that this "popularity value" might be the extent of Si Ning's bullying?

He quietly looked at Si Ning, who was cold and expressionless not far away, and then took a look at the words "very good tempered" in the plot description.

Ming Shu: "..."

The last time he accidentally poured hot water on Si Ning's hand was an accident. He hadn't even succeeded in forming a bond yet, so how could he dare to bully Si Ning.

After Ji Lian left, Si Ning called Mingshu over and asked sharply: "Are you unhappy?"

Mingshu looked unhappy, as if he had something on his mind.

He quickly shook his head: "No... Your Highness, I'm not unhappy."

Si Ning obviously didn't believe it and began to think about whether it would be too boring for Mingshu to stay in the study all day.

Mingshu was still thinking about his mission, and glanced at Si Ning quietly, staring down at his toes: "Okay, it's because...because you don't form a contract with me..."

Is it because of this that he is unhappy?

Si Ning leaned forward, lifted Mingshu's face with his fingertips, and saw his slightly aggrieved and expectant eyes.

Acting like a baby again.

The fingertips gently brushed the side of Mingshu's face, and Si Ning's tone remained unchanged: "I told you, it depends on your performance." Mingshu felt

depressed. He felt that Si Ning had accepted him, but he just refused to agree to form a contract. , I don't know how long it will take.

He held Si Ning's fingers, stared at the skin in front of him, and quietly took a bite on it.

Given Mingshu's size, this bite didn't even leave a mark on Si Ning's hand, and he probably didn't feel anything at all.

Ming Shu was disappointed when he failed to trigger the mission conditions. He let go of Si Ning as if nothing had happened and lowered his head again: "I understand, Your Highness." Forget it if he didn't make a

contract, he had to find a way to complete the side mission.

Si Ning retracted his hand, his eyes still on Ming Shu, and then looked at the fingertip where he had bitten him.

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