Chapter 135: Angel in Disguise (12)

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Zhiyuan's arms were empty, and the sweet fragrance surrounding his nose also disappeared.

There was only a bare pillow on the bed and no quilt. Mingshu huddled in the corner against the wall and did not dare to move.

The thin straps that held his tail together... seemed to have come loose.

The tail broke free from its restraints and stretched out under the clothing, gently bumping against the skin and fabric.

This tail is not very controlled to begin with. He didn't wear the thickest coat tonight. He was sitting on Zhiyuan's lap just now. He would be discovered if he wasn't careful.

No wonder the system prompts popped up... Without this prompt, he was affected by the succubus bloodline and his mind was not clear enough, and he might really be discovered.

Mingshu was frightened for a while. After so many dungeons, he had never experienced a mission failure.

He was forced to join the dungeons of these series, which is different from other players. If the mission fails, there is no telling what kind of punishment there will be.

Zhiyuan looked at Mingshu, who was huddled in the corner, and said in a deeper tone, "Come here."

There were no lights on in the room, and his back was to the window. Mingshu couldn't see his expression clearly at this time.

He regretted it a bit... he should have left as soon as the mission was completed. He came to Zhiyuan's dormitory alone at night. With such an obvious temptation, he hugged and touched him, could Zhiyuan still let him go?

Mingshu finally understood that the Zhiyuan in front of him was still the same Sang Yin. No matter how indifferent he seemed on the surface, he would still like him.

But now is not the time to be happy. According to past experience, if he takes the initiative to tease the other person, he will probably not be able to escape smoothly.

Mingshu's cheeks were red, and she hugged her knees tightly without moving, thinking about what to do.

He also wanted to go there. The time just now was too short. He even dreamed of getting closer to Zhiyuan.

However, the mission cannot be failed. If he remains in the same posture as before, he is even afraid that his tail will come out and wrap around Zhiyuan's hand.

Mingshu didn't listen to him, so Zhiyuan only waited for a moment before his patience ran out.

He reached out to grab Mingshu's ankle and drag him over.

Mingshu suddenly thought about this familiar habit and behavior. He swatted Zhiyuan's hand away, turned around and ran towards the door.

No, no... the mission is more important. He can't care about anything else now. Hiding his tail well is the only important thing.

But when Mingshu came to the door as quickly as possible, he found that the door could not be opened and could not be pushed no matter how hard he pushed it.

He groped for the door in the dark. It wasn't locked at all. It hadn't been there when he came in, but now it was sealed.

A gust of wind blew behind him, and Mingshu turned around and leaned against the closed door, guarding his tail anxiously.

Zhiyuan had already arrived in front of him. His outstretched wings blocked the moonlight and shrouded Mingshu's entire body in shadow, which was full of oppression.

He was only one step away from Mingshu, his wings slightly drooped: "Why are you running?"

Mingshu couldn't express his pain, so he could only lower his head in silence and breathe tremblingly.

"Regret?" Zhiyuan said softly, reaching out to Mingshu: "Come here."

He was not asking for Mingshu's opinion. Even if he regretted it, everything happening now was caused by himself.

And in the past few days, Mingshu showed his love and dependence in front of him intentionally or unintentionally.

Zhiyuan originally thought that he was simple by nature and didn't understand anything, but it turned out not to be the case.

If she was truly innocent and ignorant, she would not ask him to hug her.


There was a muffled thunder outside, and Mingshu trembled.

Zhiyuan showed great patience and coaxed, "Aren't you afraid?"

Mingshu raised her head and looked at him with timid eyes.

He definitely couldn't leave... He slowly stepped forward, and was led by Zhiyuan into his arms again.

Zhiyuan easily picked him up by the waist and headed towards the bed.

Mingshu was very nervous, fearing that Zhiyuan would touch the tail beside his legs, so he awkwardly lowered his hand to hold the hem of his clothes.

Fortunately, Zhiyuan didn't notice. He gently placed Mingshu on the bed and reached down with one hand to touch his cold ankle.

Mingshu was so anxious just now that he forgot to put on his shoes and stepped on the stone with his bare feet. Only then did he feel the cold.

He retracted his feet and quietly pressed his tail down.

There was a soft "pop" sound, and the two lamps in the dormitory lighted up.

Zhiyuan retracted his wings, leaned against the bed in his thin underwear, and stretched out his hand towards Mingshu again, gesturing for him to come over.

Mingshu became more obedient this time, moved over obediently, adjusted his posture and pressed his tail, and took the initiative to lean into Zhiyuan's arms.

Zhiyuan hugged Mingshu, slowly caressing his back with his palms, and said slowly: "Are you afraid of me?"

It was his request, and it was also his desire to escape. In Zhiyuan's eyes, this change can only be attributed to Mingshu. Shu is timid.

Even though I had the courage to come and say those words, I still couldn't bear the real consequences, so I was afraid.

Mingshu whispered: "No, it's not."

He moved uneasily and carefully looked at Zhiyuan's expression: "My Lord, I was wrong..."

