Chapter 155: Copy of Wolf-Eared Boy (5)

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There are two situations when Mingshu is an nppc in the dungeon.

Intelligent AI generated by system data, or real players participating in the role-playing, can sometimes be used interchangeably on the same NPC.

Generally, plot-type dungeon NPCs are system data. They don't need to be very flexible. They just need to complete the plot according to the settings. Advanced intelligent AI can almost fake the real thing.

This dungeon was a preliminary stage for trial operation. Before Sang Yin and the others came in, the system had never mentioned the existence of other players.

And since it is necessary to target NPCs, although there are many players, it is not so easy to find one that fully meets the requirements. It is more convenient and faster to pick one out directly from the database without worrying about other problems.

Therefore, the three glasses and others did not regard Mingshu as a player with independent consciousness at all. Everything Mingshu showed was different. They only regarded it as the system's setting to cater to Sang Yin's preferences.

They don't have any sense of crisis. After all, how can a player really fall in love with a dungeon NPC? Even if it's a real-person role-playing, you have to wait until you clear the level and go out.

When the critical moment comes, it is impossible to be soft-hearted.

After leaving Sang Yin's residence, the thin man touched his chin and thought: "So Sang Yin likes this type. I really can't tell." "Sure enough, the

system understands the players best," Glasses said half-jokingly, "But there should be some errors. Does his reaction sound like a heartbeat... I've never seen him fall in love, how did such big data come about?"

The fat man sneered: "That's disgusting."

In the room, Mingshu slowly put down the hand covering his cheek, pinched There are still marks on the place.

He pinched the oil paper bag, and his heartbeat couldn't help but quicken: "My name is Mingshu."

The werewolf in the dungeon plot does not have his own name. He is whoever he pretends to be. At other times, he is only referred to by the word "werewolf".

Mingshu told the truth like a ghost, and added stumblingly: "It's... tomorrow's Ming, comfortable Shu."

He was a newcomer, and Sang Yin definitely didn't know him, but after the copy was released...

"Mingshu," Sang Yin Standing up straight, his eyes glanced at the tips of Mingshu's red ears: "Okay."

The wolves didn't come last night, there weren't many places in the village that needed help, and Sang Yin didn't go out.

Mingshu stayed at the door of his room and was free to move around. He sat on a chair by the window, opened the oil paper bag, ate the pancakes in small bites, and poured himself some water.

He tried not to make too much noise and reduce his presence.

Sang Yin was whittling wood strips, as if he was making crossbow arrows or something like that. Ming Shu started to feel sleepy after watching it for a while, and dozed off leaning on the armrest.

In the middle of nowhere, a figure came to him and said, "Go to bed and sleep."

The sound of the teacup hitting the table was clear, and Mingshu woke up halfway and responded sheepishly.

He got up and went to the bed, took off his coat, folded it and placed it at the foot of the bed, and got under the quilt.

He didn't sleep well last night and was woken up again in the morning. He was so sleepy that he didn't care whether the bed Sang Yin slept on was suitable.

Xiao Mushroom took advantage of Mingshu's break to fold clothes, slipped out of his pocket, hid under the quilt, and slept with Mingshu.


Mingshu woke up, Sang Yin was nowhere to be found, and the door and windows were locked, making Mingshu unable to get out.

There is also a back door in the house, which is connected to a separate small bathroom door. It was additionally spliced ​​after people lived in it. The wall made of wooden boards is nailed to make it airtight, and the small window cannot accommodate an adult.

Little Mushroom looked around and stared at the window: "Shu Shu, use a chair to break the window open."

But it was still daytime, and villagers would pass by at any time outside, which would probably be more dangerous than staying inside.

If he wanted to leave the village smoothly, he had to think of a safer way.

Before dark, Sang Yin came back from outside and brought back some brand new clothes and toiletries, as well as a steaming dinner.

These are all prepared for Mingshu. Apart from restricting his movements, they are not treating him badly.

Mingshu was very satisfied with this. He took a few mouthfuls of rice and then said hesitantly: "I...I also want my pot of green radish..." The

green radish in his mouth was the small mushroom in the door of Hu Yi's room. favorite food.

