Chapter 142: Angel in Disguise (19)

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There is also a line of small text below the mission details.

(Click to open [Teleportation Portal])

Mingshu tried to open the teleportation portal, but the system prompted him that he had no mission props and could not open it at the moment.

It's only necessary if he has mission props on him... Then when he gets Zhiyuan's most important feather, he should be teleported back with the feather.

Mingshu was a little uneasy. Until now, he only knew about hell from the few descriptions in the plot and missions since he entered the dungeon. Other than that, he didn't know anything about it, and he couldn't predict what would happen after he went there.

Moreover, even if he successfully obtained the feathers needed for the mission, would Zhiyuan agree to let him go?

He would most likely have to hide it from the other person and leave quietly while he was away.

Mingshu sighed silently, he didn't want to do this task at all.

The time limit for completing the main mission was within a week. He turned off the system and considered the possibility of persuading Zhiyuan to go back with him.

However, as an archangel, staying in the temple is the most important responsibility. It is almost impossible for other angels of different levels to leave the heaven.

Unless another more extreme method is used - the fall of angels, but Mingshu doesn't understand this.

And what will the most important angel feather look like? The last time he gave away Zhiyuan's feathers, he felt distressed for a long time, but he didn't expect it would be like this in the new mission.

Mingshu was unhappy, and his good mood in the past two days was somewhat affected.

Zhiyuan was beside him, gently smoothing the black hair on his fingertips, and suddenly said: "Are you awake?"

Mingshu raised his face, stretched out his arms to hug Zhiyuan tightly, and said "Hmm": "What are you doing?" Did you come back at that time?"

"You just came back not long ago," Zhiyuan leaned closer, and his breath fell on Mingshu's lips as he spoke, "Are you still feeling uncomfortable?"

He also knew that yesterday was too indulgent, and Mingshu cried several times, The fingerprints and kiss marks all over her body were shocking, as if she had been tortured, and her waist was sore.

Zhiyuan used the healing technique, but deliberately left those traces.

"It's not uncomfortable," Mingshu whispered, kissed Zhiyuan on the lips, and asked: "When you left in the morning... was the envoy looking for you?"

He wanted to know the protection mentioned in the paper crane. What's going on with the hood? Are there other demons hiding in the temple?

"Yes, something happened," Zhiyuan responded. He did not hide anything from Mingshu, and raised his eyes slightly: "Besides you, who else comes here?"

Sure enough, another demon has sneaked in? Mingshu frowned slightly: "I don't know..."

It's not mentioned in the plot or the mission. Could it be... other succubi? His body was retained from the previous copy, and it was different from the previous character binding methods.

But he is indeed following the plot and doing doesn't seem right.

Mingshu looked at Zhiyuan and hesitated: "What if..."

Zhiyuan squeezed Mingshu's hand and asked patiently: "What?"

When he learned that the protective shield was damaged, he had doubted Mingshu for a moment.

His obedience and obedience in front of him may be all fake, just to make him relax his vigilance and break into the temple to infiltrate more demons from the underground.

But as soon as the thought appeared, he suppressed it.

He didn't think Mingshu could pretend to be so like him. Even if Mingshu really lied to him, as long as he had a trace of sincerity, he could pretend that nothing happened.

Besides, if Mingshu stays with him, it is impossible to return to hell, so it is not really important whether what happened in the morning is related to Mingshu.

"If there are other succubi," Mingshu hesitated, "they also sneaked into the temple..."

Zhiyuan's eyes fell firmly on his face. He was inexplicably flustered and explained: "Because...because of me It's been a long time since I sent any news back. They may have thought I failed..."

Zhiyuan seemed to smile: "Afraid?"

He didn't say what he was afraid of, as if he wanted Mingshu to say it himself.

Mingshu knew that it was impossible for Zhiyuan to fall in love with anyone other than him, but he also didn't want to see a strange succubus appear around Zhiyuan, lingering around Zhiyuan as described in the plot.

