Chapter 116: Halloween (20)

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Sang Yin changed into the wizard's body. He was able to follow Ming Shu back into the house, which proved that he was not injured at all. The devil's shell was lost once it was lost. His true identity in the copy was that of a town citizen.

Mingshu finally put aside his worries, hugged Sang Yin's waist tightly, and looked up at him.

"When did you arrive?" Sang Yin was very perceptive and said calmly: "Why do you ask?"

The vampire took Mingshu away when he and the shadow were not prepared. He was angry and anxious.

No one knows Mingshu's recent situation better than him. His mood and state are unstable, he is easily provoked, and the vampire has a similar face to him.

He solved the two divisions between wizards and demons as quickly as possible, just because he didn't want Mingshu to come into contact with others, even if the "other" was himself.

So he abandoned the devil's body and returned to the grove, and came out to look for Mingshu again. After the shadow caught up with him, he didn't want to be entangled with this thing anymore, and just wanted to find Mingshu.

The shadow's initial attack on him was not fatal. He had a vague feeling that the other party did not kill him. The second encounter confirmed his suspicion. When he found Mingshu, the shadow seemed to be even angrier than him. One stepped forward and knocked the vampire away.

He was far away at that time and only saw the vampire and Mingshu together. He didn't see clearly what the two were doing.

Later, the shadow sent Mingshu back and stopped him from getting closer. Sang Yin felt strange.

At first he thought the shadow was one of his splits, but he couldn't sense it at all.

This unknown creature has always given him the feeling of being mysterious and dangerous. The townspeople are afraid of it, avoid it, and have no ability to resist in front of it.

Although Mingshu is a player, he is also one of the residents of the town in the dungeon. The shadow should not protect Mingshu for no reason.

Sang Yin had some guesses, but they were just guesses and could not be determined yet, so he did not tell Mingshu yet.

Mingshu heard his inquiry and hesitated: "I..."

If Sang Yin knew, he would definitely be jealous again... So Mingshu changed the subject: "I gave him a small pumpkin, and his favorability increased. 30!"

As expected, the devil was too close to Mingshu, and giving him things would not increase his favorability, and the vampire had not had much contact with Mingshu.

Sang Yin frowned slightly, a little unhappy about this, but couldn't say anything.

Strictly speaking, if the vampire helps Mingshu do the task, he is also helping Mingshu.

Sang Yin said "Yeah": "Just gave me a little pumpkin?"

No other more intimate gestures? A small pumpkin can rise by 30 points, which is much higher than others.

Mingshu nodded quickly: "I gave him the pumpkin to ask him not to drink my blood, and he accepted it."

Unfortunately, the second pendant was not given away... He accidentally dropped it on the roadside and lost it. Little points.

Just as he was thinking this, he suddenly received a system prompt.

[The [Favorability] of the npc [monster] has increased by 20 points. Players are requested to keep up their efforts! ]

[Main mission three has been completed! Please check your reward points in the background]

"Huh?" Mingshu was surprised, "It's increased by another 20 points..."

Yesterday he and Sang Yin tested it, and the wizard couldn't complete the task. It shouldn't be the Sang Yin in front of him, then... ...

Did the vampire return to the roadside and pick up the pendant he left behind?

Mingshu told Sang Yin his guess, and Sang Yin was silent for a moment: "Ignore him for now, just finish it." He

went back and picked up Mingshu's things... It really seemed like something he would do himself.

Sang Yin picked up Mingshu and took him to the sofa to sit down, letting Mingshu sit on his lap.

He tucked the hair on Mingshu's cheek behind her ear and kissed her closely: "Are you scared tonight?"

There were too many things that happened tonight, so Mingshu got home safely and the mission was successfully completed.

Mingshu said that the vampire gave him a small pumpkin to stop him from biting him, which proved that they didn't have much contact, at least the vampire hadn't had time to drink Mingshu's blood.

Mingshu said honestly: "A little bit, I'm not afraid now."