Mingshu's disguise was exposed, and the villagers thought he had fled to the woods. A simple funeral was held for Hu Yi, who was confirmed dead, and no one lived in the original house.

Sang Yin sat on the other side of the room, concentrating on whittling the wooden strips in his hands and not answering.

He didn't say anything, so Mingshu thought he didn't agree, so he lowered his head and stuffed a mouthful of rice.

After a while, Sang Yin put down the things in his hands: "Where is it?"

Mingshu looked up blankly: "What?"

There was still a little loss on his face, and he looked pitiful.

Sang Yin stood up and said, "Pothos."

Mingshu's disappointment suddenly disappeared, and he became visibly happy. He told Sang Yin that the pothos was placed next to the window of Hu Yi's room.

Sang Yin said "ok" and left under Mingshu's expectant eyes.

The door was still locked, and the little mushroom poked his head out of his pocket. He was so hungry that he was dizzy: "Eat, eat, and then find a way to leave." Not long after,

Sang Yin came back with a pot of green radish.

Mingshu took the pothos and said "thank you". His amber pupils shone slightly under the light, as if he had gotten some treasure that he had longed for.

When Sang Yin wasn't paying attention, he picked a root of a pothos and put it in his pocket.

After dinner, Mingshu consciously put away the tableware and took it to the bathroom door to clean it.

After returning to the house, he sat down quietly, opened his pockets, tore off the small mushrooms and quietly threw away the uneaten rhizome skins.

He also dipped a little water on his fingertips and fed it to the little mushroom. The little mushroom finally had enough to eat and drink, rolled in his pocket, and stretched out his thin hands to hug Mingshu's fingers.

After spending the day smoothly, Mingshu gradually relaxed, burying his head and just playing with the little mushroom.

When the light around him dimmed, Sang Yin stood in front of the chair: "What's in your hand?"

He was condescending, his tone was always cold, and his whole person was full of pressure. Mingshu suddenly became nervous and looked up at him: " No, it's nothing..."

Sang Yin glanced at his pocket, and his meaning was already obvious.

Mingshu tightened his pockets and remained silent. He didn't want Sang Yin to see Xiao Mushroom. Xiao Mushroom was a smart AI specially assigned to him by the system. He was afraid that Sang Yin would find out about it.

However, the more he acted like this, the more suspicious he looked. Sang Yin leaned over and grabbed Mingshu's wrist, trying to force him up.

He was so strong that Ming Shu couldn't break free. At this moment, a small shadow appeared in his pocket.

The little mushroom quickly climbed onto Mingshu's shoulder, holding a stone that he had hidden at some point in his hand. He raised it high and threw it at Sang Yin: "Go away!"

The stone hit Sang Yin and fell to the ground. , Mingshu watched this scene helplessly, his expression stiff.

Sang Yin let go of Mingshu, then pinched the little mushroom that had no time to escape, and looked at it carefully with a slight frown.

They had just entered the dungeon not long ago, and the plot had not gone far, and the tree mushroom living in the deep forest had not yet appeared.

Sang Yin said coldly: "What is it?"

The little mushroom struggled hard, tore off a piece of mycelium and balled it up, trying to throw it into Sang Yin's mouth, but of course it failed.

Mingshu was nervous and pulled his sleeve: "It's called Guji, and it's a tree mushroom."

He explained incoherently: "It's a vegetarian, very obedient, and won't hurt anyone..."

Before he finished speaking, Mingshu saw the little mushroom bite Sang Yin hard, but it was too small and the force was like scratching an itch.

Mingshu's throat twitched, and his voice became much softer unconsciously: "It's my pet, don't hurt it..."

The little mushroom has the consciousness of being an intelligent AI. In front of Sang Yin, he is just a little tree mushroom. Kicking his hand: "Let me go, let me go!"

Even though it had been hidden in Mingshu's pocket, the green dill was also brought back for it.

Seeing that Sang Yin was unmoved, Ming Shu boldly reached out to grab it.

