Chapter 68: The Little Mermaid Under the Sea (31)

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As soon as Ming Shu's face changed, he was about to turn back to look for Xiu Qi and Xi Yu, but was stopped by Xia Zhu and Pearl.

Xia Zhu's expression was also not very good-looking, and he kept flipping through the system panel: "Why did the task stop suddenly? I have never encountered such a situation..." Ming Shu

asked him what to do if the system crashed in the multiplayer instance, He should know something.

Sure enough, Ming Shu said with a pale face: "There may be important characters... who died unexpectedly."

Needless to say, Xia Zhu could guess who the important characters were, and he opened his mouth: "Why is this happening?"

He only realized now The reason for Mingshu's anxiety and worry is that these two npcs are really immortal. It seems that they have completely broken away from the dungeon system and have specific rules.

Xia Zhu has heard of this before. Some dungeon bosses in different levels will fight each other when they meet. If the players can't beat them, they will find a way to lure them to one place. After one party dies, they will deal with the seriously injured one.

But this kind of rule, no matter how you look at it, will not appear in this dungeon.

Ming Shu just shook his head: "No, I have to go back."

This time Xia Zhu didn't stop him again, and the two looked at Pearl together.

Pearl was very unhappy, so she slipped into the coral bushes to hide, but she was afraid that Mingshu would leave her behind and go away by herself, so she swam out and entangled Mingshu's fingertips in a blink of an eye.

It didn't take Mingshu away on a whim, it was really scared.

At the scene on the sea and mountain, it always felt familiar. Xiuwen left Mingshu to fight outside, and then... and then Mingshu was gone.

Pearl's body undulates, twitching and twitching as if crying, grabbing Mingshu's fingers and shaking them.

Mingshu said helplessly: "Pearl, be obedient."

Zhuzhu took them there to save a lot of time, Mingshu coaxed them patiently, and promised that she would just take a look and stay away from them.

Only then did Zhuzhu loosen a little, taking advantage of the fact that there were no other mermaids nearby, she got bigger and stuffed Ming Shu and Xia Zhu into the soft cavity, and led them back again.

The giant jellyfish swims very fast. After arriving at the seamount, the pearl did not approach immediately, and slowly stopped to open the soft cavity.

As night came, the surrounding vision was blurred, and it was very quiet. Ming Shu looked up the sea and mountains, but couldn't see anything.

Pearl is also very strange, it can't feel the breath of Xiuqi or Xiyu, they don't seem to be here.

It made Ming Shu and Xia Zhu lie on top of him, and carefully swim to the place where they left at first.

The sea water along the way is still turbid, and when you get closer, you can vaguely see the corpses of many fish below, and there is an unpleasant smell in the water.

The further we swam, the more chaotic the situation in front of us, the gravel was scattered all over the place, and the seamount almost collapsed in half.

And Pearl swam around, but did not see Xiu Qi and Xi Yu.

Ming Shu looked into the distance confusedly: "Aren't they here?"

Did they go somewhere else? Or...they're all dead.

But even if you die, there is always a body.

Ming Shu clenched his palms to calm down and asked Pearl to send him down.

Rocks and debris were mixed together, there was hardly a single piece of intact ground, and there was a still-dead octopus waving its tentacles, which was dealt with by Pearl.

Ming Shu swung the tail of the fish, swimming and searching nearby, calling his name in a low voice, but there was no response.

He found nothing, not even a piece of clothing.

The corpses of the surrounding fish gradually attracted many other fish. For safety reasons, Pearl took them away and went to a further place to search.

In the end, Mingshu returned without success, laying on Pearl's body and preparing to return to the mermaid territory.

Xia Zhu knew that he was worried, so she said a few words of comfort: "Maybe they are all injured, so they are temporarily hiding."

Ming Shu responded sullenly. He was not only worried, but also blamed himself. He always felt that it was his fault.

Now the task is also forced to stop, what if I can't pass the level.

This is what Xia Zhu was worried about. He had thought before that if NPCs had too much freedom, it might make the plot deviate.

But this time it doesn't seem to be the reason for the plot shift, but the connection between Xiuqi and Xiyu.

He guessed that these two npcs just couldn't meet, it was the rules that made them kill each other, not because they had been with Mingshu before.

Ming Shu listened carefully. He had not participated in many dungeons, and this was the first time he heard of such a statement.

