Chapter 29: The Wolf-Eared Boy (29)

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The snow-white little wolf was lifted up by the nape of the neck, its limbs drooping, and its curled tail reservedly covered the gap between the legs.

These amber eyes are almost exactly the same as Ming Shu's.

Yuan Chen looked around, there was no trace left by Ming Shu in the house, the bed in the corner was neatly made, obviously no one had slept on it.

But his clothes are here, Jing Shuang must have brought Mingshu back.

Yuan Chen looked at the little white wolf with clumsy acting skills in front of him, and he already guessed 70% to 80% in his heart.

There are three forms of werewolves, the initial animal form, the werewolf form with a surge in power when transformed, and the normal human disguise.

But would Mingshu's original animal form be so small? The little wolf looked like it was just full moon, and Ming Shu said that he was an adult...

Another guess appeared in Yuan Chen's mind.

Could this little wolf be Mingshu's child?

However, the moment this thought appeared, it was suppressed by Yuan Chen.

If it was really Mingshu's child, where did Mingshu go?

But even though Yuan Chen himself denied himself, he still felt annoyed because of this slightly possible conjecture.

Seeing his suddenly gloomy face, Ming Shu dared not move in fear.

At this time, there were several sounds outside the wooden house.

Yuan Chen quickly opened the collar of his coat, stuffed the little white wolf in, and turned around with the crossbow in his hand tightly.

A gray wolf came in from the opened door. It was of medium size, with blood on its front paws and the corners of its mouth, and it was about to pounce on Yuan Chen.

It came to deliver food to Jing Shuang. When it got close to the wooden house, it smelled the smell of a stranger, and immediately dropped the prey corpse on its back to check.

The wolves had a clear division of labor, and the same group of wolves participated in the attack on the village every time. This wolf had never seen Yuan Chen before, and thought he was a villager who accidentally broke in, and immediately planned to bite him to death.

Yuan Chen raised the crossbow and pulled the trigger. With the other hand, he pulled out the short knife at his waist, sideways dodged the gray wolf that was pounced on him, stabbed it in the back of the neck with one knife, and killed it with two blows.

Ming Shu poked his head quietly from Yuan Chen's neckline, revealing his furry ears and a pair of round eyes.

He was a little startled, it was the first time he felt Yuan Chen's fighting power so intuitively.

As expected of the protagonist of the story, he dared to go to the wolf den alone.

He was lucky to be able to live in his hands for so long.

The fallen gray wolf lost its breath, Yuan Chen wiped the blade on its fur, got up and pushed Ming Shu in.

"Hide well," his cold and stern voice sounded through the thin clothes, "don't come out."

Ming Shu calmed down immediately, and kept his claws obediently. Although he was so small, his sharp claws and fangs hadn't grown well yet. .

Yuan Chen didn't have time to deal with the gray wolf's body, Jing Shuang didn't know when he would come back, the wolves might find him at any time.

He reloaded a new crossbow bolt, took away the clothes hanging by the window, and quickly left the cabin.

The moon was about to rise, Yuan Chen didn't turn back the way he came, but walked in the opposite direction.

Ming Shu was so stuffy in his clothes, he quietly came out by picking up the collar.

He carefully breathed the fresh air, and looked up to meet Yuan Chen's eyes.

It was dark, and the woods were dark, Ming Shu couldn't see Yuan Chen's expression clearly.

Ming Shu didn't know whether Yuan Chen recognized him or not... The tone of the name he called in the cabin was uncertain.

In the plot of the original story, Yuan Chen led the villagers to track Jing Shuang who had fled, in order to find the hiding place of the wolves, and now he came here alone, was it for himself?

Ming Shu was in a complicated mood. Although it was not voluntary for him to be taken away by Jing Shuang, even if Jing Shuang didn't come, he had to find a way to leave if he wanted to complete the task.