The house was safe, and Sang Yin's kiss also made Mingshu relax. He couldn't help but stick to her, wanting to kiss her again.

Sang Yin interrupted his thoughts at this moment: "Go take a shower and go to bed now? It's very late."

Mingshu only lightly rubbed the corner of his lips and said in despair: "Well..."

He hesitated and refused. After getting up, Sang Yin took off his robe, found pajamas from the closet, sent him to the bathroom and watched him close the door.

Mingshu was the only one left in the bathroom. He patted his face with cold water, took a few deep breaths, and quickly finished the bath.

When he returned to the bedroom, Sang Yin helped him dry his hair. He leaned into Sang Yin's arms and wanted to continue to be close to him.

With the blessing of magic, the hair dried quickly, and the cold fingertips slid through the hair. Mingshu raised his head and looked at Sang Yin.

Sang Yin's usual indifferent expression, his lowered eyes without any emotion, although Mingshu knew that he looked like this most of the time.

Mingshu was inexplicably unhappy and reached out to touch the corners of Sang Yin's lips.

Sang Yin looked at him and held his hand: "Huh?"

Ming Shu said awkwardly: "Aren't you jealous?"

Previously, demons and wizards had come into contact with him, and Sang Yin would be unhappy. Everywhere he went, he had to kiss it again before stopping.

Why is it different this time? He didn't even ask much.

Unconsciously, Mingshu's mind was filled with Sang Yin's kiss, wondering why he didn't continue just now and why he didn't ask the vampire if he had touched him.

His cheeks were flushed, the tail of his pants was wrapped around his legs, and his eyes became wandering and covered with a layer of mist.

Sang Yin noticed something strange about him and touched the side of his heated face: "Mingshu?"

This was not the answer Mingshu wanted to hear. He hugged Sang Yin's hand aggrievedly and shrank into his arms.

"If you come a little later, he will take me back," Mingshu said in a muffled voice, "He also said he would support me and drink my blood..."

Sang Yin looked calm on his face and coaxed gently: " Go to bed first and talk about it tomorrow?"

Mingshu said reluctantly, "He still wants to kiss me."

It was his first time doing this kind of thing, and he was not skilled at all. His intention was clearly written on his face, which was to stimulate Sang Yin, let him kiss her.

With such a clumsy method, Mingshu was still mostly successful. Sang Yin's eyes darkened, intensifying the thought of killing the vampire in his heart.

He pinched Mingshu's cheek gently and asked cooperatively, "Did you let him kiss you?"

Mingshu shook his head, his eyes bright, as if asking for a reward.

Sang Yin lowered his head and kissed him. After a long time, he let go of Mingshu and stroked his chin: "Sleep, you can't do it tonight."

Mingshu was satisfied with the kiss and nodded obediently.

The lights in the room went out, Mingshu lay on his back for a while, rolled over into Sang Yin's arms, and said vaguely: "Tail..." Sang Yin hugged

him, adjusted his position so that he could lie down, and slowly touched his The tip of his tail whispered: "Go to sleep."


next day, when Mingshu opened his eyes, Sang Yin was no longer around as usual.

He lifted the quilt and got up, took a bottle of milk from the refrigerator, opened it and drank most of it in one breath.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: How was your progress yesterday?

[Private chat] Mingshu: My mission is completed.

Mingshu briefly told Xia Zhu what happened last night. They have completed their mission and there is no need to go out tonight.

After a long time, Xia Zhu finally digested the message from Mingshu.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: It's so complicated... What is that shadow? Couldn't it be another him?

[Private chat] Mingshu: I don't know, it doesn't feel like it.

Mingshu also asked Sang Yin last night, and he just said no.

There is also a speculation that the players have never had further contact with the creature. What if it is so friendly to all players?

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Forget it for now, I hope you can come back safely

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: I went out for a walk in the morning, and the players who wanted to give the townspeople to the blood monsters last night were missing. I don't know if the mission failed, or if they were assimilated like Shan Qi and

the time limit of the mission has not passed, Xia Zhu meant that they may have been attacked and killed by blood monsters and left the dungeon.

