Chapter 78: Dragons and Elves (6)

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The human form transformed by the dragon is also very powerful. The bite Mingshu gave was just a little harder than the kiss he gave yesterday, like a gentle poke with the tip of a feather.

Si Ning ignored the subtle itching on his fingertips and got up to go back to the bedroom.

It was already dark, and Si Ning entered the bathroom. Ming Shu chose a set of clothes from his wardrobe, brought a towel, and then flew in slowly.

His small bathtub was placed near the sink. It was filled with warm water, and there was a wooden shelf connected to the edge for hanging clothes.

Ming Shu saw that Si Ning was not paying attention to him, so he quietly took off his clothes and lay down in the mist.

With a special towel for wiping himself, Mingshu washed his wings and splashed them in the water.

After washing, he turned over and sat down. He turned around and found Si Ning looking at him.

Mingshu grabbed the edge of the bathtub: "Your Highness..."

The temperature in the pool was even higher, and the steaming water vapor obscured Si Ning's face, making it difficult to see clearly.

Si Ning didn't say anything and quickly looked away. Ming Shu was almost finished washing and left first, taking the clothes and towels he had changed with him.

As soon as he hung up the towels, Si Ning came out of the bathroom.

Mingshu picked up a few clothes and said, "Your Highness, what should I do with these?"

In fact, the clothes he changed were not dirty, but Si Ning prepared a whole wardrobe for him. , not wearing it is also a waste.

Si Ning responded casually: "Leave it alone."

He sat down next to the desk, watched Mingshu tidy up his wardrobe, and reached out to grab him.

His strength was not strong, and Ming Shu hung on the tiger's mouth at his hand, with his curved fingers wrapping around him.

Si Ning brought him in front of him and stroked his wet hair with his other hand.

The ends of his silver hair were stained with water, and he simply wiped them with a towel. Sining's fingertips gently lifted a few strands, and Mingshu felt the heat rising from his hands, like being illuminated by warm sunlight.

The hair quickly became dry. Mingshu touched it himself and followed Si Ning's hand to his cuffs.

He didn't fly either, so Si Ning gave him a hand and touched the transparent little wings on his back to see if they were also wet.

The fingertips touched again, and Mingshu ducked sensitively. The touched wing tips trembled slightly, like frightened mimosa leaves.

He frowned slightly, turned around and hugged the hand: "Your Highness."

Mingshu just washed his wings and wiped them with a towel, but he didn't feel anything. However, when Si Ning touched him, he seemed uncomfortable and his cheeks turned red. .

Sining's hand was hugged, he adjusted his posture, and carefully touched Mingshu's wings with his other hand to confirm that they were dry and would not affect his flight.

He asked: "What's wrong?"

Mingshu was forced to lie in his palm, his wings curled up shyly, his buried face turned red, as if his whole body had been rubbed.

The thin wings are actually the most sensitive organ of the body. He struggled slightly and hummed softly: "Your Highness..."

Si Ning noticed something strange about him and stopped in time.

Ming sat up after a while, looked at Si Ning and said tangledly: "Your Highness, don't touch my wings."

His blushing cheek was rubbed by his fingertips, and Si Ning watched him carefully protect the wings behind him with his hands. , pressed and was ready to move: "Can't touch?"

Mingshu couldn't explain clearly, so he responded: "Yeah."

Si Ning continued to touch his cheek gently: "I can't touch it either?"

With the status and relationship between the Dragon Clan and the Guardian Elf , Si Ning can do whatever he wants to Mingshu.

Mingshu thought to himself that he was unwilling to form a contract. After getting along with him for a day and a half, Si Ning had clearly regarded him as his guardian elf.

Si Ning's actions just now proved that she liked him.

Mingshu didn't answer, but pushed his fingers away and flew to the table: "Your Highness, it's getting late. You should rest quickly."

Si Ning's hands were empty, his lowered eyes fell on Mingshu, and he got up and went to the bed. .

However, when he lay down, he realized that Mingshu had no intention of joining him.

Mingshu took off the soft towel he had used when taking a shower at night. The towel was quite large and half of it was still dry.

