Chapter 110: Halloween (14)

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"Boom -"

The bell rang for the last time, and it was completely dark, with no shadow of the moon or stars in the dark sky.

Street lights are the only source of light, illuminating the street surface even brighter than during the day.

No lights were turned on in the nearby houses. I don't know if no one was home, or because they had already noticed the vampire and Ming Shu outside and deliberately hid them.

There was a lot of movement from the vampire hitting the wall, and no one opened the curtains to take a look.

The small group of shadows in the distance moved forward quietly and came under the tree across the street.

Both Sang Yin and the devil noticed its movement and looked at the other side at the same time.

Mingshu noticed Sang Yin's gaze and looked over there: "What's wrong?"

Sang Yin frowned: "I'm not sure..."

After waiting for a moment, nothing seemed strange.

Sang Yin was carrying the devil's shell, and he was taller than before. He easily picked up Ming Shu and took him back to the other side of the street.

The vampire followed closely behind, and several bats flew out of the night and hovered over the street.

Sang Yin put Mingshu on the side of the road, pulled up the hood of his robe and put it on for him: "Wait for me here."

More and more bats were around, and they began to fly downwards, but they bumped into a bat on the way. Blocking the wall of air, a dim red light flashed between collisions.

The vampire stood not far away, with burning blue fire rising from the palm of his raised right hand.

He didn't want to delve into the relationship between the devil and Mingshu. He only knew that if it weren't for the devil's interference, Mingshu would be his now.

The prey he was about to catch was lost, and it was the one he set his sights on at first sight. The air pressure around the vampire was even lower.

The surrounding bats felt his anger and did not dare to approach, but at the same time they were instinctively driven by him, rushing towards Sang Yin and Mingshu one after another.

Mingshu looked at more and more bats and hid in Sang Yin's arms, grabbing his sleeves: "Where are you going?"

Sang Yin touched Mingshu's cheek to comfort him and said coldly: " I'm going to kill him."

Yesterday the vampire secretly followed Mingshu. He didn't know the other person's situation so he didn't act rashly for the time being. But just now he saw Mingshu being held in the arms of the vampire and forced to expose his neck.

As the main body, how could he allow one of the splits to be so close to Mingshu in front of him.

"But..." Mingshu opened his mouth, "You..." The

person in front of him was Sang Yin, and so was the vampire... However, wizards and demons were also wiped out of consciousness by Sang Yin in the same way. Naturally, he couldn't let the vampire go. Even if they don't succeed this time, they will definitely find a way to find the other party's lair.

Sang Yin strengthened the protective shield and glanced at the vampire opposite.

Then he bent down, kissed Mingshu tenderly, and touched the side of his fair neck ambiguously with one hand.

This move was mostly covered by the hood, but it was enough for the vampire to see clearly. The vampire's eyes were slightly dark, and he looked at the two people who were extremely close seriously.

The bats that kept flying back and forth blocked the view, and the vampire swung them all away, trying to see Mingshu more clearly.

But the next moment, he felt a danger approaching quickly, and he swayed to one side to avoid it.

There was a loud "bang", and a shallow pit was made in the ground where he originally stood.

Sang Yin came outside the protective barrier and stood not far in front of the vampire.

The faces of the two are exactly the same, and their temperaments are actually somewhat similar, but one of them has a pair of black sharp horns.

Mingshu stayed where he was. The protective shield not only protected him, but also restricted his movements. He was unable to go out and looked outside anxiously, trying to see clearly the situation of Sang Yin and the vampire.

There were more bats than before, and they panicked and crowded in the middle of the street.

Mingshu couldn't see anything clearly and could only hear sounds from time to time.

This was the first time that he hadn't gone back so late, but it was because of this situation...

Mingshu squatted on the roadside and hugged his knees, waiting helplessly.

The streetlight suddenly flickered several times, and the bats closest to Mingshu scrambled to retreat.

Mingshu noticed this anomaly and faintly noticed that a line of sight was looking at him.

With the protective shield around, he should be safe. He looked around cautiously, and finally stopped at the foot of a tree beside him.

The shadow of the tree casts on the ground, and the source of the sight seems to be in it.

Mingshu suddenly thought of the shadow that "ate" the townspeople not long ago, and couldn't help but step back.

A gust of wind blew by, causing the tree shadows to sway slightly. Mingshu stared there closely and vaguely saw a small group of darker things, which seemed to be slowly rising and changing into shape.

But because there was a distance and the shadow of trees covering it, Mingshu was not sure whether he saw it wrong.

Sang Yin was still fighting with the vampire. Ming Shu turned his head and looked at it, continuing to stare at the shadow of the tree uneasily.

