Chapter 4: The Wolf-Eared Boy (4)

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"Weak, beautiful creature."

Ming Shu looked at these words for a long time, and somewhat understood why Yuan Chen's favorability increased at this time.

There are two more dungeons, and his attitude towards himself is different.

Yuan Chen's characteristics can also be understood as, sympathy is easy to overflow?

After all, his "life experience" is also similar to his, and his relatives were killed in the forest.

As an orphan, Yuan Chen may indeed take care of him more because of this.

Under Yuan Chen's reassurance, Ming Shu finally regained his senses, but he still didn't dare to look at the gray wolf's corpse on the ground.

He turned his face away and heard some hurried footsteps outside the door.

"Why are there two dead wolves, did you bring them here?" It was Jing Chu's voice. He stood still at the door and found that there was another one in the house.

The windows were broken, the house was in a mess, and a large amount of blood stained the ground. Jing Chu could basically guess what happened.

He looked at the two embracing each other on the ground, and said with a slightly mocking tone: "What are you doing?"

Yuan Chen had no intention of explaining to him, and helped Ming Shu to stand up: "Call someone to come and clean it up."

The oil lamp was burning quickly The light in the room is getting darker and darker, Jing Chu's back is facing the moonlight, Ming Shu can't see the expression on his face clearly, but can feel the sight he casts on her.

After a while, Jing Chu left without saying a word, looking for other villagers to help.

Yuan Chen picked up his jacket: "You can't stay here, I'll take you somewhere else."

These three gray wolves broke away from the team and sneaked in from the side while everyone was defending against the wolves outside the fence.

They went straight here, as if they were driven to come here specifically for Mingshu, if Yuan Chen hadn't discovered it in time, Mingshu would have been a corpse already.

The wolves obeyed the orders of the werewolves, and Yuan Chen didn't know why Mingshu was targeted, and he didn't want to investigate.

Werewolves are freewheeling, brutal creatures who relish the rewards of camouflage and deception, and appreciate the pain on other people's faces.

They don't need a reason to kill, maybe it's just a whim.

There was still a lot of jujube porridge left on the table, Ming Shu took the clothes and a pot of porridge that Yuan Chen gave earlier, and followed him out of the room.

As soon as the wind outside the house blew, the bloody smell that had been permeating his nose dissipated, and Ming Shu finally felt alive at this moment.

He opened the panel and looked at the remaining life points, worrying.

The penalty for failing to clear the level could not be found in the system. This seemingly dungeon of "Fairy Tale" made him die twice in just one day.

Ming Shu had a premonition in his heart that the punishment for failing to clear the dungeon must be heavy.

In any case, he will have to be more cautious going forward.

Ming Shu quietly raised his eyes, looking at the back of Yuan Chen in front of him.

It took almost no effort to deal with the three gray wolves. Yuan Chen had to be in the top even if he didn't have the highest force value in the dungeon.

Coupled with his aura of the protagonist, no matter how you look at it, it is the safest to follow the other party at the moment.

The wind at night was a bit cold, Ming Shu quickened his pace and narrowed the distance between him and Yuan Chen.

"Brother Yuan!"

A familiar voice stopped Yuan Chen, his tone anxious.

It was Jing Shuang, who appeared from the darkness not far away, and as soon as he got close, he set his eyes on Ming Shu who was behind Yuan Chen.

"Brother Ming Shu," he looked worried, "I heard from them that a few wolves broke in, are you all right?" "It's all right,"

Yuan Chen replied, "It's so late, you should go back and rest."

Ming Shu Anjing stood behind Yuan Chen, only showing a small half of his body, quietly looking at Jing Shuang.

Before Gray Wolf appeared, the figure he saw flashing by outside the house was very similar to Jing Shuang's silhouette.

Mingshu died once not long ago, when his nerves were tense, any unknown abnormality would make him vigilant.

Jing Shuang faltered and said: "I'm afraid..."

In the middle of his speech, he suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Mingshu's hand, his eyes full of expectation: "Why don't brother Mingshu sleep with me? The extra quilt..."

Ming Shu shook his hands and broke free like a conditioned reflex.

His refusal was too straightforward and obvious, without even the slightest hesitation, the expression on Jing Shuang's face froze.

Ming Shu realized that his reaction was a little too strong, and instinctively leaned towards Yuan Chen: "I...want to follow Yuan Chen."

He just had a few words with Jing Shuang, even if he didn't have any strange things about him However, Ming Shu didn't want to stay with him either, he still had to complete the task of "spending the night safely".

Jing Shuang quickly adjusted his expression, and said in frustration: "Brother Mingshu hates me..."

Mingshu met his gaze, but felt a chill.

Jing Shuang's appearance, on the contrary, seems to be acting too hard and pretending too much.

Yuan Chen's tone was light: "Go back quickly, Bo Jing will worry about you."

If he didn't agree to let Ming Shu and Jing Shuang go, that means he disagreed.

Jing Shuang seemed to be a little afraid of Yuan Chen, he was a little more honest, bowed his head and replied: "I know."

Then Yuan Chen and Ming Shu left, and when he turned around a corner, Jing Shuang was no longer there.


Chen brought Ming Shu to another room, opened the courtyard door and walked in.

After entering the house, he lit several lamps first, and made some hot porridge for Mingshu to eat.

After Mingshu finished drinking half a bowl of porridge, Yuan Chen led him to the small room in the backyard, where he prepared a bucket of hot water.

He was still wearing blood-stained clothes, Ming Shu saw it, moved his lips before he could speak, Yuan Chen turned around and left the small room, and helped him close the door.

There wasn't much hot water, so Ming Shu simply wiped his body and changed into clean clothes.

He blew out the lamp and went back to the front yard.

