Chapter 105: Halloween (9)

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Mingshu is actually not as scared as last night. Sang Yin's reaction during the day said everything. He has more than one identity in this copy.

It's just that for some unknown reason, the wizard and the demon don't have their previous memories, but Sang Yin, a town citizen, does.

But even if it is confirmed that the demon in front of him is also Sang Yin, he may not hurt himself, but it is still some kind of ghost that only haunts at night. It is a demon on the surface, but it is not actually known what kind of strange creature it is.

In particular, the devil's body is always surrounded by a strong smell of blood, and the entire living room seems to have become the devil's "den". The walls are covered with red lines like blood vessels, and the lights flicker on and off like breathing.

Even on the first night when the wizard came to see him, there was no such abnormality in his house, and Mingshu couldn't ignore it.

At this time, he began to miss Sang Yin even more. At least he looked the most "normal" in front of demons and wizards.

"Uncomfortable?" The devil's eyes moved slightly, and he stood there and stretched out his hand towards Mingshu, "Come here."

"I...I'm a little scared," Mingshu tried hard to find an excuse, but finally told the truth, "There is blood everywhere... ..."

Just like last night, thick blood began to seep out from the gaps in the floor tiles, gradually gathering at the devil's feet. Even if he wouldn't hurt Mingshu, Mingshu didn't want to step on it.

"Afraid of blood?" The devil's fingertips moved slightly, and all the strangeness caused by his appearance in the living room disappeared. The floor was clean, and the walls returned to normal, but the lamps were still dim and shining half-deadly.

Mingshu was stunned. He didn't expect that he could get rid of all these and did it so quickly without any hesitation.

Now he had no excuse not to go, so he grabbed the edge of the sofa and slowly moved forward.

"I'm sorry, I really don't feel well," Mingshu continued to pretend to be depressed, and his timid expression could not be faked. "I want to... want to go to bed early tonight."

However, the devil did not agree to this request. , Mingshu's movements were too slow, his patience was limited, and he directly pulled Mingshu over from the air.

Ming Shu was caught off guard, unable to steady his body, and fell into the devil's arms.

The devil hugged him, and his taller body than ordinary people could easily cover him in front of him. His hot breath fell into his ears: "Where do you feel uncomfortable? Tail?" he asked, stroking

Mingshu's thin body with his palm. My back, I thought that when he said uncomfortable, he meant that it was uncomfortable just after the tail was installed.

Mingshu quickly grabbed his hand: "I have a headache... I've been hurting all night, and I'm sleepy..."

The devil was silent for a moment, not sure whether he believed it or not. He reached out and touched Mingshu's cheek, with an unclear tone: "So weak, Do you still dare to accept the Devil's Tail?"

His hand went down and pinched a slender neck.

Mingshu didn't dare to move rashly, his body was extremely stiff, and he breathed carefully.

Fortunately, the demon quickly let go, and the ground behind him cracked, and a chair carved from black wood rose from it.

The devil looked down on the sofa in the living room, picked up Mingshu and sat on his own exclusive seat.

He raised his right hand, and a wound appeared out of thin air on his wrist, and a small amount of blood spilled from the wound.

Before Ming Shu could react, the devil put his wrist in front of his eyes and said, "Drink it."

"...What?" He resisted and hid back.

"You are too weak." The devil held the back of Mingshu's neck forcefully with his other hand, preventing him from retreating. "I allow you to drink my blood."

In the devil's view, this was a gift to Mingshu. It is also something that many people dream of but cannot get.

Moreover, Mingshu put the devil's tail on his body himself. Without his help, he just had an extra tail and could not truly become his bride.

The smell of blood was so close that Mingshu frowned and refused.

But seeing the devil's face darken, he was afraid that the devil would be angry, so he had to compromise, wipe a little blood from the wound with his fingertips and put it into his mouth.

The taste didn't seem as bad as he imagined. It didn't even taste like blood, but a liquid with a sweet taste and a little fishy smell.

This realization made Mingshu feel awkward. He frowned and soon noticed that his stomach felt warm and comfortable after drinking the blood. He couldn't help but look at the blood stains remaining on the demon's hands again.

The devil raised the corners of his lips and gently brushed the side of Mingshu's neck soothingly: "Drink up."

