Chapter 24: The Wolf-Eared Boy (24)

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If it was really a pack of wolves attacking, it must be driven by Jing Shuang, what did he want to do?

Ming Shu was worried about what would happen again, so she was completely sleepy at the moment, so she took out the previous coat and put it on.

Yuan Chen didn't say when he would come back, Ming Shu tried to open the door and windows, but they were all locked as expected.

And he is wearing a bite stopper, and the wolf ears and tail are still there, so he cannot be bumped into by other villagers.

Still...if you can get out, now might be a good time to escape the village.

The mission said it was the second day of the night of the full moon, but it didn't say that it couldn't be advanced.

But Ming Shu wanted to go back, but couldn't find a way to get out. The things in the house had been cleaned up as usual, and there were no usable tools.

He walked around the room and finally sat down at the table, absently picking up the straw on the table.

This straw is handmade, but it is considered exquisite. I don't know how long Yuan Chen prepared it...

and the toadstool he ate for himself last night is very likely to be the 1% that disappeared inexplicably back then.

Recalling what happened in the past few days, Ming Shu always felt that Yuan Chen might be the most unpredictable one.

In his character details, the [Like] and [Dislike] columns haven't been updated yet, and [Characteristics] seems simple, but last night Ming Shu begged him not to wear a bite stopper for himself, and he didn't soften his heart at all.

He obviously has a favorability score of 85...or maybe he really softened his heart last night, but he still endured it.

And ever since Ming Shu took the initiative to kiss Yuan Chen, his favorability has not increased since then.

There is still 15 points left, what can he do to fill it.

Especially since the task is still going on, all he does is to test Yuan Chen's bottom line step by step, Ming Shu always feels that it is not safe enough if he does not fill up his favorability.

If everyone's favorability is full, will the mission be easier to do... For example, if he asks Yuan Chen to let him go, Yuan Chen will do the same.

Mingshu checked all the npcs in the directory, and now except for Jing Chu, Jing Shuang and Yuan Chen, whose favorability is still above 70, Xiao Mushroom's is 60, and the rest of the villagers are all around 0, and the highest is barely 20.

He sighed secretly, no matter what method he used, it was not an easy task.

It was still very quiet outside, Mingshu put his tail aside, sat on the chair with his body tilted, his eyelids began to fight.

He slept for a while with his pillow on his arm, when suddenly he heard a knock on the window.

Ming Shu suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the source of the voice.

"Ming Shu?"

It was Jing Chu's voice. He continued to knock twice, and a blurry figure stood outside the window: "Are you inside?"

The scene seemed familiar, but Ming Shu didn't answer. Hide where you don't see it.

He didn't trust Jing Chu, this npc cooperated with the werewolf and used him to slander Yuan Chen, and this time he didn't know what he was up to.

And the villagers didn't lock him up? Could it be that he didn't notice... But that night in the barn, Yuan Chen heard everything.

Jing Chu stood outside the window, his voice paused: "I know you are here, Yuan Chen asked me to come."

He also guessed that Ming Shu was on guard against him, and explained to himself: "The wolves are here again, That lunatic...Yuan Chen is worried that he is targeting you, so let me come and take a look."

Ming Shu's poisoning has already been guessed, but fortunately Yuan Chen hid him in time, and with Jing Chu's testimony, the villagers They thought Ming Shu took advantage of the chaos and escaped.

As long as Mingshu's werewolf form was not seen, he still had a chance to return to the village.

Yuan Chen didn't say what Jing Chu did, and it was also to protect Ming Shu. Now the two are standing on the same side for the time being, and they are the only ones who know that Ming Shu is here.

The wolves were attacking the village madly, and Yuan Chen couldn't get away, so he had to ask Jing Chu to come here first, to see if Ming Shu was awake, and to bring him something to eat.

After listening to Jing Chu's explanation, Ming Shu believed it a little.

Otherwise, Yuan Chen, who is so cautious and suspicious, would not be able to make two mistakes on the same thing.

He walked out slowly, and heard Jing Chu say again: "I brought some hot cakes, and I opened the window to bring them in for you."

Before Ming Shu could reply, the outside lock was pulled, and Jing Chu opened half of the window. Lift up.

He was holding a plate in his hand, and the smell of meatloaf came in the moment the window was opened, Ming Shu could not help but take a step forward.

Ming Shu was standing not far away, wearing a large brown coat with a hood tightly covering the top of his head.