He spread the towel on the ground, slept on the dry side, and picked a leaf to cover himself.

The towel was very soft and much warmer than yesterday. Mingshu hugged the leaf and lay down, getting ready to sleep.

The lights in the room went out, and in the darkness, Si Ning's voice sounded: "Mingshu."

His tone was the same as before, and there was no emotion at all: "Come here."

Mingshu pretended not to hear, closing his eyes and pretending to sleep.

After a while, he felt his body rising slightly, moving along with the towels and leaves around him, and was carried into Si Ning's bed by the wind, and placed in the corner where Ming Shu slept last night.

A familiar scent approached, and a hand took away his leaf.

With Si Ning here, the temperature in the bed is suitable, and Ming Shu doesn't need to cover himself with a quilt.

He quietly opened his eyes and saw Si Ning sleeping not far away.

Mingshu was sure that he liked her, so why not form a contract with him?

He snorted in his mind and turned his back to Si Ning.

Forget it if he doesn't form a contract. Fortunately, the main mission has no time limit, so he will first find a way to complete the side mission.

Mingshu opened the system panel and took a look, and suddenly found that the third progress bar had also increased.

There is no description for this progress bar. I don't know what it represents. There is no system notification of how much it has increased. There is not even a specific value. It looks like 10 points.

Mingshu searched the system and couldn't find any relevant prompts, so he had to give up.

Could it be a bug? Moreover, the plot development of this copy has been offset from the beginning, and the gap is not small.

After turning off the system, Mingshu silently paid attention.

The mission progress is still in the early stages, and the plot has only been updated twice. According to the habits of the previous two dungeons, there must be more difficult missions waiting for him later.

This dungeon should be for a single player. Si Ning once again lost the memory belonging to Yuan Chen, and Gu Ji didn't seem to be here either.

Mingshu lost his sleep and read through the plot and system rules again.


next day, Mingshu got up early, ate two flower petals, and went to the study with Si Ning as usual.

Guilian came again. He brought several thick books and gave them to Si Ning.

"Your Highness, I will leave the archipelago tomorrow and will not be back until a few days later," he said. "These books have my own annotations. You can take a look at them when you have free time." These are all books collected by the spell

. Ning has an almost photographic memory and learns very quickly.

And Guilian is not a dragon. He will leave the archipelago tomorrow. He has to pack his things and prepare for the procedures today. He left shortly after delivering the book.

Si Ning read alone and finished the thickest book in one morning.

Mingshu was sitting on the window sill basking in the sun. He caught a glimpse of Si Ning closing his book and looking up at him.

Si Ning knocked on the table with his finger: "Come here."

Mingshu hesitated and refused to get up: "Your Highness, I want to bask in the sun here."

In fact, part of the table in front of Sining was also covered in sunlight. Mingshu deliberately did not go to him and turned his back to him.

It was quiet behind him, and Mingshu quietly paid attention to Si Ning's movements.

Without the contract, Mingshu could not be regarded as Si Ning's guardian elf, so he could disobey him, and if this could increase his Qi-receiving value, that would be even better.

However, Mingshu waited patiently for a long time, but nothing happened.

He looked back and saw that Si Ning had already picked up another book and flipped through it. He didn't seem to care about Ming Shu's disobedience just now.

Ming Shu couldn't sit still anymore. He flew down from the window sill and came to Si Ning: "Your Highness, I... will go out and play for a while." The

guardian elf should always be by the dragon's side, right? He chose not to stay in the study. In short, he had to find a way to complete one of the main tasks and side tasks.

Either let Si Ning be "bullied", or he would form a contract with himself.

There was more than a day left for the side mission. If it didn't work, he poured water on Si Ning's hand again.

Although Mingshu thought well, Si Ning agreed directly: "Yeah."

He reached out and touched Mingshu's hair, secretly casting a spell on him: "Go."

Si Ning thought Mingshu was really I'm bored and don't want to stay in a boring study.

The palace is very big. As long as he doesn't run outside the palace, he can play wherever he wants.

Mingshu was stunned for a moment: "Okay, okay."