He responded vaguely, and his thick eyelashes trembled: "Anyway, you are not allowed to get too close to anyone else...not even the priests."

In Zhiyuan's view, this reaction was indeed a fear that he would be attacked by other succubi. The temptation was there, and there was a possessiveness in his tone that he was not even aware of.

In the past, when Mingshu was disguised as a low-level angel, he was always timid when facing Zhiyuan, but now that they are close, he doesn't even use honorifics.

Zhiyuan caressed the side of Mingshu's face and suddenly came over to kiss him.

Mingshu responded instinctively, and the atmosphere gradually became ambiguous.

Zhiyuan pinched the tip of his tail: "Do it once."

He hugged Mingshu, not gentle at all, but he did what he said, just once.

After it was over, Zhiyuan kissed Mingshu's blushing cheek lovingly, lifted his forehead hair and kissed his small corners.

Mingshu was simply scared. He made sure that Zhiyuan was no longer messing around, and his voice was still unsteady: "Aren't you an archangel..."

Why did it seem to be more than a succubus like him... Mingshu was embarrassed to say those adjectives.

Zhiyuan redressed Mingshu, hugged him like a beautiful doll, and said casually: "It's just a title." Even if

he raised a succubus in the dormitory, it was considered disqualified, but he was still a member of the temple. Master, it can be seen that those dogmas that bind angels are all nonsense.

He squeezed Mingshu's hand and kissed the fingertips. The strong emotion not long ago had not completely dissipated from his brows and eyes, and his breath was hot.

Mingshu leaned in his arms and looked toward the window: "I... want to go out to bask in the sun."

Zhiyuan was quiet for a moment: "I'll go tomorrow."

He didn't explain more. Mingshu guessed the reason and responded obediently. There was a sound.

After a while, he asked again: "Can I go out that night?"

This time Zhiyuan agreed: "Yes."

He tightly controlled Mingshu by his side, and Mingshu did not reject him.

The main mission must be completed within seven days. After seven days, he will have to return to hell. During this period, he must obtain Zhiyuan's most important feather.

In the afternoon, Zhiyuan stayed in the dormitory with Mingshu, occasionally reading a book or opening the window to let in the breeze.

In the evening, Zhiyuan indeed took him out of the dormitory again and wandered around in the silent temple. After returning, it was another intense night.

Mingshu found an opportunity and kissed the side of Zhiyuan's face: "I want one more of your feathers... no, two."

One was taken back to Hell for missions, and the other he kept for himself as a collection.

Zhiyuan said without hesitation: "Okay."

Mingshu did not forget to add: "I want the most important feather."

"Okay," Zhiyuan said without any hesitation, "I'll give it to you in a few days."

Mingshu felt relieved, His tail wrapped around Zhiyuan's hand, begging to be touched.

Late at night, the entire temple was quiet and empty, and the envoys who arranged night patrols passed by the corridor from time to time.

When no one was around, a little black cat trotted along, stopping every once in a while to sniff around.

It smelled the smell and came all the way to the small garden of the inner hall, looking up.

The little black cat could feel Mingshu's aura that had stayed here, but its strength was greatly reduced and it was unable to determine its specific whereabouts.

It circled around, and a huge white cat with wings on its back suddenly stood in front of it.

The white cat "meows" softly, hoping that the little black cat will follow it and leave. Further on is the place where the archangel lives. Without the call of the archangel, animals like them cannot come here at will.

The little black cat ignored it and turned away. The white cat chased after it and bit its tail in desperation. Yi Quyue's

move angered the little black cat. It scratched the white cat's nose with its claws and ran towards the bushes on the side of the corridor when the white cat let go.

In the blink of an eye, the little black cat disappeared.

The white cat looked around to no avail, so he turned around and left.

