Chapter 91: Dragons and Elves (21)

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The thin mist was like substance, pinching deep bruises on the side of Qingji's neck.

The disparity in strength was so great that Qingji didn't even have the slightest room to resist. If he exerted more force, his neck might be broken or he might be suffocated to death.

Qingji's instinct to survive made him succumb, and he struggled to say one word: "In..."

The mist loosened slightly, allowing him to breathe.

"In the secret room under my bed," Qing Ji said with a look of concern on his face and a hoarse voice: "I specially used several spells to hide and protect myself. Only I can unlock it... Let me go and I will do it for you." Go get it."

"No need."

Si Ning said without hesitation. The moment he waved his hand, there was a muffled sound on the bed behind him, accompanied by some heart-wrenching sounds, like objects twisting and rubbing against each other, sometimes sharp and harsh.

Qingji's expression became even more ugly. He wasn't lying. The black magic spell book was indeed in that position. He wanted to wait for Si Ning to let him go first. On the surface, he was taking advantage of the opportunity to unravel the spell to figure out a way to deal with it. It couldn't really be like this. Give the book away.

He did not expect that Si Ning's spell practice had reached such an extent that he was almost as good as his mentor. He could break the spell under the bed so quickly and easily without even damaging the bed board.

The mist was still clinging to his neck, and he didn't dare to act rashly. He watched helplessly as a hard black book flew out from the corner and fell into Si Ning's hands.

The outer cover of the book was also under a spell, which could only be read by the owner of the spell, and was easily lifted by Si Ning.

He opened the book and glanced at it a few times. After confirming that it was correct, the fog that controlled Qingji suddenly dissipated.

Qingji took a few steps back in embarrassment to steady himself, covering his neck: "Why is Your Highness doing this...and how do you know about this book?" With

this black magic spell book in his hand, even his mentor Ji Lian Not even aware of it.

Could it be that there are other restrictions on Long Island? Will everything he brings in be discovered? But if there was, he couldn't have been unaware of it.

Moreover, Si Ning had been indifferent to him in the past two days, and tonight he suddenly came to snatch away the things he had secretly hidden. Everything was weird and unusual.

Si Ning asked back: "What do you want to do by secretly bringing this kind of book to Dragon Island?"

His expression was cold, and his emotionless eyes were like looking at a dead person.

The unknown is the real fear. Qingji couldn't figure out how Si Ning knew. Under his gaze, it seemed that all his intentions had nowhere to hide.

In addition, he is not strong enough and has absolutely no chance of winning against his boss, Si Ning. Si Ning has already obtained the book and will probably kill him directly.

The short staff lay quietly on the ground, and Qingji moved his steps quietly. However, in the next moment, the short staff suddenly broke into several pieces, making it impossible to use it anymore.

Without the blessing of the magic wand, Qingji couldn't defeat Si Ning.

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he fell to his knees with a thump.

"Please punish me, Your Highness... I got this book by chance. I have only read it a few times," Qingji said half-truthfully: "My mentor ordered me to keep it carefully, so I always keep it with me. It was not deliberately concealed and brought into Long Island..."

He said that Ji Lian also knew that he did not take out the book because of its special nature, so it was not considered a private possession.

Sensing that Si Ning's murderous intention was still unabated, Qingji hurriedly said: "Although...although I am not talented enough and have not learned a few spells, I have consulted a large number of ancient books and kept the annotations in my heart. If If Your Highness wants to learn, I will definitely help you with all my resources..."

Si Ning said in a mocking tone: "The library on Long Island has everything you need, but you are not qualified to teach me."

Seeing Qing Ji's trembling lips and his face ashen, he paused and said He said loudly: "However, I will not kill you for the time being."

Qingji is here to replace Guilian. As Guilian's best student, he also has a good reputation in the outside world. If he comes to Long Island within a few days, he will If it is dead, failure to protect it will cause trouble.

The black magic spell book is a secret and cannot be known by Si Lian and the others. Killing Qingji is easy, you have to find a reasonable excuse, and now is not the time.

A faint mist seeped into Qingji's nose without warning. He immediately covered his mouth and nose and coughed, but it was already too late.