He thought about how to explain so that Yuan Chen would not be so angry, and worried that Jing Shuang would chase him after a while and get involved in the fight between the two again.

On the other side, Jing Shuang got the news of the wolves and returned to the cabin immediately.

He was standing at the door, holding two raw eggs in his hand, a gray wolf corpse was lying on the ground inside the house, and Ming Shu was gone.

Jing Shuang's face was livid: "Find it for me!"

It must be Yuan Chen, except him, no one has such great ability, nor the courage to break in quietly and take Ming Shu away.

Jing Shuang was very angry, very irritable and annoyed.

Yuan Chen was able to find this place, most likely because he was looking for the traces he left along the way, he actually forgot, or didn't expect this at all.

Now that it was dark, the night wind was blowing, and the wolves were excited and restless on the night of the full moon, they were not as calm and rational as usual, and the search became more difficult.

And his own situation was even more embarrassing. Eating the red lotus fruit and transforming in advance cost him a lot of energy. Even with the moonlight shining and the nourishment of blood, he could not recover his former strength in a short time.

But even then, he couldn't stop there.

Jing Shuang carefully put away the raw eggs he brought back, and called a gray wolf.

The gray wolf bowed its head respectfully, and Jing Shuang, still maintaining a thin human form, rode on its back, driving it to the woods to search together.


Walking forward for about half an hour, the sky is getting darker and darker, and the full moon hangs high in the dark night.

Ming Shu was very sleepy at first, and slept in the clothes in front of Yuan Chen for a while, then suddenly opened his eyes.

He yawned and poked his head out, looking at the moon that was mostly covered by leaves.

An inexplicable agitation rose in Mingshu's body, and he couldn't help but open his mouth: "Wow... um..."

Before he could finish shouting "Wow", Yuan Chen pinched his mouth, and he couldn't make a sound anymore. .

Yuan Chen stopped, and said in a low voice: "Don't make any noise."

Ming Shu shut up obediently, he was worried that Yuan Chen would get angry because of this, so when he let go of his hand, he rubbed his palm flatteringly.

This action was almost exactly the same as Ming Shu's last night, Yuan Chen's eyes softened, he lowered his head and kissed the little white wolf's forehead.

"I'll take you back," Yuan Chen stroked the back of the little white wolf's neck, "I'll find a chance later and kill that wolf."

His tone was light, as if to say that the weather is good today.

Ming Shu turned her head, pretending she didn't hear it.

He and Jing Shuang, one person and one wolf, both wanted to kill each other, and all kinds of grievances added together, there must be no way to be kind.

Mingshu has no right to choose this. He is a player and has a mission. He has to develop how the dungeon wants them to develop.

Just as he was thinking so, the system notification sounded just in time.

[A new plot prompt has been detected, do you want to check it immediately? ]

In such a short time interval, the plot has been updated again... Ming Shu didn't think too much, and clicked to view it immediately.

[Plot reminder]:

[Following the traces left by the werewolves when they fled, Yuan Chen and the villagers found the hiding place of the wolves. However, it was discovered by the wolves. 】

【Fortunately, the wolves on the night of the full moon are manic but prone to mistakes. Then under the cover of the night, the injured Yuan Chen led the villagers to escape. The werewolf was also injured by Yuan Chen, worried that there would be an ambush outside, so he didn't continue to chase, but quickly led the wolves away from the original place. 】

Yuan Chen and Jing Shuang were both injured, and the hiding place of the wolves was also discovered, so they needed to be moved overnight, neither side was pleased.

In fact, Yuan Chen and Jing Shuang never met after breaking away from the dungeon story.

Ming Shu turned off the system message, and suddenly had a bad feeling.

What didn't happen in the plot, wouldn't he have to make up for it?

Sure enough, another new system prompt popped up.

[Ding Dong--Submission release]

[Task Eleven: Injure the villagers in front of you and escape quickly]

The task time limit is only a few hours and must be completed tonight.