This time Mingshu did not refuse. He hesitated for a moment, then held the devil's hand close to him as if he was bewitched, and slowly licked it. The blood oozing from the wound.

After licking up all the blood bit by bit and the wounds had long since healed, Ming Shu was still reluctant to leave.

The devil's blood made him feel "moisturized" and his whole body felt warm after drinking it. He didn't sleep well last night, but he really wanted to rest early today.

The right amount of warmth enveloped the whole body. Not only was the fatigue of the past few days gone, but the bottom of his heart was also filled with a strange sense of satisfaction.

Mingshu subconsciously nuzzled into the devil's arms and clenched his sleeves as if relying on him.

The devil was very pleased with this. He touched Mingshu's black hair and said, "I'll take you back."

[The [** value] of the npc [monster] increased by 5 points. Players please keep up their efforts! 】

The system prompt suddenly popped up, and Ming Shu's slow brain still had a glimmer of clarity: "Where to go back?"

He turned on the system, and the total value required for the side task increased by 5 points as expected.

Monster means devil, right? So does the asterisk mean... But he didn't seem to do anything just now.

Wait, he's not wearing the robe now, only the tail behind him. The costume should be incomplete. How can he still carry out side missions?

"Underground," the devil said, "you will be my bride, and you should stay by my side forever."

The word "forever" awakened Mingshu's vigilance. He still had to complete his mission and could not follow the devil back.

"But I..." Mingshu struggled slightly and straightened up, "I can't leave..."

The devil's face suddenly darkened: "Do you want to go back on your word?" Mingshu promised clearly that he wanted to take away the Devil's Tail. She offered to be his bride and drank her own blood.

Now there was only one last step left, but he refused.

[The [** value] of the npc [monster] has increased by 5 points. Players are requested to keep up their efforts! 】

The devil's eyes showed anger, and the value also increased.

He pinched both sides of Mingshu's chin with one hand, forcing him to look up: "I can give you a chance to regret it, as long as you cut off your tail, drain all the blood in your body and give it to me." Mingshu drank

his blood, It has been integrated into my own bones and blood, and it is impossible to spit it out again.

The devil's words made Mingshu pale. Maybe he could find a way to remove his tail and drain all the blood from his body. He would definitely die.

And the blood was obviously something he insisted on letting himself drink, and he wouldn't be happy if he didn't drink it.

But Mingshu didn't dare to refute, and his voice trembled: "No, it's not a regret. I still have very important things to complete, otherwise I will die."

The devil was doubtful: "Important things?"

He looked at Mingshu's timidity. He looked aggrieved and felt soft-hearted, so the strength in his hands couldn't help but loosen a lot.

"With my protection, who dares to touch you?" He hugged Mingshu again, and his tone became gentler, "Go back with me and be my bride."

Mingshu felt uneasy, afraid that if he refused again, the devil would really cut him off. She grabbed his tail and drew his blood, but was afraid that if she agreed, she would be immediately taken back to the underground place spoken by the devil.

Fortunately, it seems that the devil needs his consent to take him away.

The mission cannot be told to NPCs. He tried hard to think of any other excuses to delay the time, while quietly looking in the direction of the door.

Why hasn't the wizard come tonight...

The devil patiently waited for Mingshu's answer. He touched his cheek with rough and dry fingers, lowering his head as if to kiss him.

Mingshu turned his head to avoid it, stretched out his hand to block it, and a hot kiss fell on his fingertips.

[The [** value] of the npc [monster] has increased by 5 points. Players are requested to keep up their efforts! 】

It has increased three times in total, and each time it is the item with an asterisk.

The devil's mood seemed to be different every time, which made Mingshu a little confused.

"Bang -"

Suddenly there was a loud noise, the door was knocked open by an invisible force, and a dark and tall figure stood at the door.

The lights in the living room became dimmer and almost went out. The devil was sitting in the center holding Mingshu. From the angle of the door, they were kissing intimately.

The atmosphere was disturbed, and the demon raised his head in displeasure, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"It's you again," his voice was cold, "like an annoying flea."

The wizard ignored the devil's provocation. He glanced at Mingshu who was being held in his arms, and his ghostly figure swayed to the devil's side. In front of the chair.

