Chapter 118: Halloween (22)

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When the little black cat saw Sang Yin smiling, it furrowed again. It stared at him with its golden vertical pupils and scratched the air a few times with its claws.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little strange. Mingshu looked at one person and one cat, and asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

He touched the two marks on Sang Yin's fingertips, feeling a little distressed and thankful: "Fortunately, there was no bleeding..."

Xiao Hei Seeing this, the cat meowed aggrievedly.

It didn't use its full strength at all, for fear of scaring Ming Shu, otherwise the finger would fall off.

Sang Yin held Mingshu's hand behind his back and pulled him to stand up: "I'm fine."

He looked down at the little black cat that didn't want to leave, and suddenly said to it: "How about I put a nest for you outside?"

Xiao Hei The cat couldn't enter the house. Mingshu thought Sang Yin was joking, but when he saw the little black cat wagging its tail slightly, Sang Yin turned around and went to the living room, took a square cushion, returned it, and placed it on the ground next to the door.

When placing the mat, Sang Yin stretched his hand out of the door. The little black cat tried to bite him, but he dodged it in time.

The little black cat tilted his head and looked at the mat, lowered his head and sniffed to make sure it was safe, then jumped on it and spun around, then lay down and licked the tip of its tail.

"Are you going to sleep here? Aren't you going home?" Mingshu leaned against the door and reached out to touch it, "You and Guji really look like..."

Especially the scene where Sang Yin and the little black cat got along just now, made me Mingshu's feeling became even stronger.

Hearing the word "cuo", the little black cat was confused and rubbed Mingshu's hand: "Meow." As expected,

the little black cat rested outside Mingshu's house. Mingshu had never raised a cat before. For a while, he was reluctant to enter the house, and stayed with the little black cat at the door for a long time, until Sang Yin urged him.

The door was finally closed, and the little black cat lay down on the soft cushion and curled up, quietly closing its eyes and sleeping.

The lights were on in the living room, and some light came from the cracks in the door and windows, shining on the ground and sofa cushions outside the house.

The soft cushion is white, which makes the kitten on it as black as a ball of ink. It has rolled itself into a ball. At first glance, it seems to be the shadow cast by something, and no ups and downs or outlines can be seen inside.

Inside the house, Mingshu yawned and entered the bedroom with Sang Yin.

He still held Sang Yin's hand and said hesitantly: "I think it's just Guji, but..."

Mingshu also faintly noticed that something was wrong. The little black cat appeared tonight, and the shadow also appeared. Shadows always appear. To separate him and Sang Yin, the little black cat doesn't like Sang Yin either.

But he never thought that the little black cat was the shadow. He just wondered if there might be some other connection between the two night creatures.

"Take another look and be more cautious," Sang Yin said. "The cat can move freely at night, which proves that it is very powerful. It can protect you by guarding the door."

As for whether to find a way to let it enter the house, we will talk about it later. Bar.

It doesn't matter even if the little black cat and the shadow are the same creature. It looks like a cat and has a similar personality. It is most likely that it has the character of a small animal and also likes Mingshu.

I just don't know what special relationship the shadow has with the townspeople, and the middle-aged woman who broke in tonight.

After the middle-aged woman disappeared, the remaining cakes on the coffee table also disappeared, as if they had never appeared before.

Sang Yin hugged Mingshu and comforted him: "Don't worry about it now, let's go to sleep? Do you want to take a bath?"

Mingshu hesitated, his cheeks slightly red and said: "Can you take a bath with me?"

After saying that, he hurriedly He added: "I...I'm a little scared."

He was really a little scared. Apart from the wizards and demons in the past, this was the first time a creature had forced its way into his house.

This brought him a kind of uneasiness, Ming Shu felt lingering fear, and wanted to seek Sang Yin's constant comfort and companionship.

Sang Yin used his fingertips to explore the heat on Mingshu's face and whispered, "Is it really just fear?"

Mingshu blushed even more and said vaguely, "Yes."

They did nothing yesterday, and Sang Yin finally agreed to give him Mingshu touched his tail, and Mingshu endured it obediently.

He was rational most of the time, but he was really frightened by the situation tonight, which made him stick to Sang Yin even more.

