Chapter 83: Dragons and Elves (11)

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All the progress bars had basically the same value before, and the increase at one time was between 5 and 10 points.

This undescribed line suddenly... rose by at least 25 points. The progress is amazing.

Unknown things are always mysterious. Mingshu froze for a moment and tried to open his eyes, trying to see the expression on Si Ning's face clearly.

Although I don't know what the rising progress bar means, it seems to rise with the favorability level every time. It should be a positive emotional feeling, right?

Mingshu relaxed again and hugged Si Ning's finger, as if holding the hard-won 10 points of favorability: "Does Your Highness dislike me for being small?"

Elves are all of this size, and compared with dragons in all aspects, they are indeed inferior. It's far away, but the disgust in Mingshu's mouth is from another aspect.

He always felt that if he had a normal human body, it would be easier to brush up his favorability... he could really hug and kiss, so that Sining could feel what he wanted to express more intuitively.

Mingshu told Si Ning that she liked him so many times, but he seemed unmoved and never responded.

Maybe Si Ning didn't even think of him as a "person". The bells hanging on the belt he gave during the day seemed to be more suitable for pets. Although Si Ning later helped him pull it off and didn't put it on him, letting him Play with it in your hand.

At present, it seems that he is only this big in this copy. Mingshu is worried about this for the first time, fearing that the subsequent tasks will be difficult to complete.

Si Ning did not answer Ming Shu's question. As if he knew what he was thinking, he asked in a low voice: "Do you want to grow up?"

Ming Shu was stunned and immediately nodded: "I want to..."

How could he forget, Si Ning He can cast spells, maybe there is a way to make him bigger.

Si Ning did not continue, but asked again: "Why?"

His face could not be seen clearly, and his voice was low and gentle, sounding very gentle in the quiet night.

Why? Mingshu thought to himself that it must be for the mission.

As long as the mission can be completed successfully, it doesn't matter whether he can return to his normal appearance.

Although this means that he can no longer get closer to Si Ning, Si Ning has not recovered his previous memories, and when he was in the last dungeon, he also said... that he would not be taken to bed by him so easily.

This kind of words made Mingshu feel even more ashamed. He couldn't refute it and silently wrote it down in his heart.

But now in front of Si Ning, he definitely couldn't tell his true thoughts.

Mingshu said almost without thinking: "Because I like His Highness."

"I want to be as big as His Highness," he said with a slight loss, but he was not lying: "This way His Highness will definitely like me more."

Si Ning paused for breath. , gently rubbed the side of Mingshu's face.

Mingshu rubbed his hand and asked expectantly: "Your Highness, can you use a spell to make me grow up?"

"No," Si Ning replied, "enlarging living creatures is a forbidden spell and is very dangerous."

The pain in his body was unbearable. In a small situation, if he is not careful, Mingshu may explode and die.

Mingshu was immediately disappointed. Why did he ask himself just now? I asked and was told no.

He was not very happy. He didn't push Si Ning's hand away directly because he had gained 25 points of favorability throughout the day. He turned around awkwardly and lay on his back on the pillow: "Okay..."

His loose pajamas were rolled up. After lifting it up a little, Si Ning held him in vain, his fingertips brushed against the small belly button, and continued to slide upward.

Mingshu didn't stop him. He felt that the 10-point favorability level just now increased like this.

But the purpose of such a touch was not simple at all. Mingshu hummed a few times and endured it for a while until Si Ning withdrew his hand.

Mingshu immediately turned over and sat up. He blushed and arranged his clothes. He leaned against Si Ning's face and leaned against his tall nose. He said shyly and with complicated emotions, "Your Highness always touches me."

Si Ning always touched me. I like to touch his face, like teasing a little pet.

"Don't like it?" As he got closer, Si Ning touched his wings again and pinched the thin tips of the wings.

The room suddenly became dark, and the bedside lamp went out. Mingshu didn't notice Si Ning's dark eyes with a hint of inquiry and scrutiny.

He was confirming Mingshu's true feelings, whether he liked these touches, whether he could accept them, and what his reaction was.