He leaned over and hugged Sang Yin's arm, breathing unevenly because of anxiety.

Sang Yin raised his eyes slightly, relaxed his grip on his hand, and the little mushroom fell into Mingshu's hand.

Mingshu quickly put the little mushroom back into his pocket and covered it tightly with his hands.

Little Mushroom was still not convinced and shouted in his pocket: "Let me beat him!"

Mingshu was embarrassed for a moment and whispered: "You scared it..."

But looking at the current situation, the person who was scared should be Mingshu was right. He looked aggrieved and accusing, for fear that Sang Yin would take Xiao Mushroom away again.

The small mushroom was just a tree mushroom, only half the size of a palm, so the mycelium was slightly toxic and did not pose a threat at all.

Sang Yin looked at Mingshu for a while and then took a step forward.

Mingshu hurriedly backed away, leaning against the chair behind him.

The two were very close now. Sang Yin bent down slightly and said softly: "Don't be afraid."

When he said this, he was rare and gentle.

Mingshu lowered his head, his thick eyelashes trembled, and he blushed again.

When the little mushroom was discovered, it no longer had to be hidden in the pocket. It came out and squatted beside the table, watching Sang Yin spread the mattress on the floor.

Mingshu was helping and installed a new pillow.

This is the door of Sang Yin's room. During the day, Mingshu had the opportunity to sleep on the bed for a while, but at night he could only sleep on the floor.

But there was no extra quilt. Mingshu was about to cover himself with his coat when he heard Sang Yin say: "You go to bed and sleep." Mingshu was simply

flattered. Little Mushroom was the most active and hurried to the bed, as if Sang Yin would have been there just one second later. Will regret it.

When the lights in the room were turned off, Mingshu nestled in the warm quilt, turned over and looked at Sang Yin, who was lying down on the ground with his clothes on.

Little Mushroom quietly talked to him: "Shu Shu, let's find a way to escape tomorrow. The night of the full moon is coming soon."

Under the current situation, it is not that easy to escape. There are people guarding and patrolling the entrance and surrounding areas of the village at all times.

If Sang Yin could be allowed to take him out of the village first, it would be safest to take the opportunity to escape outside.

Mingshu thought hard about what kind of excuse he had to make up to deceive Sang Yin.

The next day, Mingshu ate some of the breakfast Sang Yin brought back, then put down his chopsticks and hesitated to speak.

"I..." He looked very entangled and hesitant, "I want to take you to a place."

Sang Yin asked: "Where?"

This was not compiled, Mingshu was vague and did not answer, and only emphasized: "It's very Important place."

If it were him, he would probably not be able to resist the possibility of hidden plots. Players are curious and thirsty for knowledge, especially in this kind of plot-type dungeon, every level will not be missed.

Sure enough, Sang Yin asked again: "When?"

He seemed to be really considering that it would not be difficult for him to find a time when there were few people to quietly take Ming Shu out of the village.

Mingshu said quickly: "Just for today."

"Okay," Sang Yin agreed, standing up as if to leave, "Wait a moment."

Mingshu realized that he might have to tell the other three players.

They were companions who entered the dungeon as a team, and the tasks and information were shared. Yesterday, Mingshu hid in the door of Sang Yin's room, and Sang Yin did not hide the other three people.

But as more people go out, it becomes more difficult for Mingshu to escape.

He immediately stood up and stopped Sang Yin, stammering: "I... I will only take you alone."

Sang Yin raised his eyes and was silent for a moment: "Why?"

Mingshu pursed her lips and clenched Sang Yin's sleeves. Hold on: "I don't want to..."

"You... you are the best to me," he said, the tips of his ears turning red again, "You won't hurt me."

This is also true, he can feel it, the other three players His attitude towards him was no different from that of the fat man who almost forced him with a silver bar yesterday. When necessary, he would not care about his feelings.

Mingshu's amber pupils were clear and moist, like an inexperienced deer, looking at Sang Yin who unconsciously showed dependence and leaned into his arms.

Sang Yin didn't push him away, his eyes were lowered, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a while, he responded: "Okay."

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