Chapter 123: Halloween (27)

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There is not even a bird seen in the town, and the townspeople don't know how to keep pets.

Where did this little black cat come from?

The leader searched his mind and couldn't find any memory of the cat.

Is it something Mingshu and the others brought in? He felt something was wrong and stopped talking. He stared at the little black cat and frowned, not knowing what he was thinking.

Sang Yin relaxed at this time, protected Mingshu and whispered to him: "Don't worry." Mingshu

grabbed his sleeve nervously: "What is the evil god...?" It was

the first time he heard this word. , but now it is certain that the players were assimilated and disappeared in the town one after another. Sure enough, it was the leader who did it, and it was not because of their Halloween costumes.

The plot of the dungeon in the system has come to an end. There are only three characters in it: a boy and two ghosts, and no evil gods are mentioned.

Looking at these lifeless players at the intersection, Mingshu felt increasingly uneasy.

Only Sang Yin guessed, his eyes flashed slightly, and he said euphemistically: "Maybe we have seen it before." Have we

seen it before? Mingshu's first reaction was the black shadow.

The leader said just now that they are all sacrifices, and after they are all dedicated to the "evil god", the other party should be satisfied.

The shadows will devour the townspeople who mutate at night and treat them as food. Let's not mention the relationship and origin between the shadows and the townspeople. The townspeople are afraid of and controlled by the shadows, so they offer sacrifices to it in order to seek help or help. Protection seems to make sense.

Thinking of this, Mingshu looked a little confused.

He had indeed seen that shadow, more than once. The other party had never hurt him, and was even "friendly" to him.

Xia Zhu didn't know about this and said worriedly: "What should we do now? The task must be completed before dawn..." It was

getting late. He was now extremely vigilant about this system, worried that if no one could If you clear the level within the time limit, the dungeon exit will not be opened.

Just like the second copy, they will be trapped again, and the subsequent difficulty will only be higher.

Sang Yin raised his eyes keenly: "What is it?"

Xia Zhu hesitated and looked at Ming Shu.

Mingshu pursed his lips and told him the truth: "Kill a ghost."

They went through four dungeons, and the final ending of the third dungeon was barely simple, but the departure was too sudden, and the others were not. If you want him to die, you want Sang Yin to die.

Although he knew that this was not a real death and that they would meet again after leaving this dungeon, Mingshu was still filled with a sigh of relief.

In contrast, Sang Yin was much calmer and asked softly: "When is it also before five o'clock in the morning?"

As before, the task needs to be completed on Halloween night, Mingshu nodded silently, with a little grievance and dissatisfaction. She looked at Sang Yin.

Mission accomplished, he had to leave.

Sang Yin moved his lips and wanted to say something more, but the leader spoke again: "You still have a chance to escape now, the wizard is not qualified to be a sacrifice." This was

said to Sang Yin, his target was Ming Shu and Xia Zhu.

Mingshu was too cautious before, and with the protection of Sang Yin, the leader had no way of starting, and it has been delayed until now.

He was finally able to go out at night, summon the Devouring God hidden in the darkness, and offer carefully prepared gifts in exchange for a period of stability in the future.

They have long been fed up with the shackles of having to go home before dark. They are obviously nocturnal creatures and the night is the source of power, but they have been deprived of this right.

Sang Yin said impatiently: "Stop talking nonsense, when will your evil god come?"

The leader suppressed his anger and sneered when he saw that he was not afraid of death.

There were people all around. Players and townspeople stood together in a dark atmosphere. Several people were blocked in a courtyard and could not go anywhere.

Only Sang Yin is truly capable of escaping, so how can he save two people around him at the same time?

The leader said no more and carefully took out a piece of yellowed paper from his arms.

He unfolded the paper and read some obscure words from inside.

As soon as he spoke, all the players and townspeople beside the leader followed his tone and chanted in a low and slow voice, echoing in the dark night.

Listening to the words spoken by these people, Mingshu felt that it was somewhat similar to the spell in the previous copy.

Is it a spell? Summoning spell?

The spell was still being repeated, and the little black cat called impatiently: "Meow..."

It turned to look at Mingshu and Sang Yin beside him, its eyes hesitant.

Sang Yin said not to scare Mingshu, otherwise...should we wait first? Maybe these people will give up after a while.

After reciting the mantra for the third time, nothing happened. The street lights were still bright and there was not even a breath of wind.

The leader clenched the yellowed paper in his hand and looked around, sweat dripping from his forehead.

What's going on? Why is there no movement? Called by the spell, it should be perceived and it will surely come.

Over the years, the townspeople have kept to themselves and never gone out at night. Tonight is Halloween, and they will not change. They are in a state of hunger.

The leader reached into his arms and touched another piece of paper.

This is the second spell. He originally planned to summon it here and then use the spell to turn these players and Mingshu into "food".

But now it doesn't appear, and the plan is disrupted.

The leader retracted his hand, pointed at Ming Shu, and interrupted the others' chanting spells: "Catch them first, keep them alive!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the players looked at the three of them like unconscious puppets.

The little black cat sensed the danger, and his golden vertical pupils showed a coldness.

The street lights flickered a few times, and the surrounding vision instantly became much darker.

The leader's face was filled with joy, showing a complicated expression of fear and expectation.

finally come!

He took out a second piece of paper with a spell written on it and shouted loudly: "This is the human sacrifice we have prepared for you, please accept it!" When he recited the

spell, a huge circle of light appeared on the ground. There were dense patterns and symbols printed inside, encircling everyone inside.