This eased the guilt in his heart a little. If it was really because of the rules of the system, then even if Mingshu didn't do anything, they would meet each other eventually.

Back in the mermaid territory, the pearls shrunk and were hidden in Mingshu's hair again.

The two came to the edge of the territory together and took out the wooden pass.

The mermaid npc patrolling outside inspected the wooden sign and sent them in respectfully.

"It seems that the task is just suspended, and the npc is still normal," Xia Zhu lowered his voice, "I don't know if everyone else is asleep, they must have received the news." Entering the territory, there are indeed many lights inside

, And because this mission needs to go out, the mermaid will come back at any time at night. The cut off white shark tail fin is a dead thing and cannot be kept for a long time. The npc responsible for scoring the registration point is always there.

Xia Zhu handed the only white shark tail fin to Ming Shu: "Take it and score it. Let's rest tonight and see the situation tomorrow." Both

Xiuwen and Xiyu were missing, and Ming Shu wanted to give the tail fin to him. Xia Zhu's, but Xia Zhu doesn't want anything.

He had no choice but to take the tail fin to the registration point and hand over the props for the third campaign mission.

After handing over the tail fin to the npc and registering it, Mingshu received a notification that the main task was completed.

[Congratulations to the player for successfully completing the main mission three! Please keep up the good work! 】

Ming Shu was stunned: "It's done? You only need to do three campaign tasks?"

The description of the main task three is "Under the premise of not revealing the disguise, find a mermaid who is willing to follow her to complete the campaign tasks." Ming Shu's The value of the mermaid camp has reached the standard, and the only thing left is the election task.

Xia Zhu didn't know, so: "What's done?"

Immediately afterwards, they received a new system prompt at the same time.

[There are already players who have completed all the current main quests, and the fourth main quest will be released soon, please continue to work hard! ]

[Ding dong-main mission release]

[Task five: Expose the disguise and accept the trial]

[New plot update detected, do you want to check it immediately? 】

Ming Shu and Xia Zhu looked at each other, quickly left the registration point and returned to the residence, and then opened the plot update.

[Plot Tips]:

[Siyu's appearance made Silver Tail very jealous, and he didn't want to believe that there was another Silver Tail who could achieve the results he had exhausted all his efforts so easily. Silvertail thinks that Xiyu must have used other methods, but on the way to a new mission, he quietly followed Xiyu, and saw him kill two black octopuses alone. Xi Yu's authenticity is very strong, and Silver Tail is even more unwilling, so he slanders Xi Yu, saying that the other party obtained good grades by cheating. 】

【Silver Tail's words successfully made Xi Yu suspicious, and the campaign was forced to stop. He was asked to kill an adult giant octopus in front of all the fish. This is not a difficult task for Xi Yu, and Yinwei also knows this, he asks the leader of the sea snake for help, and let the other party tamper with the octopus. The sea serpent chief agreed. 】

【Two days later, Xiyu was forced to be locked up with a giant octopus. He had to come out alive or be killed by the octopus. The plan went smoothly at the beginning, the manic octopus was several times stronger than usual, and Xi Yu couldn't parry it at all. Many onlookers noticed the clues, but no one stood up and pointed out that they also felt that Xi Yu, as a silver tail, could not be stronger than the black tail of the clan. 】

【Seeing that the octopus is getting more and more brave, Xiyu is gradually losing to the enemy, but at the very moment, Xiyu bursts out with amazing power, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, he mutates into a black tail. ]

[He successfully killed the octopus, winning all the shocked or admiring eyes. Xiyu didn't die, Silvertail was almost desperate, and he persuaded the leader of the sea snake to take action. Once the strange shape of the octopus was discovered, he would also bear the anger of the leader of the sea snake. 】

【Silver Tail has no other way, he has done so much, now the only way to survive is to succeed in becoming the patriarch. So he took advantage of the darkness that night to come to Xiyu's healing residence with the intention of killing him. But he was too reckless, even if Xi Yu was seriously injured, Silver Tail was no match for him. 】

【The silver tail was injured, just at this time the color of his tail dyed with venom lost its effect, the scales faded in front of Xi Yu, and the appearance of a silver tail was restored. 】

After reading the story update which was longer than before, Xia Zhu scratched his head: "It doesn't seem to be very difficult."

