Chapter 154: Copy of Wolf-Eared Boy (4)

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Mingshu tried hard to adjust his breathing, suppressed the heat on his face, and looked away with evasive eyes.

He has never had any experience in love, and he always feels a little embarrassed when he thinks of what Xiao Mushroom said.

So how did the system's data comparison come about... How can we be sure that he will be the type that Sang Yin likes?

Sang Yin glanced at Mingshu's red ears, and moved the dagger back an inch: "Why are you hiding here?"

Mingshu noticed that his attitude had really softened, and his face became even redder, and he whispered: "I I didn't know this was your house..."

He knew that his reaction looked like he was shy.

But maybe... just try to see if you can get through the crisis at hand? Just like Xiao Mushroom said, if Sang Yin would be soft-hearted to him, he would have a chance to escape.

Mingshu still remembers that in some dungeons, players can develop a romantic relationship with NPCs by increasing their favorability, and use the convenience of such relationships to complete tasks.

It's just that he is an NPC now, and Sang Yin is the player.

Anyway, it's here. If you don't try hard to find a way out, you might be judged as a negative task by the system.

"I don't dare to go into the woods either," Mingshu continued to tell lies. He was already nervous, looking at a loss and scared, "It's... very dangerous outside."

He spoke vaguely, and Sang Yin asked: "What? Danger?"

Mingshu hesitated for a moment, pretending to be panicked and shook his head slightly. Sang Yin asked again: "Are there other werewolves?"

His guess was exactly what Mingshu wanted to guide, but Mingshu did not dare to say too much. , afraid of exposing flaws.

He continued to remain silent, as if he had acquiesced, refusing to speak out directly because of some concerns and fears.

The werewolf in the dungeon is the villain, and the player's task is to solve the werewolf. This type of plot is similar to the dungeon. You can clear the level by completing the main plot line. If you are lucky, some side lines and hidden tasks will be triggered.

Mingshu's purpose was to make Sang Yin think that the werewolf who did the evil was not him, and that on the contrary, he could help him.

He was thinking about how to make it more credible, and the short sword in Sang Yin's hand suddenly retreated.

Mingshu watched him put away the dagger and clenched the edge of his sleeve nervously.

So you don't want to kill him?

Without waiting for Mingshu's reaction, Sang Yin took down a bundle of ropes from the wooden frame nearby, tied Mingshu's hands up, and fixed them to the pillar at the head of the bed.

His eyebrows were cold: "I'll keep you here for one night."

As for what Ming Shu said, if there was even half a lie, he would still kill him mercilessly.

There will be villagers patrolling the door at night passing by outside at any time, but Mingshu can't make any sound in his house.

Mingshu nodded obediently, realizing that Sang Yin wouldn't do anything to him for the time being, and he wasn't as scared as before.

He stood beside the bed, looking well-behaved, not struggling even though he was tied up, looking at Sang Yin with his clear eyes.

Sang Yin stared at him for a while, with no expression on his face. He didn't know what he was thinking. Then he turned around and took a thick quilt and put it on the ground.

The door to the whole room was so big, so Mingshu certainly didn't expect to be able to sleep on a bed. It was inconvenient for him to have his hands tied, and his movements were slow and clumsy. He sat on the floor covered with quilts and whispered thank you to Sang Yin.

It was getting very late. When Sang Yin turned off the lights and went to sleep, Ming Shu yawned in the darkness and carefully leaned against a soft part of the bed, preparing to sleep like this.

Just after midnight, Xiao Mushroom's excited voice sounded: "Shu Shu, you succeeded! He really likes you!"

Ming Shu blushed and wanted to refute that the type he likes does not mean he likes you, but he couldn't directly respond to Xiao Mushroom in his mind , holding back his voice and not daring to disturb the second person in the room.

The little mushroom moved in his pocket and said: "When he relaxes his guard, we will escape back to the woods!"

Mingshu thought to himself, won't he continue to stay in the village? It's not impossible to change another disguise, as long as you can find an opportunity.

It was not convenient, and his movements were slow and clumsy. He sat on the floor covered with quilts and whispered thank you to Sang Yin.

It was getting very late. When Sang Yin turned off the lights and went to sleep, Ming Shu yawned in the darkness and carefully leaned against a soft part of the bed, preparing to sleep like this.

Just after midnight, Xiao Mushroom's excited voice sounded: "Shu Shu, you succeeded! He really likes you!"

Ming Shu blushed and wanted to refute that the type he likes does not mean he likes you, but he couldn't directly respond to Xiao Mushroom in his mind , holding back his voice and not daring to disturb the second person in the room.

The little mushroom moved in his pocket and said: "When he relaxes his guard, we will escape back to the woods!"

Mingshu thought to himself, won't he continue to stay in the village? It's not impossible to change another disguise, as long as you can find an opportunity.

Little Mushroom seemed to know what he was thinking, turned over and continued: "The night of the full moon is coming soon, Shu Shu, I have to go back to the woods to prepare."

Night of the full moon? Mingshu remembered that it was mentioned in the plot that werewolves on full moon nights would be unable to control their transformations, and their personalities would be more manic than usual.

However, during the two days before and after the full moon night, you need to replenish your physical strength and try to stay in the best condition, otherwise the villagers will hunt down and kill the werewolf when he is at his weakest.

Mingshu looked down at himself in the darkness. Although he was a werewolf, he seemed to be weak enough without any skills or role bonuses.

I wonder if he can become more powerful on a full-moon night... Mingshu thought wildly for a while, then tilted his head and rested his head on the bed and gradually fell asleep.

Little Mushroom was not sleepy yet, so he quietly came out of his pocket and walked around the house. He didn't find anything edible. He came back disappointed, got into Mingshu's clothes and fell asleep.