He raised a hand, and a dark green light gathered in his pale palm, and suddenly hit the demon.

The demon was repulsed, and Mingshu in his arms was snatched away by the wizard just now.

He stabilized his body and raised his red pupils.

The wizard stood in front of Mingshu and said to him sideways: "Hide."

Mingshu looked at him and was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly hid on the side of the sofa.

The two monsters immediately fought each other, more directly than last night. The old-fashioned TV set in front of the sofa slammed against the wall not far from Mingshu.

Mingshu squatted down and moved carefully behind the sofa. Before they noticed him, he hid in the bedroom and locked the door.

As usual, he hugged the quilt, wrapped himself up and huddled in the corner.

The movement outside the door became more and more intense, reaching the bedroom door several times. Mingshu was afraid that they would accidentally knock the door open, so he listened in fear.

After an unknown amount of time, he heard a muffled groan and the sound of a sharp knife piercing his flesh.

Mingshu's heart also trembled. They fought for so long last night without a winner, but it seemed different today.

Outside the door, the devil was holding the bleeding wound on his heart, looking unwilling to do so: "You are not from yesterday..."

The wizard had no expression on his face and kicked him down.

The devil still has the last bit of strength left. This is not his lair and he still has a chance to escape.

A few tiles cracked, and dark red mud appeared, tightly wrapping the demon's body and bringing him back underground.

It was quiet outside the door, and then there were footsteps. He slowly walked to the bedroom door, and the locked door was easily opened.

The light in the living room was completely broken, and the wizard walked out of the darkness. The hand holding the short knife was gloved, and blood dripped from the blade and the hem of his robe, forming a small puddle on the ground.

His face was pale, and his indifferent gaze looked more penetrating than the devil emerging from the ground.

The demon didn't appear. I wonder if it had been killed by the wizard.

Mingshu looked at the wizard warily, not knowing what to say, and watched him approach.

The wizard put away his dagger, took off his blood-stained robe and gloves, squatted down and stretched out his hand to Mingshu.

Mingshu instinctively ducked back, and the wizard pulled him to his side, while comforting him: "Don't be afraid, it's me."

Hearing these words, Mingshu opened his eyes wide, and at the same time he forgot to struggle, and was hugged by the wizard. middle.

He hesitated and said in an uncertain tone: "Sang Yin?"

When the wizard appeared, he told Mingshu to hide. At that time, Mingshu felt a little strange, but he didn't think much about it.

Sang Yin softly said "Hmm" and kissed Mingshu's forehead: "Sorry, I'm late." He still

looked like a wizard, but the shell inside was different. Mingshu was surprised and happy. He stretched out his hand and touched Sang Yin's face: "Is it really you? How could it be..."

Just after killing the demon, Sang Yin also suffered some injuries. He carefully hid it from Ming Shu and explained: "I killed him. Wizard."

The leader arranged for the townspeople to guard the woods, but the townspeople seemed to be very wary of the woods and did not want to get too close. Sang Yin found an opportunity, sneaked in from the side, and found the swamp where the wizard was hiding.

He originally wanted to test the strength of the wizard, and finally set a fire, but the wizard was very weak. I don't know whether it was because it was during the day, or because he was one of the splinters and couldn't defeat the source, or maybe both.

The wizard was killed by Sang Yin, and his consciousness immediately returned to its origin. Sang Yin fell into a coma, and when he woke up, he found that he had a subtle connection with the wizard's remaining body.

He first went back before dark, and then tried to transfer his consciousness to the wizard and manipulate the wizard's body to act at night.

This method was successful, but the operation was not smooth at the beginning. It took a while on the road and I was not able to get there as soon as night fell.

"So that's it," Ming Shu thought it was amazing, "Then can you still go back to your previous body?"

Sang Yin nodded. If nothing else, he now has two shells to use.

Once you kill the demon, you'll probably have a third shell.

Thinking of the demon that had just escaped, Sang Yin lowered his eyes and held Mingshu with his cold fingers: "What were you doing before I came?"

The person in front of him was Sang Yin. Mingshu relaxed completely and leaned into his arms. He told him everything that happened that night in detail.

Including that the devil fed him his own blood and wanted to take him back to the underground.

"What else?" Sang Yin lowered his head and touched Mingshu's chin and cheek, "Did he kiss you?"

