Chapter 97: Halloween (1)

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After the system prompt sounded, the countdown indicating leaving the dungeon never appeared.

Si Ning was not surprised and stood up calmly.

The dull fog rat on the table regained his energy, shook his head and looked around: "Gurgling..."

Where did Mingshu go? !

Si Ning reached out and touched the head of Wushu: "He left."

Mingshu had been sent out of the copy, and the system moved very quickly, as if on purpose.

Maybe he was afraid that something uncontrollable would happen if Mingshu stayed any longer.

"Guji?" Wushu tilted his head, stared at Si Ning for a while, and gently rubbed his hand.

Si Ning grabbed it and put it on his shoulder: "Let's go and take a look outside."

He led the fog rat out of the front hall and found Si Yin who had been taken away after turning into a monster.

The monster was locked in a narrow iron box and kept hitting the walls of the box. Si Ning only glanced at it before a gray knife formed in his right hand and stabbed into the monster's heart.

Bright red blood seeped out from the bottom of the box. The monster twitched a few times and quickly lost its breath.

Just after the monster was completely dead, its body twisted a few times and disappeared together with the blood on the ground like a mass of cleared data.

Wushu looked at this scene in surprise: "Guji?"

Si Ning stopped staying and left the palace. He found Si Lian, Si Qi, S Duan, and Qing Ji one after another, and killed them one by one.

He did it neatly, giving them almost no time or opportunity to resist, and without any emotion, as if he was completing a task.

Only the last Qing Ji was left. Si Ning looked at this face and said with disgust: "Who can be deceived by a fake of this level?"

The appearance of the five highnesses of the Dragon Clan are all the same as those of the former Yuan Chen There are some similarities, but Qingji is an alien human wizard in the setting of the dungeon story, so his face is more similar to Si Ning's original identity - Sang Yin.

There are some subtle differences between the two, perhaps only he can tell them at a glance.

The system deliberately created these five faces and promoted the mission to make Ming Shu mistakenly think that they were also part of Yuan Chen.

But after all, the system is just a cold machine, and it cannot fully understand Ming Shu's feelings for Yuan Chen. It only achieves the surface, and of course cannot achieve its goal.

Qingji couldn't understand what Si Ning was saying. He knelt on the ground and begged for mercy: "Your Highness, I was forced to do so. I had no real intention to harm you..."

Si Ning sighed: "But if I kill you, I can Get out of here."

He raised the knife and dropped it, and not long after, Qingji's body disappeared from the place.

Solving these five dungeons specially created by the system is still a key task in the story. If they all die at once, the system will definitely collapse.

Sure enough, when the last Qing Ji died, the system prompt sounded again.

[Warning: An unknown fault has occurred in the dungeon]

[Warning: An unknown fault has occurred

in the dungeon] [The dungeon is being closed, players please be prepared]

[About to leave the dungeon, countdown: ten]

At the same time, Mingshu was teleported out and returned to himself in the small room.

There was still a dazed and helpless look on his face, and he pinched his palms with his fingers to confirm that he had really come out.

The dungeon ended too quickly, and Mingshu was not prepared at all...

He also thought that the ending of the story might be the same as before. The character he played needed to die in the last step before he could pass the dungeon. If the mission had no time limit, he would be working with Si If Ning stays for a while, maybe he can recover his previous memories like the last copy.

Unexpectedly, the ending this time was completely different. There were even only four main tasks, and there was no final prompt. Ming Shu was just passed on.

Mingshu sat on the edge of the bed, bent over and buried his face in his knees.

Is there another copy? What about Si Ning? Or Yuan Chen, will he come out?

He was annoyed that he didn't say goodbye to Si Ning properly in the last moment, and the notification sounds for private messages popped up one after another.

Mingshu could only think of one friend who would contact him. He opened the panel and saw the message from Xia Zhu.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Have you entered the dungeon again? ? Is it that copy three?

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: What's going on! are u there?

[Private chat] Mingshu: Before

he left, he didn't mention to Xia Zhu that there might be a copy of the fairy tale in the future. Xia Zhu would know, probably... from seeing it on the World Channel.

This happened three times in a row. Mingshu was so used to it that he didn't even think of turning on the World Channel to take a look.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Look at the announcement! !

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Now they know how special you are in this dungeon...

Mingshu frowned slightly, what do you mean?

He opened the World Channel, ignored some of the exclamations or doubts in it, and turned to the announcement at the top.

[Congratulations to player [Ming*] for successfully clearing the third copy of "Fairy Tale Game"! Get tons of points! 】

The content of the announcement is no different from before, but this time a small file package is attached, which anyone can view.

