Chapter 72: The Little Mermaid Under the Sea (35)

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The venom expired, and the black on Mingshu's fish tail slowly faded away, returning to its original silvery white color.

His hair color also changed back, and after the appearance transformation was completed, he became the silver-tailed mermaid he once was.

"The fifth mission is completed..." Mingshu said happily. The next second he saw the newly released mission six and the warm reminder, his smile froze slightly.

Death again... This was exactly the same as what he had experienced in the last dungeon, except that this time there was no time limit for completing the mission.

He can still choose the way to die. After death, he can clear the level directly without deducting his life points.

"Have you cleared the level?" Xia Zhu asked eagerly. He only received a prompt for a plot update.

Ming Shu looked at Yuan Chen and shook his head hesitantly.

Yuan Chen noticed the strange look on his face and reached out to hold him: "What's wrong?"

The mission continued only after Yuan Chen's intervention. Ming Shu did not hide the content of the last mission from him.

Xia Zhu also opened the plot reminder and took a quick glance.

[Plot Tips]:

[Everything Silvertail did was eventually revealed. He sneaked into the sea snake tribe and stole the venom of the sea snake to disguise himself. He coerced and lured another mermaid to help him complete his mission, reached cooperation with the leader of the sea snake, and also intended to kill Xi Depressed. It's just that the leader of the sea snake did not admit the deal with Silver Tail, claiming that everything was his lie. Out of mercy, the mermaid tribe agreed to the sea snake leader's request to continue their friendship and accepted two boxes of precious treasures sent by the sea snake leader. So all the crimes were pinned on Yinwei. After discussion, the elders of the clan decided to expel him from the country and exile him to the most dangerous sea area, leaving him to fend for himself. 】

【After Silver Tail was exiled, he survived with a bit of luck. He secretly came back and wandered around the periphery of the mermaid clan's territory, listening to the joyful cheers inside because of the birth of the new clan leader. He was unconscious until the leader of the sea snake left with his subordinates, preparing to return to the territory of the sea snake clan. Silvertail felt resentful and rushed over to attack the leader of the sea snake. However, before he could even touch a piece of the leader's clothes, he was swallowed by a giant jellyfish. In the middle, no bones remain. 】

After reading the last part of the plot, Xia Zhu made a brief summary and couldn't help but said: "Fortunately, you can choose your own way of death, otherwise..."

According to the plot description, the last thing that appeared must be the sea snake leader's pet Pearl, so that Pearl Eat Mingshu, how is this possible?

Therefore, the "trial" in the fifth mission refers to deportation. Mingshu is no longer in the mermaid territory, and the mission is completed after the venom loses effect in front of Xiyu.

There is only one last step left before he can pass the level.

This was not the first time Mingshu had done this kind of mission, and he was still calm: "After I clear the level, where are the others?"

And Yuan Chen, can they leave with him?

This question was quickly answered by the system, and another prompt popped up.

[Warm reminder: The player [Mingshu] is currently working on the last main mission: [Follow the ending of the identity and die]. Once completed, you can clear the level and open the dungeon exit. Please keep up the good work of the other players! 】

Both Xia Zhu and Mingshu received this reminder. Xia Zhu's face changed and he told Yuan Chen the content of the reminder.

"Now not only do they have to kill NPCs with wrong parameters," he said with a somewhat unbelievable expression, "but they also have to kill Mingshu?"

He always felt that this dungeon was not normal, and Mingshu himself needed to clear the level. Why bother hinting other players to take action? It's like... the system knows that Mingshu doesn't want to die.

Mingshu was confused by the successive situations. His waist suddenly tightened, and Yuan Chen hugged him from behind.

"Don't worry, there's still time," Yuan Chen comforted, "Let's hide first."

With him around, Ming Shu's uneasy mood suddenly eased a lot, and she turned around and buried herself in a familiar embrace.

It was a good thing that there was no time limit for completing the task. Maybe Yuan Chen could think of another way and finally go out with them.

Yuan Chen raised his eyes at this time, and his slightly cold gaze fell on Xia Zhu.

