Chapter 14: The Wolf-Eared Boy (14)

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The time limit for stealing the toadstools from the tree mushrooms is three days, and the countdown starts from the release.

The expression on Mingshu's face froze, watching the new side mission and fell silent.

He was still struggling just now, should he take advantage of this moment to sneak away and hide, or go back with Yuan Chen first, to see how the situation changes.

Because he not only needs to complete the mission of the night of the full moon, but also has a clueless main mission one.

Don't worry about it now, he still has to go back.

The number of toadstools from the tree mushrooms is limited for a period of time, Yuan Chen will definitely keep them properly, and it is definitely impossible to steal them on the road.

Ming Shu sighed, and touched the umbrella cap of Little Mushroom: "Sorry, I can't stay."

Little Mushroom hummed softly, and hugged Mingshu's finger: "Aren't you afraid of being discovered by Yuan?

" Shu Lao said honestly, "But I can't help it."

He turned his head and looked at Yuan Chen who was staying with a group of tree mushrooms by the stream.

Yuan Chen collected all the toadstools of the tree mushroom and carefully wrapped them with a few leaves.

Ming Shu felt uncomfortable, this task would make him and Yuan Chen feel uncomfortable.

If he fails, death awaits him, and if he succeeds, Yuan Chen's situation will be even more difficult. The previous trap failed to stop the wolves, and some villagers have already complained about him.

Is there a way around this? Like he only stole half?

But Mingshu knew in his heart that if he had to steal everything, he could only put the task first.

And the direction of the story in the dungeon is preordained, even if he doesn't do this, Jing Shuang will not sit still, the trap is the best example.

Ming Shu suddenly thought, what if he revealed Jing Shuang's identity to Yuan Chen?

In the system task, it seems that there is no mention of the need to protect the same kind...

Little Mushroom didn't understand Mingshu's "no way", but it still respected Mingshu's choice.

"Shu Shu is not afraid," it comforted, "if found, come to me!"

It will explain to Yuan Chen that Ming Shu is a good wolf, not a bad wolf.

Ming Shu was very moved, nodded and said: "Well, thank you, Guji."

Maybe he really needs the help of Little Mushroom, but everything will have to wait until he completes the new side mission.

On the other side, Yuan Chen collected the toxins.

The tree mushroom was still talking to him just now: "Guji is too disobedient, always running around, and said we don't believe it." It's

not that they don't believe it, but they just don't agree with the idea of ​​the little mushroom going to find Yuan Chen , What should I do if I encounter danger on the road, and Yuan Chen is so powerful, he will not be confused by the werewolf.

Yuan Chen said "hmm", indicating that he knew.

He looked in the direction of Ming Shu and Xiao Mushroom again, and quickly looked away, wondering what he was thinking.

The other tree mushrooms told him some precautions, such as not to eat them by mistake, not to put them in places where the temperature is too high, and so on.

The toxicity of the toxin lasts for a limited time, but there is no way to detoxify it. Yuan Chen seizes the opportunity and will definitely injure the wolves severely.

The tree mushrooms spoke impassionedly, wishing they could follow Yuan Chen back to the village and kill those wolves themselves.

Yuan Chen held the toadstool wrapped in leaves in his hand, and suddenly asked: "Can the toxins work on werewolves?"

A tree mushroom nodded, and no living thing could resist the toxins' effects, including themselves.

"Okay, thank you."

Yuan Chen put the toadstools in the inner pocket of his jacket, said goodbye to the tree mushrooms, and walked towards Mingshu.

Seeing him come back, Ming Shu put the little mushroom on the ground: "We are leaving, and I will see you next time."

Little Mushroom reluctantly said: "It's a deal, don't go back on it."

At first it was worried about Yuan Chen's safety and came to him, but now when we parted, it left Yuan Chen aside.

Ming Shu nodded and assured it: "I will never regret it."

Yuan Chen quietly watched each person and mushroom until the little mushroom returned to the stream and stayed with his group.

Ming Shu stood up and left with Yuan Chen.

Donkeys are afraid of tree mushrooms, and they will be restless when they see them, so they can only be chained outside. Mingshu followed Yuan Chen, and asked casually, "Have you got the poisonous mushrooms?" Yuan Chen, who was walking in front, responded

, Don't look back.

He deliberately slowed down, reached into his pocket with one hand, and touched a small irregular object inside.

Mingshu didn't notice his actions, and was still worrying about his mission.

The weeds under his feet were submerged up to his calves. He walked forward absent-mindedly, and accidentally tripped over a stone in the grass.