Sang Yin said nothing, Mingshu pursed her lips and looked at him silently.

His appearance was somewhat similar to the aggrieved look of the little black cat outside just now. Sang Yin couldn't bear to refuse and said softly: "Okay, let's go together." Both of them knew what taking a bath together meant, and

Sang Yin helped him understand. Shu found her pajamas and entered the bathroom. As soon as she closed the door, Ming Shu took the initiative to kiss her.

"I miss you so much," Mingshu said in a low and vague voice, breathing slightly: "I know this is not good... but I can't help it."

He was still a little worried, but his condition has not worsened recently. , in a sense, it can be considered stable, and it is not as painful and uncomfortable as Xia Zhu's suppression of blood sucking and loss of appetite, and it is not as painful as Shan Qi's.

Maybe they all thought wrong at first. Shan Qi was assimilated not because of his Halloween costumes.

Sang Yin slowly unbuttoned Mingshu's clothes: "Do you want to regret it now?"

He leaned over and kissed her, comforting and caring for Mingshu in his own way, making him completely relaxed and no longer thinking about other things.

After an unknown amount of time, the light in the living room was still on, and there was a faint sound, followed by footsteps, from the direction of the bathroom to the bedroom.

The little black cat at the door raised its head and shook the tips of its ears.

The sound of Sang Yin's voice was mixed in, but it was not clear.

After a while, the living room finally became dark. The little black cat meowed softly, turned over, closed its eyes and continued to sleep.


Mingshu got up the next day, and Sang Yin and the little black cat were gone.

He put away the cushions at the door and went to the yard to check on the new jack-o'-lantern he bought last night to make sure there was no further damage.

At this time, the little girl who brought him cakes yesterday came again.

She stood across the street, tilting her head and looking at Mingshu, as if wondering why he could show up safely.

The little girl still had an innocent face. Mingshu thought of yesterday's pastries and the middle-aged woman, stared at her with cold eyes, turned around and quickly returned to the house.

Now except for necessary tasks, Mingshu no longer dared to have any contact with any townspeople.

The same was true for Xia Zhu. He was frightened when he heard about Mingshu's condition last night.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Fortunately, I confiscated it, otherwise you might not be able to contact me today...

He has no mulberry seal to protect himself, and the pumpkin placed at the door is not favored by the little black cat, only a little As luck would have it, he chose to refuse the cakes delivered to his door yesterday.

Mingshu and Xia Zhu each had their own ideas about what that middle-aged woman was.

Mingshu felt that middle-aged women were another type of nocturnal creature that had never appeared before. Like wizards and demons, they appeared at night. If their things were taken away, they would come looking for them.

Xia Zhu believes that the middle-aged woman is a ghost that other players have encountered, and she wonders if it is related to the townspeople.

[Private Chat] Xia Zhu: I originally wanted to ask a player I had contacted before, but he didn't reply

. He probably was killed or the mission failed.

The main task this time was inherently difficult. Last night was the deadline. Apart from Mingshu and Xia Zhu, Xia Zhu has not yet heard of anyone else who has successfully completed it.

Xia Zhu sent messages to several people on the list, but received no reply. His palms began to sweat.

They couldn't be the only two left... Xia Zhu calmed down and comforted himself that he might have been busy and didn't see it, and he would reply soon.

He stopped thinking about it, opened the dialog box, and continued chatting with Mingshu about middle-aged women.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: In fact, the two guesses are not conflicting, otherwise there is no way to explain why the ghost that the player encountered almost broke in

and the clay pumpkin. Last night, the middle-aged woman was obviously affected by the jack-o-lantern and the door. The body will be burned due to the influence of the clay pumpkin, the jack-o-lantern will be damaged, and the clay pumpkin can no longer be used.

[Private Chat] Mingshu: If so, what did the player you know take away? Only ghosts go looking for him?

And he didn't break in completely, which is also a doubtful point.

But no matter what the middle-aged woman was, although she and monsters such as wizards and demons entered the house in the same way, they were definitely not the same kind. Sang Yin had never been burned by a clay pumpkin.

After a while, Xia Zhu's message came again.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Do you remember Shan Qi? The night before he was assimilated, he killed the guide

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Now that I think about it, there were strange things that happened before, and there were people who were harassed by ghosts. They all seemed to have harmed the townspeople.