What if it was really that shadow... would it also think of himself as a town citizen and want to eat him?

At this moment, the shadow opened a pair of golden pupils, and a small, furry figure walked out from the shadow of the tree.

It was a little black cat, with no trace of color on its body. It looked like it was only about four or five months old, and it looked very cute.

Mingshu was stunned for a moment, watching the little black cat walk over with its limbs spread out, squatting in front of the protective shield, tilting its head and looking at him.

There are... cats in the town?

Usually the town is always quiet at night, and there are not even a few birds seen during the day.

And at this time, there were huge bats flying around, and two monsters were fighting at the other end of the street. This little black cat just appeared. If it was really an ordinary animal, it would be too courageous. .

Mingshu's vigilance remained undiminished and he was not fooled by the kitten's appearance. He still leaned against the edge of the protective shield and tried to stay as far away from the other person as possible.

Then he discovered that the bats did not dare to approach the direction where the little black cat was.

Sure enough, the creature that appears in the small town at night is definitely not an ordinary creature.

Mingshu and the little black cat looked at each other from a distance, big eyes staring at small eyes. The little black cat raised a front paw: "Meow..."

It touched the protective shield with its paw, and the dark light that was instantly activated drove it away. A piece of it.

The little black cat didn't look like a monster. Mingshu felt nervous subconsciously when he saw this. However, the little black cat was not injured. He stood up unscathed and squatted back on the edge of the protective shield. It had a pair of clear golden eyes. He tilted his head slightly, his furry tail swaying slowly behind him.

It didn't seem malicious.

Mingshu relaxed a little and couldn't help but think of the Mist Rat from the previous instance.

He left in such a hurry that he didn't even say goodbye to Guji properly... The other players in this dungeon signed up to enter, and he didn't know if Guji could continue to follow.

If possible, could the little black cat in front of him be...

Mingshu couldn't help but take a small step towards the little black cat, warning himself in his heart that he must not be careless, everything in the town is too unfair. It's normal. He can't see small animals and think they are cooing...

When the little black cat noticed Mingshu's approach, it swung its tail even more and called out again: "Meow?"

At this time, there was a loud noise in the distance, and the hovering nearby bats suddenly disappeared like a tide.

The little black cat raised its head, took one last look at Mingshu in the protective shield, and then turned and walked away. The dark figure quickly disappeared in the night.

Sang Yin appeared on the roadside and raised his hand to remove the protective shield.

Mingshu immediately ran to him with a nervous expression: "Are you injured?"

There was a large wound on Sang Yin's right arm, and blood was dripping from it.

He didn't care. He brushed the palm of his other hand, and the bleeding from the wound was stopped, and the blood stains were cleaned up.

"Let him escape," Sang Yin said with a cold expression, "It was just a little bit close. It's a pity."

If he kills the vampire tonight, he will not only solve the split of a man who covets Mingshu, but also have an extra body that can be used.

"Don't worry about it yet," Mingshu hugged him with a somewhat aggrieved expression, "Let's go back quickly." Sang Yin hugged him and comforted him, "Okay, we'll leave right away." Mingshu was not in the house, and

Tails was not there either. On him, Sang Yin couldn't teleport directly, so he lazily picked up Mingshu, let him lean on his shoulder, and walked back.

"That vampire, he didn't hurt me."

On the way, Mingshu told Sang Yin what happened tonight. "He stopped those townspeople... and helped me complete the task."

Sang Yin said with a hint of displeasure: "I can do it for you, too."

And it's not that the vampire didn't hurt Mingshu, it was because he had not had time to hurt him. If he was a step too late, Mingshu would be bitten on the neck.

Mingshu muffled: "Then why did you come here so late..."

He didn't blame Sang Yin, but he was a little scared. If the vampire didn't show up, I don't know what those crazy townspeople would do. .

"Sorry," Sang Yin paused and explained, "Something happened, which delayed the time." He

returned to the house early and started trying to control the remote demon body when the bell rang for the first time. .

However, when his consciousness passed smoothly and he was about to find Mingshu, he found that the Devil City was sealed by an unknown realm.

As night was approaching, Sang Yin rushed to see Ming Shu and tried to control the wizard's body. As a result, the woods were also sealed.

Mingshu raised his head: "Who did it?"

Sang Yin had an inexplicable emotion in his eyes and thought: "The leader? The most likely one is him."

The leader, including the townspeople, did not dare to provoke the monster. He might have discovered Ming Shu Shu had a subtle connection with wizards and demons, so he secretly did something while the monster was sleeping during the day.

He had no other choice, and finally chose the Devil City closest to Mingshu's location, returned to the devil's body, and broke through the realm to come.