Mingshu always said that she liked him, and seemed to be intimate with him with a purpose, such as taking off her clothes in front of him during the day, and being dishonest when her sensitive wings were touched.

If he wasn't such a small elf, Sining was almost certain that he was seducing him.

But just because he is an elf, some bold moves can be "forgivable."

Bloodlines and classes are distinct in the Dragon Clan, and Si Ning is your Highness. It would be a serious crime to deliberately seduce someone from any race that can possess a human form.

Mingshu hesitated and didn't want to answer, so he kissed the tip of Si Ning's nose.

Instead of returning to the corner of his bed, he slid down the pillow and nestled it on the side of Si Ning's neck, closing his eyes and sleeping.

Si Ning listened to his fine and even breathing, and after Ming Shu fell asleep, he reached out and took the small leaf-shaped quilt from the corner and covered him.


he woke up the next day, Mingshu started thinking about how to get the remaining 25 points of favorability and 45 points of popularity.

He slowly got up and asked Si Ning to help him change clothes and put on shoes.

The attendant brought the freshly picked petals in the morning, and happened to hear Ming Shu's request to Si Ning. He was so frightened that he didn't dare to raise his head and carefully put down the petals.

However, Si Ning was not angry and took the little shoe from Ming Shu's hand.

Normally, the attendant would come to Si Ning only to report something, so he had never seen Si Ning and Ming Shu get along.

He was secretly frightened and did not dare to take another look. He put down the petals and hurried away.

Si Ning personally helped Ming Shu change his clothes and put on his shoes, his demeanor and movements were very natural.

But when he changed clothes, he just changed clothes, without any other meaning.

After the shoes were put on, a petal was stuffed into Mingshu's arms, and the system indicated that there was no movement.

Mingshu started to worry again while nibbling the petals.

Yesterday, he thought that this task should not be difficult, but when he put it into practice, he realized that the time was too tight and not enough.

As of noon today, there are only two days left to complete the favorability and popularity points.

Under Si Ning's gaze, Ming Shu ate up three whole petals, drank some dew, and came to his side: "Your Highness, I want to eat that sweet bead." He didn't know that it

was a precious luminous bead. Treat it like a regular candy bar.

Si Ning took out the luminous pearl, and Mingshu flew to his palm and sat down, picking up the pearl and chewing on it.

On the way to the study, Mingshu stood on Si Ning's shoulder, stood on tiptoes and kissed his earlobe.

He had to hurry up, otherwise he wouldn't be able to disturb him when Si Ning started reading.

A slight itching sensation came from his earlobe. Si Ning kept walking and grabbed Ming Shu and brought him to his eyes.

Mingshu tilted her head and leaned on his hand, calling him in her usual coquettish tone: "Your Highness."

After entering the study, Si Ning didn't let go, as if she was holding some favorite treasure.

The fingertips carefully touched Mingshu's lips. Even though Si Ning's movements were gentle, the small piece of delicate skin was still red.

Mingshu noticed Si Ning's gaze, pushed his hand that couldn't get away, and simply hugged him: "Your Highness, do you want to kiss me?"

He just asked casually, but Si Ning's eyes darkened for a moment.

He put down Ming Shu and said coldly: "Go and play by yourself."

[The NPC's favorability has been updated, please go to the backend to check],

...the favorability has increased by 10 points.

If it weren't for the clear system prompt, Mingshu would have thought he had said the wrong thing with his attitude.

Mingshu stood in front of the table and was stunned for a while before he realized what was happening. He boldly moved closer and grabbed Si Ning's sleeves: "Don't you want to?"

He flapped his wings and came closer, quickly kissed the corners of Si Ning's lips, and said, "Don't you want to?" : "But I want to kiss you, please don't be angry, Your Highness."

The panel was not closed, but it turned out that this time it was not the favorability level that increased, but another progress bar without description.

Mingshu was unprepared, and the unfamiliar sudden increase in progress made him wary, so he retreated to the side and waited patiently.

Si Ning didn't seem to care. He took a book from the bookshelf and opened it. He read it quietly for a while and then reached out to touch Ming Shu's silver hair.

