Chapter 166: Extra (7) [END]

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Except for that time Searching for everything about Sang Yin, he rarely goes to community forums.

It wasn't until two days later that he accidentally saw the World Anonymous Channel discussing this matter.

[Anonymous]: Has anyone seen what the boyfriend on the list looks like?

[Anonymous]: Are you really talking? real or fake?

[Anonymous]: I asked you why you care so much about other people's private lives. Can we have a more serious conversation?

[Anonymous]: I've seen it before. What's wrong?

[Anonymous]: I heard she is a beauty.

[Anonymous]: I'm so curious, but there are no posts with pictures in the forum.

[Anonymous]: What are you talking about? I can't understand why.

[Anonymous]: It's true, it's Sang Yin who has reached a high level.

[Anonymous]: How to pass the fifth level of dungeon 356? Does anyone know?

Mingshu looked at the comments with a blank expression.

He and Sang Yin only went out together once. There were not many people in the place where they ate that day, but it had already been broadcast to the world channel.

Suddenly, a system prompt that someone had been banned popped up. The person who first asked about Mingshu's appearance was the word "beautiful".

After a while, the anonymous speech was also banned by Sang Yin.

Mingshu felt something was wrong and subconsciously turned his head.

Xiao Mushroom was lying on the sofa pillow watching TV. Sang Yin washed a basket of strawberries and came out of the kitchen.

He sat down next to Mingshu, picked up the largest strawberry and fed it to him.

Mingshu ate the strawberry and then hesitantly told Sang Yin that they were mentioned on the World Channel just now.

Sang Yin didn't seem surprised. He opened the panel and took a look. He hugged Mingshu into his arms and said, "Don't be afraid. Don't worry about this."

He had never seen other people falling in love. As time went by, they would no longer feel that way. It's novel, and the previous rumors about Sang Yin will be self-defeating.

There were also those who asked Mingshu's photos everywhere and wanted to know what he looked like. Of course, Sang Yin couldn't let this happen, and his willingness to spread the news that he was in love was already the limit.

Mingshu looked at Sang Yin for a while, then moved closer to kiss him: "I'm not afraid."

Little Mushroom suddenly came over and looked at Sang Yin, as if he had something to say.

Sang Yin glanced at it, and it immediately understood and slipped away to the balcony to play.

Mingshu opened the panel again in the afternoon, and no one on the World Channel mentioned the morning's topic again.

He opened the community forum again and happened to catch a glimpse of a new post asking about the first boyfriend on the list. It was deleted within a few seconds after it was posted.

Mingshu didn't pay attention. He dug out the information post he had seen before. Someone in it revealed Sang Yin's birthday. He wanted to see if he remembered it correctly.

November next Monday, only four days away.

Sang Yin never mentioned this to Mingshu. If Mingshu didn't know about it, would he miss this birthday?

Mingshu thought this was not possible, and he was still thinking of giving Sang Yin a birthday surprise.

But when he thought about it carefully, Sang Yin was not short of money, and he definitely wasn't short of anything. Ming Shu didn't have any skills, so he could learn to cook a meal.

But with such a short time, Mingshu was not confident that he could learn well.

After thinking about it, he couldn't find a birthday gift that could be given to Sang Yin.

While Sang Yin was in the kitchen, Mingshu called the little mushroom and wanted it to ask what it thinks.

The little mushroom didn't understand: "Birthday? What is a birthday?"

Mingshu explained to it, and the little mushroom focused all its attention on the birthday gift. " I also have a birthday? Can I receive a birthday gift?" Xiao Mushroom's eyes lit up, "My birthday can be the first day I met Shu Shu!"

That day was also the time when it actually left the factory, etc. It's been a whole year since it turned one!

"Of course," Mingshu touched the shiny umbrella cap of Xiao Mushroom, "I'll buy it for you whatever Guji wants."

He added: "As long as I can afford it."

Xiao Mushroom was very happy. He began to look forward to his birthday, but all he liked were parts and mechanical oil for tinkering with himself. He didn't know what Sang Yin would like, so he couldn't give Mingshu any advice.

However, it thought about it and said, "Sang Yin likes Shu Shu the most."

Ming Shu's ears turned red and he said vaguely, "I know..."

Until the end, Ming Shu didn't buy anything in the mall.

-On Monday night, Sang Yin put away the dishes and washed them in the kitchen, while Mingshu went upstairs early.

When Sang Yin came out, Ming Shu was missing from the sofa in the living room, so he went to the first floor to look for someone.

He walked around the corner of the stairs. There was no one in the bathroom with the lights off, and when he came to the bedroom door, he saw a huge cardboard box placed inside, with a red ribbon tied around it to look like a gift.

It's easy to guess what's inside a cardboard box with this shape, plus today is Sang Yin's birthday.

He stepped closer, reached out, unzipped the ties, and opened the carton.

There was a layer of velvet blankets in the carton. Mingshu sat inside in his pajamas and said nervously and shyly: "Happy birthday."

Seeing that Sang Yin didn't speak for a while, as if he didn't react, Mingshu clenched his fingers and said distressedly: "I don't I know what you like, but I really can't find a birthday gift to give..."

"I don't have much money," Mingshu moved to the edge of the carton and looked up at Sang Yin: "I only have myself."

That's why he used He came up with such a clichéd way to give Sang Yin a "birthday surprise".

The mechanical butler helped find the box and red ribbon, and he also helped Mingshu decorate it from the outside.

Mingshu wanted to change his clothes after taking a shower, but it was already evening and he felt there was no need to bother.

He just hoped that Sang Yin wouldn't dislike it, and that he would give him other gifts if he had the opportunity in the future.

Sang Yin touched Mingshu's black hair, picked him up and held him in his arms for a kiss.

He moved eagerly and accidentally touched Mingshu's lips. He raised his hand and touched it gently, and then also entered the carton.

Mingshu didn't forget to ask, "Do you like it?"

Sang Yin continued to kiss him, and after a while he said, "I like it very much."

The cardboard box was used to hold large furniture. The quality was very good, but the space was still a little narrow.

The two rolled together, and the carpet underneath was laid by the mechanical butler, which came in handy.

But Sang Yin was still afraid that Mingshu would catch cold, so he held him in his arms and hugged him closely, not wanting to be separated for a moment.

After a long time, Sang Yin took Mingshu out of the carton and returned to the soft bed.

On the first day, Mingshu slept until noon.

The little mushroom slipped into the bedroom, looked around curiously, and couldn't help but ask Sang Yin: "Where is your birthday gift?"

It was very curious and wanted to know what Mingshu had prepared for Sang Yin.

Sang Yin was buttoning Mingshu's coat without raising his head: "It's hidden. I won't let you see it."

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