Mingshu was even more frightened and hugged Sang Yin tightly: "Then what does he want to do?"

The townspeople stopped them, but it was the players who actually had the upper hand. They were beaten up by the players and tied up to do tasks.

Before the vampires appear, the leader has every opportunity to attack the players, even during the day.

Unless he has other intentions, not just wanting to harm the player.

"Don't be afraid, this kind of thing won't happen again next time," Sang Yin kissed Mingshu, "I will kill him as soon as possible."

Mingshu said "hmm" and told him about the townspeople being killed. The shadows swallowed, and the little black cat appeared inexplicably.

Sang Yin's face became even darker: "What did he actually let you see?" He

didn't want to go into too much detail last time because he was afraid that Ming Shu would be scared. As a result, the vampire even brought the townspeople who were about to mutate to lead out the group of people. Unidentified creature.

The murderous intention in Sang Yin's heart became even stronger, and he wished he could immediately track down the vampire's hiding place, find him out and kill him completely.

"That kitten is so strange." It was windy at night, but Sang Yin's body was very warm. Mingshu leaned on the side of his neck, "Could it be a coo?" Sang Yin was silent for a moment: " I

'm not sure."

The way he appeared in this copy was different, and it was impossible to detect whether Guji existed, so he never mentioned it to Mingshu before.

The little black cat appears with a vampire, so it's better to be cautious.

Mingshu was a little disappointed: "Okay..."

He clicked on the system panel and finally had time to reply to Xia Zhu's message.

[Private chat] Mingshu: Are you okay?

Xia Zhu responded quickly and sent several messages in a row.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: To be honest, it's not good

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: I don't know how to explain it, it's just... something's not right

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: I'll tell you the truth, don't be afraid, I kind of want to Drinking blood...

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: I haven't eaten much all day, but I'm not hungry at all. I have no appetite at all when I see the things in the refrigerator

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: But my symptoms should be considered fine. I asked several people

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: They were in a similar situation to us at night. They were also blocked by the townspeople and were forced to fight back in the end. Several townspeople died.

Mingshu felt nervous and quickly asked.

[Private chat] Mingshu: What happens next?

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: They all completed the task and went back. The person told me that he felt very excited at the time and couldn't stop

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: After he went back, he encountered something strange

[Private chat] Chat] Xia Zhu: I don't know what it is specifically. He just said that there are people outside the house who have been trying to break in. He dared to open the door but no one was there. It was like a ghost.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Now He didn't reply to me... I don't know if he fell asleep or...

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: I don't know about the others. I'll go find someone to ask tomorrow morning

. [Private chat] Xia Zhu: Thinking about it now, I was also It's not normal. If you hadn't stopped me, I would have rushed forward.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: But what are they trying to do?

[Private chat] Mingshu: Have you forgotten Shan Qi?

There was silence in the dialog box for a moment, and neither of them spoke anymore.

After a while, Xia Zhu's message popped up again.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: It's over, I'm going to have nightmares tonight

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: I hope I won't have any contact with the townspeople in the following tasks... By the way, have you watched the new plot?

A plot was indeed updated in the evening, but Mingshu hadn't had time to watch it yet.

He closed the dialog box and opened the plot update.

[Plot Tips]:

[The lonely boy seems to have something on his mind. He doesn't go home when night is coming, and squats alone at the entrance of a secluded street. The ghost slowly approached, caught the boy unawares, and tied him into a deserted alley. The young man encountered a ghost for the first time. He fell to the ground and shivered. He watched helplessly as the ghost slowly opened its huge mouth, preparing to swallow him in one bite. The young man was frightened and fainted. 】

[However, just when the ghost was about to swallow the boy into his stomach, a small zombie suddenly appeared and stopped the ghost's move. The ghost couldn't defeat the zombie and had to leave angrily. It thought the zombie was trying to grab food from it, so it hid quietly in the dark and watched, hoping to wait until the zombie finished eating to see if it could pick up some bones to gnaw on. ]

[As a result, it saw an incredible scene. The zombie did not eat the boy, but let him go. The ghost was puzzled and watched helplessly as the zombie sent the boy back to his door. Then he went to find the zombie and asked what it meant. ]

[The little zombie explained that it knew the boy, so it didn't want to hurt him, nor would it allow other ghosts to hurt him. The zombie's strength was far superior to that of the ghost. On the surface, it agreed submissively, saying that it would never touch a hair on the boy's head, but in its heart, it sneered. ]

[As a ghost, you want to protect a human being? It just puts them in the face of ghosts. From then on, the ghost focused on the boy and planned to find another opportunity to eat him. 】

(Warm reminder: The plot is for reference only.)

