Chapter 50: The Little Mermaid Under the Sea (13)

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Luo Yunfu calmed down quickly, and opened the system panel to check.

He comforted himself that he must have exposed Mingshu, and the favorability of the leader of the sea snake should increase.

Mermaids are the race that sea snakes hate the most, bar none.

He didn't want to be so reckless at first, but Ming Shu didn't touch those poisonous meals, so he probably guessed something. Ming Shu is still under the love and protection of the leader of the sea snake. But it was all for nothing.

That's why he took the risk of being discovered by the patrolling sea snake soldiers, and rushed to attack Mingshu before Xiu Wan came over.

Fortunately, at least for now it looks like everything is going well.

However, when Luo Yunfu saw the values ​​on the system panel clearly, his expression froze immediately, showing an expression of disbelief.

[Sea Snake]: -100 (an extremely disgusting creature)

camp value ranges from -100 to 100. Luo Yunfu's previous value was 50, and 150 was deducted.

Which step did he do wrong, so that the favorability and camp value of the leader of the sea snake fell to the lowest level.

Seeing the fury in Xiuyun's eyes, Luo Yunfu's feet softened and he immediately fell to his knees: "Boss, I..."

He couldn't figure it out, and tried to explain to Xiuyun that there must be a misunderstanding.

Before he could finish his sentence, an invisible gust of wind lifted him into the air and slammed him hard on the stone pillar behind him.

Players do not have any supernatural skills or props to use in this dungeon. They are all on their own when encountering danger, and they cannot compete with sea creatures that can transform into human forms.

Luo Yunfu fell on the ground covered with gravel and fine sand, swallowed the fishy sweetness welling up in his throat, raised his head and saw Xiu Qi walking towards Ming Shu.

Breathing in the fresh air, Ming Shu immediately transformed back into a human form, covering her bare legs with a robe.

He was also frightened by the scene just now, he tightened his robe and moved back, looking at Xiu Qi who was approaching constantly at a loss.

Luo Yunfu still fell on the ground and couldn't get up, he must be the next one... Xiu Qi saw his fish tail with his own eyes, and now he didn't even have the chance to justify and lie.

Xiuju stopped in front of Mingshu, and untied his outer robe.

He half knelt down, wrapped Ming Shu in his outer robe, and then hugged him into his arms.

Xiuwen tried his best to suppress his anger, his eyes were as cold as ice, but his movements were very gentle.

He kissed the side of Ming Shu's face, and comforted him: "Don't be afraid."

Luo Yunfu watched this scene, if he hadn't seen Ming Shu's fish tail, he might have suspected that he had made a mistake.

The leader of the Sea Snake Tribe sat on the ground regardless of his identity, holding a silver-tailed mermaid who sneaked in in his arms. Not only did he not kill him, but he was also very close. Will anyone believe this?

Could it be that this npc has some kind of bug? Sea snakes hating mermaids is a dungeon setting and a rule, how could an npc not follow the rules.

Enduring the pain in his body, he stood up: "Boss, he is alone..."

Before he finished speaking, Luo Yunfu was sent flying again and fell to a corner of the courtyard.

A group of sea snake soldiers hurried over when they heard the movement, and Xiu Qi said coldly: "Speak nonsense, drag it out and pull out the root of your tongue."

The soldiers don't need to know what happened, just follow the leader's order, and the leader sea snake responded: " Yes, leader."

In order to prevent Luo Yunfu from making any further noises to provoke Xiu Qi, the Sea Snake soldier stuffed a handful of waterweed in his mouth, and quickly dragged him out of the courtyard.

Several Sea Snake soldiers stayed where they were, and asked cautiously, "Chief, do you have any other orders?"

Ming Shu listened to the sound of Luo Yunfu being dragged away, lowered his head and clutched the clothes and fabrics in his hands, his heart beating fast.

Xiu Hu still hugged him, stroked his trembling back with his palm, and said a word: "Get lost."

The sea snake soldier didn't dare to say any more, and quietly exited the courtyard.

Only Xiuji and Mingshu were left in the yard. Mingshu was wrapped in Xiujin's robe, his nose was filled with a familiar smell, and his tense nerves finally eased.

He slowly raised his head, with a confused expression: "You..."

Xiu Qi already knew about it.

When he saw his fishtail, not only was he not surprised or angry at all, but instead let the soldiers take away Luo Yunfu who had exposed him.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't show any rejection or disgust, and even concealed it for him, but why?

Xiuju knew he was a mermaid, why didn't he kill him?

Ming Shu's mood was complicated and hard to describe, he just had a little suspicion during the day that Xiu Qi had already discovered it, and it was confirmed at night.

