Chapter 157: Copy of Wolf-Eared Boy (7)

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Sang Yin was unscathed. The poison only temporarily made him incapacitated, and he could fully recover in about half an hour.

Shortly after Mingshu left, an adult gray wolf squatted nearby.

The black bear carcass attracted several wild dogs, who stared at the mulberry tree under the tree not far away. The gray wolf came out to stop them when they wanted to attack.

The wild dog was afraid of the gray wolf and did not dare to go forward. Even the donkey escaped with his life.

When the poison in his body faded away, Sang Yin stood up. The gray wolf looked at him warily, turned around and disappeared deep into the woods.

The donkey was frightened and couldn't walk at first, but then slowly relaxed. Sang Yin was delayed for a long time on the way, and returned to the village after dark.

Seeing his appearance, Yan Jing was a little surprised: "He actually deceived you?"

He thought that Sang Yin must be wary of Ming Shu and agreed to go out alone with him. He was just trying to brush up on the hidden plot line, and he would not take it seriously. His every word.

Unexpectedly, Sang Yin would fall into this kind of plot copy with no actual difficulty, or in front of a weak and harmless NPC.

Is it possible that the NPCs targeted by the system can really be so powerful?

Sang Yin remained silent, his face getting colder and colder, and there was a sense of depression all over his body.

He was indeed wary and suspected that Mingshu was lying, but in the end...

Mingshu timidly snuggled into his arms and said that he regretted it and wanted to go back to the village with him.

He still believed it, and for a moment he took the kettle handed over by Ming Shu casually.

If there was no poison, Mingshu would have been able to escape smoothly just by the wolves coming.

After Sang Yin was poisoned and unable to move, Mingshu had every chance to kill him, but not only did he not, he also ordered Gray Wolf to stay nearby to protect Sang Yin.

But it was true that Mingshu deceived him, and everything he told was a lie from beginning to end.

Maybe everything he showed before was all fake, including his shy and timid appearance in front of him, and even his goodwill may be fake.

There are countless copies in the system database. Sang Yin has seen various NPCs and players, but this time the situation is different, which makes him very concerned.

Yan Jing wanted to ask a few more questions, but when he saw Sang Yin's expression, he wisely shut up and asked him to go back and rest first, and talk about anything tomorrow.

Early the next morning, Glasses came to Sang Yin's residence to look for him, but found that he was not there. After asking two nearby villagers, he found out that Sang Yin left the village at dawn.

Glasses asked: "Where has he been? Have you mentioned it?"

The villager thought for a while: "What are you talking about... going to catch rabbits?"


The werewolf form that Xiao Mushroom helped Mingshu create will not last long, a few seconds The clock ended, and the pair of wolf ears on Mingshu's head disappeared, as did his tail.

He squatted by the stream, frowning: "How can any werewolf look like this..."

Xiao Mushroom also said that he had to personally lead the wolves to the village on a full moon night to let the villagers see his true form.

According to the description of the original plot, the werewolf has a strong body that is different from ordinary people. He is two meters tall, with animal-like bones and face. He is a truly bloodthirsty and ferocious beast that will scare anyone who sees it.

Werewolves on full moon nights will become excited and choose that day to reveal their true form, with the intention of intimidating and threatening the village.

However, in Mingshu's werewolf form, trying to scare others is just a dream.

He asked Xiao Mushroom to think of a solution. Xiao Mushroom searched the database and found nothing.

In other words, Mingshu's own character setting is like this. He is the only werewolf in the dungeon. I don't know if it is because of a system error or because he is special.

Xiao Mushroom preferred the latter: "Sang Yin must like it!"

Mingshu blushed: "Don't talk nonsense..."

The moonlight illuminated the streamside, Mingshu lowered his head and unconsciously grabbed the weeds on the ground: "Why does the system know what type Sang Yin likes? Has he been with many people?"

Where did the data come from? Does the system also know about the close communication between players? Or...Sang Yin has developed love lines with many NPCs before?

Although he knew that this was a normal thing and it had nothing to do with him if others liked him, Mingshu was still inexplicably disappointed and felt unhappy.

Seeing that Ming Shu was in a different mood, the little mushroom muttered: "Let me check..."

It sat on a dead branch nearby and searched in the database for a long time. Then it came to its senses and shook its head: "I don't know, Sang Yin has never Don't establish a romantic relationship with NPCs."

There is no data about him in the database. When facing various NPCs, Sang Yin mostly kills them directly and decisively, or barely earns some favorability to complete tasks, and never does them. The unnecessary things are simply a passing machine.

Hearing what Xiao Mushroom said, Mingshu secretly felt a little happy, but he was still worried about poisoning Sang Yin during the day. He must be angry.

He sighed silently, washed his face with the cold stream water, and followed the little mushroom to sleep in a nearby cave.

The next day, Xiao Mushroom told Mingshu that he had to look for a plant called red lotus fruit. It is said that eating this fruit can replenish a lot of physical strength and energy for the werewolf.

The little mushroom has the general direction of the red lotus fruit, but it is far away from here.

It is not safe in the mountains and forests, so Mingshu hurt himself again.

The newly healed wound on the palm of his hand opened, and the little mushroom helped summon the wolves to come, just like yesterday.

The pack of wolves became one as soon as they arrived, and Mingshu left only one behind, letting the gray wolf follow him all the way to the location of the red lotus fruit.

