Chapter 114: Halloween (18)

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A bat flew by, and Xia Zhu shivered: "Let's... why don't we leave first?"

He and Ming Shu made an agreement not to care about how others went about their tasks for the time being, and to finish their own first, at night It is not safe and it is not suitable to stay outside for too long.

It's a good thing that those blood monsters didn't attack the players. Their method might really work...

Mingshu turned away and stopped looking, grabbing Sang Yin's hand: "Then let's..."

The street lights illuminated the ground, and he Suddenly I glimpsed a shadow appearing in the middle of the road.

There is no entity, but there is a shadow.

Players on the other side of the street also saw it and whispered: "What is it?"

Then they discovered that the heads of the three blood monsters were lowered, their limbs were shrunk, and they were as motionless as sculptures.

Under the dark night, the shadows moved forward, and several townspeople had completely lost their human features, like three wrinkled balls.

The player saw the appearance of the townspeople after the mutation for the first time, and guessed that the shadow was an unknown creature that came to devour the townspeople.

The blood monster looks scary, and there are unknown dangers lurking. The players are a little scared, but they have reached this point, and it is too late to escape now.

And the task always requires them to go out at night and make "friends" with monsters. What if the night is not as scary as they imagined? The townspeople are not normal people anyway.

The leading player plucked up the courage, hid the dagger behind his back, and took two steps forward: "We caught this specially for you..."

He raised his voice. The blood monster that had previously prevented them from approaching remained motionless, and the shadow seemed like a shadow. After hearing the player's words, he took another step forward.

Sang Yin protected Ming Shu and was about to take him away.

In his memory, this was the first time he saw shadows. Last time, the vampires let Mingshu see the scene of the townspeople being devoured. He came a step too late. Later, he vaguely noticed that there was something nearby, but he didn't see it. True appearance.

He is now wearing the shell of a demon and is already one of the creatures of the night, but he still senses the danger of that shadow.

The vampire also came, hiding behind a tree in the distance. He only dared to let a few bats fly over. I wonder if he was almost killed by Sang Yin last time, so he was more vigilant and cautious.

Xia Zhu's fear comes more from vampires and bats. In short, the further away from here, the better. If vampires still dare to follow, Sang Yin will make other plans.

The three of them retreated quietly, preparing to leave from the intersection above, when they suddenly heard several blood monster roars.

Mingshu couldn't help but look back again and saw that the shadow in the middle of the street had disappeared.

Went there to eat? He quickly quickened his pace, but Sang Yin beside him stopped.

Xia Zhu asked in surprise: "Little black cat?"

Mingshu looked forward and saw the little black cat squatting on the roadside, its tail raised and swaying slightly, and a pair of golden eyes looking at them.

Sang Yin blocked Ming Shu behind him and frowned: "When did it get close?"

The movement in the distance was even more noisy, mixed with the voices of players, and the situation on their side was blocked by the house.

Xia Zhu wanted to go back and take a look, but held it back: "Is that thing eating? Let's leave quickly..."

What if they are also regarded as food... Although Sang Yin is there, Sang Yin must give priority He was just a laggard in protecting Mingshu...

Sang Yin stared at the little black cat closely and found nothing strange about it.

He held Mingshu's hand and walked around from the other side of the street.

When passing by the little black cat, Mingshu looked at it and couldn't help but said: "You should leave quickly and don't stay here."

He still couldn't regard the little black cat as a monster. Looking at its soft and frail appearance, he still kept talking every night. Come to his door and eat pumpkin, as if you can't have enough to eat.

The blood monsters and shadows were nearby, so it would be safer for the little black cat to leave quickly.

The little black cat tilted its head to look at Mingshu, silently watching his back, got up and dived into the darkness to follow him.

In the distance, several mutated townspeople remained as they were. The shadows suddenly disappeared and they did not come to eat.

The blood monsters were at a loss and were looking for traces of shadows nearby. They were simple-minded and thought they had done something wrong to make the shadows not want to get close and left angrily.

They were frightened and frightened, and finally focused their attention on nearby players, thinking that they were the cause.

Several players noticed that the blood monsters were staring at them, and one of them shook his hands and asked, "What's going on now?"

The shadow disappeared, the plan failed and the mission was not completed, and the three blood monsters were provoked.

The leader slowly backed away and kicked a mutated town citizen on the ground in front of the blood monster: "Don't they eat this thing?" The

round ball rolled in front of the blood monster, and the blood monster didn't even look at it. It raises its limbs and rushes towards the player.

On the other side, Mingshu and Xia Zhu followed Sang Yin to the quietest corner of the residential area in the distance.

It was completely dark, and there was no one else on the street except them.

After stopping, Xia Zhu touched the goosebumps on his arms: "This is also close to where I live. I will go back as soon as I finish the task." They had discussed it in advance.

If they could increase their favorability, they would do everything they could. The method is to grind until the task is completed or the price does not increase tonight. Yesterday was a day, and after tonight, there will be only the last day left.

It was useless for Mingshu to send things, so he took the initiative to let Xia Zhu come first.

