Chapter 2: The Wolf-Eared Boy (2)

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Seeing that Mingshu agreed, the boy showed a kind and friendly smile, exactly the same as when he first met Mingshu.

But Ming Shu knew in his heart that if he found out his identity again, he would still kill him without hesitation.

Mingshu adjusted his mood, and slowly stood up while supporting the tree trunk behind him.

"My village is over there," the boy pointed to one end of the path, where the end of his line of sight was covered by cascading forests, "not far away."

Ming Shu looked at him and whispered, "Yes."

He finally responded, although There was only one word, and the boy lifted the bamboo basket on the ground: "Let's go."

Ming Shu still held the small handkerchief he gave him, hesitated for a moment and stuffed it into his pocket, and followed the boy.

Just after taking a few steps, the boy stopped suddenly: "That's right."

He turned sideways and took out a familiar wooden sign from his body: "This is for you."

Ming Shu's breathing stopped, and his heartbeat started to speed up.

What should come is still here, the boy has not completely dispelled his suspicions, any strange face entering the village has to pass the silver test.

What to do... The wooden sign in the young man's hand is engraved with the words "Xiangkou Village", and a red string is tied in the round hole at the top.

Mingshu knew that the silver nugget was in his palm, covered by a slightly raised wooden sign.

Seeing that he didn't respond, the young man explained: "This is the wooden signboard for passing through the village. You can only enter if you have this. I just have extra."

Ming Shu stared at the wooden signboard and slowly stretched out his hand.

Sure enough, the young man repeated his old trick, putting the wooden sign into Mingshu's hand, and at the same time, the silver nuggets slid down from his fingertips.

However, Ming Shu knew that this thing would be in his hands, so he dodged subconsciously, and both the wooden sign and the silver pieces fell into the grass.

He didn't touch the silver, but his reaction was a bit unusual, as if he was afraid of what the young man was holding.

Ming Shu lowered his head, feeling the young man's eyes on him, as if they were real.

His face turned pale, his brain froze for a few seconds, and then he bent down to pick up the wooden sign and silver nuggets on the ground.

The moment he touched the silver nugget, there was a sharp pain in his fingertips.

Ming Shu endured it, not daring to show any strangeness, and quickly got up to return the silver to the boy.

He held the wooden sign to cover his corroded and blackened fingertips, feeling extremely anxious.

If he can't get away with it...can he escape from the young man?

Ming Shu regrets why he didn't take some physical tasks before, and how much he exercises, otherwise he wouldn't be able to get the role of werewolf and be killed by the villagers in one blow... The

young man held the silver nugget, looking from Ming Shu's long and slender eyes Sweeping over her eyelashes, she put the silver nugget back into her pocket.

His tone was softer, and he said, "Let's go."

Ming Shu felt relieved, and after the young man turned around, he quietly looked at his finger that had touched the silver nugget. The scorched black on it had completely disappeared without leaving any traces.

The pain was really painful, but compared to the previous time when my throat was cut, this pain was nothing.

He then opened the panel and set the first save point at this moment.

I don't know what will happen next, but I finally passed the level of silver nuggets.

After saving it, Ming Shu put away the wooden sign and followed closely behind the boy.

The young man took the initiative and said: "My name is Yuan Chen, what about you?"

Yuan Chen? Mingshu remembered the name.

He opened the system panel and found the plot prompt.

The dungeon was reset, but the previous data was retained. In the second plot, a man named Yuan Chen rescued a talking mushroom in the forest. In order to repay Yuan Chen, the mushroom told him that werewolves are afraid of silver. products.

It turns out that the boy in front of him is Yuan Chen...

The first person to have a name in the story is usually the protagonist. This person's temperament and appearance are indeed not like an ordinary villager.

Yuan Chen walked ahead, patiently waiting for Ming Shu's answer.

"Mingshu..." Mingshu's voice was still low, while turning on the system.

He tried to touch Yuan Chen in the air, and a panel popped out from Yuan Chen's back.

[Name]: Yuan Chen

[Gender]: Male

[Age]: 18

[Identity]: Villager

[Favourability]: 50 (full value is 100)

[Like]: To be explored

[Hate]: Werewolves, to be explored

[Features]: The character details of the NPC to be explored or unlocked with 70% favorability

are more detailed, and the favorability should be between Mingshu and Mingshu.

Favorability of 50...should be considered low, right? Mingshu has never entered a story dungeon as a player, and has no knowledge of this kind of data.

After looking at Yuan Chen's panel, the npc list has also been updated, which is the same as the content in the character details.

It was only then that Mingshu discovered that there was a [Hidden Picture Book] next to the npc list.

He opened it casually, and inside were three card-slot-shaped blank boxes, with the words "trigger hidden plot lights up" written in small gray characters.