One person and one mushroom walked and walked, randomly finding some wild fruits and wild vegetables that could be eaten raw, to barely fill their stomachs. The gray wolf hunted by himself, so Ming Shu didn't have to worry about it.

It wasn't until it was almost dark that they found a plant with small red fruits in a hidden cave.

There were only two fruits in total, so Mingshu asked Mingshu to eat one now.

"Shu Shu's body is too weak," it shook its head, "I will be able to digest it almost completely by tomorrow night." Tomorrow night

is the night of the full moon. When the moon rises, Ming Shu will transform into a werewolf. It lasted until dawn in the early morning.

Mingshu ate the fruit and carefully wrapped the remaining one in leaves and stored it in his pocket.

He looked around: "Let's sleep here tonight."

They had walked a long way, and it was too late for them to go back now, and traveling at night was even more dangerous.

Little Mushroom nodded and followed Mingshu outside to find some clean fallen leaves and spread them on the cave floor.

The gray wolf following Mingshu stood guard outside the cave. The woods gradually became dark. Except for the sound of the wind rustling the leaves, there was silence all around.

Mingshu took off his coat and covered himself. Little Mushroom lay curled up with his hands and feet in the crook of his neck.

When Mingshu was about to fall asleep, he heard some faint noises outside.

He woke up a little and listened carefully, but the movement disappeared again.

He thought it was caused by the gray wolf outside and was not too vigilant.

Little Mushroom had already fallen asleep, and Mingshu could no longer hold back her sleepiness, so she wrapped her coat around her and closed her eyes.

He didn't sleep well. It was very cold in the cave, and the chill seeped in along the stone walls.

Mingshu woke up early and sat with sleepy eyes for a long time before getting up and taking Little Mushroom out.

He pushed aside a few dead branches blocking the entrance of the cave and was caught off guard when he saw a familiar figure.

Sang Yin stood with his back against a tree, holding a crossbow in his hand hanging by his side, looking over with a cold expression.

Yesterday's gray wolf was nowhere to be seen, with no body or blood. I don't know if Sang Yin quietly killed it or drove it away by some means.

Mingshu met Sang Yin's gaze and his mind went blank.

He was stunned for a moment and immediately wanted to escape.

Before he could take two steps, a crossbow arrow struck through the wind and accurately pierced the tree trunk in front of Mingshu.

At the same time, Sang Yin said: "Don't move."

Ming Shu froze in place, slowly turned around, and watched Sang Yin approach.

The little mushroom climbed onto Mingshu's shoulder and shouted: "What do you want to do!"

Sang Yin ignored it and put down the crossbow.

He grabbed Mingshu's hands, lifted up his sleeves and checked to make sure there were no fresh wounds, then tied his hands with a rope.

Mingshu didn't resist at all, and couldn't resist at all. He bit the bullet and whispered: "When did you come here?"

Was it last night? If so, did Sang Yin stay outside all night?

And Mingshu never thought that Sang Yin would appear. He didn't know how to cover up his whereabouts, let alone the traces left when he summoned the wolves.

Sang Yin didn't speak, so Mingshu asked again: "Were you okay yesterday?"

He looked at Sang Yin, with a trace of guilt and worry in his eyes.

Sang Yin's eyes were heavy, and he took a step forward and pinched both sides of Mingshu's cheeks with one hand, a little hard.

"Didn't you say you want to go back with me?" He whispered.

Mingshu was in a panic and his eyes were evasive: "I'm sorry..."

Xiao Mushroom saw that Sang Yin wanted to bully Mingshu, so he jumped down to find a stone and hit Sang Yin's ankle hard: "You bad guy! Let go of Shu!" Shu."

Sang Yin was unmoved, and the strength of his hand relaxed a little, and the slightly rough fingertips rubbed the skin on the side of Mingshu's face: "Tonight is the night of the full moon."

Mingshu didn't know what he was going to do. What, but I knew in my heart that I might not be able to escape so easily this time.

It didn't matter if he was caught, he was most afraid that Sang Yin would hand him over to the other three players.

"You..." Ming Shu said uneasily: "Will you kill me?"

He raised his tied hands, and his white fingertips clenched one of Sang Yin's sleeves. He was afraid but couldn't help but get closer. he.

Sang Yin looked at him looking timid and unconsciously dependent. In fact, he couldn't hide his little thoughts at all, but he seemed to just accept this trick.

Mingshu was indeed to his liking in every aspect, but he couldn't put his finger on any specific aspect, but he couldn't take his eyes away.

Sang Yin said softly: "Yes."

He pulled out the short knife from his waist and put the sharp blade against the side of Mingshu's neck: "I can kill you right now."

Mingshu's eyelashes trembled, but he didn't feel much fear in his heart. .

He looked at Sang Yin cautiously and said to himself: "You can't..."

He even took the initiative to get closer, almost leaning into Sang Yin's arms, feeling the body temperature belonging to another person.

"Can I still stay with you?" Mingshu asked tentatively, his voice was light and soft, "What are you going to do with me?"

Sang Yin pushed him away indifferently, put away the short knife, and said calmly Sweeping the tips of his red ears.

"I won't kill you for the time being," he said, "not necessarily after tonight."

On the night of the full moon, Mingshu will reveal his true form as a werewolf.

He can no longer maintain the disguise of the past, and his true nature will be exposed when he is in an excited state, and he may completely change his appearance.

Then he would know how much truth Ming Shu was telling.

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