"I don't care how you please the other highnesses, if you dare to tell what happened tonight," Si Ning said coldly, "or if you step even half a step into my palace, no one can save your life."

As soon as he finished speaking, he disappeared into the house like a ghost in the blink of an eye.

Qingji slumped on the ground. When he recovered a little, he picked up the broken short staff and put it back together again, trying to force out the mist that Si Ning had put into his body.

He tried for a long time until he was exhausted and couldn't do it, so he finally gave up.

The bed was intact, and there was no sign that anything had been hidden in it and then taken away, and the furnishings in the room had not been touched. If he went to tell others that Si Ning had snatched his books, no one would believe him.

Moreover, it was a book of black magic spells that was secretly brought in. If Si Ning did not threaten him, he would not tell it out easily.

Qingji's eyes showed regret and resentment. After all, he was careless. Everything happened tonight so unexpectedly that he was not prepared at all.

He slowly got up from the ground, wiped off the dust on his body, and transformed into a water mirror.

The scar on the side of his neck was clearly reflected in the mirror. It took several consecutive healing surgeries before it began to improve and gradually returned to normal.

Thinking of Si Ning's almost terrifying strength, Qingji's eyes showed a hint of concern.

If he is so powerful, what else can he do with a black magic spell book?


the afternoon, Mingshu and Wushu were playing in the garden.

Mingshu picked petals to eat, and the fog rat followed behind him to pick leaves, and vomited them together when he encountered any unpalatable ones.

Finally, they basked in the sun together. Mist Rat imitated Ming Shu's behavior and made a bed with flower petals by the flower bed. He carefully arranged each petal with his small front paws, and then lay down with his eyes closed. Many petals were blown away and he didn't care.

While basking in the sun, Mingshu took a small comb to comb the fog rat's hair.

The attendants were responsible for preparing all the mist rat's utensils, including sleeping dens, eating and drinking utensils, and even some toys, although the mist rat was not very interested.

Originally, raising such a pet did not require such delicate things, but the attendant saw that Mist Rat was very fond of Mingshu, and Mingshu was also liked by Si Ning, so the treatment of Mist Rat was second only to Mingshu. I also put on special clothes.

After combing one side of his hair, Mist Rat obediently turned over and let Mingshu continue combing the other side, snoring comfortably.

As a result, it was almost dark and before he finished combing, Mingshu lay on the fog rat, holding the comb in his hand and fell asleep.

Finally, the attendant came to wake them up, reminding them that it was getting late and the wind was blowing strongly at night, so they would get headaches if they stayed for a long time.

Mingshu and Wu Shu went back together, but found that Si Ning was not in the study.

Another attendant guarding the corridor explained: "His Royal Highness went out for something. He will be back soon."

Si Ning didn't tell him that he was out? Mingshu asked: "Where has your highness gone?" The attendant shook his head, expressing that he did not know.

Wu Shu gently tugged on Mingshu's sleeve: "Gurgling!"

It would be better if Si Ning was away, then they could play for a while longer!

It pulled Mingshu towards the bedroom, jumped in through the open window, and flew all the way to the bed.

The bed curtains hung on both sides, and without Si Ning's obstruction, the fog rat was finally able to jump on it, straighten up and stand beside the bed, patrolling the new "territory" here.

Mingshu did not forget to warn you: "Guji, don't mess up the bed, His Highness will be unhappy." "

Guji..." The fog rat responded in a low voice and ran around the edge of the bed twice, feeling that there was nothing fun here. Yes, it's not as beautiful as its nest.

It jumped down again, waved its paws towards Mingshu, turned around and got into the den.

Mingshu understood its invitation and followed it into the den.

The fog rat stood at about the same height as Ming Shu. The small space seemed to be tailor-made for them. The thick cushions were easy to sink one foot into. Half of it was a bed, and there was even a small pillow.

There was a piece of wood at the foot of the bed with several scratches on it. Mingshu stepped forward curiously: "What is this?" Wushu quickly laid down on the bed with a pillow in his arms, wagging his tail vigorously, and successfully transferred Mingshu's attraction.