These things must be purely luck, Ming Shu can't take care of so much now, the most important thing is not to be seen by Yuan He.

"Ming Shu," Yuan Chen read these two words, "You are a foreigner, why are you here alone? Where is your family?" When

he asked these questions, his voice was very soft, and he deliberately slowed down his progress. Tilting his head to reveal a small half of his face.

Ming Shu's emotions that had just eased up a little began to become tense again, trying hard to think about how to make up an answer.

After he was killed, the dungeon was reset, and when he saw Yuan Chen again, he was the most panicked and frightened. Yuan Chen should have thought that something terrible had happened to him.

In the jungle, the most dangerous things are beasts and... werewolves.

But Ming Shu didn't know what kind of beasts would be here, and he didn't know whether werewolves would attack passers-by during the day.

Yuan Chen was still waiting for Ming Shu's answer, and Ming Shu's hand hanging by his side clenched the fabric of the clothes: "They are all dead, they were..." "


Unexpectedly, Yuan Chen took the initiative to take the words, stopped and turned around "Or a pack of wolves?"

Ming Shu's face was pale, as if recalling what happened not long ago, fear and uneasiness appeared in his eyes: "...I don't know."

His reaction was somewhat real, he was already afraid Discovered by Yuan Chen, plus a little disguise.

The answer was ambiguous, and Ming Shu tried his best to play a poor passerby whose family was attacked by an unknown beast and only he managed to escape.

He was frightened and selectively forgot some terrible details, isn't it normal?

Yuan Chen was silent for a moment, put his hand lightly on Ming Shu's shoulder, and said in a low voice, "My condolences."

He had already guessed something, but the strange thing was that Ming Shu didn't have any blood on her body.

However, Mingshu's fear and defense from the beginning couldn't be more real, and he could pick up the silver.

Werewolves are good at disguising their appearance, but it is absolutely impossible for them to act as if nothing happened when they are burned by the silver, unless Ming Shu knew in advance that he was going to test him.

There is another reason that werewolves usually pretend to be ordinary in appearance and in all aspects in order to hide in the crowd.

Mingshu's face is too eye-catching, so it's not the best choice.

Immediately afterwards, Yuan Chen said: "A few years ago, my parents were killed by wolves..."

His voice paused: "They were attacked by wolves and died when they went hunting."

Ming Shu raised his eyes to look at him, couldn't help but hold his breath.

Yuan Chen didn't say much, just said: "I have a similar experience with you, and it is because I was lucky enough to escape that I need to live a good life."

His simple two sentences did not have too much comfort or pity, but they made Ming Shu Feel a little warmth.

It's a pity that what I said was all false... and Yuan Chen's pause in his words just now, his parents may also have been killed by werewolves.

As a living werewolf standing in front of Yuan Chen, Ming Shu had mixed feelings.

He felt that he should respond at this time, so he reached out and touched Yuan Chen's sleeve.

Yuan Chen seemed a little surprised by Ming Shu's actions. He looked down at the back of Ming Shu's white hands, and looked away after a while: "It's not safe in the woods after dark, we have to go back as soon as possible." Ming Shu responded, and the

two People start again.

Just after taking a few steps, the system prompt sounded.

[The favorability of the npc has been updated, please go to the list to check]

Could it be that the favorability has dropped? Ming Shu nervously opened the panel, only to see that the column of Yuan Chen's favorability had changed to 55.

Huh? Ming Shu was puzzled, he didn't seem to have done anything just now, why the sudden increase of 5 points.

But it is always a good thing to have an increase in favorability, if it reaches a certain value, Yuan Chen will not kill him.

Before turning off the system panel, Mingshu's life points accumulated in the corner, only 2 left.

The mall can only be opened when the task completion rate reaches 20%, and it is not known whether there are life points for sale in it.

If there is no life point and the dungeon fails to clear the level, what will be the punishment?

Mingshu opened the system's self-service and asked about the punishment for copy failure.

[System]: If the copy fails, the player will die.

Ming Shu frowned, asked twice, and got the same reply.

Failure or death is usually a punishment that only occurs in high-level dungeons, or did he misunderstand the meaning of death?

His system is the simplest AI, it will only reply to the content that was originally set in the database, and he can't ask why.

Mingshu turned off the system, and left it alone for the time being.

With only two lives left, he had to be more careful.


the sun was about to set, Yuan Chen finally brought Ming Shu to the vicinity of the village.

Seeing the tall fence and the houses behind him from a distance, Ming Shu wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve.

[Ding Dong--Submission release]

[Task 1: Infiltrate the village and wait for an opportunity]

Several people outside were repairing the fence. When they saw two people appear, they immediately stepped forward to greet them.