There are a lot of plot updates this time, but no matter how Mingshu looks at it, he feels that it has nothing to do with the copy they are in. The only similar details may be Halloween...

No wonder Warm reminder Li Hui said that the plot was for reference only. It was as if they had picked up another wrong script and had to follow the development in it to complete the task.

[Private chat] Mingshu: After reading

[Private chat] Mingshu: No new tasks have been released, so ignore it for now

[Private chat] Mingshu: Is your main plot completed?

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Well, it's done. I forgot to tell you. When I came back, I met another group of people at the door and completed the task.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: But I didn't touch them, so I just used the rope. After tying them up, he let them go when the fear level was raised.

He also realized why Mingshu urged him to leave at night. The strange things Shan Qi and a small number of other players encountered were probably because of the townspeople.

[Private chat] Mingshu: Okay, be careful lately

[Private chat] Mingshu: There are no new tasks, so don't go out for the time being

. Mingshu just arrived at the door of his house after sending the message to Xia Zhu.

He took out the key and opened the door. Sang Yin followed and entered the door with him.

Under the shadow of a tree across the street, a little black cat squatted inside, watching quietly as the lights turned on in the living room.

It stood up and approached silently, wandering twice at the courtyard door outside the house, as if it wanted to go in, or find a suitable angle to look inside.

A blood monster came over after sniffing the smell. When it saw the little black cat, it lowered its body to the ground.

The little black cat swung its tail impatiently and bared its fangs at the blood monster.

The blood monster retreated in fear, not daring to stay any longer, turned around and ran away without looking back.


the house, Mingshu took a quick shower and returned to the bedroom to prepare for bed.

Sang Yin dried his hair, lay down with him in his arms, spread his forehead hair, and touched the small black tip growing out of his forehead with his fingertips.

"Does it hurt?" he asked, stroking it gently.

"I haven't had any pain during the day," Ming Shu nestled in his arms, "Am I really going to grow horns?"

Sang Yin said "hmm" and said, "You have drank the blood of a demon

." He entered the demon's body, Then he also learned about the abilities of monsters like demons. If Mingshu takes away the demon's tail, there won't be any abnormalities at first. At most, it will produce some demonic preferences.

For example, Xia Zhu, who is fused with the fang, is similar to a vampire in all aspects, but he will not actually become a real vampire.

But when Mingshu drank the blood and merged with the devil's blood in his body, it was different.

"Don't be afraid, you won't turn into a pure-blooded demon."

Sang Yin explained that Mingshu's human characteristics will not be completely eliminated. He will become a half-human and half-demon being, and he can go out during the day.

Moreover, the town is preparing for Halloween, so even if Mingshu grows a pair of horns, no one will suspect it.

Just like his Halloween costume, he truly became a "half-blood witch".

Mingshu was still worried: "Am I different from others? Can their changes be suppressed?"

He saw all the abnormalities in Xia Zhu. In the message he sent at night, he said that he had not eaten much all day. , if this continues, even if he doesn't turn into a vampire, he will still have physical problems.

"It seems impossible at the moment." Sang Yin held Mingshu's hand, and the body temperature from his palm gave him a sense of peace of mind. "Be patient, you have to eat even if you don't want to." Mingshu quickly

sent it to Xia Zhu. A message, Xia Zhu must have gone to bed, there was no reply for a while.

He turned off the system and shrank into Sang Yin's arms: "What about me...what are the devil's preferences?"

Looking at it this way, it seems that he just has an extra pair of horns? Without the pair of horns, he would still be affected by the tail if he installed it, just like Xia Zhu.

"The devil's preference..." Sang Yin murmured, moved closer to rub Mingshu's lips, and changed the subject: "I'll tell you tomorrow." It was

already very late now, Mingshu needed to rest, and we would talk about anything tomorrow.

Mingshu refused: "Why tomorrow? Can't you tell me now?"

Sang Yin didn't answer, held Mingshu's chin and kissed him.

After kissing for a while, he continued: "You are the devil's bride. The blood he fed you at the beginning, and the blood produced after drinking it, are different."

Why is it different again? Mingshu looked confused: "What do you mean?"

"You are not a devil," Sang Yin said slowly, "You are a succubus."

Mingshu looked dull, and it took him a while to realize what words Sang Yin said. .

His eyelashes trembled, his eyes averted slightly, and his voice became smaller and smaller: "I've never heard of this..."

So what is his specific preference? I always feel like it's not a good thing.

Mingshu met Sang Yin's gaze, and his cheeks suddenly turned red.

Sang Yin hugged him and touched his lower back through the clothes: "If you feel uncomfortable, tell me in time."

Mingshu nodded obediently, Sang Yin narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Just look for me, don't look for anyone else. ."

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