Mingshu opened the file package and found that it was the player record of copy three, which contained the detailed mission data of all players.

Player [Ye**] enters the dungeon.

Player [Ye**] fails the first main mission.

Player [Zhang*] enters the dungeon.

Player [Zhang*] gains -10 favorability from NPC [*Ning]. Player

[Zhang*] fails the first main mission.

[Chu**] Entering the dungeon



Mingshu looked down in order. All the previous players had stopped at the main mission one. Some of them might be like him at the beginning, praying to stay first, or doing side missions to defeat Si Ning. Even the favorability of many people was not successful, and many people's favorability even became negative.

The record at the end belongs to Mingshu.

Player [Ming*] enters the dungeon.

Player [Ming*] gains 10 favorability points from npc [*Ning].

Player [Ming*] gains 10 favorability points from npc [*Ning].

Player [Ming*] completes side task 1


Player [Ming*] ] Four players have completed the side mission

[Ming*] Five

players have completed the side mission [Ming*] Completed the main mission four



All the records are very smooth, and the NPC data has not dropped until the level is cleared.

From this comparison, Mingshu realized how difficult this copy was for others.

However, he thought that he was the only one who entered the third copy. It seemed that many others had also entered, and they should all be before him. Because they failed so quickly, it didn't take much time for Ming Shu to enter.

Xia Zhu's messages were still popping up. He was very curious and wished he could go in and try it himself. Unfortunately, this copy could not be found in the database. Some hidden conditions might need to be triggered.

There is still a heated discussion in the World Channel about whether this Ming*'s clearance was due to strength or luck. As for strength, he can't be found in the rankings, and he hasn't heard of any particularly powerful newcomers recently.

Speaking of luck... can you be so lucky? There are three copies in a row.

At this moment, a system announcement for everyone popped up.

[Recruiting four players of the "Fairy Tale Game" copy, click below to sign up, conditions are not limited, number of people required: tentatively] The

world channel was quiet for a second, and then became excited.

[Anonymous]: What do you mean? Anyone can sign up?

[Anonymous]: Is it a beta version? Just developed?

[Anonymous]: The conditions are not limited, the number of people is tentative, I rushed to the brothers

[Anonymous]: Everyone, calm down first, I always feel that something is not right about this copy...

After seeing the content of the announcement, Ming Shu stood up and opened the announcement Registration channel below.

However, when he chose to register, the system prompted that he was already in the registration team.

[You are already in the registration queue, please wait patiently]

Just like the previous times, the system pulled him in by itself.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: I signed up! !

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: What should I do? I feel a little regretful... This dungeon won't be as cheating as last time... You

can't go back on your word after signing up. No one knows how many people are needed for the system. They say there are no restrictions on the conditions. The applicants will still be screened after being named.

Mingshu sat down again and sent a message to Xia Zhu.

[Private chat] Mingshu: I have also signed up. I hope we can join together.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: I feel more relieved when you are here! !

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: By the way, you didn't reply to the message that day. I guessed that you entered the dungeon

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: I later went to inquire about Sang Yin, who is number one in the standings. Do you want Do you want to listen?

Mingshu blinked, stared at the message from Xia Zhu on the panel, and replied almost instantly: Yes.

Soon, Xia Zhu sent a long text.

He said that he didn't find out much. It had been a long time since it happened. If Sang Yin's ranking hadn't been firmly ranked first, he would have been forgotten by now.

Some people say that the reason why Sang Yin is so powerful is his talent and strength. Others say that he was once one of the managers of Infinite World and participated in the design of many games.

Later, in a dungeon mission, the team led by Sang Yin failed to clear the level. The team finally succeeded in escaping the dungeon, but Sang Yin died inside.

The real cause of his death is unknown. No one has ever seen him again, and his points have never increased. Until someone cleared Fairy Tale Copy 1, Sang Yin's points also increased.

Some people think that Sang Yin is not dead and he was the one who cleared the dungeon. But if he is still alive, how come he only gains so many points?

Later, someone asked the central system and wanted to know the reason for the increase in Sangyin's total points. The system replied that it was a bug and would be fixed after a while.

Even the system said it was a bug, so it was hard for others to continue speculating. Moreover, Sang Yin had disappeared for so long, and his death was already a fact recognized by everyone.

[Private chat] Mingshu: I think that's him

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Well, actually I do too... But there is no evidence, we can't talk nonsense, otherwise the system will judge it as a rumor...

Mingshu also knows this, He wanted to tell Xia Zhu what happened in Dungeon Three, but he felt it was unnecessary.

When other people looked at the customs clearance record in the file package, they must have thought that Mingshu was careful and did not make any mistakes in the copy, so that he could pass the customs smoothly.