Yesterday, the leader and several townspeople under him also behaved suspiciously. Players disappeared. Two scenarios are possible.

Mingshu was worried. Since the last time he saw Shan Qi, he had no news from him, and his team private chats became increasingly silent.

The other two teammates often delayed replying to messages for a long time, and the content of their replies was also very perfunctory. Mingshu and the two did not know where they lived or what their real situation was.

It's not Halloween yet, and players who enter the dungeon don't know how much is left.

[Private chat] Mingshu: Where are the other people you know? How is it going?

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: I'm asking. I'll tell you later.

Ming Shu casually ate some bread, opened the curtains and looked out at the street.

He saw that the clay pumpkin in front of the door was intact, and the little black cat had not been here last night.

One of the two pumpkin lanterns in the yard was crooked. Mingshu opened the door and went out to straighten the lantern.

He packed up the jack-o'-lantern and turned around. Unexpectedly, there was a child standing outside the yard.

It was a little girl of six or seven years old. She stretched out her arms and wanted to pass the box of snacks in her hand to Mingshu.

She said: "Brother, this is for you."

The little girl looked innocent and cute, holding on to the fence and struggling to push her feet. Seeing that her hand was about to slip, Mingshu quickly gave her a hand and caught her hand. Comes in a plastic clear box.

There were several round pastries in the box, which smelled of pumpkin. Mingshu looked at it a few times and said, "Given it to me?"

He had some impression of the little girl, who was a nearby resident.

The little girl nodded: "My mother made this by herself, and everyone has a share."

Mingshu looked down and saw two other boxes of identical pastries placed at her feet, saying they were for other people around her.

The little girl's eyes were full of expectation: "It's delicious. Brother must try it."

Facing such a young child, Mingshu couldn't bear to refuse and nodded in agreement: "Okay, thank you, and thank you, your mother." The

little girl There was a bright smile on his face, but he didn't leave yet. He was leaning on the edge of the fence and looking at Mingshu, as if waiting for him to open it and take a bite now.

Mingshu began to feel embarrassed. He wanted to wait for the little girl to leave and then secretly throw away the things. He didn't dare to eat food that appeared outside the house.

Being stared at like this, Mingshu said bravely: "Then I'll go back to the house first, and you should go back quickly."

The little girl nodded, but still didn't leave.

Mingshu squeezed the box containing the pastries in his hand and noticed something was wrong with the little girl.

It's daytime now, and the townspeople can move around as they please, unlike at night.

He calmed down, turned around under the little girl's gaze, opened the door and entered the house with the pastries.

After watching Mingshu go in, the little girl picked up the other two boxes of cakes and trotted away towards the other end of the street.

As soon as he entered the house, Mingshu placed the cakes on the coffee table and looked at them with a frown.

It was impossible to eat. He wanted to open it to see if there was anything wrong, but also wanted to wait until Sang Yin came in the evening.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: A child just knocked on the door and insisted on giving me a box of snacks

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: I don't want it... I have a lot of trouble eating my own food, and it's a waste to give it to me.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: He's still not happy if I don't accept him

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: I'm too lazy to talk to

Mingshu, his face changed slightly, and I also told him about the pastries I received.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Is it also made by family members? I live three streets away from you

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Could it be the tradition here? Want to send them all?

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: Anyway, don't eat it. I want to see what else they want to do.

Mingshu didn't intend to eat it at first, but now he is even more wary. He doesn't dare to take the box outside and throw it away now. , fearing that some townspeople were guarding outside.

Thinking of the innocent face of the little girl just now, a shiver ran down Mingshu's spine.

Throughout the morning, Ming Shuan stayed in the house peacefully, sending a message to Sang Yin once in the middle of the morning.

Xia Zhu is still busy, contacting players he knows everywhere to ask about their status, and then asking them about their missions.

The main mission this time is too difficult. Apart from Mingshu and Xia Zhu, it seems that no third person has completed it.

There is only tonight, the last day left, and they must go out again at night to find monsters that can complete the task.