Xia Zhu knew what he meant and quickly expressed his position: "I will follow you without any second thoughts... My skill is infinite strength, but my strength is just a little too strong. The system gave me a trident but I threw it away on the way... ...Or I can leave..."

Holding the trident was too strenuous, and it would be easy to hurt him if it was brought into Pearl's soft cavity. Xia Zhu had never thought that Pearl would take him away, so he left the trident in the mermaid early in the morning. clan.

He spoke very fast, telling all the details about himself, including his current mission progress and camp value data, and almost told him his age and experience.

Yuan Chen stopped him in time and put away the inquiry and doubt in his eyes: "Let's find a place to rest."

This meant that he agreed to Xia Zhu to continue following them. Pearl swam over and grabbed his hair, gesturing for him to join him. Find something to eat nearby.

Mingshu stayed where he was. Yuan Chen hugged him and touched a silver-white scale on his waist: "It's still the most beautiful like this." The silver-

white fish tail suits Mingshu more, making him look pure and clean. The beautiful and delicate little mermaid has a similar artistic conception to the werewolf form of his previous copy.

Mingshu temporarily forgot about the task and looked down at Yuan Chen's black fish tail: "Can't you change back to silver tail?"

Yuan Chen responded: "Yeah."

In fact, Xi Yu in the original plot was a silver tail. Nothing will change until he finally becomes the clan leader.

It was Yuan Chen who took advantage of system loopholes to make a small change. He exists in two NPCs, Xiu Yu and Xi Yu. Once they meet, they will kill each other endlessly. After the two merge, he can also Restore original consciousness.

But it was this change that caused the sea snake leader's disfigurement to be different from Xiyu's fish tail shape. The system detected this and made timely plot changes and preventive measures.

It is very simple to get Mingshu to leave the dungeon, but as an NPC whose parameters are determined by the system to be incorrect, there is a high probability that he will not be able to leave.

Mingshu also imitated Yuan Chen's movements and gently touched the scales on his waist, like when he saw him in his mermaid form for the first time: "What about the sea snake?" "

Okay," Yuan Chen hugged him higher and kissed him. on the side of his neck, "Which tail do you like?"

Mingshu's cheeks were slightly red, and he hesitated: "I like them all."

Before Xia Zhu and Pearl came back, Yuan Chen took Mingshu to the corner behind some rocks. Press him down and kiss.

Mingshu half-pushed, his silver-white tail fin slightly raised, and after a while he took the initiative to put his arms around Yuan Chen.

Yuan Chen kissed him on the lips: "Have you forgotten something?"

Ming Shu was confused and suddenly received two messages indicating that the camp value had changed.

He opened the system panel and saw that the camp values ​​of the mermaid tribe and the sea snake tribe had both increased to 100.

[Mermaid]: 100 (beloved)

[Sea Serpent]: 100 (beloved)

[Congratulations to the player for unlocking the hidden plot · 1! Complete all tasks to light up the illustrated book]

[Congratulations to the player for unlocking the hidden plot · 2! Complete all tasks to light up the illustrated book]

[Ding Dong - Hidden Branch·Task 1 released]

[Task 1: Spend a day with a mermaid to enhance your relationship]

[Ding Dong - Hidden Branch·Task 2 released]

[Mission 1: Spend a day with a sea snake to enhance feelings]

Mingshu was stunned for a moment and realized that it was Yuan Chen who helped him unlock the hidden plot.

There are two blank illustrated grids in this copy, one for a mermaid and one for a sea snake.

Yuan Chen asked aloud: "What is it?"

The integration of Xiu Chen and Xi Yu was faster than he expected. Otherwise, according to Ming Shu's progress, he would have been able to reach the full value by himself.

Mingshu told him the content of the task: "Is it enough to just be together all day?"

"Probably." Pearl and Xia Zhu came back. Yuan Chen fastened the loose buttons on Mingshu's collar, "First use the mermaid "."

He maintained his mermaid form. After eating, Pearl took them and set off again, wandering in the wide sea.

At night, Ming Shu leaned against Yuan Chen and felt unsteady.

The silver-white fish tail shimmered slightly under the dim sight. A scale under the waist and abdomen was pried up, and the fingertips were gently inserted.