The clay pumpkin that Xia Zhu gave away earlier was returned by Sang Yin. After that, he repeated the gift four more times, and his favorability level increased each time.

"So easy?" Xia Zhu looked at the task completion prompt on the panel and was in disbelief.

But then I thought about it, this was entirely due to Sang Yin. Without him, where would we have found such a cooperative monster?

Xia Zhu's mission was completed, and there was no need for him to stay here anymore. He wanted to say goodbye to the two of them and prepare to go back alone.

Mingshu was worried that there would be blood monsters outside, so he and Sang Yin sent him off for a while.

On the way, Mingshu looked at the clay pumpkin in his hand: "Why doesn't my favorability level increase..."

Could it be that the devil can't do it too? He wanted to try something more intimate like last night. Sang Yin didn't use the devil's body many times. In terms of intimacy, it was different from that of a wizard.

Xia Zhu's residence soon arrived, not far ahead. He waved to the two of them and quickened his pace to run towards the yard.

Mingshu and Sang Yin stopped on the side of the road. He turned sideways and grabbed Sang Yin's arm, and suddenly said: "Kiss me."

Xia Zhu was by his side just now, and he was embarrassed to say that there was no third person on the street at the moment.

Mingshu was anxious and seemed to be affected by some bloodline. He couldn't wait to go home.

Sang Yin glanced in a certain direction. He was silent for a moment and did not refuse. He bent down and kissed Mingshu's lips.

After the kiss, Mingshu pursed her lips and said, "Still no response."

Only now did he really start to panic. He originally thought that as long as Sang Yin was there, the mission would be completed smoothly.

Although it was completed successfully, it was Xia Zhu who succeeded, and everything he did was in vain.

Sang Yin stroked his black hair and comforted him: "No hurry, go back first?"

He raised his eyes and looked somewhere on the street, where a dark figure was still standing.

This vampire really didn't want to give up...but his appearance reminded Sang Yin.

Since wizards and demons don't work, let's try the vampire shell again. Just kill him during the day tomorrow when he is at his weakest.

In the darkness on the other side, the little black cat also looked in the direction of Mingshu and Sang Yin.

From its angle, Mingshu's expression looked aggrieved, his cheeks were red, and there was water at the end of his eyes as if he had been bullied.

The little black cat's eyes became colder and colder, and his golden eyes looked at Sang Yin who was standing aside.

Sang Yin led Ming Shu back, and as soon as he took a few steps, the street lights on both sides of the street flickered a few times.

The nearby houses stood quietly, there was no moon, and everything except the street lights was dim. Occasionally, there were lights on in a few houses.

Something strange happened suddenly, and the shadows on the roadside began to swallow up, gradually covering the area illuminated by the street lights.

There was a shadow on the edge that began to stretch and twist, as if there was a huge unknown object hiding behind the house and spreading its claws.

Sang Yin reacted very quickly, raised his hand to resist the attack that came from nowhere, and covered Mingshu with a protective shield.

The shadow got closer and closer, reaching out from the ground and wrapping around Sang Yin's arm, dragging half of his body into the darkness.

Sang Yin held on in time, the red light in his palm dispelling the darkness caused by the shadow bit by bit, while retreating, intending to stay in the protective shield with Mingshu.

The protective shield seemed to be very safe, and the shadow did not touch Mingshu. It was not just a monster that attacked Sang Yin, but something else. Mingshu was anxious and reached out to grab a corner of Sang Yin's clothes: "Back up quickly!" However, the shadow seemed to be

unable to predict. When the two of them touched, a mass of cold air gently sent Mingshu's hand back, and then pulled Sang Yin out more roughly.

Mingshu was stunned for a moment and looked at his palm.

Then the red light all over Sang Yin's body became even brighter. At first glance, it looked like a flame was burning on his body. The shadows were burned, and he seemed to be retreating.

Sang Yin's other hand behind his back was drawing a seal, intending to teleport Mingshu to the devil's underground lair first, and then take him out after making sure it was safe.

A breeze blew, and several bats flew silently across the night sky.

Sang Yin suddenly turned around and saw the vampire coming behind Mingshu.

He stood outside the protective shield, his lips curved, and he snapped his fingers with his right hand.

The protective shield burst, and the vampire's figure flashed, fleeing quickly with Ming Shu inside, and disappeared from sight.

The shadow that entangled Sang Yin seemed not to have expected this discovery, and was dull for a moment.

But the devil and the vampire look the same, and it really looks like the second Sang Yin appears and takes Mingshu away in time.

Shadow felt like he was being played, and became even more angry, slapping Sang Yin away.

Mingshu was at a loss when he was taken away by the vampire. He was still in the protective shield just now, but he was somewhere else in the blink of an eye.

He looked up and saw a familiar face. He felt a little relieved and tightened his hood: "Did you do it just now?"

Ming Shu thought that the thing that attacked Sang Yin was made by a vampire, and felt something was wrong. When he met a vampire once, he was almost killed by Sang Yin.

"No," the vampire smiled slightly, "but it happened to help me."

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