Yuan Chen just stopped and turned around, seeing Ming Shu rushing straight towards him.

Both of them were unprepared, Yuan Chen subconsciously let go of the silver in his hand to support Mingshu, but the road was uneven, and he didn't know where he stepped on, and he couldn't stabilize his body.

The two fell down together, and Yuan Chen hugged Ming Shu tightly in time to protect him in his arms.

With Yuan Chen on the bottom, Ming Shu was fine, so he quickly got up: "I'm sorry..."

[Main task 1: Throwing down (1/1); Bite (0/1)]

The system that popped up suddenly Mingshu was stunned by the information, this is...

He accidentally fell on Yuan Chen just now, triggering Mission 1?

It turns out that you don't need to change into a werewolf form, but "pounce" is very simple, but "biting" is another matter.

How can it be considered "biting"? Can a light bite get away with it?

In fact, if you think about it carefully, the mission is not so strict, whether it is the main line or the branch line, it just needs to trigger certain conditions.

Mingshu plucked up his courage and decided to take this time to try it out.

Yuan Chen accidentally dropped the silver in his hand just now, he propped himself up on the ground and sat up, and saw the silver lying in the grass not far from him.

He picked it up calmly, holding it in his hand hesitantly.

At this time, Ming Shu suddenly approached and kissed him on the side of his chin.

Ming Shu originally planned to take a bite, but he was too nervous and couldn't really bite.

His teeth lightly touched a little skin, and the force was so light that it was like a kiss.

Yuan Chen's hand holding the silver block tightened, and his breath suddenly became unstable.

Ming Shu backed away quickly, waiting anxiously.

[Main task 1: Fall (1/1); Bite (1/1)]

[Main task 1 has been completed! Please check your points and rewards yourself in the background]

Two system prompts connected to pop up, and Mingshu's tense mood was relieved.

It worked!

And this is the main mission, after completing it, there will only be one left, so he doesn't have to worry about when the third mission will be released.

Ming Shu secretly rejoiced and was happy, and raised his eyes to meet Yuan Chen's gaze.

After he realized it, a blush slowly crept up his cheeks.

Ming Shu was thinking just now, anyway, Yuan Chen has 80 favorability points, the two of them have become relatively close these few days, and Yuan Chen still hugged him on the way to the dense forest.

Even if the conditions to trigger the completion of the task were not fulfilled, Ming Shu could still find an excuse to fool him.

However, at this time, Ming Shu's long-awaited draft got stuck, and his face became more and more red.

No, he can't be so useless, isn't it very smooth to gain favorability...

Ming Shu hesitated: "I'm sorry, I'm just..."

His eyes dodged, just as shy as when he admitted to curry favor with Yuan Chen that night Panic again.

But obviously he is the one who took the initiative, no matter the initial overtures to Yuan Chen or the kiss just now, every move is tantalizing.

Yuan Chen loosened his grip on the silver nugget, and finally put the silver nugget back into his pocket, stood up and helped Mingshu up.

When he didn't speak, Ming Shu became anxious again, and grabbed his sleeve: "Are you angry? I didn't mean it..."

Yuan Chen took him by the way, and wiped the grass blades off his coat for him: "Not angry."

His voice was soft, his eyes passed over Ming Shu's delicate eyebrows, and stayed on his beautifully shaped rosy lips.

Yuan Chen couldn't help approaching, and lifted Ming Shu's chin.

The familiar yet unfamiliar atmosphere is close at hand, Mingshu knows that he wants to kiss herself.

He didn't resist, he clenched his cuffs nervously, lowered his eyelashes and trembled slightly.

But in the end Yuan Chen paused and only kissed his side face.

This kiss seemed to have no distracting thoughts, the young man who fell in love for the first time expressed his heart, there was no one else here, and the birds in the forest flew by in the distance.

When Yuan Chen backed away, Ming Shu's heart beat fast, he didn't dare to look at Yuan Chen, and buried his head in his arms: "Shall we go back?"

Yuan Chen embraced Ming Shu, and kissed his hair again. Si: "Okay."


to the village, Yuan Chen took the poisonous fungus to find Bo Jing and several other villagers.

He planned to test the effect of the toxin first, took out one and soaked it in water, and gave it to some poultry.

Ming Shu followed Yuan Chen the whole time, and the villagers already had some guesses about their relationship, but they didn't say much.

The poultry that drank the toxin water all collapsed within a very short period of time, their limbs were paralyzed and unable to move, and their breathing was normal. After half an hour, they recovered as before, and there was no sign of previous poisoning.