Mingshu was teased for a long time and kissed Yuan Chen's lips in a flattering manner.

Yuan Chen pulled one of his hands down and whispered: "Open it yourself and lift it up."

Ming Shu was so excited that his whole body trembled, and he endured the shame and did it, biting deep teeth on Yuan Chen's shoulder. print.

The next day, the system prompted him that the task was completed.

There is only one hidden mission this time. A grid in the illustrated book is lit up, and there are two blurry figures on the screen. It can be barely seen that they are two mermaids embracing each other.

The small letters at the bottom read: Nature dictates it.

There is only one hidden mission related to the sea snake. Yuan Chen spent a day with Ming Shu in the form of a sea snake, and the illustrated book was lit up.

The picture turned into a mermaid and a sea snake, and the words in the details were "natural".

For two days, Pearl led them around, never staying in the same place for more than a whole day.

Except for the need to avoid chasing NPCs and players at any time, Mingshu actually lives a more stable life than before. There is only the last step of the mission, and there is no need to worry about anything else.

It's just that when he sees Xia Zhu every day, he is always embarrassed to look at each other. He and Yuan Chen are together every night. I wonder if Xia Zhu and Pearl heard anything.

After the illustrated book was lit up, Yuan Chen stopped using his mermaid or sea snake appearance at night and asked Ming Shu to transform back into human form with him.

The space inside the water wall supported by stones was small, just enough to accommodate the two of them. Ming Shu was hugged, and his whole body was wet as if he had been fished out of the water. His calves were stained with a lot of fine sand, and he leaned on Yuan Chen to endure the bumps. .

Yuan Chen brushed the silver hair from his face, called him kitten, and kissed him.


five days, Mingshu and Xia Zhu's skills became ineffective, and a new round of skill distribution followed.

Xia Zhu's became [Ice Cover], which could solidify seawater into ice, shortening the time limit to three days.

But Mingshu's skill didn't arrive for a long time, and when he finally activated it, he found that it was still the same summoned fish school as before.

Xia Zhu said angrily: "It must be intentional!"

The new round of skills should be stronger, otherwise the system would not have to do this, but Mingshu is still the same as before, obviously being targeted.

Mingshu turned off the system panel and sighed silently: "Others will become more powerful, right?"

He originally thought that he would be able to escape for five days, but he did not expect that the system would continue to send skills in order to hunt down Yuan Chen.

"Yes," Yuan Chen looked coldly, "More than that."

Not only players, but also NPCs' abilities will be enhanced. The first five days were used to modify data. They were stalling for time, and so was the system.

Xia Zhu went to a distance to test his skills. Not long after, Pearl swam over in a panic, pointing his tentacles into the distance.

Mingshu immediately understood what it meant: "So fast..."

Pearl set off again, with Mingshu and Yuan Chen in the soft cavity, while Xia Zhu sat on it, always paying attention to the movements nearby.

From now on, Mingshu's bad premonition became stronger and stronger. He asked Yuan Chen: "Can you leave here after I clear the customs?" Yuan Chen replied: "


Before Mingshu could be happy, he heard again He said, "No."

"Why?" Ming Shu said confused. There were many things Yuan Chen couldn't tell him directly, so he could only rely on his own guessing.

Can I leave this copy, but not the system? He will still be an NPC.

Yuan Chen was silent for a moment and answered the question: "Every time you get hurt, it's because of me."

Mingshu died twice in the last dungeon and once in this dungeon.

The first two times were caused by a part of his consciousness that was divided, and the latter time was because he failed to protect Mingshu.

He hugged Mingshu tightly and kissed his forehead: "Were you scared at first?"

Mingshu said honestly: "A little."

He was killed twice as soon as he entered the dungeon, but his subsequent missions were able to proceed smoothly. , also because of Yuan Chen.

"Do you hate me?" Seeing Mingshu shaking his head, Yuan Chen raised the corners of his lips and asked again: "Do you remember... what happened before?"

Mingshu was puzzled: "Before?" "

Does it mean the last copy? Of course he remembers it.