But in fact, this was not the reason why he was able to pass the level. During the short period of time in Dungeon 3, Mingshu spent more time with Si Ning.

Xia Zhu changed the topic and chatted with him about some things, and made an appointment to visit Mingshu tomorrow so that the two of them could catch up on old times.

However, early the next morning, both Mingshu and Xia Zhu received information that their registration had been approved.

Then it was the familiar process of entering the copy, without any buffering time.

[You are about to go to the fourth copy of "Fairy Tale Game", please be prepared]

[The "Fairy Tale Game" system is being connected...]

[Access completed, character creation is in progress - 1%]

[The scene layout of the copy has been completed]

[ NPC is in place]

"Are you a tourist planning to enter the town?"

After the familiar dizziness, a voice sounded near Mingshu.

He subconsciously stepped back and saw clearly that the person in front of him was an NPC wearing simple clothes with a mechanical smile on his face.

"Are you a tourist who plans to enter the town?"

The NPC turned sideways and pointed into the distance: "Go this way, your companions are already waiting in front."

Mingshu was currently at an empty intersection, and the people in the distance were His vision was covered by a large gray haze, and he could vaguely see the silhouettes of some houses behind the NPC.

companion? Mingshu first opened the system panel and took a look. The copy was for multiple people and could not be archived. There were no plot updates for the time being.

Mingshu sent a message to Xia Zhu and asked him if he had come in.

The npc was still waiting in front and urged him in time: "Halloween is coming soon. You'd better find a place to rest before dark."

Mingshu captured the key from his words: "Halloween?"

"Yes," npc He nodded and continued, "This is the tradition of our town. In the past..."

He suddenly stopped talking mid-sentence and showed a slightly embarrassed smile.

"Forget it, it's all in the past," the NPC said "please" again, "Please come with me, you will find companions inside."

Xia Zhu has not replied yet, Mingshu is a little worried , Xia Zhu also entered the dungeon, so it shouldn't be that he couldn't receive messages from him.

Continuing to wait was not an option. Mingshu nodded in agreement and followed the npc.

The npc led Ming Shu forward. As he walked further in, he felt that the surroundings were obviously brighter, like haze being dispersed by sunlight.

However, entering the town, there was no one inside, and the streets were as empty as outside, which seemed very strange.

There were lights on in some houses. When passing a house, Mingshu saw a figure looking from the window on the second floor. When he noticed Mingshu's gaze, he immediately closed the curtains.

Mingshu was wary and looked around carefully, keeping a certain distance from the NPC in front of him.

The NPC seemed to notice Ming Shu's nervousness and explained with a smile: "It's getting dark, so the townspeople have all gone home. Don't mind. When it's daytime tomorrow, you will definitely feel everyone's enthusiasm..."

Mingshu also smiled politely and said nothing.

He intuitively felt that this dungeon was different from the previous ones. At least there was no such NPC to lead him before, and it would not have been so long since he came here without a plot update.

Not long after, the NPC brought Mingshu to a single-story house.

The NPC said to Ming Shu, "Will you stay here tonight?"

Through the window, the house was pitch dark, with no trace of anyone else.

Mingshu asked tentatively: "Do I live alone?"

"Yes," the npc nodded, took out a key from his pocket and handed it to Mingshu, "Don't worry, there are many empty houses in the town. "

Mingshu hesitated, because that was not what he was worried about.

He accepted the key, and the npc looked up at the sky, his expression becoming serious.

"It's going to be dark soon," he lowered his voice, "Don't go out at night, no matter what noise you hear."

After saying this, the NPC turned around and hurried away, leaving Mingshu standing alone.

Mingshu squeezed the key in his hand, mustered up the courage to approach the house, and opened the door with the key.

There was a light switch next to the door. Mingshu turned on the light and the room suddenly lit up.

The furnishings in the living room are clean and tidy, with a small bedroom, bathroom and kitchen on the side.

The inside of the house looked like it had been cleaned by someone, but there were no signs of habitation.

Mingshu closed the door and locked it, walked around the house, returned to the living room and sat on the sofa.

There was an old-fashioned TV set in the living room. Mingshu searched around but couldn't find the remote control. At this time, the news from Xia Zhu finally came back.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: I entered

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: This place is so weird, I was allowed to live in a whole house by myself

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Were you brought in by an NPC too? Did he also ask you not to go out at night?

Mingshu was about to reply to him when the system task was released.

[Ding Dong - Main mission released]

[Mission 1: Halloween is coming, choose the type of ghost you are playing, and find suitable materials to disguise yourself]

[Ding Dong - Side mission released]

[Mission 1: Before dawn, in Have a safe night in the small town】

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