Chapter 159: Copy of Wolf-Eared Boy (9)

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System failure, all operations in the dungeon are temporarily suspended, including all NPCs.

The villagers were like puppets whose souls had been extracted, frozen in place, with the same expressions on their faces as before the pause.

Mingshu and Xiao Mushroom are also NPCs, but one of them is played by a player and the other is a more advanced intelligent AI, so they are not affected.

It is precisely because of this that Mingshu's identity was confirmed.

Xiao Mushroom didn't want to be discovered, so he lay in Mingshu's pocket and pretended to be dead.

After receiving the reminder of the system failure, Glasses immediately contacted the remaining two people and went to Sang Yin's residence together.

It was discovered that Ming Shu was also there, and had a pair of wolf ears growing on the top of his head. He behaved very intimately with Sang Yin. The two people who came after him had similar reactions to the glasses.

Mingshu huddled in Sang Yin's arms, trying to hide himself.

Sang Yin was the calmest and calmest one. He picked up Ming Shu's robe, put it on for him personally, and put on his hood to cover his wolf ears. His movements were extremely natural.

The fat man couldn't help but ask, "When did you hook up?"

They only knew that Sang Yin had not been here for the past two days and was busy with his own affairs. There had been no substantial progress in the plot, so they didn't ask much.

Now the system has an inexplicable malfunction and the copy has stopped running. It turns out that Ming Shu is really an NPC played by the player, and he is actually with Sang Yin... The amount of information at once is too much.

"Don't worry about it for now," the thin man coughed lightly, "What's the situation now?"

"It's stopped and I can't get out." The glasses searched on the panel. "I don't know the cause of the failure."

The fat man glanced at Mingshu: "Before the malfunction, a large number of wolves raided. Was it his fault?"

He was still wondering why he didn't see the werewolf in the plot. It turned out that he had been secretly brought back to the village...

Fatty didn't have a good impression of Mingshu. , thinking that Mingshu might be deliberately tempting and confusing Sang Yin, diverting his attention, and then taking the opportunity to summon wolves to attack the village.

Then the wolves will cooperate with each other inside and outside to destroy the village... Fatty feels that Sang Yin did something wrong and should not trust Ming Shu easily.

And this is a dungeon. The purpose of their entry is to clear the level...not to fall in love.

Mingshu immediately shook his head: "It's not me..."

He looked at Sang Yin and wanted to try to defend himself. Sang Yin took his hand and squeezed it gently: "I know."

Mingshu needed to hurt himself if he summoned the wolves. Being with Sang Yin all day long, there was no chance to do this. The wolf pack's movement track was mostly system settings.

When the fat man saw Sang Yin protecting Ming Shu, he choked on his words and didn't want to mention it again.

The last few people did not discuss any results. Mingshu listened to them sort out the tasks they had done after entering the dungeon and confirmed that there were no abnormalities. The failure was caused by the system itself. In this case, they could only wait patiently.

With the stranger around, Mingshu calmed down a lot. The excitement aroused by the full moon night weakened, and he remembered Xiao Mushroom's previous reaction.

When Sang Yin asked him what the number was, Xiao Mushroom said he couldn't tell him, and then... the system failed.

Mingshu felt uneasy. When he thought about it carefully, his behavior seemed to violate the original intention of the character.

When Sang Yin untied the bite arrester for him, he should do what Xiao Mushroom said, bite him and escape, and then cooperate with the wolves to attack the village.

The people opposite were talking to each other and didn't notice. Mingshu whispered, "Is it... because of me?"

"What?" Sang Yin frowned slightly and immediately realized what Mingshu meant.

"Don't worry," he reassured, "We'll wait until the fault is resolved." The system will investigate on its own. If it is really Mingshu, we will make plans at that time.

Mingshu nodded lightly, relying on him unconsciously. The excitement that had been suppressed for a while surged up again, and his cheeks were stained with blush.

"What you asked me just now..." he said vaguely, holding on to a piece of Sang Yin's clothes, "I... do you really like me?"

He didn't know if he could tell Sang the number directly in the copy. Yin, when he thought that Sang Yin would come to him later, he couldn't help but look forward to it.

Although they met not long ago, they have a good impression of each other, so it should be okay to try to be together...

and they have both kissed.

