Chapter 151: Copy of Wolf-Eared Boy (1)

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When he was a newbie who just started to get into dungeons, Mingshu often referred to the dungeon tasks recommended by the system and picked one from them.

System recommendations are generally screened based on the player's physical fitness, mental state and other aspects, and generally include auxiliary prompts to ensure that the player can complete the game more smoothly.

Mingshu's overall strength was low. The missions he took on at the beginning were all as dungeon NPCs. He occasionally went to large-scale multiplayer missions to gather people, just to make soy sauce, and to be cannon fodder.

As his dungeon experience increased, the system recommendations became more and more targeted. They were always good-looking but useless NPC characters who did not appear many times and of course earned few points.

Until one morning, a recommendation appeared on Mingshu's taskbar.

[Confidential/Hide/Trial Run]

(Click to view a copy after signing the player agreement) Only after

signing the player agreement can you view it? Mingshu had never seen such a copy.

He was very curious. After struggling for a while, he still couldn't hold it back and clicked on the player agreement.

The first article of the agreement reads: This is a hidden copy that is under trial operation. It is only visible to players selected by the system. Participation requires signing of an additional confidentiality agreement.

Mingshu took a quick look at it, which probably meant that this copy had just been developed and had not yet been officially put into the system library. A trial run was needed to know whether the copy had loopholes or unreasonable features.

There have always been copies of this kind, and Ming Shu had heard of them a few times, but he didn't know whether other trial copies required a confidentiality agreement.

He pulled it to the end and took a look at the expected points reward, and was immediately moved.

200 points... This is already a huge sum of money for Mingshu. According to his current progress in accumulating points, he would have to complete ten copies of NPC to have so many NPCs.

And with so many points, the difficulty assessment of the copy turned out to be extremely easy.

Large rewards, low difficulty... If he hadn't known that the system library was almost error-free, Mingshu almost thought he had stumbled into a scam.

Even if something goes wrong, it is still a system problem and rewards will be issued normally.

Mingshu didn't hesitate long and clicked to choose to participate.

After signing the confidentiality agreement, the real copy task was sent to his panel.

["Fairy Tale Game" series: Dungeon 1]

[Purpose of trial operation: to study whether adding NPCs that suit players' preferences into the dungeon will increase the difficulty of the dungeon]

This is an archivable plot-type dungeon, and the "Fairy Tale" script is also released in advance. Gave it to Mingshu.

There were still two days of preparation time before entering the dungeon. During these two days, Mingshu read the script and the dungeon notes carefully several times.

The story of the script is very simple. There is a village ravaged by werewolves. Players will enter the dungeon as villagers to help the village tide over the difficulties and find the hidden werewolves.

Mingshu's task is to play the werewolf NPC in the dungeon.

Considering that Mingshu's overall strength is low and his experience as an important NPC is almost zero, the system will also assign an intelligent AI to assist him after he enters the dungeon.

In the dungeon, he cannot take the initiative to say that he is also a player, cannot help players in any way, and cannot passively do tasks. He must complete this trial run for the system, otherwise he will be punished.

The system gave several specific examples of punishments, such as erasing consciousness and sending him to work in the system library for 999 years, directly deducting 100 million points, etc., which made Mingshu breathe a sigh of relief.

One last point, Mingshu has signed two agreements. In the event of an emergency, the system may erase his memory of the copy when necessary. Mingshu expressed his understanding of this. If there are too many failures during the trial run, or if it is decided to never open the copy again, the data needs to be completely destroyed, including of course the memory in the player's mind.

But what worries him most is that there will be several players participating in this dungeon, and he seems to be the only NPC.

He must be a player with about the same experience level as him, Mingshu thought to himself.

Two days later, the system sent a notification in advance, reminding Mingshu that it was time to enter the dungeon.

Mingshu prepared himself, and his eyes fell into darkness.

[The "Fairy Tale Game" system is being connected...]

[Connection completed, character creation is in progress - 1%]





[Dungeon scene layout completed]

[NPC completed Get in position]

After the dizziness caused by the teleportation, Mingshu opened his eyes and found that he was in a forest.

He was wearing ordinary coarse cloth clothes, and his appearance and body shape seemed to be the same as his original self.

Mingshu looked around blankly. It was quiet in the woods, and he was the only one.

He opened the system panel and found the character details.

[Name]: Mingshu

[Gender]: Male

[Age]: 19

[Dungeon Role]: Werewolf (NPC camp)

Just as he was looking for other available information, a prompt popped up.

[Your exclusive AI has arrived]

Mingshu originally thought that the exclusive AI was a smart customer service that would be embedded in the panel in a semi-systemic manner. However, after waiting patiently for a while, the panel page was quiet and nothing happened.

Instead, the grass beside him made a rustling sound, and Mingshu backed away warily.

The green grass blades moved without wind, as if there was something inside, approaching Mingshu's position.