Zhiyuan's tone did not change: "Where was the mistake?"

He hugged him It was very tight, and the body temperature was mixed through the fabric of the clothes. Mingshu blushed and said, "I...I shouldn't have come to you."

The two were too close, and Mingshu felt a little dizzy. Tense and frightened, his eyes were moist.

"This is not good..." he stammered: "Heaven...has rules..."

The former envoy of the West Palace was kicked out by Zhiyuan because he was not pure enough in this regard.

It was also because of this incident that no matter how indulgent Zhiyuan was, asking him to apply medicine on himself and hugging him, Mingshu subconsciously felt that Zhiyuan would not do anything to him.

He is the master of the temple and the highest-ranking archangel. How could he do it so easily...

Zhiyuan lifted Mingshu's chin and touched the side of his face: "Who made the rules?"

Mingshu was stunned, completely I didn't expect Zhiyuan to ask this.

He overlooked one point. Archangels are not gods, so they will naturally have emotions and desires.

And in the entire temple, there was really no one who dared to question Zhiyuan...

Mingshu's dazed look fell in Zhiyuan's eyes. He lifted the hair on the side of Mingshu's neck, and the sweet fragrance spread out.

Zhiyuan narrowed his eyes slightly, pinched the back of Mingshu's neck and came closer, his expression seemed to be in a trance for a moment: "On you..."

The fragrance was stronger than before, seeping out wisps.

Mingshu hurriedly pushed Zhiyuan away and cowered like a quail.

The effect of angel perfume is limited. He sprayed it on his body before going out, and he didn't know how much was left at this time.

Mingshu couldn't break free from Zhiyuan's arms and said aggrievedly: "Don't bully me..."

He wanted to go back, but if he didn't leave, he was afraid he would be discovered.

Zhiyuan's eyes were dark, and his heart seemed to be filled with depression. Looking at Mingshu's appearance, he couldn't help but feel soft.

He took Mingshu's hand and kissed the fingertips: "Don't be afraid."

Mingshu blushed and his struggling movements disappeared. Zhiyuan hugged him again and stroked his warm fingertips along the cuffs. Yi Quyue

"What are you afraid of?" He looked deeply and whispered: "Who said you want to stay with me?"

Mingshu remained silent. This was what he said last night, but he didn't expect it to be a move now. Hit yourself in the foot with a rock.

After a while, Mingshu realized that Zhiyuan was just hugging him and didn't want to do anything to him.

The tail was successfully hidden, and Mingshu's tense mood finally eased a lot, and he leaned into Zhiyuan's arms and yawned.

It was raining heavily outside, and the sound of falling rain was even more hypnotic. With Zhiyuan by his side, his presence itself was a comfort to Mingshu.

Mingshu felt sleepy, and Zhiyuan raised his hand to wipe the tears from the corners of his eyes: "Sleepy?"

He didn't seem to have any intention of letting Mingshu leave, but Mingshu didn't dare to sleep here.

He said "hmm" and said tentatively: "I want to... go back."

Zhiyuan remained silent, and Mingshu mustered up the courage to take the initiative to put her arms around his neck and kiss the side of his face.

The soft touch quickly left, and with a faint sweet fragrance, Mingshu's cheeks turned red: "I don't dare... to stay."

He expressed his concerns tactfully. He was an envoy and was not originally This is what should be done.

Zhiyuan remained silent, his eyes falling on Mingshu's lips.

Mingshu understood ignorantly, and leaned forward to kiss her again, this time on her chin.

He deliberately didn't kiss Zhiyuan directly, fearing that he wouldn't be able to hold back after a while, so he just meant it.

He acted both innocent and shy, as if he was in love for the first time and didn't dare to do anything more transgressive.

Zhiyuan finally compromised and squeezed Mingshu's palm: "Okay." It

was still raining outside, so Zhiyuan wrapped his robe around Mingshu and sent him back in person.

The two of them were silent all the way. Zhiyuan held Mingshu's hand, occasionally picking up his fingers and rubbing them gently.

The mission was completed and the tail was saved. Mingshu finally became happy at this time.

If it hadn't been for tonight, he might not have guessed how much Zhiyuan liked him... But when will the task of maintaining the disguise be considered complete?

Before that, wouldn't he be able to get closer to Zhiyuan... Mingshu was secretly disappointed, and then thought about it, maybe a kiss on a regular basis is okay, right?

So when Zhiyuan sent him to the door, Mingshu couldn't hold back, put his arms around Zhiyuan's neck and kissed him firmly on the lips.

He could only go so far. After kissing her, he turned around and ran away. As if he was afraid that Zhiyuan would catch him again, he hid in the house and closed the door.

After a while, there was no movement outside the house. Mingshu quietly opened a crack in the door to check and confirmed that Zhiyuan had left.


Far away on the other side of the inner hall, Zhiyuan returned to the dormitory, and his eyes suddenly froze when he glanced at a certain place.

He stepped forward and picked up a thin ribbon from the sheets.

The ribbon is very soft and exudes a rich sweet aroma.

This is Ming Shu's.

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