Mingshu remembered the kiss not long ago, the heat on his face rose even higher, and he subconsciously licked his dry lips.

Sang Yin didn't answer directly. He opened Mingshu's hood and touched the furry ears inside, then leaned in and kissed his hot side face.

He was also much calmer at the moment, with restraint in his movements, and the kiss was only gentle.

The room became quiet at some point, and people turned their heads and looked away in tacit agreement.

After a while, Yan Yan took the initiative to say: "Then let's rest first, and we'll talk about it tomorrow morning."

Sang Yin didn't even raise his head: "I won't send it away."

They went out together, and Yan Yan closed the door thoughtfully.

Walking outside, the fat man couldn't help complaining: "Has he been soul-pierced? He is just a good-looking player, and he has been fascinated by all kinds of things..." The

thin man walked with his head buried in the ground: "People are in love with each other, you No matter what."


At night, Mingshu naturally slept here at Sang Yin.

Like last time, Sang Yin spread a mattress on the floor for Mingshu to sleep on.

Mingshu took off his coat, took out the dead mushroom from his pocket, and carefully placed it in the flower pot.

Sang Yin looked behind him, his eyes lingering on the little mushroom for a while.

Little Mushroom lay on his back, quietly opened one eye, found Sang Yin looking at it, and quickly closed it.

Sang Yin didn't seem to notice anything, so he turned around and went out to boil hot water.

After washing up, Mingshu sat on the edge of the bed with his knees in his arms, his tail wagging behind him.

He didn't feel sleepy at all and couldn't find anything to do. He watched Sang Yin put out the light and go back to the floor to lie down.

"Go to sleep."

Mingshu responded softly, lying on his side holding the corner of the quilt, closing his eyes in the darkness.

After an unknown amount of time, he turned over and quietly got out of bed and touched Sang Yin's bed.

Sang Yin hugged the person who was shrinking into his arms and reached out to explore Ming Shu's forehead, which was still a little hot.

Mingshu rubbed his hand and tucked his tail into the quilt.

Sang Yin asked, "Are you unable to sleep?"

Ming Shu said, "Yes," "I'm not sleepy."

Sang Yin hugged him and slowly ran her palms along his back to lull him to sleep.

Mingshu calmed down and his breathing gradually became calmer.

The copy was stagnant, and the alternation between day and night was still there. At about five o'clock in the morning, the sky outside was covered with a layer of white light.

Mingshu was sleeping soundly when the wolf ears and tail behind him suddenly disappeared.

When he woke up in a daze, he saw an unfamiliar collarbone.

Mingshu was stunned and looked up, just in time to meet Sang Yin's open eyes.

The two of them were lying together, their postures were extremely intimate, and their breaths were vaguely intertwined.

Everything that happened last night flooded into Mingshu's mind, and he clearly remembered what he had done after transforming into a werewolf.

She asked Sang Yin if he liked her, insisted on taking off the anti-bite device to kiss him, and even came to sleep with him at night...

Without the influence of the full moon night, Mingshu finally calmed down.

With a red face, he hurriedly pushed Sang Yin away and stood up. He said "I'm sorry" and ran back to the bed, pulling the quilt around himself, leaving only his eyes exposed.

Mingshu's heart was beating very fast, and he was very annoyed. He had no idea that the night of the full moon would bring such side effects to him. He seemed to be drunk last night. If it had been when he was sober, he would have had such side effects. Can't do those things.

He quietly looked at Sang Yin, watching him get up, tidy up the mattress, put on his coat and go out, as if nothing had happened.

Mingshu was the only one left in the room. He breathed an inexplicable sigh of relief and touched his hot cheeks.

Soon, Sang Yin came back with prepared hot water and breakfast from the glasses.

Mingshu finished washing and sat at the table. He picked up the chopsticks a little cautiously and buried his head without saying a word.

After breakfast, he wanted to take the initiative to clear away the dishes, but Sang Yin said, "Don't worry about it."

Mingshu had to retract his hand and said, "Yeah."

While Sang Yin was washing the dishes, Mingshu went to see the little mushroom. He blocked the flower pot with his hand and let it eat something secretly. He asked it in a low voice: "Guji, do you know why the system failed?"

The little mushroom shook his head . : "I don't have permission."

It looked at Mingshu and said worriedly: "Maybe something went wrong during the trial run, and the system knew that Shu Shu was exposed."