Until a small moving mushroom emerged from the grass blades and raised its "head" to look at Mingshu.

It is about half a hand high, small, with a white umbrella handle and a purple umbrella cap. Under the umbrella cap, there is a pair of dark sesame eyes and thin limbs.

The little mushroom approached Mingshu and said in a childish and not fluent voice: "Hello."

Mingshu opened his eyes wide and was surprised.

A talking mushroom?

Later, Xiao Mushroom introduced himself to him: "Are you Mingshu? I am your exclusive AI and I am here to assist you." The

tone of this sentence was relatively mechanical, and then changed to a more vague one. As if talking to himself: "I am also a tree mushroom. I live in the forest. There are many similar species. Our mycelium is poisonous and cannot be eaten..." The

little mushroom muttered, as if he was stumbling to recite a manuscript: " I am neutral and can help both villagers and werewolves."

It was serious, but for such a small mushroom, Mingshu expressed doubts about its function.

He squatted down and gently touched the umbrella cap of the little mushroom with his hand: "How are you going to help me?"

This question seemed to stump the little mushroom. It was silent for a moment and said dullly: "Sorry, no solution has been found. ."

As soon as it finished speaking, it blinked sheepishly and said in a low voice: "Can I ask another question?"

It seemed a bit cute... Mingshu couldn't help but pick up the little mushroom and let it sit on his Palm.

"Then what should I do now?" Mingshu asked again, "Where are we?" "This is the woods near the village," Xiao Mushroom replied, "It is the place where werewolves usually hang out." It tilted its head and thought for a moment

, Said: "You need to find a villager first, knock him down, then change into his appearance and sneak into the village."

Xiao Mushroom said that Mingshu had better complete it within two days, because after two days, other players will enter the dungeon. When he wants to sneak into the village, it will probably be much more difficult.

Before that, Mingshu could only hide in the woods and try not to be discovered by anyone.

A werewolf can transform on a full moon night, and its strength will increase several times. However, in normal times, forced transformation will consume a lot of physical strength, the effect is not very good, and it is easy to be hunted down by villagers.

Little Mushroom knew all the settings of the dungeon very well. He also knew that it was getting dark soon. Most of the villagers at this time were traveling in groups. Ming Shu would definitely not be able to make a move. It would be best to wait until daytime tomorrow.

It sat on Mingshu's hand and showed him the way, leading him to the deep woods where the mushrooms lived.

The tree mushrooms live by a small stream. There are edible wild fruits and small fish in the stream. There is a small cave nearby where Mingshu can sleep.

Mingshu was a werewolf. Even in his normal human form, the tree mushrooms could smell his scent, and they all looked at him with repulsion and vigilance.

In the end, Xiao Mushroom spoke up, explaining that Shu was his friend and wanted to keep him here for two days.

"He's a good wolf," Little Mushroom said sternly, "He won't hurt us."

It seemed to be able to switch between the intelligent AI and the tree mushroom NPC easily. When it was a tree mushroom, even its tone of voice was a little subtle. The change.

Little Mushroom followed Mingshu to the cave and wanted to rest with him. Mingshu spread the haystack on the ground and said, "By the way, I haven't had time to ask yet, what's your name?"

"Name?" Little Mushroom hugged the newly picked mushroom. A small fruit, as big as Mingshu's little finger. It shook its head: "I don't have a name."

The sky gradually darkened, and Mingshu sat on the thick haystack: "Then I... give you a name. Right?"

Little Mushroom's eyes lit up, he ate a few mouthfuls of the fruit and ran to Mingshu, climbed up his trouser legs, and stood on his knees: "What is it?"

Mingshu didn't name anyone. , racked his brains and thought of several, and let the little mushroom choose by himself.

Xiao Mushroom asked Mingshu to say several names back and forth several times, and finally reluctantly chose one: "I want to be called Guji."


The next day, Xiao Mushroom led Mingshu to find suitable target villagers.

They found a young man who was alone. He seemed to be similar in age and build to Ming Shu. He pretended not to be too obtrusive and peace-keeping.

The little mushroom volunteered and secretly put his hyphae into the villagers' kettles.

It was so small that the villagers didn't even notice it, and it quickly fell to the ground with poison.

Mingshu came out at this time, and a dialog box popped up on the villager.

[Do you want to choose the appearance of this NPC as a disguise? ]

Mingshu clicked yes, and his appearance and clothes began to look exactly like the villagers on the ground.

When he completely changed his appearance, the fallen villagers disappeared out of thin air.

Mingshu looked around: "Where were the villagers just now?"

Xiao Mushroom rubbed his thin palms: "I erased them."

At the same time, Mingshu received two system messages.

[Warm reminder: The camouflage state is unstable at night, please proceed with caution]

[Warm reminder: Multiple players are about to enter the instance, please be prepared]

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