Mingshu breathed a sigh of relief. The favorability score was only 15, and he had to increase his popularity score.

But all the methods he used before failed, such as going out to play alone and asking Si Ning to help put on shoes, etc., but he didn't even get a 1 point increase.

Mingshu thought hard and went through all the plot updates again, barely finding one thing he had never done before.

--Broken Si Ning's things.

He looked around and saw no suitable target in the study.

Si Ning had no intention of drinking water. The teapot filled with hot water was too heavy for Ming Shu to hold.

He flew to the bookshelf again, pretending to be curious, and knocked a book over.

However, before the book fell to the ground, it was lifted up by invisible force and put back on the bookshelf, and the qi-receiving value did not change.

Mingshu tried it twice, with the same result.

"Mingshu," Si Ning called him without squinting, "come here."

Mingshu obediently went over, sat on his hand and stopped running around.

Near noon, the opportunity finally came.

A servant knocked on the door and said that His Highness the Second Highness had sent a box of treasures and that Si Ning must check it in person.

Si Yin himself did not come. The ones who delivered the things were his subordinates and his new guardian elves.

The attendant reported truthfully. Mingshu heard it from inside and immediately raised his head to look at Si Ning.

Si Ning looked slightly cold, but still asked the attendant to bring the things in.

He knew that Si Yin did it on purpose. It was one thing to send something and continue to apologize. He also asked the newly acquired guardian elf to come over.

Mingshu saw Si Yin kill his own elf last time, so he will definitely be curious or pity for the new one. No matter what his mood is, he will want to meet him. After all, they are the same race.

In this way, Si Ning would not be embarrassed to replace the guardian elf running errands.

Under the leadership of the attendant, a blond elf came to the study. She saluted Si Ning, while quietly looking at Ming Shu next to Si Ning, her eyes pure and curious.

The attendant opened the box and what Si Yin gave was an ornament made of gold nuggets. It looked normal, without any negative spells attached to it, and there were no small bugs hidden inside.

Si Ning only glanced at it and said, "Put it down."

Dragons all like golden treasures, and he is certainly no exception. He threw away all the ones Si Lian gave last time, but Si Yin can keep the ones.

Seeing Si Ning accept the ornaments, the elf was very happy. She was a little scared before coming here, worried that failing to complete the assigned tasks would make Si Yin unhappy.

Mingshu kept observing the elf as it flew closer to her.

Si Ning did not stop him, nor did he ask the attendant to send the elf away immediately. The elf boldly flew over and landed on the corner of the table.

She greeted Mingshu in a low voice: "Do you still remember me?"

Mingshu looked confused: "Are you...?"

"We came in together that time, and His Highness the Fifth chose you, so I was sent back." The elf explained, "Later, His Highness's elf died unexpectedly, and I was sent in again, and His Highness chose me." She

must have just become Si Yin's guardian elf not long ago, and her expression was joyful when she spoke, obviously because I am happy to be able to form a contract with the dragon clan.

Mingshu felt uncomfortable, almost wondering if Si Yin had deliberately found an elf born at the same time as him.

He turned to look at Si Ning and asked in a low voice: "Is His Highness usually mean to you?"

The elf shook his head: "His Highness has a good temper and is not mean to me."

Ming Shu looked suspicious, Si Yin must be pretending. , or the elf has been following him for too short a time and has not yet revealed its true nature.

He hesitated to tell the elf how Si Yin's last elf died, and he was afraid of scaring her.

The contract is irreversible, and even if the elf regrets it, he can only endure it silently.

Ming Shu struggled for a moment, but still didn't say anything about it. He just said: "If you feel that something is wrong with His Highness the Second Highness in the future, you...just come to me." With

Si Ning here, he can at least temporarily stop Si Yin, even if the system NPC, Mingshu couldn't bear the elf in front of him to be bullied.

If only there was some way to unbind the dragons from the elves... tell the elves directly about the curse of the dragons?

Live freely for half a year without forming a contract, or form a contract and follow the dragons until they die carrying the curse for them. There are pros and cons to both options. The elves can choose on their own.