And once Mingshu also likes Sang Yin, he will be influenced and choose to help After clearing Sang Yin, the difficulty of the copy will actually decrease, which is contrary to the purpose of the initial trial run.

This is Xiao Mushroom's guess. It is a small system created from the main system, and it can probably guess the cause of the failure.

It is estimated that the copy will not continue. How to end it depends on the intention of the main system.

When Sang Yin came back, Mingshu quickly turned his back and leaned against the table as if nothing had happened.

Sang Yin wiped the water stains on his hands, hung up the towel and walked towards Ming Shu.

He approached step by step, Mingshu couldn't help but feel nervous, and couldn't move away even with his back pressed against the table.

Sang Yin was half a step away from Mingshu. His eyes passed over the flower pots behind him and landed on Mingshu: "Have you forgotten what happened last night?"

His voice was very soft and low.

He didn't say what it was specifically, but Mingshu knew it must be that kiss.

Mingshu looked at Sang Yin and stammered: "No... no."

Sang Yin looked at him quietly, tentatively touched his hand, and held it affectionately.

"When we leave here," he said slowly, "I will come find you."

The tips of Mingshu's ears turned red, and just as he was about to respond, his face suddenly changed.

With a "ding dong" sound, two system prompts popped up in front of him.

[Due to the uncontrollable NPC, the trial run of the dungeon failed. The entrance will be opened and the dungeon will be temporarily closed] [

According to the content of the agreement [click to view the prompts], you will continue to participate in the next round of trial runs, time: undetermined]

What is the content of the agreement? Mingshu only knew that he was going to act as an NPC and keep everything about the copy a secret.

He opened the prompt and found a line of small words at the bottom of the previously signed agreement.

[If the trial run fails, players need to continue to participate in the second trial run until the copy is repaired. ]

It is normal for the trial run copy to have loopholes and errors, and it needs to be constantly adjusted and modified. What this sentence means is that Mingshu cannot leave until the copy is completely adjusted.

He must continue to stay here, and his identity may be different from the current one, and new players will enter later.

If the purpose of the trial run remains unchanged, the system will still use him as a reference to find the second "mulberry seal".

Most people's preferences overlap to varying degrees. Mingshu is not only the type that Sang Yin likes, but also the type that others like.

[Your smart AI will be temporarily withdrawn, whether to continue to distribute it depends on the situation]

The little mushroom jumped up from the flower pot, resisting the withdrawal of the main system, and ran over crying: "Shu Shu! I don't want to leave you! "

It suddenly moved, and Sang Yin was not surprised at all. He noticed that Mingshu looked different, frowned and asked: "What's going on?"

He also received a system prompt here, but it just reminded him that the entrance to the dungeon was open, and they About to be sent out.

Mingshu didn't know how to explain it. He held the little mushroom and said blankly: "I can't leave."

There is no specific number of how many trial runs the dungeon will have, and newcomers like Mingshu who don't have much experience and strength will mostly be kicked out by the system. Create cheap labor.

The little mushroom cried and said: "It's over, I'm going to be transformed. Next time I see Shushu, I won't be Guji..."

It accused the main system intermittently, and combined with some information Sang Yin knew, it quickly guessed Find out what happened.

Sang Yin's expression turned cold, and he grabbed the little mushroom and said, "Tell the system."

He opened his lips and said, "I will join in, too."

The little mushroom froze, feeling that the pull in his body disappeared, and the system's forced retraction of it temporarily stopped.

What Sang Yin said can also be heard by the main system, which means that the main system is considering it.

As a player at the top of the standings, Sang Yin has higher plasticity and can play more roles. He can actively participate, and the system is guaranteed to make profits without losing money.

Not long after, another prompt popped up in front of Mingshu.

[New participants join, effective immediately]

Then Mingshu's vision went dark, and before he lost consciousness, he heard Little Mushroom shouting at the top of his lungs: "Don't be afraid, Shushu! I will help you! I'll find a way!"


Guang The scene in the group suddenly stopped, Mingshu's eyes were in a trance, and he could not regain his consciousness for a long time.

These were memories that he had experienced before and had been retrieved and forgotten by the system. Now that he remembered them all in an instant, the excessive information gave him a headache and discomfort.

He was still in the dungeon. Zhiyuan hugged him and reached out to touch his forehead: "What's wrong? Are you still feeling uncomfortable?"