But this time someone came up with a new idea, which is to go to various places during the day and take away other players' Halloween supplies, such as chainsaws, cloth skulls, ghost sheets, etc., and take them home to wait for night.

When they were doing the task of dressing up for Halloween, the night creatures corresponding to the supplies would come and snatch the supplies back. This was currently the most direct way to successfully see the ghosts.

Although doing so carries great risks and may not necessarily complete the task, there are still a group of players who are prepared to do so.

[Private chat] Xia Zhu: By the way, does the little black cat still come to your place to eat pumpkin? I bought two clay pumpkins for you and will give them to you next time we meet.

It can be said that the main quest this time depends entirely on Sang Yin and Mingshu, so I bought pumpkins with my own points and planned to give them to Mingshu. In the copy, he There is nothing else that can be done for the time being, so only Pumpkin can support two of them.

Mingshu refused and then agreed. After replying to the message, he sat in a corner of the sofa and suddenly heard a gentle knock on the window in the bedroom.

It was daytime now, and from the direction outside the bedroom window, there was only the possibility that Sang Yin was coming.

Mingshu immediately got up and went into the bedroom. He opened the window and saw Sang Yin's familiar face.

He couldn't help but stepped on the window sill, jumped down, and threw himself into Sang Yin's arms.

Mingshu's eyes lit up and he kissed Sang Yin's side face: "You came to see me?"

"Well," Sang Yin touched the corner of his head, "Next time you come out, remember to cover the corner."

Mingshu wore a hood when he went out to sort out the jack-o'-lanterns in the morning. Now he was anxious to see Sang Yin. I just forgot about it.

He buried his face in Sang Yin's neck: "I know."

Sang Yin hasn't been here during the day for the past two days, and he doesn't know what he is busy with. As a town citizen, he has to guard against the leader, and Ming Shu obediently doesn't. Ask more.

"What happened this morning?" Sang Yin talked about the message Mingshu sent him and held his hand. "Are you bored alone?"

This time Mingshu didn't send a crying expression, but a cartoon doll holding a pillow. , looking a little lonely.

"It's not boring..." Mingshu explained: "There was a kid who gave me a box of snacks this morning."

The same was true for Xia Zhu. It was unclear whether all players had received this.

Hearing Mingshu talk about the little girl's strangeness, Sang Yin frowned slightly: "It's a bit strange."

He was here, so he could help Mingshu solve the problem right now.

Mingshu hesitated for a long time, then went back to the front door to unlock it and entered the house. Then he handed the cakes on the coffee table to Sang Yin through the bedroom window.

Sang Yin opened it and checked it carefully, and smelled it again, but found nothing strange.

Mingshu still didn't dare to eat, and propped his elbows on the window sill: "You can throw it away for me. I don't want to go out and throw it away for fear of being seen."

Sang Yin agreed, and Mingshu couldn't help but turn out from the window sill again, holding He didn't want to let go.

It wasn't until Sang Yin had to leave that Mingshu reluctantly let go of him.

When there was no one on the street, Mingshu went back to the house again and sat down on the corner of the sofa with a pillow in his arms.

He glanced around and his face suddenly became very ugly.

The box of pastries that had just been given to Sang Yin to throw away was returned to the coffee table intact.

Mingshu straightened up, hugged the pillow in his arms and moved to the other side of the sofa. He stared at the pastries on the coffee table to make sure that he was not hallucinating.

This scene seemed familiar. He had thrown the wizard's robe and the devil's tail outside the house, but the robe and tail came back on their own.

After sitting there for a moment, Mingshu plucked up the courage, picked up the pastry box, put it in a garbage bag, went out and threw it into the trash can across the street.

When he turned back and opened the door, the pastry box still appeared on the coffee table intact.

He tried several more times, even opening the window and throwing it out, but the result was the same.

In the end, Mingshu gave up and sat in front of the sofa to calm down.

