Chapter 158: Copy of Wolf-Eared Boy (8)

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Sang Yin confirmed that Mingshu would not break free from the rope, and his eyes fell on his hand wrapped with cloth strips.

The strip of cloth was tied differently from yesterday. He untied it and checked it, and found that the wound on Mingshu's palm had been injured again, and the herbal medicine applied on it was gone.

From the traces left by the wolves yesterday, and the gray wolf guarding the entrance of the cave at night, it was not difficult to guess that Mingshu must have summoned the wolves with blood again.

He is a werewolf, and he actually needs to order other wolves in the pack to protect him.

Sang Yin tore off a new strip of cloth and bandaged Mingshu again, then took out a second rope from his body and tied him with his right hand.

On a full moon night, the werewolf will lead the wolf pack to wreak havoc. In order to clear the plot, Sang Yin will not give Mingshu a chance to escape.

Mingshu looked down at his actions: "I'm sorry yesterday..."

He had the illusion that he had become a player, and Sang Yin was the NPC. He used the other party's favorability and developing close relationships to achieve his goals. Isn't that what many players think of NPCs? made.

Poisoning was indeed not his original intention, but he had to try his best to do what the character should do, and there was no excuse for yesterday's behavior.

But he was very concerned about Sang Yin's attitude and didn't want to see him angry.

The little mushroom on the ground was still trying hard to attack Sang Yin. He picked up a bigger stone and lifted it up tremblingly. Before he could throw it out, Sang Yin grabbed it and stuffed it into Mingshu's pocket.

The stone fell, and Xiao Mushroom was very angry. He raised his head to meet Sang Yin's cold gaze, and shrunk his neck again, daring not to make a sound.

Sang Yin took Ming Shu away and headed towards the village.

The two of them were walking on foot. Sang Yin slowed down a lot because Ming Shu couldn't keep up.

He obviously rarely travels in the mountains and forests. He looks more like a pampered young master who fell here from somewhere. This is not in line with the character setting of the dungeon.

Sang Yin saw all this in his eyes and silently picked a mountain road that was easier to walk. When he was tired, he would stop and rest for a while.

At noon, Sang Yin took out the dry food and water he brought with him and gave half to Ming Shu.

The dry food was cold and didn't taste very good, but it was much better than the wild fruits and vegetables Mingshu had eaten yesterday. He ate it in small bites and began to feel sleepy after filling his stomach.

Mingshu yawned and asked Sang Yin for his opinion: "I want to sleep for a while..."

At this time, the sun was shining, shining through the gaps in the tree crowns, and shining warmly on his body.

There was no expression on Sang Yin's face: "Okay."

Their hands were tied together. Mingshu couldn't be too far away from Sang Yin, so he moved closer and leaned under the same tree with him.

Feeling sleepy, Mingshu fell on Sang Yin bit by bit.

When Mingshu was woken up by Sang Yin, he realized that he had slept on Sang Yin's lap at some point.

He quickly sat up and blushed: "Sorry..."

He had just woken up not long ago, and his expression was still a bit dull and confused, and he looked dull.

Sang Yin looked away from his face and grasped the rope that tied Mingshu: "Keep walking."

About five or six o'clock in the afternoon, the sun was about to set, and Mingshu finally saw the village in the distance.

Sang Yin found a cloak hidden in the grass nearby and asked Mingshu to put it on, covering most of his face with the hood.

But even so, they can't go in directly through the gate. Tonight is a full moon night, and the village will be extra strict.

Sang Yin took Ming Shu around to the side, estimated the shift time of the patrolling villagers, and climbed in through the fence when no one was around.

Mingshu's hands were tied and it was difficult to move. He finally climbed up the fence, but his feet slipped and he fell down.

Sang Yin caught him steadily from below, pulled up his hood smoothly, untied the rope on his hand, and warned: "Don't make any sound."

Even if he didn't say it, Ming Shu knew this, and if he was Other villagers found that it was definitely more dangerous than following Sang Yin.

At this time, most of the villagers were busy preparing for the night. The two of them traveled smoothly. Mingshu's tied hands were hidden in his cloak. He met several villagers from a distance, and neither of them cared about who was next to Sang Yin. who.

When we returned to our residence, it was getting late. Sang Yin went to find some food and came back, then fed Mingshu as usual.

Afterwards, he tied Mingshu to the pillar at the head of the bed.

Mingshu sat beside the bed, feeling a little uncomfortable in the narrow and closed environment.

