Chapter 146: Angel in Disguise (23)

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When he noticed that something was wrong in the entire temple, the envoy was in the outer temple and found a few apostles who had made mistakes recently to reprimand them.

The ground shook suddenly, and the vase placed on the stone platform fell down with a bang and broke into pieces.

Several apostles looked horrified: "What happened?"

Each temple was an independent and suspended existence, and the vibrations came from the ground, proving that the foundation of the temple itself was unstable.

The envoy frowned and looked up to see that the sun had become dazzling and hot, and in a blink of an eye it was blocked by dense dark clouds, as if a mountain rain was about to come.

Changes in the weather sometimes follow the state and mood of the archangel, and the temple is closely connected with the archangel.

Such anomalies could only be due to something happening on Zhiyuan's side.

The envoy immediately thought of the prophecy of the golden bird and felt extremely uneasy.

Just as he was thinking about it, in a short period of time, the temple shook violently again, and there were signs of collapse.

The envoy comforted the apostles and asked everyone to wait in the open air for orders and not to move around, and then hurried into the inner temple.

The further he walked toward the center of the temple, the more frightened he became. There were cracks on the ground in some places in the inner hall, and the stone pillars in the corridor were crooked.

He tried not to think about the worst outcome, and quickly searched in the inner hall. While releasing the blank paper crane, he followed the paper crane to the direction of Zhiyuan.

Zhihe flew all the way to the dormitory. When the envoy arrived and saw the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but take a breath.

The entire dormitory hall can no longer see its original appearance, because Zhiyuan is here and has suffered the most serious impact.

The collapsed stones were scattered all over the ground, except for the circle around Zhiyuan. He stood in the center of the ruins, looking at the position of the previous bed, half of his face exposed, his expression gloomy and cold.

There was also a little black cat in the ruins, frantically searching everywhere, trying to lift the rocks with its thin paws to see if there was anything pressed inside.

The envoy's voice trembled: "My lord..."

He carefully checked the surroundings and found that Mingshu was not there, but that some energy similar to the teleportation formation and a breath that did not belong to the heaven had appeared here.

I don't know what happened. Wasn't everything fine this morning?

Zhiyuan's abnormal state is obviously a sign of impending degradation. When he completely loses his qualifications as an archangel, the temple will collapse and be destroyed.

The envoy was anxious and stepped forward to get close to Zhiyuan.

Zhiyuan didn't seem to notice his arrival, and was immersed in his thoughts alone.

He leaned over and picked up the little black cat, holding it with a slightly clumsy movement, and followed Ming Shu's usual method of gently stroking the top of its head.

"He also abandoned you," Zhiyuan murmured, "Isn't that right?"

The little black cat meowed aggrievedly, hesitated, and took the initiative to rub Zhiyuan's fingers.

After hearing what Zhiyuan said clearly, the envoy immediately understood that Mingshu should have left the temple.

With a "bang", more buildings collapsed on the periphery, and there was movement from unknown sources. The entire temple seemed to be crumbling.

At the same time, the envoy saw that the wings behind Zhiyuan were drooping, and the feathers at the ends showed a burnt black color, as if they had been burned by flames, and there were signs of gradually spreading.

"Your Majesty!" The envoy immediately knelt down in front of the ruins. "I implore you to guard the temple and not to cause irreparable consequences for a demon..." He also felt very regretful in his heart. He

should not have used Ming Shu this time. After the bomb was left behind, he actually had a fantasy. If Zhiyuan kept Mingshu by his side and satisfied his own selfish desires, would he not fall into depravity?

However, things went counterproductive, or the Golden Bird's prediction was accurate, and any efforts to change it were in vain.

Zhiyuan seemed to have just seen the envoy at this moment and came to him with the little black cat in his arms.

He raised his right hand slightly, and a round stone plate flew from a distance. He had given it to the envoy a few days ago to stabilize the outer protective shield.

Zhiyuan takes back the disc, which means that the protective shield has been removed, and all creatures can enter and exit at will.

The next moment, the disc broke into several pieces, lost energy and fell to the ground.

The envoy watched all this, his throat blocked and speechless.

"Leave," Zhiyuan looked indifferent, "This is no longer a temple."

His voice spread everywhere. The apostles were at a loss and hesitated to stay where they were, thinking that this might be a test from the archangel.

It wasn't until cracks began to appear on the floor of the outer temple and the buildings fell one after another that they realized what they were doing and hurriedly fled out of the temple's exit, trying to leave before the temple collapsed and fell.

The envoy in front of Zhiyuan remained motionless. He still had a glimmer of hope: "Are you... going to abandon this place like this?"

Abandoning his identity, abandoning all the angels who served him, and following a demon who left?