The little black cat hiding not far away saw this scene, plucked the fallen leaves beside him a few times, and lay down on the spot to get ready for sleep.

Since Mingshu can't be found, he is guarding here and will definitely encounter him.


next day, the envoy came to look for Zhiyuan and finally saw him before noon.

He reported to Zhiyuan the preparations made yesterday. They had re-blocked the temple and now not even a breath of wind could come in.

The number of angels staying everywhere has also increased. If anything happens, no creature will be allowed to escape.

Zhiyuan responded lightly, as if he had regained his previous indifference.

"If there is any abnormality, just clean it up yourself," he said, holding his forehead, "I have something to do today, so you don't need to come to me again."

He didn't say what the specific matter was, just because he didn't want to be disturbed, so he said , left wisely, but felt uneasy.

That uneasy feeling came again, but the teacher couldn't explain why. He only felt that there were some subtle changes in Zhiyuan now compared to the beginning.

Moreover, the archangel is not going anywhere in the temple, so what else can he be busy with? No one is allowed to disturb.

The envoy deliberately slowed down his pace and took a long detour and walked around the inner hall.

It wasn't until he was about to leave that he suddenly noticed something was wrong. Where had Mingshu gone?

Could it be that Mingshu has returned to the West Palace and no longer follows Zhiyuan? The envoy frowned and thought carefully, he had not seen Mingshu in the outer hall in the past few days.

He was about to go to the west hall to ask, and when he walked through the corridor, he accidentally saw a white cat squatting not far away, staring blankly at something.

The envoy walked forward and the white cat looked up at him: "Meow..."

"Why are you here?" the envoy asked, reaching out and patting the white cat's head.

The white cat is the most spiritual animal in the temple. Every move has a clear intention, making the teacher follow its line of sight and look towards the small garden on the side of the corridor.

He concentrated and caught a faint breath in that direction that was almost undetectable.

The envoy looked stern and strode over immediately, wanting to see the creature hiding in the bushes.

As he approached, a black kitten jumped out and ran away quickly.

When he saw the whole kitten clearly, he was stunned for a moment.

When did the temple get its second cat? And it's still pure black. I'm afraid you won't be able to find anything similar in the entire heaven.

The white cat did not react with rejection or disgust. The little black cat should not be an underground creature, but the temple was sealed, so how did it come in quietly?

The envoy had a strange intuition, and regardless of what Zhiyuan had said before, he immediately fluttered his wings and chased after him.

The little black cat escaped very quickly, and because of its small size, it kept running and hiding in small places, so the teacher was unable to catch it immediately.

Seeing that it was getting closer and closer to the center of the inner hall, the little black cat smelled a familiar smell in the air, and its golden eyes suddenly lit up.

It's Mingshu! It ran forward with all its strength and threw a large distance away from the envoy.

The envoy suppressed his annoyance and continued chasing. Suddenly his wings stopped and he landed stiffly on the ground, his expression extremely shocked.

At the end of the direction where the little black cat escaped, he saw two familiar figures.

One was Zhiyuan, and the other was Mingshu, whom he hadn't seen for two or three days in a row.

Mingshu was wearing a loose robe, the size of which was not suitable. It seemed to belong to Zhiyuan.

The two of them were very intimate. Zhiyuan even held Mingshu in his arms, holding him with one hand and touching his cheek with the other while talking to him.

Then, he saw the archangel, who had always been cold and ruthless, lowering his head and kissing the beautiful envoy in his arms.

No...not an envoy.

The envoy then discovered that Ming Shu had no wings behind him and had a pair of small, black horns on top of his head.

They were bathing in the sunshine, hugging and kissing very naturally, and it was obvious that they had been together for some time.

The envoy couldn't believe his eyes and suspected that his nerves were too tight and he was hallucinating.

Zhiyuan, Mingshu, the devil...the prophecy of the golden bird.

The excessive amount of information made his mind go blank. He took a slow breath and almost lost his breath.

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