The pastry box that couldn't be thrown away looked too similar to the one with the coat and tail. Was it because he accepted it? And took it home? So this thing belongs to him and he can't throw it away no matter what.

Will this thing be the same as before, and at night, nocturnal creatures will come to him and ask for it?

After spending too much time with Sang Yin in the afternoon, it was almost six o'clock. Mingshu sent a message to Sang Yin, briefly explaining everything and asking him to come over earlier.

After sending the message, Mingshu hid in the bedroom, leaving the pastries on the coffee table alone outside.

Time passed minute by minute, and I don't know how long it took. Before the bell rang for the first time, Ming Shu heard someone knocking on the door outside the house.

"Dong dong dong -" a very rhythmic sound was repeated twice.

Mingshu stood up, opened the bedroom door a crack, and shouted outside: "Who is it?"

A strange voice responded: "Why are the pumpkins here like this?"

He sounded like he was forty or fifty years old. The middle-aged women on the left and right spoke with a mixture of disgust and fear.

Are they townspeople? Mingshu hesitated slightly and opened the door a little further.

The lights in the living room were on, and the pastry box was still on the coffee table.

"Dong dong dong -"

the woman outside continued to knock on the door and said: "Take this pumpkin away quickly!"

Ming Shu was not prepared to answer. If it were a town citizen, she would rush back before dark. .

He was about to close the bedroom when he suddenly saw the handle of the door outside being turned.

"Hiss--it hurts like hell!" At the same time, the woman outside said angrily, and Mingshu watched as she pushed the door open.

A frail middle-aged woman stood at the door, her skin facing the armrest where the pumpkins were placed was red and blistered, as if it had been burned by flames.

She endured the pain, stepped towards the house, and actually walked in.

The middle-aged woman's expression was gloomy, and she turned around and looked around: "Where are my fingers? Where did you hide them?"

Fingers...what fingers?

Mingshu took a shaky breath as he thought of a possibility.

If a middle-aged woman could enter his house, the bedroom door would not be able to block her. Mingshu bravely pointed to the coffee table through the crack in the door: "Is that that one?"

She followed Mingshu's line of sight and strode away. He went to the coffee table and picked up the box of pastries on it.

Mingshu held his breath and quietly clenched the folding knife in his hand.

He saw the woman open the pastry box, take out a pastry and break it open.

At this time, Ming Shu saw that half of the little finger on the woman's right hand was missing, and there was a small fingertip hidden in the piece of pastry she broke open.

The woman picked up her fingertips, patted the crumbs on them, and pressed them on her right hand.

After doing all this, she looked at Mingshu again, her voice still angry: "Sure enough, it was you who took it!"

"Boom -"

The bell rang for the first time. At the same time, the middle-aged woman's body became A bit more transparent.

She had a ferocious face and was about to walk towards Mingshu. The wizard's figure appeared out of thin air and blocked her in time.

Sang Yin raised his hand, and the dark green light in his palm attacked the woman. However, the light passed through her translucent body, only causing her footsteps to pause slightly, and did not cause any damage to her.

He immediately gave up the attack, pushed open the bedroom door, and held Ming Shu in his arms.

Ming Shu's eyes flashed, and he was taken out by Sang Yin and stood on the side of the street.

The middle-aged woman didn't know what kind of creature she was. He couldn't stop her inside the house, so he would try outside. If that didn't work, he could take Mingshu back to the woods.

Mingshu clutched the clothes in front of Sang Yin tightly, turned around and saw the middle-aged woman coming out and standing on the steps in front of the door.

She got the lost severed finger, but it seemed that she was still targeting herself.

The bell rang for the second time, and all the townspeople went home. A few people passed by in a hurry on the street, not curious about anything strange here.

Sang Yin looked at the middle-aged woman coldly, and was about to try to attack with magic again, but saw her looking to the side, with a look of horror slowly appearing on her face.

Mingshu also noticed it. Following her gaze, he saw a familiar little black cat.

The little black cat ran all the way, jumped on the fence, the hair on its back and tail exploded, and its milky voice was very fierce: "Meow!"

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