Zhiyuan was silent for a long time, stroking the cat in his arms.

"Sorry," he finally said, "I have more important beings in my heart."

As an archangel, he naturally puts the temple first, and he is even the temple himself.

But now, he can't do it no matter what.

The priest showed a complicated expression. He stood up and faced Zhiyuan for the first time not as a subordinate: "You...take care." The

shaking of the temple intensified, and the priest spread his wings and flew away.

Zhiyuan stayed where he was, and everything belonging to the archangel gradually passed away, replaced by something unfamiliar.

Character, restraint, concerns, these are no longer relevant to him.

Until he sensed the existence of another space underground, his dark eyes slightly raised.


falling light was a little far away, and the three demons couldn't see what it was.

Their level is not high, they are just ordinary demons who stay at the border. Once a creature breaks in, they will come over to see what it is and either eat it or have some fun.

"We'll have a look later," one of the demons said, "What are we going to do with this useless succubus? After all, he was arranged by the monarch, so it wouldn't be a good idea to eat him directly, right?" "

Why do you care so much?" First A demon who said he wanted to eat Mingshu was dissatisfied, "And the monarch has been sleeping for a long time. When he wakes up, he may have forgotten about it."

Mingshu sensed some information from their conversation. The Lord of Hell is... Sleeping...and has been for a long time.

His mission has not stopped. According to the opinions of these demons, they have also received the things he sent back before, but they do not pay attention to them.

Then who should he contact when he comes back here? He brought back the archangel's most important feather, and the task of seduction was accomplished.

Immediately afterwards, the system prompt sounded.

[A new plot update has been detected. Do you want to check it now? ]

[Ding Dong - Side mission released]

[Mission 8: Escape from the hands of three demons]

[Ding Dong - Main mission released]

[Mission 4: Prove to the Lord of Hell that he has indeed successfully seduced the archangel and dispelled His Suspicion]

Two new missions were released in succession. Mingshu took a cursory glance at them and had no time to open the updated plot.

He only noticed that the time limit for completing the main task was two full weeks, but there was only one hour left for the side task.

Even without a mission, Mingshu knew that the three demons in front of him were dangerous.

He calmly stepped back: "You can't hurt me, I still need to report the situation to the monarch."

A demon asked: "What is the situation?"

Mingshu shook his head: "I can't tell you, and I have been entrusted with an important task. , if you eat it, the monarch will definitely be angry when he wakes up."

His words really made the leader of the demon hesitate, and the other demon was more timid and did not dare to take the initiative to raise objections.

The last demon was not so easy to fool. His cloudy eyes rolled: "You are back, what else can you say to the monarch?"

He raised the feather in his hand, which was the one Mingshu handed over not long ago. "As long as we have this, when the monarch wakes up and sees this thing, how can he still not know the situation?"

The devil said "hehe" twice and looked at Mingshu unscrupulously: "Then I will say you are a waste, come back He died on the way, and the monarch didn't know it."

No living thing has entered the border for a long time. They have been hungry for several months, how could they let Mingshu go so easily.

As soon as the devil finished speaking, he reached out and grabbed Mingshu.

Mingshu instinctively avoided and immediately turned around and ran away.

The devil calmly picked up the thick iron chain in his hand and swung it hard towards Mingshu's back.

A strong gust of wind came, and Mingshu tried to dodge to the side, but accidentally kicked gravel under his feet, unable to steady his body and fell to the ground.

"Bang -"

there was a loud noise, but Mingshu felt no pain. The chain did not swing on him, or even near him.

He looked back and saw that the demon just now was inexplicably knocked away and hit the top of the rocky mountain behind him, vomiting blood. The remaining two demons looked frightened and looked in another direction.

"God, angel?" The demon was so frightened that his legs weakened. "Why did the angel appear here?"

Mingshu subconsciously followed their line of sight and saw a familiar figure.

He was so surprised and excited that he had no time to think carefully about the reason why Zhiyuan appeared in hell.

At the same time, a black shadow approached the two demons very quickly, and the large shadow swallowed them whole, and screams suddenly sounded.

After a while, the shadow became quiet, and the shadow shrank and retreated, turning into the shape of a little black cat.

After the little black cat finished dealing with the demon, it called "meow" and ran towards Mingshu, but another figure was faster than him.

Mingshu's eyes flashed as he was hugged in and held tightly in the familiar embrace.

Zhiyuan was still wearing a pure white holy robe, with three pairs of wings spread out behind him. The original white feathers now became mottled, with many burn marks, and the ends were even burnt black.

He pinched the back of Mingshu's neck, kissed the side of his face with cold lips, and whispered: "I found you."

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