That time, in order to complete the task, the players It was necessary to kidnap the townspeople. Everyone was affected by the Halloween costumes, and the state was more or less not right. Also, they encountered the strange behavior of the townspeople. Many people could not hold back and took action against the townspeople.

They used to think that being assimilated was the reason for dressing up for Halloween, but now that they think about it, it may not be the same thing at all.

Xia Zhu's words made Mingshu a little confused.

[Private chat] Mingshu: What do you mean?

[Private chat] Mingshu: You have hurt the townspeople, so you will be assimilated? Did those ghosts do it?

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: It's just a guess. If you think so, what the players brought into the house was the blood of the townspeople.

They always thought that the townspeople's behavior was weird that time, and there were also some blood that the leader brought with him the night before yesterday. A town citizen, knowing that he could not save the people and had to leave, still insisted on stabbing himself with the tip of the knife.

This guess seems a bit unbelievable at first glance, but if you think about it carefully, it seems that it can really be explained.

The blood of the townspeople is brought into the house, and ghosts appear at night demanding their "stuff."

[Private Chat] Mingshu: Bloody little pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns too?

These two items are placed at the player's door. Although they are not brought directly into the house, they may be targeted by ghosts if they are so close.

But there is another problem. If the guess is correct, then the townspeople and the ghost that appears at night, that is, the middle-aged woman who broke into Mingshu's house, are the same creature.

For some reason, they can only appear during the day.

Mingshu sat at the dining table and drank the last sip of milk.

He threw away the bottle, walked into the bedroom, found the folding knife he bought, put on his robe and hood, opened the door and went out.

He came to the street, slowed down and walked around, and saw a familiar face.

It was the little girl who brought him cakes. She was squatting on the roadside and crying. Her home seemed to be behind her.

The courtyard and house doors were open, and a few people gathered at the door, looking in.

Mingshu squeezed the knife in his hand and mustered up the courage to approach.

He saw several townspeople coming out carrying a stretcher. There was a vague human figure on the stretcher, tightly covered by a white cloth.

The townspeople carried the stretcher to a small cart on the roadside. A gust of wind happened to blow, and a corner of the white cloth was lifted up.

Mingshu's breath was stagnant. Even though he had prepared himself mentally in advance, he was still shocked by what he saw.

The person on the stretcher was the middle-aged woman who appeared in his house last night. At this time, her face was ashen, the skin on the exposed half of her face was wrinkled, and her eyes were quietly closed.

The townspeople quickly covered it with white cloth and hurried away with their carts.

Mingshu still stood there and took two deep breaths.

Is it because the little black cat killed the ghost of the middle-aged woman last night, so she also died during the day?

He shifted his gaze and saw the little girl who brought him cakes stood up and stared at him with a resentful expression.

But she didn't dare to get close to Mingshu, so she turned around and ran back home.

At this time, Mingshu saw the guide walking out of the little girl's house.

His face looked ugly, and when he saw Mingshu appear, he became even darker.

The two looked at each other for a moment. Mingshu pulled up the brim of his hat, smiled at the leader, waved goodbye to him, and turned back home.

This move was like a provocation. The leader's facial muscles twitched a few times and he watched Mingshu's back disappear at the corner of the street.

Back in the house, Mingshu immediately locked the door and tightened all the curtains.

His palms were sweaty, and he held the folding knife too tightly, leaving a red mark.

Going out to confirm just now has exhausted all Mingshu's courage. He was afraid that the middle-aged woman failed last night and the townspeople would attack him again during the day.

That last look on the leader's face, he must have known what happened.

Mingshu calmed down and opened the system to send a message to Sang Yin, asking him to come and accompany her.

He was struggling and received reminders about missions and plot updates.