Mingshu's nose sore for no reason and he buried his face in his arms: "No..."

It turns out It was not the first time he entered the original copy one, nor was it the first time he met Guji.

Later, his memory was extracted, and Sang Yin also forgot everything and became an NPC. Fortunately, he was always by his side, as was Gu Ji.

Mingshu opened the system panel. After he completely cleared the level and restored his memory, there was an additional prompt in the corner of the panel.

[Purpose of the trial run: Can placing targeted NPCs reduce the difficulty of the dungeon?]

[Result of the trial run: Yes]

After five full dungeons, the system was finally able to draw a definite conclusion.

However, the purpose of this trial run is completely opposite to the original one. I wonder if Guji helped.

Mingshu turned his head and found the little black cat squatting under the bed, reached out and picked it up.

The copy was still in progress, and Zhiyuan had not yet recovered his original memory, so he patted the little black cat's head.

The stay after clearing the level was very short, and the countdown to leaving the dungeon sounded. Mingshu instinctively hugged Zhiyuan tightly.

His eyes were full of uneasiness: "You said you would come to me..."

He was afraid that something would go wrong again, or that Sang Yin would be detained by the system this time.

Zhiyuan didn't understand what Mingshu meant and kissed his lips: "What?"

Mingshu had no time to explain and fell into the familiar darkness and dizziness.

When he opened his eyes again, he was in a familiar small room and had already come out of the copy.

A large number of points were received, and the original agreement signed with the system was invalidated. Mingshu flipped through it briefly and mustered up the courage to open Sang Yin's chat box.

[Private chat] Mingshu: Are you there?

Mingshu waited uneasily. He left the copy, and Sang Yin probably did too.

I just don't know where he is or what his condition is.

After a long time, Mingshu still didn't receive a reply.

He was sitting on the edge of the bed in a daze when he suddenly heard a knock on the door.

The voice was very soft, coming from close to the crack of the door, accompanied by a childish and vague voice: "Shu Shu!"

Ming Shu's eyes suddenly lit up, and he stood up and opened the door.

He lowered his head and saw a familiar little purple mushroom standing at his feet. However, the body was made of machinery and was not very flexible. It was also a little different from before.

"Shu Shu!" Little Mushroom was excited, waving his thin arms, his sesame eyes shining.

Mingshu squatted down, held it in the palm of his hand, and said with surprise and joy: "It turns out that Guji can also leave the dungeon... Is this your original appearance?"

The little mushroom was a little embarrassed. This was what it later followed in the dungeon. If you made it yourself, it might not look good, so you need to improve it.

It stood in Mingshu's hand and turned around, showing him what it looked like.

Suddenly, Ming Shu's eyesight dimmed, and a figure blocked the light at the door.

He raised his head and saw Sang Yin's familiar face, with a dull look on his face.

With a "bang", the door was closed tightly. Mingshu leaned against the wall, trapped in the warm embrace, and almost couldn't breathe.

He hugged Sang Yin tightly, rubbed the side of his neck, and said in a muffled voice: "I sent you a message."

"I saw it."

Sang Yin responded, lowered his head and leaned closer, and kissed Mingshu's cheek gently. with lips.

The little mushroom had already slipped to the other side, holding his chin and turning his back to the two of them.

After leaving the copy, in the real environment, the various senses are slightly different from before. Strictly speaking, this is Mingshu's first kiss.

The breath on Sang Yin's body was both strange and familiar, and Ming Shu gradually realized that he was really standing in front of her, his fingers curled up nervously.

He was used to Sang Yin's closeness and touch, but he was a little green, his eyes quickly became mist, and his body became soft at the slightest touch.

Sang Yin stopped in time and stroked Mingshu's hair: "Move to my place?"

Mingshu blushed and said nothing. Are you going to live together so soon? But thinking about it carefully, it seems that it is not too fast.

When the little mushroom heard what Sang Yin said, it quickly came over with stiff steps: "I want to follow Shu Shu!"

It knew that Sang Yin was very powerful and must have earned a lot of points. When the relationship was established, maybe I could give it some points. Buy some good parts and repair this body again.

Sang Yin stretched out his hand to grab the little mushroom and knocked on its iron umbrella cap painted with purple paint: "Let's see how you do."

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