Probably because of the large number of players, it is already a very difficult task to find the leader of the sea snake to cooperate with. Slandering Xiyu and tampering with octopus are not suitable for this kind of multiplayer dungeon, so the system skipped to the last step.

That is to expose one's disguise. Although Xi Yu is missing at the moment, the task does not say that it must be exposed in front of Xi Yu.

Ming Shu hesitated and said, "But... what happens after the mission is completed?"

Not only must the disguise be exposed, but also a trial must be accepted, which is obviously to let the players die.

The new mission was released after he handed in the tail fin of the white shark. Mingshu is probably the only player who has completed the previous main missions.

Others have insufficient faction values, have not completed enough campaigns, and have not enough points in the dungeon. Whether they can pass the customs and leave here is a problem.

Xia Zhu scratched his head again: "Yeah, no matter how you look at it, you have to die. Could it be that you can clear the level after you die?"

Ming Shu didn't say a word. The last mission of the last dungeon did require him to die once, but at that time there was a system prompt , his death will not deduct life points, but not here.

The discussion between the two couldn't reach a better conclusion. The two important characters, Xiuqi and Xiyu, were still missing. Mingshu lay down without any sleepiness, and didn't sleep for a while until it was almost dawn.

Soon, he was woken up by Xia Zhu.

Xia Zhu looked solemn, and turned off the system panel: "There is something new."

Some of his friends occasionally contacted Xia Zhu, and someone told Xia Zhu this morning that some players were dissatisfied with the new tasks released by the system and planned to use other The method, try to leave the copy.

Ming Shu frowned: "Any other way?"

"They might want to kill the npc inside," Xia Zhu said, "The mission is suspended, now is the best time to kill the npc and make the system fail again. Maybe it will collapse, and then we can go out."

Xia Zhu didn't know whether this method was feasible, but a small number of players were already ready to start.

"But..." Mingshu was startled, "Can those people succeed?"

They are the lowest-level silver tails, and the system didn't even give them any usable skills, so how could they be against a patrol full of black-tailed mermaids? Team.

Xia Zhu thought for a while: "Let's go out and have a look?"

It's actually beneficial to the players to be able to leave in this way. The missions in this dungeon are more and more outrageous, and I don't want people to live at all.

It's just that what will happen after going out, whether there are other punishments, that's another matter.

Ming Shu agrees to come down, takes the pearls and hides them in her hair, and leaves the residence with Xia Zhu.

Everything in the territory seemed to be as usual. There were many black-tailed mermaids walking together. When they met, they glanced at each other and then left silently.

The two passed by the registration point, and there were more black-tailed mermaids gathered here. As soon as Ming Shu and Xia Zhu appeared, a black-tailed mermaid approached.

"You too?" Heiwei sized them up and lowered his voice: "What are you going to do? Do you want to join forces?" Xia Zhu asked

: "Join forces? "

Looking at the sign-up site, "We are recruiting people, first kill the npcs over there, get all the lists of candidates for the election, and then send them..."

Some mermaids died inexplicably, and the election may be suspended. Back to the territory.

Kill the mermaid npc among those candidates, if it doesn't work, then kill a few more.

Heiwei spoke calmly, Xia Zhu smiled awkwardly: "Would it be too risky to do so?" "

It's quite big," Heiwei sighed, "but we have nothing to do. Can wait to die."

Heiwei also said that actually killing the leader of the sea snake and Xi Yu is the best choice, they are the important characters in the plot.

If you can't fight hard, you can always think of other ways.

But Xiyu didn't seem to be in the territory, and he searched everywhere but couldn't find him.

As for the leader of the sea snake, no one can approach him at present. I don't know who the one in the system prompt last night has completed the first few main tasks.

"If it's not enough to kill those npcs," Heiwei raised his eyes and glanced at Xia Zhu and Ming Shu, his dark pupils were devoid of emotion, looking a little creepy.

"Then we probably have to figure out a way from us players."

He said tactfully, and Xia Zhu felt a chill down his spine when he realized it.

Killing the npc can't make the dungeon collapse, then try the players again, maybe if enough people die, even if the quota for the final reward is not evenly distributed, you can pass the level directly.

And when it really comes to that time, the weakest player who is likely to be singled out must be the first to die.

"By the way, do you know who that person was in the system message last night?" Heiwei asked before leaving, "The task is progressing so fast, but the faction value of the Sea Snake Clan needs to reach 70... No, it's not like that again. That Mingshu, right?"