Jing Chu saw at a glance that Ming Shu was wearing a bite stopper on his face, and his face looked a little ugly, but he didn't say anything.

Ming Shu is a wolf, if bitten by him, he might even die, Yuan Chen did this for safety.

Jing Chu put the plate on the cabinet by the window, and his eyes lingered on Ming Shu: "You... can you eat like this?" Ming Shu

nodded silently, walked a little closer, picked up the plate and went to the inside.

Jing Chu didn't leave yet, and he didn't close the window again. While paying attention to the surrounding situation, he looked at Mingshu inside.

He knew that under Mingshu's hood, there was a pair of white wolf ears, and two small pieces were revealed through the thin fabric.

Mingshu's sitting posture is also a little strange, her body is deliberately tilted, and her coat is occasionally lifted.

That's...the tail.

Jing Chu recalled the sight in the barn last night, which was amazing and unbelievable.

And it's already daytime, why hasn't Mingshu changed back...

Mingshu ate some meatloaf, barely filled his stomach, finished drinking water with a straw, turned his head and found that Jing Chu was still standing by the window looking at him.

He was a little uncomfortable, pulled the hood and pulled it down: "...Thank you."

Both times, Jing Chu came to bring him food, but the meaning was different.

Jing Chu responded, and couldn't help but ask, "After your transformation, it different from other wolves?"

He had seen the appearance of a werewolf after transformation once, and his body was two meters tall, which was different from ordinary people. skeletal form and a pair of sharp claws.

In short, he is not like Mingshu, his appearance and body shape have not changed, only the wolf ears and tail are added.

Ming Shu didn't know how to answer, so he said vaguely, " blood is not pure."

Jing Chu opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Ming Shu: "When will Yuan Chen come back?" "

It should be soon ."

Jing Chu replied in a low voice, his tone a bit colder.

Sure enough, at any time, Ming Shu cared about Yuan Chen first...

It was the same last time, even though he later slandered Yuan Chen as a wolf, he and Jing Shuang were also sent to the barn and locked up at the same time.

But now, not only did his plan fail, he was also caught by Yuan Chen.

He could also ignore it and hand over Mingshu to the villagers...but he couldn't bear it.

After a while, Jing Chu suddenly said: "It's not safe here, Jing Shuang may come here at any time, I'd better take you somewhere else." He actually didn't know if

Jing Shuang would come, this time the wolf that attacked the village There was an endless stream of groups, but Jing Shuang was never seen.

The real night of the full moon is tonight. Jing Shuang is probably still preparing to send wolves to consume their energy first.

But nothing can be concluded. His reasons for taking Mingshu away are very good. Even if Yuan Chen finds out, it can be explained.

But Ming Shu shook his head and refused: "No need, I'll stay here."

He has his own plan, if Jing Shuang really finds him, then he just follows the other party along the way, and there is a side task waiting for him to complete.

If he didn't come, Ming Shu still chose to wait for Yuan Chen to come back, but he still didn't completely let go of his guard against Jing Chu.

Jing Chu's face changed slightly: "Why?"

The jealousy in his eyes was even worse: "What's so good about him? Locking you up here, and giving you something like this..."

Ming Shu didn't understand his anger at all. Where did it come from, stayed for a moment, and retorted: "You won't lock me up, won't you be afraid that I will bite you?"

Yuan Chen's 85 favorability has not been shaken, and Jing Chu is only 75 now... ...

Unable to figure out their intentions, Ming Shu could only judge based on her favorability.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, Jing Chu pushed open the other side of the window, stepped on the edge and broke in from the outside.

Ming Shu opened his eyes wide, and hurriedly stepped back.

"Don't be afraid," Jing Chu suppressed the unhappiness in his heart, "I won't hurt you."

He slowly approached Ming Shu, and continued, "As long as your safety can be guaranteed, of course I won't lock you up..."

As for the second question... His eyes fell on Ming Shu's face, and he fell silent.

The silver bite stopper tightly clasped most of Mingshu's face, his eyes were uneasy, he looked weak and helpless, but he was still wearing something to prevent him from hurting others, and completely pulled out the last point of his body. prick.

Such a contrast makes people want to do something to him even more.

How could Yuan Chen bear it?

Jing Chu seemed eager to prove some facts, stepped forward to grab Ming Shu, and forcibly pinched his jaw to lift it up.