Yuan Chen also changed his clothes and was making the bed in the bedroom.

This seems to be the place where he lives, Ming Shu saw the bamboo basket containing pine cones on the table yesterday, Yuan Chen changed the sheets and bedding into a clean set, and let Ming Shu sleep.

After packing everything, he seemed to be leaving.

"Where are you going?" Ming Shu pulled a part of his cuff, looking over with amber eyes.

Yuan Chen said succinctly: "I'll go to the next room."

He lived here alone, and the next room was empty, so he let Mingshu sleep here, and brought a mattress to make ends meet.

Ming Shu pursed her lips slightly, clutching his cuff tightly.

What if he left and another pack of wolves attacked in the middle of the night, Ming Shu had to protect the last life point and the mission tonight.

He didn't know what to say to make Yuan Chen stay with him, and in a hurry he thought of Jing Shuang just now.

There are also Yuan Chen's unique characteristics...

Ming Shu stared down at Yuan Chen's fingertips: "...I'm afraid."

Probably because he had never done such a thing before, and Ming Shu was nervous at the moment, his voice sounded a little bit Trembling.

Yuan Chen was silent for a moment, then compromised and said: "I'll stay."

Ming Shu finally let go of his heart, unconsciously revealing a look of joy.

Yuan Chen's gaze paused on his face for a few seconds, then he turned around and opened the cabinet to take out the mattress, ready to spread it on the floor.

Mingshu hurried forward to help, and awkwardly packed a pillow.

He originally wanted to sleep on the floor by himself and let Yuan Chen sleep on the bed, but Yuan Chen did not agree.

Ming Shu had no choice but to go back to the bed, watching Yuan Chen extinguish the candles in the house one by one, and when it was the last one's turn, he whispered: "Go to sleep."


Early the next morning, Ming Shu heard the system's voice in a daze. beep.

[Sub-quest 3 has been completed! Please check your point rewards in the background]

The task is completed? Ming Shu woke up instantly. He looked out of the window, and the sky outside was just getting bright.

But Yuan Chen was not in the house, the mattress on the floor had already been put away, as if no one slept here at all last night.

Ming Shu lifted the quilt and sat up, and found a basin of water, towels and washing tools on the wooden shelf beside the bed.

He got up and approached, reached out to touch the water surface, it was still hot, Yuan Chen should not have left for a long time.

Ming Shu finished washing in a hurry, put away the towels and cups for rinsing, and wanted to go outside to pour water.

As soon as he turned around, the door was pushed open from the outside.

Jing Chu stood at the door, crossing his arms: "You are indeed here."

Ming Shu held the water basin, "Are you looking for me?"

Jing Chu stopped talking, and looked around the room.

This npc is as strange as Jing Shuang.

From the very beginning, he has a 70 favorability degree. The description of his characteristic is mysterious intuition. Every time he sees him, he always says strange things.

Yuan Chen was not there, Ming Shu didn't want to have too much contact with this person, so he walked past him.

He poured the water and came back, Jing Chu followed behind him: "You guys slept together last night?"

Ming Shu froze, put the basin and turned around: "What?"

"I said," Jing Chu repeated slowly : "Did you sleep together last night?"

His question was simply inexplicable, Ming Shu was blocked by him, and answered patiently: "No."

Jing Chu smiled, he was taller than Ming Shu, bent slightly to approach him, and lowered his voice: "Then why is Yuan Chen?" Bring you back?"

For some reason, Ming Shu became inexplicably nervous.

Will the so-called mysterious intuition let Jing Chu see through his identity?

The two got a little closer, and Jing Chu looked at Ming Shu unscrupulously: "You won't be some mountain monster, pretending to be a human, sneaking into the village.

" In fact, it is indeed a mountain spirit.

He maintained his superficial composure while backing away: "I don't know what you're talking about."

Jing Chu suddenly reached out and pinched his chin, forcing Mingshu to look up at himself: "You must have some secret, if you let me I found it..."

His hand was a little too strong, and Ming Shu's fair face was pinched with red marks, and he struggled to push Jing Chu away in a panic.

Footsteps came from the door, Jing Chu immediately let go, and turned to look at Yuan Chen who had turned back.

Yuan Chen didn't know where he went, his coat was stained with dew, and his eyes were cold: "What are you doing here?" "

A few corpses were found in the woods towards the east," Jing Chu explained his purpose, "Father asked Go over and take a look."

Yuan Chen brought Ming Shu back from there yesterday, Jing Bo guessed that it might be Ming Shu's murdered family members, and wanted Yuan Chen to take him to identify him.

If so, at least bring back a handful of ashes.

Jing Chu could also tell Ming Shu that Yuan Chen was not there, but he just didn't want to say it, and he couldn't even explain why.

After bringing the news, Jing Chu left.

After he left, Ming Shu held his chin, Yuan Chen frowned and stepped forward, trying to pull his hand away: "Let me see."

Ming Shu dodged, shaking his head: "I'm fine."

He kept silent about what happened just now, he didn't want Yuan Chen to know what Jing Chu said, so as not to arouse Yuan Chen's suspicion.

Seeing Ming Shu's flushed skin exposed between his fingers, Yuan Chen's face darkened slightly.

He calmed down temporarily, and said to Mingshu: "After breakfast, will you go outside with me?"

Mingshu also heard what Jingchu said about the corpse just now, and he buried his head to express his sadness and struggle as much as possible. Se: ""

The moment he agreed to come down, the system prompts sounded one after another.

[A new plot prompt has been detected, do you want to check it immediately? ]

[Ding dong--Submission release]

[Task 4: Destroy the trap to ensure the next round of wolves attack smoothly]

The author has something to say:

start doing bad things!

Besides, Jing Shuang is not Mingshu's love rival

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