Sang Yin moved a chair and sat in front of Mingshu. He tapped the armrest with his finger: "Is there a second werewolf?"

Mingshu shook his head honestly: "I don't know, there shouldn't be."

So he started What he said was also a lie to him, and there was no hidden subplot.

"Did you kill Hu Yi?" Sang Yin asked again.

Mingshu continued to shake his head: "I didn't kill him..."

Even if it was a copy of the NPC and the data generated by the system, he was not able to kill him with his own hands, although... it was not an accident.

Sang Yin had no reaction. He asked casually and would not blame Mingshu for the death of an NPC.

He stood up, rummaged through the cabinet to find a box of ointment, and came to Mingshu.

Mingshu's hands were still tied. Sang Yin untied the cloth on the wound on his palm, wiped it with a towel moistened with warm water, and then applied ointment.

It was getting dark very quickly outside, and there were no lights in the house. In the blink of an eye, the light dimmed.

Mingshu tried hard to see Sang Yin's expression and looked at him: "Why are you so nice to me?"

Apart from the fact that he was specially selected by the system, they had only known each other for a few days.

Mingshu was still thinking yesterday that if Sang Yin had a crush on him but ended up cheating on him, he would definitely not be soft-hearted towards him again.

Sang Yin closed the ointment, bandaged Ming Shu's hand, and raised his eyes quietly.

He suddenly reached out to the side of Mingshu's face and touched it lightly.

"Okay?" He said in an unclear voice, retracted his hand, turned back to the table, and lit two oil lamps.

The room suddenly lit up, and Mingshu saw Sang Yin open the cabinet again and take out something from it.

It was an iron product, with thin iron bars bent into a tube shape, with several leather straps connected to one end and a small lock hanging on it.

Mingshu was stunned for a moment and quickly identified what this thing was.

...This is a bite stopper, also called a mouth cage, usually used for crazy and violent beasts to prevent them from biting people.

Sang Yin approached again holding the bite stopper, his intention was self-evident.

Mingshu stood up in panic and hid behind the bedpost: "You...what are you going to do?"

He couldn't retreat, and watched Sang Yin approaching. He raised the bite stopper in his hand: "Put it on."

Mingshu He refused and struggled to push Sang Yin away, but was easily held down.

He looked aggrieved and frightened. Sang Yin hesitated for a moment and then said softly: "I won't hurt you."

But some insurance measures were needed, as Mingshu had already lied to him once.

Mingshu just wanted to take back what he said not long ago, turned around and resisted: "I won't wear it..."

Sang Yin pinched his face forcefully: "It's okay if you don't wear it. I'll let you out now." There were villagers everywhere outside. Before Mingshu could transform into a werewolf, anyone could take it from him. Life.

Mingshu felt aggrieved and wanted to cry, mist quickly appeared in his eyes, but he still couldn't stop Sang Yin.

The bite stopper is on the large side, probably to prevent it from being stretched after the transformation. The leather strap is very tough, making it difficult for Mingshu to break free when his hands are tied.

Sang Yin buttoned the small lock at the back and touched Mingshu's hair, but Mingshu dodged it.

He looked really pitiful and helpless now. Not only his hands were tied, but he was also wearing a bite guard. He had a weak and beautiful face, which could easily arouse certain thoughts.

Sang Yin felt both distressed and itchy, so

he bent down and said, "Don't be afraid." He almost pressed Mingshu in his arms. Mingshu was leaning against the bedpost and couldn't push him with his hands.

"Why are you like this..." Mingshu's eyes complained, "I won't bite you."

Sang Yin whispered: "You lied to me."

Mingshu had a lump in his throat and couldn't find the words to retort: ​​"I... "

He was embarrassed to tell Sang Yin that he couldn't use the bite stopper in his werewolf form... but I guess Sang Yin wouldn't believe him if he told him.

Sang Yin stroked Mingshu's smooth black hair again, as if to comfort him.

The sky is getting darker and darker, and when the moon rises completely, Mingshu will completely transform into his true form.

He took a huge risk by bringing Mingshu back. If he was accidentally discovered by the villagers, the other three people in the team would also suffer, and being kicked out of the village would be the least severe.

There was also a prepared iron chain under the bed, and a bottle of potion that could kill a ferocious beast. Its toxicity was similar to the one Mingshu gave him that day.

If there was any abnormality, such as Ming Shu showing his true form and attacking him, he would make sure that the sound could not spread out of the room.

As time passed by, Sang Yin took a step back and looked at Mingshu silently, waiting for his change.