He looked at Ming Shu carefully, from the lips to the side of the neck, every inch of exposed skin was spared, he felt that there would be some marks left, but he didn't want to see them.

But there was nothing, Yuan Chen really never touched him.

The strength in Jing Chu's hand slightly relaxed, his fingers reached into the bite stopper, and touched Ming Shu's side face: "Come with me." Ming Shu

still refused: "You let me go first."

Jing Chu mocked: "You hate me so much?"

When he got closer, he saw that Ming Shu's teeth were showing when he spoke, which was no different from ordinary people.

He subconsciously pressed his hand against Kai Mingshu's lips, trying to see it more clearly, and stroked the ends of his teeth with his fingertips in the same movement as Yuan Chen.

His movements became more and more wanton, Ming Shu couldn't struggle, resisted in his heart, and directly bit down hard.

"Hiss..." Jing Chu withdrew his hand in pain, and said angrily, "You..."

At the same time, several system prompts popped up one after another.

[Second form exclusive skill unlocked: [Wolf Servant] (usable times 1/current usable times 0)]

[Congratulations to the player for unlocking the hidden story II! Complete all tasks to light up the illustrated book]

[Ding Dong--Hidden branch · Second task release]

[Task 1: Order the wolf servant to do one thing for yourself, which must be within the ability of the other party]

[NPC favorability has been updated, Please go to the list to check]

This series of system prompts caught Mingshu by surprise. Before he could figure out what was going on, Jing Chu's expression gradually became dazed, and he raised a pair of confused and confused eyes to look at himself.

At this time, a familiar voice sounded outside the window.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

The two turned their heads and saw Jing Shuang's thin figure standing outside the window.

He was alone, his pupils glowed abnormally red, and his face was a little pale.

Seeing Jing Chu's actions inside the house and the bite stopper Ming Shu was wearing on his face, his eyes were full of sternness, "Dare to bully my little wolf?" Immediately,

Jing Shuang's body began to change, and his bones and muscles swelled. In the blink of an eye, it changed into another look.

He turned into a werewolf during the day.

There was no moonlight at this moment, and Jing Shuang was still strong. He broke through the window and landed firmly on the ground. He flashed to Jing Chu and slapped him away.

All this happened so fast, Jing Chu had no time to dodge, and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

[Reminder: Your wolf servant is under attack]

... what? Ming Shu subconsciously grabs Jing Shuang, trying to stop him from attacking Jing Chu.

As expected, Jing Shuang stopped and turned to face Ming Shu, the hostility in his eyes dissipated slightly.

He reached out and touched the bite stopper on Mingshu's face, and said in an unhappy tone, "What is this?"

He grabbed both sides of the bite stopper, tore it off abruptly, and threw it away.

With a "click", the hood Ming Shu was wearing also slipped off, revealing a pair of white wolf ears.

Jing Shuang stared at it for a moment, then hugged Ming Shu: "Let's go."

He was much stronger than Ming Shu, with a very tall stature. Ming Shu's feet were lifted off the ground, and he was easily pressed into his arms.

As expected, Jing Shuang still came... The purpose was indeed her own.

Ming Shu's mood was complicated, but in this way, his task became a little easier.

But he still hasn't forgotten those system prompts, and struggled slightly: "Wait a minute..."

What's the situation with that wolf servant and the hidden plot...Ming Shu glanced just now, and didn't seem to see that there is a time limit for completing the hidden side mission .

Jing Shuang was very impatient: "What are you waiting for?"

He walked to the door with Ming Shu in his arms, and kicked the locked door open from the inside.

There was a loud "bang", the outer lock broke, and the door was half broken, hanging on one side precariously.

The wolves outside can't last long, and such a big movement will definitely attract the attention of the villagers.

Jing Shuang ignored Jing Chu who was on the ground, and quickly fled with Ming Shu.

He was walking the other road opposite the entrance of the village, and when he was about to flee the village, his footsteps stopped suddenly.

Jing Shuang said "tsk", "I've been discovered."

Ming Shu in his arms tried to turn his head, and saw Yuan Chen standing in the middle of the road.

Being too far away, Ming Shu couldn't see the expression on Yuan Chen's face clearly, but he must know that Jing Shuang was holding him in his arms.

The road was blocked, Jing Shuang didn't choose to confront Yuan Chen, but immediately turned around and headed in another direction.

Yuan Chen stood still and raised the crossbow in his hand.

His eyes were like ice, and he aimed at the two figures in the distance and pulled the trigger.

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