"No..." Mingshu subconsciously denied it, and then realized that Sang Yin was talking about what he had just said. by the time.

The devil did want to kiss him at that time, but he dodged it and didn't kiss his face.

But from Sang Yin's point of view, their posture was so intimate that even if they didn't kiss, it was almost like a kiss.

"Really?" Sang Yin asked, hugging Mingshu's waist tightly and staring at him with dark pupils.

Mingshu explained weakly: "No really, he only kissed my hand."

He was extremely entangled and whispered: "How can you be jealous of yourself..."

Forget about the previous copies, Sang Yin this time He has memory. He knows that the devil is also him, but he still cares about it very much.

"Really?" Sang Yin lifted Mingshu's chin and looked at him carefully, his eyes sweeping over his cheeks and lips.

There were a little red marks on both sides of the face, which looked like they had been pinched by fingers, but the rest of the face was clean and the skin was still fair.

There were no traces left on her lips, as if they had never been kissed.

Whether wizards or demons, they are all divided, and Sang Yin knows their temperaments very well.

If Mingshu was really kissed, it would be impossible not to notice it at all.

Even so, seeing the devil holding Mingshu still made Sang Yin feel depressed.

He came closer and kissed Mingshu hard on the lips, and then asked: "Which hand did he kiss on?"

[The [** value] of the npc [monster] increased by 5 points. Players please keep up their efforts! 】

Mingshu's cheeks turned red and he stretched out his left hand: "This."

The value has increased again. Sang Yin is now using a wizard's shell, so he is also a monster.

Sang Yin took that hand and kissed it again where the devil had kissed it, as if covering it with his own breath.

After kissing and kissing, they moved to another place. The two of them were leaning against the corner. Mingshu sat between Sang Yin's legs and leaned obediently in his arms.

A cold hand reached into the hem of his clothes and touched the tail hidden inside.

The tail was tied to his leg with a ribbon. Sang Yin slowly pulled it out and pinched the soft triangle at the end: "Does he want to see your tail?"

[The [** value] of the npc [monster] increased by 5 points. Players please keep up the good work! 】

Mingshu refused to answer and couldn't help turning his head and looking at the tip of the tail in Sang Yin's hand.

His throat was dry, and there was an indescribable anxiety in his heart. He wanted Sang Yin to let go, but he didn't want to say it out loud.

Mingshu vaguely felt that something was not right. Sang Yin had pinched his tail during the day, but he had not done this at that time.

He tried to divert his attention and told Sang Yin about his mission.

"I didn't have time to tell you during the day," Mingshu's voice softened and he clutched Sang Yin's sleeves, "The progress has improved tonight."

He sat up a little, his tail wagging slightly in Sang Yin's hand: "I don't have it now. Wearing a wizard's would you feel?"

Mingshu wanted to figure out what the asterisked values ​​​​meant, so that he could also help Xia Zhu and other teammates do side tasks.

It just so happened that the value he had increased tonight was all that one, and part of it came from Sang Yin, so just ask him directly.

"How does it feel?" Sang Yin continued to touch his tail, loosened the triangle at the end and slowly moved it up, rubbing the tip of Mingshu's nose, and whispered: "I want to kiss you."

His actions were more than just wanting to kiss, the two of them left. Being so close, no reaction can escape the other party.

[The [** value] of npc [monster] has increased by 10 points. Players are requested to keep up their efforts! 】

Mingshu's face suddenly turned red, his eyes evasive as he tried to take the tail out of Sang Yin's hand.

"Why are you still so shy?" Sang Yin let go of his tail, arranged Mingshu's clothes, and kissed the side of his face, "I won't touch you tonight." It was

already very late, and Mingshu still had to rest. At present, he really It is not the night that needs to be vigilant, but the guides who appear during the day.

Mingshu blushed and nodded, hugging Sang Yin's neck: "Then can you stay with me? In the future?" The

townspeople can't go out at night, and monsters won't appear during the day, but Sang Yin can combination.

"Well," Sang Yin responded, "I'll sleep with you."

He stroked Mingshu's smooth black hair and suddenly said, "It seems to have grown longer."

"What?" Mingshu touched his hair, and it seemed that A little longer than before.