A familiar strange feeling crawled up his spine, Mingshu frowned slightly and moved uneasily.

Sang Yin's gaze was like substance, making him want to escape inexplicably.

After a while, he saw his werewolf form... Mingshu thought of Xiao Mushroom and said that his werewolf form must have been set according to Sang Yin's preferences, and his cheeks turned red quietly.

He buried his face, and under Sang Yin's gaze, a pair of white wolf ears appeared on his head.

Sang Yin's eyes moved slightly and continued to wait patiently.

However, after a while, Mingshu showed no more changes. Compared with before his transformation, he just seemed to have these extra ears.

The ears are fluffy, without a trace of color, and their black hair does not look out of place at all. The hair at the tips of the ears is very thin, with a light pink color.

"You..." Sang Yin said hesitantly, "Is this your werewolf form?"

Mingshu raised his head timidly, his eyes a little confused and at a loss.

His cheeks were flushed, and the white tips of his ears twitched slightly, like a confused little animal.

It was different from the werewolf form that Xiao Mushroom helped create, and Mingshu felt something was wrong with him.

The discomfort left in his body when he transformed seemed to still be there, swimming in the seams of his bones.

He frowned and breathed heavier.

Sang Yin noticed something strange about him and reached out to touch his hot forehead.

Mingshu grabbed his sleeve, but had no strength in his hand, and fell into Sang Yin's arms.

Sang Yin supported him: "What's going on?"

Mingshu's werewolf form was not only completely different from what he imagined, but his reaction was also wrong. It seemed like he was sick.

"I don't know..." Mingshu said vaguely, looking up at Sang Yin aggrievedly: "I'm not feeling well."

Sang Yin touched his hot cheek again and hugged him: "Where do you feel uncomfortable?"

Mingshu said I couldn't put it into words, I just felt uncomfortable all over, filled with increasingly surging anxiety.

He moved his bound hands and muttered: "My hands hurt."

Sang Yin lowered his head to check, and the wolf ears rubbed against his chin and the side of his face, causing a slight itching.

Mingshu cried out in pain again and kept shrinking into Sang Yin's arms.

He had been tied up all day, and the skin on his wrists had already become red. A little bit of it showed through the edge of the rope, and his struggle would only make it more painful.

Without hesitation, Sang Yin untied the rope from Mingshu's hand.

Finally half free, Mingshu felt a little better. Sang Yin held his wrist and gently rubbed the red area.

In fact, he shouldn't do this. It's hard to tell whether Shu is just pretending to trick him into being soft-hearted and untying the rope first.

After rubbing for a while, Mingshu gradually calmed down, leaned in Sang Yin's arms and raised her head to look at him.

He was also wearing a bite guard, and the cold iron product was attached to the side of Sang Yin's neck.

Mingshu said vaguely: "Do you also like me..."

Sang Yin whispered: "Yes?"

Mingshu was a little dizzy at this time.

After the rope on his hand was untied, he felt less uncomfortable, but just now when Sang Yin rubbed his hand, he felt an indescribable excitement again.

This kind of excitement is not mixed with anything else, it is simply a heightened emotion. The full moon night amplifies all his senses, including thoughts and impulses that have been suppressed.

It was as if he was drunk, and his speech became more frank and bolder.

Mingshu didn't hear the answer he wanted and was disappointed: "Don't you like me?"

"Although..." his voice became smaller, "Although we haven't known each other for a long time..."

A pair of wolf ears on his head drooped slightly. , Sang Yin stared at it for a while, stretched out his hand to grab one side and kneaded it.

Mingshu didn't resist, but instead nuzzled into his hand and took the initiative to hug his neck.

"Uncomfortable..." He began to frown again, a little embarrassed: "Tail..."

Sang Yin didn't hear clearly at first, so he asked again before hearing the two words in his mouth.

He lifted up Mingshu's robe and saw that his trouser legs were bulging and there was something hidden inside.

It's... a tail.

Through the clothes, Sang Yin pressed his hand, and Ming Shu trembled all over.

It would be uncomfortable to have your tail stuffed in your pants. Sang Yin held Mingshu's waist and picked him up, brought him to the bed and sat down, and took out the short knife from his waist.

Mingshu sat on Sang Yin's lap and was a little frightened when he saw the knife in his hand. Sang Yin stroked his back and comforted him: "It will be fine soon." He took off

Mingshu's coat and gently cut the fabric of his trousers with the tip of the knife. , a hole was made in the tail position.