Ming Shu's eyes darkened, not to mention how he hurt Yuan Chen with his current appearance, even if he did, how would he escape from under his nose.

When the wolves or Jing Shuang come to find them, they may be able to take advantage of the chaos to complete the task.

But Ming Shu didn't dare to pin his hopes on this, even if he wanted to find a way to slip through the loopholes, he had to try.

Otherwise, if you just spent all the life points you saved and bought today, and the mission failed, it would just be gone, Ming Shu felt distressed.

He remembered the first main task back then, which required him to unleash his instincts and knock down the villagers, which he accomplished so easily and simply.

Ming Shu quietly looked around to confirm the safety of the surrounding area before he dared to take any action.

He began to turn over in Yuan Chen's clothes, his paws gently scratched the fabric, and the cool tip of his nose touched the skin below the collarbone.

Yuan Chen stopped and asked, "What are you doing?"

The little white wolf moaned and seemed unwell.

Yuan Chen guessed that with Ming Shu's appearance, he might not be able to speak and communicate normally. Although he was cautious, he was also worried that something was wrong with Ming Shu.

So he took out the little white wolf from his arms, and then Moonlight examined it carefully: "Uncomfortable?"

Ming Shu kicked his hind legs to get down, and Yuan Chen did the same.

He landed successfully, stepping on the soft grass, sniffing lightly on Yuan Chen's hand.

While Yuan Chen relaxed his vigilance, Ming Shu bit Yuan Chen's fingertips, then turned around and ran into the bushes in a panic.

[The third form's exclusive skill has been unlocked: [Lucky buff] (Available times 1/Currently available times 0)]

Ming Shu didn't have time to ignore this reminder, he burrowed into the thick bushes, and his figure disappeared from Yuan Chen's eyes.

【Submission eleven has been completed! Please check your points and rewards in the background]

Yuan Chen was caught off guard and took a bite. The blunt teeth of the young wolf cub couldn't break through the skin, leaving only a faint red mark.

With a blank expression on his face, he got up and chased after Mingshu calmly in the direction where he was fleeing.

Ming Shu, who was hiding in the bushes, was relieved when he received the reminder that the mission was completed.

Fortunately, the system's judgment is not strict, otherwise this task would be hellish.

What was that exclusive skill just now? Lucky buff? He bit Yuan Chen to trigger it, did he get the buff or Yuan Chen?

The system message is just one sentence, without any hint or analysis.

As Ming Shu was watching, the sound of footsteps outside gradually approached and stopped in front of the bushes.

Yuan Chen's voice sounded: "Come out."

Ming Shu never thought of being able to hide, at this time he slowly got out from the bushes, raised his head and looked at Yuan Chen quietly.

Seeing that Ming Shu was so obedient, Yuan Chen was not so angry, he bent down and squatted down: "What's the matter?"

His tone was not as cold as before, Ming Shu slowly moved closer, and took the initiative to rub Yuan Chen's body again. hand, and licked the place where he had bitten just now.

"Woo..." The snow-white little wolf softly raised his front paws to grab Yuan Chen's knee, as if begging for a hug.

Yuan Chen calmed down completely, he didn't know why Ming Shu did this, but Ming Shu didn't seem to have the real intention of running away, but seemed to be playing with him.

After all, he obediently returned to his side, then he could tolerate Mingshu's little thoughts.

Yuan Chen hugged Ming Shu, stroked the top of his head and ears, and kissed the side of his face.

The tips of Ming Shu's ears were slightly hot, why does Yuan Chen look like this now...

He raised his front paw and pressed Yuan Chen's lips that came closer in time to express his resistance.

Yuan Chen pulled down Mingshu's paw and squeezed it in his hand: "Can it become a human?" The

night of the full moon has not yet passed, Mingshu may use the werewolf form, and there is a risk of being bitten by him.

Yuan Chen doesn't care about that much, he wants to kiss Ming Shu now and really hold him in his arms.