Like the fog rat, he took off his shoes and climbed onto the bed, lying down next to the fog rat and leaning on its furry tail.

When Si Ning came back, Ming Shu had already fallen asleep in the den.

Si Ning found him immediately and reached out to gently hold him out.

Mingshu was not asleep, so he opened his eyes in a daze, hugged Si Ning's fingers and rubbed them: "Where have you been?"

"There is something urgent and I need to find someone to deal with it," Si Ning took him back to the familiar place. On the bed, "Go and take a shower before going to bed?"

Ming Shu shook his head: "I won't take a shower anymore,

I'm so sleepy." He hugged Si Ning's hand and kept on saying, "Your Highness won't take a shower either, let's sleep."

It's customary to stop for a day occasionally. It was nothing. Si Ning took off his outer robe and let Ming Shu sleep in the crook of his neck.


next day, Qingji didn't come over again. Maybe it was because Si Ning accepted the book yesterday and had the good sense not to bother him again.

The ointment Qingji specially brought to Mingshu was thrown away by Si Ning. At noon, the attendant brought a small jar of very similar ointment and delivered it to Si Ning.

Unscrewing the jar, a light floral fragrance comes out, which smells very nice.

Mingshu looked at it curiously: "What is this?"

"It's for wiping wings." Si Ning replied.

Mingshu was stunned for a moment: "Didn't His Highness say it's useless?"

Si Ning said with a natural expression: "Other people's is useless, but mine may not be useful."

Of course, what he prepared for Mingshu would only be the best and safest. Yes, the wings of elves are indeed fragile and should be well maintained with ointment.

Mingshu reached out and wiped it in the jar, then rubbed it on the back of his hand.

He raised his head to look at his superior Ning, and then saw him looking at his wings.

Mingshu reflexively covered his wings with his backhand: "...Your Highness, I can just wipe it myself."

"Guji!" Wushu came over and said that he could also help.

Si Ning didn't seem to hear, and gently brought Mingshu over, letting him turn around and lie in the palm of his hand.

Mingshu's cheeks were slightly red, and he just wiped it if he wanted to. At least he wouldn't lick him casually after wiping it.

He obediently hugged Si Ning's fingers, revealing two pairs of thin transparent wings on his back.

Si Ning took some ointment with his fingertips and slowly applied it starting from the root.

The ointment seemed thick, but I didn't feel it at all when I applied it. It quickly seeped in, leaving only a faint floral fragrance.

[The npc's qi-receiving value has been updated, please go to the backend to check]

How to touch the ointment to increase the qi-receiving value... I guess other elves don't have these, and their dragons will not personally help apply it.

After all the wiping was done, the originally transparent wings were already glowing pink, and the fog rat was driven to the corner of the desk, straightening its neck and looking around.

Mingshu turned over and got up. Si Ning touched his cheek and applied the remaining ointment on his fingertips to his face.

"It smells so good," Si Ning whispered, "Little elf."

Mingshu just recovered and hugged his hand with nostalgia and hummed: "Isn't it a talking bird?"

He still remembered when he first came here. According to what Si Ning said, if he hadn't actively begged to stay, he might not have completed the first main mission by now.

"No," Si Ning leaned closer, "There is no such a beautiful bird."

[NPC favorability will be updated, please go to the backend to check]

It seemed that this was the first time he said such words directly, Mingshu was both shy and happy , stepped forward, held Si Ning's chin and kissed him.

Then he opened the system panel and saw that the favorability and popularity points had each increased by 5 points, and the progress bar without description in another row had increased by at least 10 points.

This progress bar has been gradually moving away from favorability and popularity. Not only has it increased, it has increased even more.

Mingshu raised his head and looked at Si Ning quietly: "Your Highness..."

Si Ning said "hmm" and looked absent-minded, not knowing what he was thinking.

He quickly recovered and continued to touch the tip of Mingshu's chin: "Do you want to grow up?"

"Grow up?" Mingshu went from confused to surprised, "Does your Highness have any idea?"

Si Ning asked this last time, and finally Although he failed, he became a little black dragon when the contract was formed.