Mingshu's words surprised the elf. She glanced at Si Ning behind her and nodded with a smile: "Okay, you too." She probably

didn't take it seriously, and among the several highnesses, the fifth highness was notoriously cold. In her opinion, Si Ning is the one most likely to bully Ming Shu.

The guardian elf should not leave his master for too long, so the elf was quickly sent out. Mingshu sat on the window sill with his chin in his hands and looked outside, feeling depressed.

He looked at the gold ornaments on the table, stood up and flew to the side, pushing them out with all his strength.

The ornament was very heavy, and Mingshu used all his strength to move it a little.

Si Ning turned a page of the book, and Ming Shu felt that the heavy ornaments suddenly became much lighter.

He didn't go into details and continued to push the ornaments to the table and kicked them down.

The ornament fell to the ground, the hollow carvings on the edges were knocked crooked, and at the same time the system beeped.

[The npc's popularity value has been updated, please go to the backend to check it]

The popularity value has increased by 5 points. The things Si Yin gave him are broken, and Mingshu is in a slightly better mood.

Without even looking at it, Si Ning brought Mingshu in front of him, picked up his hand with his fingertips and pressed it gently: "Don't like it?"

Mingshu frowned and nodded: "It's annoying to see you."

As soon as he finished speaking, he fell on the ground. The ornaments disappeared.

Si Ning's expression remained as usual: "Throw it away."

Ming Shu calmed down and continued to go back to the window sill to bask in the sun. After noon, he went to the garden to play alone.

In the afternoon, new plot updates.

[Plot Tips]:

[His Royal Highness the Fifth once again protected the elves. The elves knew nothing about it. He wanted to tell the other elves about the curse of the dragon clan, but he found several elves who were usually close to each other. Some of them said they didn't believe it. , some think that this is their duty, and they are lucky to be able to form a contract with the Dragon Clan.

The elf didn't think so. He would rather not have this extra lifespan, but also want to live freely and unfettered. After becoming the guardian elf of the dragon clan, he could not return to the sea of ​​flowers. The elf could not find anyone of his own race who had the same ideas as him, so he began to think of a solution on his own. ]

[The contract is permanent. When the dragons die, the elves will die, and the death of the elves will not cause the dragons to worry about their lives. The elf didn't want to die with His Highness Five, so he tried to find a way through contracts and spells. 】

【After some time, a human wizard came to Dragon Island and was responsible for guiding several Dragon Highnesses to learn spells. The elf secretly observed and looked for opportunities to get close to the wizard. Finally, a few days later, he found a black magic spell book in the wizard's suitcase. 】

After reading the plot, Mingshu was worried, wouldn't he be allowed to learn black magic spells secretly?

Regardless of the direction of the plot, he didn't even know the words... couldn't remember the simplest spell.

There were no new tasks released, and the wizard didn't know when they would come. Mingshu simply went back to the study to find Si Ning and seize the time to complete the existing tasks.


the study, Si Ning was flipping through a contract collection book.

Most contracts are not suitable, and the contract will use the original forms of both parties. Mingshu is too young, and the process of establishing a contract relationship with a giant dragon will be painful for him.

Unless you use a spell to change your body shape first to get through, ordinary magnification spells cannot be used on Mingshu.

Or... use a shrinking spell.

The shrinking spell is also a forbidden spell when used on living creatures, but the risk is much smaller.

Si Ning silently recited a spell and swayed.

Then, a little black dragon squatted on the table, its vertical pupils looking at itself through the reflection in the window.

He is not a real human being, and the size changed by using the ordinary shrinking spell will only be his true body.

But this look is enough to at least form a contract.

There was a slight movement outside the study, it was Mingshu who was back.

The silver-haired elf flew to the window, entered the study through the opened side window, and landed in Si Ning's hands.

Si Ning was still reading. There was a half-drunk teacup on the table. The water in it was shaking slightly, as if it had been disturbed by something.

Mingshu didn't notice anything strange at all, and hugged Si Ning's hand: "Your Highness."

Si Ning responded and touched his cheek.

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