White hair leaked out from the gaps in the fabric. Sang Yin grabbed the root of the tail and helped Mingshu take it out bit by bit.

Mingshu hummed a few times, feeling ashamed after realizing it.

What made him even more embarrassed was that Sang Yin held on to his tail and almost touched it all over, unable to put it down.

Mingshu's body couldn't help but tremble slightly with every touch. He pushed Sang Yin: "Don't touch..."

The two of them were intimate. Sang Yin didn't allow him to struggle, so he leaned in and kissed the side of his face that was wearing a bite guard. Then he kissed the furry ears.

Mingshu immediately calmed down, and said blankly with a red face: "I want to kiss you too..."

His eyes were moist, like a deer, with animal ears and tail, and looked like a beautiful kitten.

In short, he has nothing to do with werewolves, he is delicate and soft.

Sang Yin said nothing and seemed to have no intention of taking off the bite stopper.

Mingshu was not very happy. The front end of the bite stopper hit Sang Yin's face, and he raised his hand to tear it off himself.

He had no strength, not only could he not take it off, but the edge of the leather also scratched his skin.

Sang Yin stopped him in time and grabbed his hand: "Don't move."

Mingshu felt aggrieved: "I don't want to wear this..."

The tail behind him hung down, and the tips of his pink ears trembled.

"I won't bite you," Mingshu whispered, "I want to kiss you."

In fact, he may not have much desire to do this, but as soon as the idea came to him, he wanted to give it a try.

Sang Yin hugged Mingshu and held one of his hands like a delicate porcelain doll. His hot breath passed through the bite stopper and sprinkled on his face.

The development at this moment has seriously exceeded his expectations. If he agrees to Mingshu and takes off the bite stopper, it means that his last bottom line and defense are gone.

Maybe Ming Shu is really an NPC created by the system, otherwise how could he hit every one of his preferences and desires so accurately, some of which he may have never even noticed.

Sang Yin took Mingshu's hand and kissed his fingertips lovingly, but refused to take off the bite stopper.

Mingshu pursed her lips, her eyelashes trembled, and she looked like she was about to cry.

Sang Yin was silent for a moment, and finally compromised and said, "Okay."

He took out the key from his body and opened the lock behind the bite stopper.

With a "click" sound, the bite stopper was thrown to the ground together with the key. Mingshu couldn't wait and touched his lips to Sang Yin's chin.

He had no rules and kissed him randomly a few times, but each time he didn't kiss the most critical place, probably because he was still very shy subconsciously, and his impulse on a full moon night could not be concealed for the time being.

After the kiss, Mingshu seemed to have fulfilled a wish and quickly backed away, with pure and confused eyes.

At this time, the little mushroom, which had been silent for a long time, shouted excitedly in Mingshu's mind: "Shu Shu! Bite him!"

It only thought that Mingshu did this on purpose, in order to let Sang Yin take off his guard and pick him off. off his bite stopper.

Being bitten by a werewolf will cause poisoning, ranging from loss of mobility to life-threatening. After Mingshu bites Sang Yin, they will find a way to escape from the village.

However, Mingshu reacted slowly and did not understand what Xiao Mushroom said.

His attention was focused on Sang Yin in front of him, watching him come closer, holding his chin and kissing him.

Sang Yin moved very gently, kissing Mingshu's lips while paying attention to whether he would resist.

Mingshu was very obedient and kissed him obediently, stumbling deeply.

After retreating, Sang Yin stroked the wolf ears in his hand: "What's your number?"

With the number, after leaving the dungeon, he could search for Mingshu in the vast crowd.

Xiao Mushroom yelled "can't tell him" crazily. Mingshu was dizzy from the noise and frowned in thought.

Sang Yin waited patiently and kissed his cheek again.

Mingshu couldn't resist the growing expectation in his heart and asked, "Are you coming to find me?"

This statement showed that he was indeed an NPC played by the player.

The little mushroom exceeded the limit of twenty sentences and popped up from his pocket: "Shu Shu!"

At the same time, the door was violently knocked open, and his glasses and brows frowned: "Who is talking?"

He was caught off guard. When I saw the scene inside the house, my expression was stiff, awkward, and unbelievably shocked.

He came to see Sang Yin, and happened to hear strange sounds in the room, thinking that something had broken into him.

Glasses reacted quickly, turned around and left: "You continue."

Suddenly, the system prompt sounded in the ears of several people, including Mingshu.

[System operation failure]

[System operation failure]

[System operation failure]

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