[A new plot update has been detected. Do you want to check it now? ]

[Plot Tips]:

[The ghost was shocked when he discovered what the zombie had done. At first, he thought the zombie wanted to play tricks on the boy, and then eat him after he had enough fun. But after observing it for several days, the zombie not only did not eat the boy, but also had a better relationship with him, and they played together every time it got dark. ]

[The ghost was puzzled and couldn't hold back the doubts and anger in his heart. He found the zombie at night and asked it why it was with a weak human being. This was simply an insult to the ghost. The zombie didn't bother to talk to the ghost. He just said that he liked it and told it to mind its own business. ]

[The ghost didn't get the answer from the zombie. It still observed the zombie and the boy playing together, and a bad idea came to mind. ]

[Halloween is coming soon. On that day, zombies no longer have to disguise themselves and will definitely agree to spend Halloween with the boy. The ghost didn't want to continue watching them get together, and planned to let the boy discover the true face of the zombie before Halloween. 】

【It is not difficult to do this. The ghost only needs to use the accumulated energy to blow away the white paper on the zombie when it appears next to the boy, and increase the brightness of the street lights. 】

【The boy watched helplessly as the white paper on the zombie's body fell off piece by piece, revealing the originally bruised and stiff skin. He screamed in fright and ran away. The zombie had no chance to explain. The culprit, the ghost, had already taken the opportunity to slip away and hide far away from the zombies. 】

【The goal is achieved, the ghost is very happy, and is waiting for the arrival of Halloween. At that time, its strength will be greatly increased, and it will no longer be afraid of zombies, monsters that rely on brute force to win. It must swallow the boy into its stomach. Comfort for the pain I have suffered in recent days. 】

(Warm reminder: The plot is for reference only.)

After reading the plot update, Mingshu still found no clues related to the actual development.

What about other monsters? What about the townspeople and shadows? Aside from the Halloween aspect, it's as if the entire copy was given a wrong script.

[Ding Dong-Main Mission Release]

The second system prompt popped up, but there was no mission content. I waited for about half a minute before it came.

[Task 4: On Halloween, team up with four other companions in different costumes to ask for candy from other residents. 】

The mission was released, and news about Xia Zhu followed closely.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: This plot has nothing to do with it. No wonder the mission was released so slowly.

Mingshu also thought that the mission might be related to what the ghost did, but it ended up jumping directly to Halloween.

Four teammates in different costumes... They need five people to form a team together to complete this mission. At this time, Xia Zhu told Mingshu bad news.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Shan Qi is nowhere to be found, and there is no news from the other two teammates.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Not only them, but all the players in my friend list in this dungeon, there is no news from

Mingshu. Suddenly I felt a chill running up my spine.

Players live so far apart that they don't even know where other teammates live, and the distance makes them unclear about each other's status.

His and Xia Zhu's mission went smoothly, but before they knew it, everyone else was gone.

Either you fail the mission and exit the instance, or you are assimilated by the townspeople.

The latter might still have a chance, since he was in the dungeon anyway, but Ming Shu felt even heavier when he thought of Shan Qi's state that day.

There may be a way to reawaken assimilated players, but they don't know how.

Tomorrow is Halloween, and the task must be completed before five o'clock the day after tomorrow.

Mingshu immediately sent a message to Sang Yin, and Xia Zhu and three others planned to go outside to find other players to form a team.

After receiving the news, Sang Yin rushed over as soon as possible, and then set off with Ming Shu to Xia Zhu's residence, paying attention to whether there were any players along the way.

When missions and plots are released, those in the team who are dissatisfied will definitely come out to find their teammates.

Sang Yin wore a mask, covering his face, and Ming Shu, wearing a robe, was held by him and followed closely beside him.

Before they had taken two steps, the leader stopped them.

He stared at Sang Yin closely: "Who are you? Are you a resident here? Why are you wearing a mask?"

Sang Yin said calmly: "Of course."

He guessed that the guide would be nearby, so he deliberately chose a remote road. Go, no townspeople are walking around.

Sang Yin let go of Mingshu and stepped forward to take off his mask so that the leader could see his face.

As soon as he raised his right hand, a cold light flashed in his sleeve.

The leader was not paying attention for a moment, and the short knife stabbed his neck hard. Sang Yin grabbed his other hand in time and pressed his sleeve on the edge of the knife to prevent blood from splattering everywhere.

Sang Yin supported the leader, dragged him to a dark place and dropped him.

The leader was still breathing, and he reached out to grab Sang Yin, but his palm was nailed to the wall with a short knife.