"Xiaochen! You're finally back!" The person who came was a man in his forties. After seeing Mingshu's face, he showed surprise, and then turned to guard, "This is..." "Jing Bo,

" Yuan Chen explained, "His name is Ming Shu, and I met him in the woods."

He lowered his voice, and said something to Jing Bo, and Jing Bo looked at Ming Shu with pity again.

"Just confirm it..." Jing Bo sighed, "He is also a poor child, you should lead him in first."

Yuan Chen responded and led Ming Shu into the village.

The moment he stepped into the fence, the system prompts that the side mission 1 has been completed, and 5 points will be credited.

Immediately afterwards, the side missions were released again.

[Ding dong--Submission release]

[Task 2: Initially gain the trust of the villagers and live in the village]

But this task does not seem to require Mingshu's initiative. go inside.

Many villagers met along the way greeted Yuan Chen. As long as they heard their full names, they could be included in the npc directory and their basic information could be checked.

Many people looked at Mingshu. This was a completely unfamiliar face. It was about the same age as Yuan Chen. He was wearing the cheapest hemp material, but he had a pretty face. The exposed skin was fair and soft. It doesn't look like someone who needs to work in the fields on weekdays.

After they looked at it, occasionally there were those who were curious and asked aloud, and their attitudes were more friendly.

Yuan Chen only explained that Shu was from another village, and they came to stay for a few days, so they didn't ask any more questions.

There should be very few outsiders in this village, but probably because there is a threshold to enter the village, you need to pass the silver test, and the villagers trust Yuan Chen, so it is impossible for Ming Shu to be a werewolf.

When he came to a house on the inside, Yuan Chen stopped: "It's too late to clean up the other rooms, you first..." "

Yuan Chen?"

A voice came from the side, interrupting Yuan Chen's words.

Ming Shu followed the prestige, and there was a young man about twenty years old standing not far away, his appearance was a little like Yuan Chen's.

He stood against the wall, his eyes fixed on Ming Shu's face: "Where did you pick the little wild flowers?"

The man's eyes and words made Ming Shu feel a little uncomfortable, and he looked away as if nothing hear.

"It's none of your business." Yuan Chen said indifferently, and directly unlocked the door.

Entering the house, the young man outside seemed to be still there, Yuan Chen explained in a low voice: "He is my cousin, Jing Chu."

He put down the bamboo basket in his hand, and added: "Don't pay attention to him.

" Shu nodded silently. With his name, he could also read Jing Chu's basic information.

He opened the npc directory to check, and then he was taken aback.

[Name]: Jing Chu

[Gender]: Male

[Age]: 21

[Identity]: Villager

[Favourability]: 70 (full value: 100)

[Like]: To be explored

[Hate]: Yuan Chen

[Features]: Possess some mysterious intuition, maybe able to see through everything surrounded by fog The cover-up truth

actually has a favorability score of 70... Sure enough, Yuan Chen's is too low, right?

There is also a description of Jing Chu's characteristics, which looks very bad.

Will he see through his identity? But if it is really so powerful, the villagers will not need silver products.

Ming Shu secretly kept an eye out, his eyes paused for two seconds on the words "[Dislike]: Yuan Chen", and he turned off the panel.

Yuan Chen took Mingshu with him and left, saying that he had something to go out and asked Mingshu to stay in the house to rest.

This room is occupied by people, and the furniture is relatively simple, but it is clean and tidy, and the chairs are covered with thin cushions.

Ming Shu looked around the room, touched the corner of the brown-wood table, turned around and saw another strange figure standing outside the door.

It was a boy of fourteen or fifteen years old, holding a small plate of washed grapes in his hand.

"Father asked me to bring it here," he walked in, without concealing his curiosity about Mingshu, "Did you come here today? I haven't seen you before." Mingshu said "Yes" and took the fruit

plate : "Thank you."

The young man is somewhat similar to Yuan Chen, or more like Jing Chu, maybe a cousin or something.

After delivering the fruit plate, the boy hadn't left yet. He looked at Mingshu with a serious expression and said, "Brother, you look so good-looking." Ming Shu

couldn't cope with such a straightforward compliment, so he thanked him again, and took a piece from the fruit plate. The next small bunch of grapes was handed to the young man: "What's your name?"

"Jing Shuang," the young man took the grapes, "Brother, what about you?"

The npc list was immediately updated, and Ming Shu clicked on the character details from Jing Shuang's body.

[Name]: Jing Shuang

[Gender]: Male

[Age]: Failed to acquire

[Identity]: Failed to acquire

[Favourability]: -20 (full value 100)

[Like]: To be explored

[Hate]: To be explored

[Features] : To be explored or unlocked with 70% favorability,

Mingshu's expression froze.

Favorability minus 20?

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