When it was just dawn, Ming Shu was awakened by the faint movement beside him. He opened his eyes in a daze and saw Sang Yin cutting the rope with a knife and untying his hands.

Sang Yin threw the rope aside casually, stood up and said, "Stay here, don't go out."

After saying that, he turned around and left, locking the doors and windows from the outside.

Mingshu listened to the footsteps gradually moving away, turned around and saw the made bed, with sleepiness still on his face.

He sat by the bed all night, not sleeping well at all. At this time, he couldn't care about anything else. He stood up and climbed onto the bed with his stiff knees, lifted the quilt and buried himself in it.

There seemed to be still body heat and a strange smell in the quilt, and Mingshu soon fell into a deep sleep again.

I don't know how long it took, but Mingshu was woken up by the sound of voices.

Little Mushroom urged in his mind: "Shu Shu! Shu Shu!"

Ming Shu opened his eyes and saw a young man wearing glasses standing in the room, looking at him with raised eyebrows: "This is what happened to Song Bie with anti-wolf spray." The one with the bad face?"

The thin man who had met Mingshu yesterday was also there. His expression was gloomy: "What's the anti-wolf spray...that's pepper spray."

There were four people in the small room except Mingshu, except for the talking glasses. and the thin man, and Sang Yin and a fatter player.

Mingshu suddenly woke up, rolled over, grabbed the quilt and shrank to the corner of the bed, looking at the people nervously.

The glasses clicked: "Why are you still a little timid?"

He adjusted the frame of the glasses and gestured to Mingshu to come out: "Get up when you wake up. We have something to ask you." What's going on.

As he asked, the fat man sitting at the table echoed a few words. Mingshu listened to their conversation and mentioned some hidden mission.

They seem to think that Mingshu is a character in the hidden branch, not the final villain of the plot. The rewards of the hidden branch are usually very generous, and most players are not willing to miss it.

Mingshu answered in turn, speaking vaguely like last night. When faced with questions that were difficult to answer, he would pretend to be stupid or pretend to be scared. He admitted that he had broken part of the trap, but not intentionally.

In short, after asking around, Mingshu provided very little usable information.

The thin man thought: "Could it be that his favorability is a bit low, and he hasn't reached the data to trigger the key plot?"

In their eyes, Mingshu is an NPC, and most of the side plots require the NPC's favorability to reach a certain standard. Just fine.

Only then did Mingshu realize that these people could see his favorability.

Some system and dungeon vocabulary were incomprehensible to NPCs, and several people did not shy away in front of Mingshu. The thin man said that his favorability with Mingshu was 20, and the same was true for the glasses and the fat man.

Only Sang Yin remained silent and seemed too lazy to answer.

Mingshu turned her head and looked at him quietly, meeting his gaze.

He was inexplicably flustered and nervous for a moment, pinched his palms and looked away calmly.

It can't be more than 20...maybe 30, or 40?

At this time, the fat man suddenly said: "It's not necessarily a hidden branch, he may be lying."

They were unable to verify everything Mingshu said for the moment, and they couldn't find out more clearly even if they wanted to ask, which was very suspicious.

He stared at Ming Shu warily: "If you want me to see, it's better to be cautious. And didn't he say that he didn't summon the wolves? Just grab a live wolf and see if it bites him." The

wolf will know. The pack usually only obeys the orders of a single werewolf, similar to following the leader wolf in the pack. If Mingshu had not lied, the wolves would also attack him.

But in this case, Mingshu would most likely be injured.

"Also, don't be fooled by his appearance," the fat man continued, "He is a werewolf after all, how can he be so weak." He stood up and asked for a silver piece from the glasses beside him


He took the glasses out of his pocket and threw them to him casually: "What do you want to do?"

"Aren't werewolves afraid of silver products?" The fat man took the silver piece and approached Mingshu, "Rabbits will bite when they are in a hurry. Let me see if he is just faking it."

When faced with pain and threats, the disguise is more likely to be exposed, and it can also force Mingshu to reveal more information.

Since no one else seems to have the heart to hurt Mingshu, a "weak werewolf", let him try.

Mingshu reacted and turned pale.

All his senses in the copy were real, and he still clearly remembered the severe pain of being burned by the silver nugget yesterday.

He took a step back in fear, turned around and saw Sang Yin standing by the door, and instinctively hid behind him.

Among these players, at least Sang Yin is the most likely to be soft-hearted towards him.

When the fat man saw this scene, he immediately stepped forward, and the other two people also showed subtle and strange expressions on their faces.

There was silence in the room. Sang Yin didn't even look back. He pulled Mingshu out from behind and said, "Why bother?"

His words showed his attitude. He didn't want to see the fat man hurt Mingshu with a piece of silver.

The fat man gave up knowingly, looked at Ming Shu with an inquiring gaze, and put away the silver piece.

In the end, they decided to keep Mingshu here first and talk about the rest later.

But it was impossible for them to help Mingshu find another disguised identity. Being discovered by the villagers would not only arouse suspicion, but may also affect their mission in the village.

So Mingshu had no choice but to hide. As for where to hide...

The three of them looked at Sang Yin in unison. Mingshu stood next to Sang Yin and moved a little in his direction at a loss.

The eyes of the glasses turned twice on Mingshu and Sang Yin, and they adjusted the frames: "Leave it to you. Let's get some favorability points by the way, so that it can be easier to complete the task."

They couldn't let Mingshu leave, and planned to wait until the full moon Let's talk about it after the night.

Sang Yin remained silent, he did not refuse clearly, but he looked extremely confused due to his own uneasiness and panic at being discovered.

Sang Yin was silent for a while, then lowered his voice and asked again: "What's your name?"

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