"Do you want to?" Si Ning asked again, holding Mingshu's fingers to lift up the clothes at his waist, and gently rubbing them inside: "Little elf." This action was

very ambiguous. After wiping his wings just now, the look on Mingshu's face The blush hasn't dissipated yet.

He looked at the three-line progress bar on the panel and hesitated: "What will he do when he grows up?"

There must be a reason and a reason why he must grow up...

Si Ning did not answer, pointing his finger. Moved to the front and stroked the small belly button.

The attendants would often bring new clothes sewn for Ming Shu Jingxin, and the old ones would be worn out after two or three wears. I don't know when his clothes started to become a little loose.

Mingshu dodged sideways, preventing Si Ning from touching him again, but responded: "I think... I want to grow up, like His Highness." Si Ning said hello, but as

soon as he finished speaking, his voice suddenly changed back to a smaller one. In the shape of a dragon, he pounced on Mingshu, pressed him and licked him, smelling the delicious floral fragrance on his body.


the past two days, Mingshu found that Si Ning was reading a book that was different from before.

The books on his bookshelf used to have similar outer covers, carved from light or dark wood, with crooked characters printed inside.

The book he is looking at now has a pure black outer cover, and the patterns on the surface are also somewhat different, making it appear more delicate and thick. The edges of the pages are yellowed, and it must be a few years old.

Of course Ming Shu didn't recognize the characters inside, so Si Ning even asked him to take a look at it a few times, saying that he would teach him.

Mingshu pretended not to hear, turned around and went out to play with Mist Rat.

Si Ning looked at his flying back, and his eyes fell on the book again.

On the fourth day, the system that had been silent for several days finally started to move.

[A new plot prompt has been detected. Do you want to check it immediately? 】

【Plot Tips】:

[The elf knows where the wizard keeps the spell book, he once took a look at it. That book is the wizard's treasure. He usually doesn't carry it with him, but hides it under the bed and protects it with several spells. The elf continued to approach the wizard, and then asked him to tell him what the spells were. Once you know the spell, you can find a way to access it. The elf thought about it and decided to ask His Highness the Fifth Prince for help. ]

[Ding Dong - Main mission released]

[Task 2: Steal the human wizard's black magic spell book without being exposed]

[Ding Dong - Side mission released]

[Task 8: (1) NPC [Qing] Ji]'s [Favorability] reaches more than 50/(2) NPC [Si Ning]'s [Favorability] and [Popularity Value] reach more than 180 at the same time]

(Warm reminder: This task is multiple choice, you can choose any (1) (2) One is completed)

It is still 180...Qingji's only needs to increase by 10 points.

A normal player would definitely choose the first option at this time.

But the increase in Qingji's favorability was so weird, and it became even weirder once this second side mission related to him came out.

Mingshu remembered the previous mission that asked him to get close to several other highnesses. At that time, he felt that it was safer to stay with Si Ning, so he chose Si Ning's side.

If he chose the other side, would the mission go smoothly?

Mingshu felt uneasy. He didn't want to get close to Qingji anymore. This NPC gave him a bad feeling.

But even if he raised Si Ning's favorability and popularity points in the side mission to 180, he still had to complete the main mission.

How about... when will Qingji come to Si Ning again?

As Si Ning's guardian elf, his movements are restricted and he is not as free as in the plot.

Mingshu frowned, and Wu Shu and Si Ning noticed his depressed mood at the same time.

The fog rat thought about it, then quietly ran outside the corridor, found a few small flowers of different colors in the grass, pinched them together and took them back, intending to give them to Mingshu to make him happy.

However, when it returned to the window sill, it found that Si Ning had turned into a dragon again, hugging Ming Shu and curling up on the chair, slowly licking his cheek in an extremely affectionate manner.

Mingshu didn't resist and leaned obediently on the black dragon.

Being beaten first by Si Ning, Mist Rat was shocked and angry, and the flowers in his paws didn't look good.

What's so good about that hard dragon? It's just a little bit more powerful than it!

The fog rat clutched the flower, turned around and squatted on the corner of the window sill, looking angry at the room with his back and tail.

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