Chapter 127: Angel in Disguise (4)

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This gust of wind lasted for a long time, bringing a light and slightly bitter herbal fragrance to the air.

But there were no flowers or plants nearby. Mingshu raised his head and sniffed lightly, feeling that the smell diluted the perfume on his body a lot.

He looked around secretly, and when there was no one around, he took out some angel perfume and refilled it for himself before setting off again.

There were several unicorn horses and a group of rabbits raised in the animal taming garden in the North Hall. They were herbivores. Mingshu only needed to put some hay and feed in a basket and send them there.

However, the basket is only a little big, which is okay for feeding rabbits, and the unicorn horses have to run back and forth several times.

I don't know whether Mingshu came too late or because the animal training park only assigned one person to come. Only his busy figure could be seen in the whole yard.

When all the food troughs were finally filled, Mingshu put down the basket and sat on the grass to rest.

He was wearing too thick clothes and his palms were a little sweaty, so he took off his gloves, unbuttoned the cuffs and collar, and secretly tidied his tail.

There were several rabbits in the grass not far away, eating hay, and suddenly they retreated in fear.

Mingshu was stunned for a moment, thinking there was something wrong with the hay. He got up and wanted to go over to check, but as soon as he got closer, the rabbit ran away again.

He frowned slightly and looked down at himself.

It was fine when the hay was put out just now... Mingshu raised his hand and smelled his sleeves, but there was no peculiar smell.

He couldn't smell it himself, but when he took off his gloves and unbuttoned his collar, a sweet fragrance slowly spread out, as if it was still carrying some wet vapor.

Animals have a very sensitive sense of smell, and these rabbits were born in the heavens and don't like the too-sweet taste.

Mingshu knew nothing about this. He looked at the escaped rabbit and felt inexplicably lost for a while. He walked to the corner and sat down again.

Until the time was almost up, he arranged his clothes and put on his gloves meticulously. After applying the perfume, he came to the rabbit group again.

This time the rabbit no longer ran away, but moved closer to him.

Sure enough, it was because of the smell... Mingshu felt complicated and pulled up his collar to smell it again.

Is it so evil? Why can't he smell it himself... It seems that he will have to pay more attention to this aspect in the future and never leave the perfume.

After feeding the rabbits and unicorns in the animal taming park, Mingshu couldn't leave.

Archangels will come to the temple at any time and at any time. During the day, people must be present everywhere. The same goes for the apostles who are responsible for watering the flowers. They must be in the gardens everywhere before dark.

In the heaven, angels and various animals, flowers and plants still need to sleep, but in comparison, the time when sunlight disappears is much shorter.

There was a flowing stream in the animal taming garden, which was the only source of water. Mingshu rolled up a large leaf to fill it with water and drank a little. He sat under the shade of a cool tree, feeling tired and tired quickly.

Calculating the time, he has stayed up all day without much rest since the last dungeon.

Mingshu leaned sideways against the tree trunk, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

There was almost no time between the two copies, and he and Sang Yin had only been separated for a few hours, but Mingshu still dreamed of him.

The content of the dream was uncontrollable. When he woke up, it was almost dark.

Mingshu quickly stood up, rubbed his shoulders and slightly hot cheeks, and quickly left the animal training park.

He returned to the North Hall according to the route in his memory. As soon as he passed the front hall, he met Qinghe, who had returned a long time ago, and learned a piece of news from him.

"There is something wrong with the Tianchi over the west hall," Qinghe said with worry on his face. "I heard that it was poisoned. The apostle who went to fetch water didn't find it. Many flowers and plants were watered to death."

Ming Shu asked anxiously: "Who did it? "?"

Qinghe shook his head: "There was an envoy who said it was a devil... I don't know, we are being investigated strictly now. Anyway, don't go there in the past few days."

The incident happened in the West Hall, and it was also the West who was under investigation again. However, Mingshu had been there during the day and bumped into several apostles. If asked, he would not be able to escape suspicion.

Mingshu hid his worries and went to the back hall with Qinghe to get some food and returned to his residence.

The apostles' room was relatively simple, with two beds occupying two corners respectively. The room was divided into two parts from the middle, with one half being comfortable and the other half being light.

This arrangement was in line with Mingshu's wishes. He went to bed early and pulled up the quilt to cover himself tightly, leaving only half of his face exposed.

The quilt was also sprayed with perfume, and the light scent of flowers and plants enveloped Mingshu, which relieved his tense nerves to some extent.

The next day, Mingshu was awakened by a system prompt.

[Main mission one has been completed! Please go to the backend to check your reward points yourself]

Mingshu, who had just opened his eyes, was still a little sluggish. How could he finish it? Aren't there still two days of assessment left?

Before Qinghe woke up, Mingshu quietly got up and went to the bathroom, opening the system panel.

The mall has been updated, and there are still three items: low-level wings, shaping water, and angel perfume. Mingshu only bought the shaping water.

The time limit of the shaping water can be superimposed. Mingshu still had half a day left yesterday, so he drank another bottle and the time limit was increased by twenty-four hours.

This was safer. Mingshu relaxed slightly as he looked in the mirror at the man with a pair of transparent wings and no demonic features at all.

He didn't forget to refill the perfume, packed up and came out, Qinghe also woke up.

The two went to the North Hall on time, and Mingshu learned the reason why the main mission was completed.