He turned around and left the study through the window, flying towards the deserted corridor.

Mingshu was really happy to be able to go out and play. Since Si Ning agreed, he planned to stay out longer, preferably until Si Ning came to look for him in person.

He walked aimlessly through the palace. Only Si Ning lived in the entire palace. There were many unused rooms, and occasionally he saw a few attendants cleaning them.

After flying through several corridors, Mingshu arrived at a garden on the top of the mountain.

Mingshu was silently amazed by the vast sea of ​​green plants and flowers in front of him. He quickly flew in, stopped in front of a flower, hugged the petals and smelled it.

Elves were born from flowers, and they are a race that is naturally fond of plants. Mingshu flew around, rolling on the thick leaves, and soon forgot about Si Ning.

After an unknown amount of time, the sun gradually became less intense, and the system prompt sounded.

Mingshu opened it and saw that the qi value had increased by 5 points, now totaling 15, which was 5 points short of completing the task.

Sure enough, his idea was correct. The duty of the Guardian Elf was to always be by the Dragon Clan's side and be available whenever called. However, Mingshu left Si Ning and went out to play alone for so long.

But only 5 points was not enough. Mingshu thought to himself that it might be a matter of time. If he played for a while longer, it might increase a little more.

Si Ning didn't ask his attendants to come to him, and Ming Shu didn't want to leave the garden, so he picked a flower and took a bite of it when he got hungry.

Until the sun gradually set, Mingshu was lying next to the flower bed covered with leaves, blowing in the wind, and heard footsteps approaching.

He thought it was Si Ning who was looking for him, so he turned over and sat up, and saw a slightly familiar figure in front of the corridor at the entrance of the garden.

The long, slightly curly red hair was tied back with a hair tie, and his face was similar to that of Si Ning. He was the second highness Mingshu had seen that day.

Seeing that Mingshu had noticed him, Si Yin slowly approached and raised the corners of his lips: "Elf, do you still remember me?"

The other person was His Highness the Dragon Clan. Mingshu stood up and stood up: "Your Highness."

Si Yin's face was filled with tears. His smile widened and he squatted down by the flower bed: "Why are you here alone?"

He knew that Si Ning was probably in the study, and Ming Shu, as his guardian elf, should be by his side.

Mingshu took half a step back: "I..."

It was written in the plot that he behaved very normally in front of the dragons except Si Ning, so he couldn't let the Second Highness in front of him know that he was out for fun.

Ming Shu was just thinking about what excuse to make when Si Yin narrowed his eyes and said, "That's not right."

"You haven't formed a contract with Si Ning yet?" He seemed surprised, and then there was a hint of excitement in his eyes.

Mingshu noticed something was wrong and stepped back: "That, that's because..."

Si Yin interrupted him: "Why don't you follow me? I'm much gentler than him." There was also

a guardian elf sitting on his shoulder. , trembling with fright after hearing this.

Mingshu looked up at the elf and said politely: "But you..."

The dragon clan can only have one guardian elf. Si Yin already had his own elf, so why take him away.

"What do you mean?" Si Yin noticed Ming Shu's gaze and grabbed the elf from his shoulder.

The elf was held in his hand and suddenly let out a weak scream.

Si Yin's expression did not change, he easily crushed the elf to death and threw it on the ground casually: "It's fine now."

A living elf died in front of his eyes in the blink of an eye, and Ming Shu turned pale with fright at this scene.

Si Yin reached out to catch him again. Mingshu was an elf without an owner, and Si Ning was not here at the moment. When he and Mingshu formed a contract, it would be useless for Si Ning to be angry.

Mingshu hurriedly wanted to fly away, but his wings seemed to be nailed to the spot.

Just when Si Yin's hand was about to touch him, an arc of dark light was activated from his body, instantly knocking Si Yin away.

The air twisted, and a figure wearing a black robe appeared out of thin air, gently holding Mingshu in his hands.

Si Yin got up from the ground. He tugged at the corner of his mouth, looking disappointed but also in disbelief: "You actually cast your own summoning spell on an elf?"

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