The little white wolf shook his head and leaned his chin in front of Yuan Chen.

Mingshu's response further confirmed his identity, Yuan Chen didn't say much, and led him to move on.

He didn't go in the direction of returning to the village, but instead got farther and farther away from the way he came.

Yuan Chen has his own plans, Jing Shuang finds out that Ming Shu is missing, and guessing that he did it, he should search in the direction of the village immediately.

And he was going to spend the night in the mountains and go back tomorrow morning. It would be best if he could delay the time or not be found.

He went all the way, walked for more than half an hour, and found a cave in front of him.

At this time, a dull thunder sounded overhead, and it was about to rain.

Yuan Chen didn't hesitate, pushed aside the vines hanging from the hole and walked in.

The cave is not deep, the ground is dry, and there is no smell of living things, so it can barely survive a night.

To be on the safe side, he found more vines from nearby, and blocked the entrance of the cave tightly, so that he couldn't find the cave at first glance in the dark night.

After finishing all this, Yuan Chen spread the clothes Ming Shu wore before on the ground, and sat down with the little white wolf in his arms.

Leaning his back against the stone wall in the cave, he exhaled heavily.

From yesterday to now, Yuan Chen has not closed his eyes. He stayed with Ming Shu all night, and chased after him the next day.

If people in the village knew about it, they would definitely not agree with him, let alone understand him.

Yuan Chen closed his eyes, stroking the soft fur under his hand repeatedly.

He can't relax yet, he can hide in the cave, but if he is discovered, it will be even more difficult to escape from it.

Soon, there was heavy rain outside, accompanied by muffled thunder, and everyone was isolated from the cave.

A cool breeze blew in through the gap between the vines, Ming Shu felt a little cold, shrank into Yuan Chen's arms.

His drowsiness surged up again, and he found a comfortable position and closed his eyes.

And not far outside the cave, the gray wolf with Jing Shuang on its back stopped.

The rain came very suddenly, dark clouds blocked the moonlight, and the faint breath in the air was completely washed away by the rain.

Unwilling to give up, Jing Shuang asked Gray Wolf to circle around, but still got nothing.

He had no choice but to give up, suppressed his anger and turned back.

If you can't find it today, forget it, he doesn't believe that Yuan Chen can hide in the mountains all the time.

Jing Shuang had a sullen face. After returning to the wooden house, he recalled all the wolves.

In his pack of wolves, there are many weaker female wolves and juvenile cubs. Once they are found, they must be moved immediately to truly ensure safety.

Before the rain stopped, Jing Shuang led all the gray wolves away from the cabin.


Early the next morning, Ming Shu woke up with a slight jolt.

He opened his eyes and found that he was back in the clothes in front of Yuan Chen.

Ming Shu hooked his collar, yawned and poked his head out, suddenly a wild fruit was stuffed in his mouth.

"Eat some fruit first," Yuan Chen bowed his head and said, "I'll prepare other food for you after I get back."

He had already left the cave and was heading back to the village on a detour.

Mingshu ate the fruit and was fed two more.

The sky had just dawned, and there was dew hanging between many leaves of grass, the surroundings were quiet, only the sound of Yuan Chen's advancing footsteps.

Everything was fine last night, it seems that Jing Shuang did not find them.

Yuan Chen walked slowly, keeping an eye on the surroundings all the time, and did not arrive at the entrance of the village until noon.

The surrounding villagers saw Yuan Chen coming back from a distance, and immediately opened the door.

Yuan Chen covered the crossbow with the jacket he took off, covered the neckline, and told Ming Shu inside to hide it.

When he approached, the expressions of the villagers were both anxious and grateful: "Where have you been? Bo Jing has been looking for you all night and no one has been seen." The

villagers who were speaking saw the bulging clothes in front of Yuan Chen, and asked curiously: "This is ..."

"I saved a cat," Yuan Chen said casually, "it fits my eyes, and I just took it back to keep it."