"Something happened in the West Palace yesterday. I believe you have all heard about it." An envoy stood in front. Her wings were longer than her shoulders and she had a tendency to advance. "To ensure that nothing happens, all the apostles in the West Palace will They were all deported and were never allowed to step into the temple."

There were gasps from below, and Qinghe beside Mingshu opened his eyes wide: "So strict... deport them all?"

He didn't even have the patience to find out the culprit who polluted Tianchi. , just dealt with it as quickly as possible, as if... worried that something bigger would happen as time goes by.

And a group of apostles in the west hall all left the temple, and the number of people in the remaining three side halls was somewhat insufficient. The competition disappeared and they passed the assessment directly.

Ming Shu had mixed feelings. He didn't expect that a small bottle of hell fire would help him so much.

Immediately afterwards, a new task was released.

[Ding dong - main mission released]

[Task 2: Keep disguised and do not let angels of any level discover your demonic characteristics]

(Warm reminder: This task is valid for a long time, with an indefinite time limit. The conditions for completing the task can be achieved through the subsequent plot. )

What is the follow-up plot? It has not been updated yet. This mission is more like a restriction. Once Mingshu is discovered, it will be regarded as a mission failure.

Mingshu subconsciously put his hands behind his back to protect his tail through his clothes.

Demonic characteristics should also include smell? Mingshu put his hand into his pocket again, pinched the perfume bottle inside, and planned to find a place where no one was around to refill it later.

At this moment, an envoy flew into the open-air hall.

He was young and handsome, but he looked nothing like Sang Yin. Mingshu only glanced at him and lowered his head.

There are only five envoys in total in this temple. They are second only to the archangels and are also qualified to order the rest of the envoys and apostles.

The envoy in front of the stage immediately saluted the envoy, and the envoy nodded casually: "There are insufficient manpower in the west hall, I will pick some back." The envoy responded repeatedly

and asked everyone to line up more neatly so that the envoy could see more clearly. clear.

The envoy ordered a few people and glanced around, catching a glimpse of Ming Shu in the corner.

Mingshu lowered his head slightly, his long black hair hanging down to his collarbone, and his thick eyelashes drooping, revealing half of his fair face, looking like a beautiful little girl.

Even among a group of angels, Mingshu's appearance was more outstanding, so the priest became interested in him and walked down the steps.

The surrounding apostles gave way to a passage one after another. Mingshu raised his head and saw the envoy coming to him.

He was wary, took a step back calmly, and bent down to salute the envoy.

There was a look of surprise in the eyes of the envoy, but he quickly calmed down and asked, "What is your name? Come with me to the West Hall."

"My name is Mingshu." Mingshu answered honestly, and there was no question in the envoy's words. What he meant was that if he was chosen, he would have to go to the West Hall.

The envoy's eyes were still on Mingshu's face. He took a step forward to get closer, and suddenly stretched out his hand to lift a strand of Mingshu's hair.

The soft black hair ran across his fingers, causing the teacher to take back his hand and smell the remaining breath on his fingertips.

Mingshu became nervous when he saw this scene, fearing that the angel in front of him would find something wrong.

Fortunately, the envoy just raised the corners of his lips and said with a smile: "Yes, it's a pure enough smell."

Every time Ming Shu uses perfume, of course he has to spray it all over his body to make sure that it doesn't fall on every place, including his hair.

His tense mood eased slightly, hoping that the envoy would quickly choose someone else and stop staring at him.

At this time, a gust of wind blew.

The envoy seemed to be aware of it, his expression changed slightly, and he looked up at the sky.

The next moment, he knelt down in one direction: "Welcome, Your Majesty." The

surrounding apostles reacted half a beat slowly, until three pairs of huge wings blocked the sun, and the tall and straight figure slowly fell.

Qinghe exclaimed in a low voice: "It's an archangel!"

Everyone quickly knelt down, including Mingshu. He stood there blankly and was torn off by Qinghe who was standing beside him.

His heart was beating fast and he couldn't help but raise his head and look ahead again.

This "Archangel" has the exact same face as Sang Yin from the previous copy.

He is Sang Yin.

There were too many people around, and Mingshu tried hard to suppress the excitement and joy in his heart. The tip of his tail tied under his clothes was also raised, and he stared at the familiar figure intently.

Perhaps his gaze was too intense, so the archangel looked up.

Mingshu met a pair of eyes that were cold and indifferent, as if he were looking at a stranger.

Like a basin of cold water being poured down on him, Mingshu woke up immediately.

He realized that the sangyin of this copy was the same as before, and he lost his memory again.

Although it was not the first time, Mingshu still felt a little disappointed, especially on the second day after entering this dungeon, he still didn't know what method to use to get close to the archangel.

Like the other apostles, he bowed his head and knelt respectfully.

The archangel was followed by two envoys. He did not give any orders. It seemed that he just casually took a look at a certain place in the temple on a whim and left quickly.

The two envoys quickly followed. Their speed was not enough, so they could only fly far behind, watching the archangel's back getting further and further away.

One of the envoys was worried: "Did the Archangel look at someone in the North Hall just now?"

Although all the apostles in the West Hall were sent back directly, the source of the fire of hell has not been found, and the envoys were extremely nervous, fearing that Jin The bird's prophecy is about to come true.

The other envoy thought for a while and said blankly: "No, I didn't notice."

He comforted him a few words: "Don't worry too much, the archangel is so cold and harsh, how could he be tempted and fall? The golden bird's The prophecy is not 100% accurate."

The envoy who spoke before sighed: "I hope..."

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