Sang Yin left the short knife without taking it with him. He wiped the two drops of blood accidentally stained on the soles of his shoes on the leader's body and said in a cold voice: "I will kill you once when I see you in the future. Do you remember that?"

He turned and left. He left with Mingshu who was waiting outside.

There was only one afternoon left, and the rest of the process was not going smoothly. The three of them searched several streets. Xia Zhu even bought a large speaker from a store and recorded a message that the player could understand and played it on a loop, but nothing was gained.

Seeing that it was almost half past five, Xia Zhu looked solemn: "What I was worried about has happened..."

I can't find anyone who can form a team. Do I want to try to rescue the assimilated players? But they don't know many people. The assimilated players can't be seen in the clothes of townspeople. The teammates who formed the team before don't know where they live.

And even if they are found, how to make them change back?

In short, Xia Zhu had a headache, and they didn't have much time left.

Sang Yin leaned against the wall nearby, holding a mask in his hand, and suddenly said: "Can I join you?"

He didn't know what the conditions for forming a team were, but he could give it a try. He could be one of them and do whatever he wanted. Just wear a Halloween costume, including a wizard.

The demon's body was abandoned by him when he was attacked by shadows that night. When he looked for it the next day, he found it was gone, but there was still one... vampire.

When he kills the vampire, plus the wizard and himself, he will be able to fill the vacancies of three people.

Xia Zhu was shocked by Sang Yin's idea: "But...but the townspeople can't go out at night."

"Yes," Sang Yin nodded, "I didn't know until I came here today that the townspeople can go out on Halloween night."

Mingshu and Xia Zhu were both stunned, but this way, Sang Yin had to control three bodies.

He couldn't control them at the same time, so he could only bring the shell with him. Is this still considered a team?

Sang Yin tapped the mask with his fingertips: "Try it, this is the only way at the moment."

Otherwise, where would they find someone? Thinking about the worst, Mingshu and Xia Zhu might be the only players in the dungeon now.

Xia Zhu sighed: "Okay."

He turned on the teaming function of the system, made up his mind, and kicked out the three people who couldn't be contacted, leaving only him and Mingshu.

You have to wait until night to try. Sang Yin doesn't have any Halloween costumes right now, so try using the wizard's shell first.

As night was coming, the three of them parted ways. Mingshu was sent back by Sang Yin. He waited in the house for about half an hour before Sang Yin appeared as a wizard again.

The moment he appeared, Mingshu received a system prompt.

[It has been detected that there is a suitable team target near you: [Wizard], do you want to send a team request? 】

Mingshu's eyes lit up, and he rushed towards Sang Yin excitedly: "It really works!"

He immediately clicked "Yes". Sang Yin didn't know why, but Mingshu had already received a reminder that the team was successfully formed.

"The team was formed successfully!" Mingshu explained to him, "Didn't you receive any news?"

Sang Yin shook his head: "No."

He was not a player, so he naturally had no information about the system and missions.

Mingshu checked the system and confirmed several times that [Wizard] indeed appeared in his and Xia Zhu's team list.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Wow!

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Useful!

Before Mingshu could reply to Xia Zhu, he received another system prompt.

[It has been detected that there is a suitable team target near you: [Black Cat]. Do you want to send a team request? 】

Mingshu's expression slowly turned from incredulous to dull. He walked towards the door and opened the door. The little black cat squatted outside: "Meow!"

It took a few bites of pumpkin and hurriedly came to talk to Mingshu. greet.

Mingshu knelt down and touched it, then hesitantly clicked "Yes" on the system panel.

The next second, the system prompted that the team formation was successful, and [Black Cat] also appeared in the team list.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu:? ? what?

When it showed that the team was successful, the little black cat suddenly straightened his back, as if he had noticed something.

It slowly stretched out its paws, reached into the door frame, stepped in without any obstruction, and stepped on the mat at the door.

Sang Yin didn't know what was happening, so he raised his eyebrows slightly: "Can you come in?"

At the same time, Mingshu received the third system prompt.

[It has been detected that there is a suitable team target near you: [Vampire]. Do you want to send a team request? 】

Mingshu stood up blankly and looked at the empty street.

Are vampires nearby? He didn't see any familiar figures, only two black bats flying quickly across the street.

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