The villagers were even more curious, but Yuan Chen didn't show him the cat in his arms at all. He smiled and said, "So that's the case, you should go back quickly."

Yuan Chen responded, and brought Ming Shu into the village smoothly.

On the way back to the yard, many villagers saw Yuan Chen and the unknown object stuffed in front of him.

Yuan Chen didn't bother to explain further, he walked past them quickly, and locked the door as soon as he got back to the house.

Hearing the sound of locks being locked, Ming Shu probed his head immediately, shaking his ears that had been pressed all the way.

Yuan Chen put down the things in his hands and carried him out.

"What do you want to eat?" He asked, "I'll look for it."

Ming Shu squatted in front of the table, with a pair of paws neatly arranged, and a curved tail coiled around her legs.

He nodded, then shook his head: "Aww..."

He didn't have anything in particular he wanted to eat, as long as he could fill his stomach.

Yuan Chen touched the top of the little white wolf's head: "Can I eat the usual meals?"

Seeing Ming Shu nodding, Yuan Chen turned and left, locked the door and went outside.

He came back soon, carrying a heavy food box in his hand.

Yuan Chen didn't eat anything in the past two days, so he ate some with Ming Shu.

Without hesitation, he used his own chopsticks to pick up vegetables for Ming Shu and fed them directly to his mouth.

Ming Shu felt awkward at first, and ran to the other side of the table, refusing to eat, and was caught by Yuan Chen.

"I've even kissed you before," Yuan Chen said in a calm tone, "What are you afraid of?"

Ming Shu complained to himself, it wasn't when he became a wolf that he kissed.

He couldn't resist and was fed a lot.

But the night of the full moon has passed, and he has not changed back to his original appearance.

Mingshu was worried, did he have to use this body to do tasks all the time?

It was already noon after eating this meal, Yuan Chen fed Ming Shu some water, and led him to the bedside.

He lay down with Mingshu in his arms, closed his eyes and said, "Sleep with me for a while."

Mingshu moved, and was pressed tightly in Yuan Chen's arms.

He seemed very tired, his heavy breathing gradually became even and even, but there was still a slight frown between his brows.

Ming Shu raised his head and stared at Yuan Chen's face for a while, then yawned and felt sleepy.

Could it be because of turning into a cub, he didn't eat much, but fell asleep a lot.

The surrounding environment is familiar, and the people in front of him are also familiar. Ming Shu relaxes and falls asleep on Yuan Chen's arms.

After an unknown amount of time, Yuan Chen sharply opened his eyes.

He noticed something unusual and lifted the thin quilt.

The little white wolf lay quietly by his side, a faint white light lit up all over his body, and his body began to elongate continuously.

Ears and tails disappeared, limbs became hands and feet, and hair faded to white skin.

In a moment, the little white wolf turned into Ming Shu and appeared in the same place.

[Reminder: The player is about to transform into a form]

Ming Shu vaguely heard something in his ears, and felt a little cold on his body.

He was still asleep, instinctively approaching the source of warmth.

Yuan Chen's dark eyes lowered, watching Ming Shu rubbing into his arms bit by bit.

After a while, he took advantage of the situation to hug Mingshu, turned over and kissed his cheek and lips, pinching his chin to pry open his teeth.

Mingshu finally woke up this time, his dull thinking was barely functioning, and he didn't realize where he was when he opened his eyes.

He was so dazed by the kiss that he kissed Yuan Chen halfway.

It wasn't until Ming Shu really woke up that he struggled hastily to push Yuan Chen away.

Yuan Chen grabbed his hand and pressed it easily, while speaking, the heat sprayed on Ming Shu's face: "You did it on purpose?"

Ming Shu couldn't break free from his restraint, blushing: "...what?"

Yuan Chen slightly Standing up and straightening up, he glanced at him like a scrutiny: "At this time, change back...without clothes."

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