The only player who took high-quality venom, no one knows who he is until now.

"It's possible," Xia Zhu nodded. "Have you seen him?"

Heiwei sighed, "If I have, can I still ask you? He must know how to get close to the leader of the sea snake... Find a chance to kill the leader of the sea snake." Isn't it easy to get poisoned?"

Xia Zhu didn't know how to respond, so she responded with a few words casually, and hurriedly left with Mingshu.

On the way back, Xia Zhu pondered: "It seems that they also think that the death of an important character will cause the dungeon to collapse, but now it's just a suspension of the mission... Xiuwen and Xiyu should not be dead yet." Ming Shu lowered his head and said, "I hope so

. ."

They returned to the residence and waited quietly for a day, Xia Zhu contacted a few friends from time to time to inquire about the situation outside.

At night, Ming Shu lay on the mat made of water plants, rolled over and opened his eyes.

He was restless and couldn't sleep these two nights, constantly thinking about the scene when Xiu Qi met Xi Yu.

Suddenly, Ming Shu heard the sound of sea water surging, and something passed over the territory.

This movement was slightly familiar, and he quickly got up to check, and saw a dark scale disappearing from the far end of his sight.

It's a giant snake, Xiu Qi is back!

Xia Zhu not far away was already fast asleep, Ming Shu had no time to wake him up, and immediately swam towards the direction where the giant snake left.

The night was quiet, and he walked the familiar path as usual, without being spotted by other mermaids, and came to the courtyard where the leader of the sea snake lived.

There was no one in the water wall, so Ming Shu simply tore off a large piece of water grass and wrapped it around his waist, then turned back into a human form and walked into the water wall.

He came in from a corner, and the yard was empty with no lights on, and no sea serpent servants were seen.

There was a wet water mark on the ground, extending to the repaired bedroom, Ming Shu walked along the water mark, and saw that the door of the bedroom was open.

Zao Deng heard Ming Shu's footsteps light up one by one, reflecting a dark figure.

Xiu Qi sat inside, his whole body was drenched, his outer robe was torn in several places, one hand was resting on the armrest, dripping blood.

He wore a mask on his face, the breath around him was cold and dead, and his half-drowned eyes were raised.

Ming Shu was stunned for a moment, then quickly entered the bedroom, throwing himself into Xiu Qi's arms desperately.

"Why did you come back now..." He hugged Xiuju, and quickly let go, "Are you injured? I went to look for you last night, but you weren't here..." There was a thick smell of blood on Xiuju's

body Her lips were slightly pale: "It's okay."

He grabbed Mingshu's hand, pulled him into his arms, and hugged him tightly.

When Ming Shu first appeared, Xiu Qi's reaction was a bit sluggish, but now that he was exposed to the familiar body temperature, he gradually regained his senses.

"Worried about me?" He kissed Mingshu's fair neck, his lips were cold.

Ming Shu said "um", then raised his head: "Where have you been? And..."

He wanted to ask how Xi Yu was, but he didn't dare to speak easily.

Xiu Qi remained silent, his expression hidden under the mask.

He suddenly said: "Change back, let me see."

Ming Shu didn't understand, so he obediently changed back to the mermaid form, and Xiu Wei tore off the aquatic plants wrapping his waist, revealing a black fish tail.

Xiu Qi adjusted his posture and hugged him, his fingertips brushed a certain scale.

Ming Shu shrank into his arms, grabbed his arm and groaned.

The scales were forced to open a gap, and fingers were inserted into it to massage.

With haze in Xiuju's eyes: "Have you been messed with by him?"

Mingshu's tears rolled down all of a sudden, the raised scales were sore and swollen, and he said in a panic, "I..."

Xiuju let go, Gently kissed the tears off his face: "Don't cry."

He stroked Ming Shu's back, his tone was unclear: "You lied to me again, didn't you?

" We all know.

But except for the slap just now, it didn't look like Xiu Qi was angry or angry.

The system task is suspended, something must have happened between him and Xiyu.

Ming calmed down and summoned up his courage: "You..."

Xiu Qi seemed to guess what he wanted to ask, and pinched his chin to kiss him.

"I saw it," he raised the scales under Mingshu's waist again, and heard his suppressed voice, "I saw it all." The memory fragments

in his mind reappeared repeatedly, as if he had personally experienced it. Strange and familiar.

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