At this time, the mouth of the soft tone opened, and Xia Zhu's anxious voice came from outside: "They are chasing us! "

Sure enough, after the skill was reset, the speed at which all NPCs and players caught up was greatly increased. Pearl had discovered the mermaids approaching as early as ten minutes ago, and now the gap between them is actually slowly narrowing. Keep this up

. Sooner or later, they will be caught up.

Pearl swam hard in the sea water, but before she could shake off the pursuit behind her, she ran into another wave of NPCs in front.

In desperation, Xia Zhu used a skill, and the thick ice layer disappeared out of thin air. appeared and stood in front of those mermaids.

However, there were NPCs and players everywhere. Pearl dodged to avoid a blue attack. She took Xia Zhu with her to hide while sealing the road, and soon sealed the entire surrounding circle. Get up.

When Xia Zhu calmed down and took a look, he was dumbfounded: "It's over, there's no way out. "

It was sealed on all sides, and there were still gaps in the sky. At this point, Xia Zhu had no choice but to turn the sea water above his head into ice. The ice

was very thick, and with Xia Zhu's reinforcement from time to time, he could barely withstand it for a while.

Under Yuan Chen's instructions Next, Pearl opened her soft cavity and let out the two people inside.

Mingshu looked at everything around him, worried and sad: "Does it matter if I pass the level? "

As long as he clears the level and the dungeon exit is opened, everyone can go out.

He doesn't want to make a decision so quickly, but he also has to take Xia Zhu into consideration. Once the ice breaks and players and NPCs from outside pour in, Xia Zhu may not be able to Escape safely.

"No," Yuan Chen said softly, "There is a second way. "

He didn't say it out loud, but Mingshu understood it.

Killing the NPC with wrong parameters can also open the dungeon exit, so once Yuan Chen dies, the dungeon can still end and Mingshu can leave safely.

Mingshu didn't think about it at all. After crossing this road, he shook his head subconsciously: "But..."

"Don't worry," Yuan Chen squeezed his palm, "I won't feel any pain."

He hinted that he was an NPC, unlike Ming Shu. If Ming Shu died, no matter what the method, it would be like experiencing it personally.

Mingshu didn't quite believe it: "Really..."

Yuan Chen sighed: "Of course, and how could I let you do such a thing again."

He hugged Mingshu into his arms and comforted her gently: "I can't get out. Go, the result will be the same."

Since he cannot leave the system and one of him and Mingshu must die, then he will inevitably choose himself.

"It's not over yet, I will come back to you," Yuan Chen said at last, kissing Mingshu, "Don't be afraid, I haven't disappeared." These words gave Mingshu

some comfort, there must be a third copy, he You will find Yuan Chen inside.

He lowered his head and caught a glimpse of Yuan Chen holding a thin piece of rock in his hand. The top was sharp and sharp, like a knife.

Mingshu looked panicked again, he didn't want to see this scene.

Yuan Chen hid the rock in his sleeves and asked Ming Shu to turn around and hug him from behind.

"Are you happy these days?" He stroked the side of Mingshu's face, "I can't bear to let go of my baby."

The sound of the ice breaking came, and Xia Zhu panicked and shouted to Pearl to come over and help him.

Pearl was guarding Ming Shu and Yuan Chen. Seeing this, the two sides hesitated for a moment, then swam in the direction of Xia Zhu.

After Pearl left, faint movement sounded from behind Mingshu.

Bright red blood stains suddenly spread in the sea water. Ming Shu smelled the strong smell of blood and hurriedly wanted to look back, but was hugged tightly by Yuan Chen.

A hand covered his eyes, blocking his sight and preventing him from struggling.

The familiar temperature kissed the tip of Mingshu's ear and coaxed: "It doesn't hurt at all... we're leaving soon, don't be afraid."

The sea water was cold, and Mingshu's eyes went dark, and he felt Yuan Chen's tight hold on him gradually loosen.

Until the hand covering his eyes dropped weakly, and the system beeped.

[The NPC with incorrect parameters has been eliminated, and the dungeon exit will be opened soon]

[No one has cleared the dungeon due to emergencies. Now, the ranking will be based on the completion of the task and the camp value, and rewards will be issued. Players are asked to check it in the background later. ]

[The system is being liquidated--]

[The dungeon will be separated soon, please wait patiently]

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