It's only been a few days since I entered the dungeon, maybe it's the latest one?

He inexplicably remembered the description of his Halloween costume, "a hybrid witch with a devil's tail"...

and the strange words Shan Qi said at night. It is possible that the materials obtained will also give them some characteristics.

It's okay to have longer hair. The dungeon allows players to change their race, but their gender cannot be changed. What Mingshu is more worried about is that he drank the blood of a demon at night.

He was worried and asked Sang Yin if drinking blood would have any side effects.

"Don't worry," Sang Yin soothed, "I'll take care of it."

When he kills the demon and his consciousness enters the other person's body, he can find the answer.

The robe on the floor was thrown into the living room. Sang Yin cleaned up the blood that was accidentally stained on the floor. Once the door was closed, the mess in the living room was completely isolated.

He lay next to Mingshu, acting as a human-shaped pillow, covering himself in the quilt for a while, and his low body temperature recovered slightly.

The wizard's body had a clean scent of grass and trees, which was better than that of the devil. Mingshu curled up in his arms and fell asleep.


Mingshu woke up the next day, Sang Yin was not in the house. The living room was back to normal as it was the day before, and the smashed TV was placed on the cabinet intact.

Mingshu opened the curtains and took a look. Everything on the street outside was normal.

He turned around and went to the bathroom to wash up, when a system prompt popped up.

[A new plot update has been detected. Do you want to check it now? 】

After so many days, the plot finally made progress.

Mingshu held the towel and clicked to check.

[Plot Update]:

[There are still two weeks until Halloween. The residents of the small town begin to prepare for the festival. In addition to the townspeople, a certain ghost hiding in the dark is also ready to move. ]

[Halloween is a day when ghosts and monsters become more powerful, and on this day, humans will also dress up as ghosts, and real ghosts can blend in and do whatever they want. But the ghost couldn't wait that long. He was too hungry. He set his sights on a lonely boy and wanted to devour him. 】

(Warm reminder: The plot is for reference only.)

[Ding Dong - Main mission released]

[Task 2: Kidnap any town NPC and make his/her fear value reach above 60]

After reading the plot, the main mission Also published.

Combined with the side tasks that require checking whether the costume is qualified, this main task is actually not difficult. As long as the side tasks are completed and the fear value of the NPC has reached 50, it can be increased by another 10 points.

Another condition is to kidnap a town citizen.

The mission time limit is three days, which is quite generous.

Mingshu took a look at the values ​​​​in the side task. Including the increase from Sang Yin last night, his side task was only 10 points away, but 30 of them were "** values". The second part of the main task only said The "fear value".

If there is no interoperability, then Mingshu's task will still not be easy.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Have you read it? Plot and missions

[Private chat] Ming Shu: After watching

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Why do I feel a little weird... kidnapping townspeople? They are obviously more like ghosts.

In recent days, many players, like them, have tried to scare the townspeople with Halloween costumes, but the results have not been very successful.

Faced with the costumes of various ghosts and monsters, the townspeople were calm and terrifying, not even a little bit frightened, let alone fearful, and their reactions were very strange.

In Xia Zhu's description, players like them are like human beings pretending to be ghosts, trying to scare real ghosts... The more they think about it, the more it becomes more and more disturbing.

[Private chat] Mingshu: You have to try it. If it doesn't work during the day

, they tried it at night yesterday. The townspeople are afraid of the night and all the creatures that appear at night. If it doesn't work during the day, then they can only take advantage of this and try it at night. .

Xia Zhu responded that a member of the team sent a message in the team's private chat, calling everyone to meet and discuss how to complete the task.

The two of them didn't refuse. Mingshu took breakfast, locked the door, and headed to the place agreed upon by the team.

He was the last one to arrive, and except for the first day of team formation, the five of them met again.

Shan Qi glanced at everyone: "How many side missions do you have?" His

teammates answered one by one. Xia Zhu's was 12 points, and the rest of his teammates were between 10 and 15.

"I have 25," Shan Qi said, looking at Mingshu, "What about you?"

Mingshu opened the system panel, and "40 points" lay quietly inside.

He said without changing his expression: "I only have 10 points."

This value was definitely not the current normal progress of the players. Mingshu didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble, so he deliberately lied.

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