Mingshu wanted to step back and leave the range of the aperture, when he heard the little black cat bark fiercely, which was clearer than the leader's voice reciting a spell.

At the same time, it aimed its paw at the aperture on the ground and slapped it. The aperture was immediately shattered into pieces and dissipated in the air.

The leader couldn't believe it: "Why..."

Mingshu slowly opened his eyes: "...Kitten?"

He saw the little black cat's body shape changing, its furry torso and tail melting into a mass of shadow, and quickly Spreading outward, covering players and townspeople together.

The leader was also among them. A group of people seemed to be washed away by a black wave, and they were wailing in pain for a moment.

Sang Yin took Mingshu a few steps back. Mingshu was shocked by this scene and murmured: "Is it the little black cat?"

It was that shadow, always following him in another form...

No wonder... the last time the shadow appeared, the little black cat was also there. Sang Yin was driven away by the shadow, but did not attack the little black cat.

They were the same creature, the one that came to his door every night to eat clay pumpkins, and the one that devoured the mutated townsfolk.

Mingshu found it unbelievable, but now he saw it with his own eyes, and the little black cat was close to him, and the shadow had indeed never hurt him.

He had always regarded the little black cat as a little special animal, and never thought that the other party would be the "evil god" mentioned by the guide.

Ming Shu subconsciously looked at Sang Yin: "Have you guessed it a long time ago?"

Sang Yin responded: "There are some guesses."

Xia Zhu was so shocked that he couldn't speak. Many townspeople fled from the shadows in a hurry. Others who were too late to escape were strangled by the shadows and resurrected again.

The smell of blood began to spread, and the shadow at this time truly looked like a ferocious evil god.

The assimilated players had no chance of resurrection. They lost consciousness the moment they were wrapped in the shadow. They were all judged to have failed the level and were sent out of the dungeon one by one to receive punishment.

Seeing that it was almost done, Sang Yin stopped him with a voice: "That's enough." The

rolling black waves paused for a few seconds, gradually calmed down and retreated gently, until they returned to Mingshu's feet and transformed into a little one again in front of him. black cat.

The little black cat opened its golden pupils and gave a slightly uneasy "meow".

It stretched out a front paw and carefully touched Mingshu's trouser leg, as if worried that he was afraid of itself.

Mingshu's mood was very complicated. He couldn't accept the fact that the little black cat was a shadow, and he couldn't bear to refuse its approach.

He slowly leaned over and squatted down, touched the top of the little black cat's head, and whispered: "Thank you for helping me."

Sang Yin walked towards the middle of the road at this time, and the nearby townspeople hurriedly fled after being resurrected, leaving only The leader bent down and climbed up alone.

He had just been resurrected once, and his injured and twisted arm began to heal. Sang Yin walked up to him and took away the paper he was holding in his hand.

The leader was originally fearless. He didn't know why the shadow chose to help Mingshu, but he would not die on this night of Halloween. When daytime came, neither the shadow nor Sang Yin would be able to show up.

However, when he heard Sang Yin reciting the spell on the paper accurately, he showed a horrified expression: "Why are you..."

This kind of spell has been lost for a long time, and it is not the same as the origin of the wizard's power. Why did he Hui Nian...

Sang Yin didn't answer. The halo of light covered the guide's body. His limbs began to twist and curl up, and his skin wrinkled and twisted together.

The little black cat who was with Ming Shu turned its head, twitched the tip of its nose and sniffed, then ran over and transformed back into its original form, quickly devouring the mutated leader.

This scene was blocked by Sang Yin so that Mingshu could not see it. After eating and drinking, the little black cat ran back with its tail erect and jumped into Mingshu's arms.

At this time, both Mingshu and Xia Zhu received two system messages.

[Congratulations to the player for clearing the hidden branch! Get access to read hidden plots! ]

[A new plot update has been detected. Do you want to check it immediately? 】

Xia Zhu said "Huh" and clicked to view.

[Plot Tips]:

[Fengang Town is a ghost town. There is no day here, only night. The residents there are some non-human beings who were exiled here, and there are also many ghosts who have done evil things during their lives and came here after unnatural death. They are ghosts, but they are cursed and can only stay in their own houses and never go out. Otherwise, they will turn into strange "fruits" and be picked and eaten by the god who dominates darkness. ]

[They were imprisoned in the house day after day, until one day they had a turning point. Among the ghosts is a magician who once came from another world. He used spells to divide the time of the town into day and night, and protect him from the curse on Halloween. Other times, the ghosts still cannot go out at night, but can appear during the day. They steal half of the day's freedom and become false townspeople, and the cage expands from the house to the town. 】

【But gradually, they were not satisfied, and began to open the town to outsiders, luring passers-by...】

This hidden plot is completely different from the dungeon mission, and it has nothing to do with it. It is more like the story background of the dungeon. , and then integrate it with the plot of the main mission line.

Mingshu had just finished reading it when a new system message popped up again.

[Warm reminder: There are only thirty minutes left before the completion time limit of main task five, players are requested to keep up their efforts! 】

They asked the townspeople for candies tonight, but the vampire was injured in the process. Coupled with the unexpected incident just now, it was already 4:30 in the morning.

Sang Yin seemed to be aware of it and stood quietly in front of Mingshu.

Mingshu lowered his head and dug his clenched fingertips into the palm of his hand, feeling sad and reluctant to let go.

Sang Yin looked calm, took out a short knife from his sleeve, and held Ming Shu in hand.

He put the knife in Mingshu's hand and asked in a low voice: "The time is almost up."

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