The medicine is effective but not fatal. Some villagers even wanted to find someone to try it, but Jing Bo stopped it.

"It's fine if you can poison the wolves. Why bother, you might as well catch a wolf."

The villagers knew they couldn't do it, so they had to give up. The remaining poisonous water was carefully collected by Bo Jing: "These It's still usable, don't waste it." The

remaining toadstools were on Yuan Chen's body, and the wrapped leaves were replaced with a clean soft cloth, which was placed in the inner pocket of his coat.

There are always people around, the poisonous bacteria never left Yuan Chen's hands, Ming Shu failed to find a chance.

Until Yuan Chen and Jing Bo discussed the method of poisoning, several villagers went back to prepare one after another, Jing Bo said to Yuan Chen, "Leave the next thing to us, Xiao Chen, you also go back to rest. ...Don't think too much about some things..."

"I know," Yuan Chen said coldly, "don't worry about me."

Ming Shu has seen the plot and can probably guess what Jing Bo is talking about.

"That's good, that's good..." Jing Bo said while turning his eyes to Ming Shu.

In fact, Yuanchen brought Mingshu back, and some villagers questioned it, but Mingshu passed the silver test, and Yuanchen got close to him, so they couldn't say anything.

Jing Bo looked at Ming Shu hesitating to speak, but in the end it was Ming Shu who took the initiative to call him: "Uncle." Ming Shu

considered his tone: "Toadstools are very precious, I think it's best not to tell other people about it. The point

is to beware of Jing Shuang, if he knows the existence of the poisonous fungus, he will definitely find a way to destroy it again, or make his wolves avoid it again.

Jing Bo nodded again and again: "That's natural...I'll go first, you guys go back too."

Yuan Chen said goodbye to him and left with Ming Shu.

Yuan Chen didn't express anything about Ming Shu's suggestion just now. On the way back, Ming Shu thought about how to remind Yuan Chen to pay more attention to Jing Shuang.

Jing Shuang is Jing Bo's youngest son. He looks like a fourteen or fifteen-year-old boy. If there is something wrong with him, no one will believe him.

Using silver to test is the most intuitive method, but what reason should be used?

Ming Shu is also a wolf, he cannot expose himself in order to expose Jing Shuang.

Until the night before going to bed, Mingshu still hadn't come up with a suitable solution.

He changed his clothes and lay down, watching Yuan Chen hang his coat on the shelf near the door.

The toadstool seemed to be still in the coat, so Yuan Chen hung up the clothes and blew out the lights in the room.

The room was plunged into darkness, and then Yuan Chen returned to sleep on the mattress laid on the floor.

In the quiet surroundings, Ming Shu could only hear her own breathing.

He couldn't sleep, thinking about the bag of toadstools.

Or...he waited for Yuan Chen to fall asleep and try it.

The task did not specify how many toadstools were stolen, just in case one is enough, then Mingshu's task can be completed and Yuan Chen's plan can be carried out smoothly.

After an unknown period of time, Ming Shu's eyes gradually adapted to the darkness.

He whispered: "Yuan Chen?"

No one responded, Yuan Chen seemed to have fallen asleep.

Ming Shu slowly lifted the quilt and got off the bed without a sound.

If he wanted to go to the wooden rack where the coat was hung, he had to pass by Yuan Chen. Ming Shu held his breath and moved forward step by step.

Just when he approached Yuan Chen, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in the room.

"Ming Shu?"

It was Yuan Chen, who woke up.

He said in the dark: "Why don't you sleep?"

Ming Shu secretly thought it was bad, and tried hard to think of how to justify.

"I..." He didn't leave at all, and knelt on the mattress, lifted Yuan Chen's quilt and got inside.

Yuan Chen seemed not expecting Ming Shu to act like this, and subconsciously stretched out his arms to hug him.

Ming Shu put his arms around his waist: "I had a nightmare... I'm a little scared, I can't sleep."

Yuan Chen didn't make a sound, and he continued to explain: "I called you just now, but you didn't seem to wake up..."

Ming Shu Speaking half-truth and half-falsely, the slightly cool cheek came over and rubbed against the side of Yuan Chen's neck.

After a while, Yuan Chen whispered: "Really?"

He turned over and pressed Ming Shu in his arms on the cushion.

The window leaned against a gap, and the moonlight shone down, Ming Shu's face was too beautiful to be real.

His skin was as white as if it were transparent, his amber pupils were dark, and the ends of his eyes and the tips of his ears were slightly tinged with red.

The two were very close, Ming Shu didn't answer, but kissed Yuan Chen on the lips.

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