He was grabbed and pressed into the water by Luo Yunfu just now and was forced to suffocate, his slightly messy hair was still wet, and there was a trace of panic and fear in his expression, he looked aggrieved and pitiful.

Xiuwen hugged Mingshu tightly, and kept falling soft kisses on his face, while saying distressedly: "I'm sorry."

It was his negligence that caused this kind of thing to happen. The only thing that is fortunate is that Mingshu didn't suffer any injuries.

Luo Yunfu's purpose was only to expose Ming Shu's identity, and he knew that Ming Shu was a mermaid, and his background was not simple.

It seems that there are indeed many mermaids sneaking in in the territory, including the interior of the central city, and they must be searched and dealt with as soon as possible.

Xiuwen concealed the hidden emotions in his eyes, and held Mingshu's cold hand: "Scared?"

He was very gentle, completely different from the appearance when he said to let the sea snake soldiers pull out Luo Yunfu's tongue, Mingshu's nose soured, He took the initiative to hug Xiu Qi and buried his face on the side of his neck.

Mingshu was really scared, especially when he was pushed into the water and suffocated. He remembered that the day he first arrived in Central City, a mermaid whose identity was exposed was treated like this by several sea snake soldiers.

Later when Xiuju saw his fish tail, he thought he was going to die.

The more Ming Shu thought about it, the more wronged she became, and she felt that she was useless.

Now that he was safe, all his helplessness and fear came to him.

Ming Shu held back his tears, and said in a muffled voice: "Why didn't you come earlier."

Xiuwen heard the crying he was trying to restrain, and felt even more distressed: "It's my fault."

He wanted the sea snake soldiers to take Luo Yunfu again Come here and kill him in front of Mingshu, afraid of scaring him again.

At this time, the attendant walked into the courtyard with the newly prepared dinner from the back kitchen, and when he saw Xiu Qi inside, he stood by the door and waited tactfully.

Xiuwen held Mingshu in his arms and coaxed him softly for a while, then asked: "The things I asked them to make are finished, do you want to go and have a look?"

Mingshu's mood stabilized a lot, and he raised his head hesitantly: "I want to give it to me Is it?"

Xiu Qi said "Yes", and then caught a glimpse of the attendant standing at the gate of the courtyard: "Let's go after dinner."

He got up with Ming Shu in his arms, and took him back to the bedroom to change into clean clothes.

Xiuwen personally wiped Mingshu's face with a towel. Mingshu stood in front of him with his eyes closed, and couldn't help but ask, "Did you see everything..." "

What did you see?" Xiuwen asked knowingly.

Ming Shu hesitated: "My..."

Xiu Qi put down the towel and hugged Ming Shu, and stroked the lower part of his waist with his palm: "Little fish tail?"

Of course he saw it, the one with silver-white scales The fish tail is as beautiful and astonishing as Ming Shu's human form.

It's a pity that after only one glance, Ming Shu changed back.

When the words "little fish tail" fell into Mingshu's ears, he always felt inexplicably shy and awkward. He blushed silently, and asked, "When did you know?" He still felt that he hid it well

... Sure enough, as Xia Zhu said, the leader of the sea snake is not so easy to fool.

Xiuyun answered the wrong question: "You are so weak and timid, how dare you sneak in?" He

was also very stubborn and coquettish, and would not touch him when he was in heat.

Every word in his words was distasteful, but his tone didn't sound like that at all.

Ming Shu glanced at him, then turned his head: "You are the one who stuffed me into the side hall."

At first he became a tribute beauty inexplicably, that's what Xiu Qi meant.

Perhaps like the previous dungeon, he inadvertently fulfilled Xiuju's liking, but Xiuju found out later that he was a mermaid, and for some reason softened his heart.

Ming Shu recalled that night Xiu Qi said that if he wanted to kill him, he would have died long ago.

Wait a minute, then Xiuwen said that he was in heat, did he also...

Ming Shu lowered his head, Xiuwen didn't see his flushed cheeks, and led him to the front hall.

The servants had already cleaned up the yard, and steaming meals were placed on the table.

Ming Shu only ate a little bit. He was frightened tonight, and he still couldn't recover.

Xiuju sat next to him, pulled him over and held him in his arms, and then personally picked up the chopsticks and fed him a few pieces of shrimp.

Until Ming Shu really didn't want to eat, he turned his head and refused to finish the food that Xiu had fed.

When the attendants took away the tableware, Ming Shu leaned in front of Xiu Qi, pinching a part of his sleeve: "That Luo Yunfu...will he die?"

Pulling out the root of his tongue hurts a lot, Luo Yunfu can't help it Talked, but Mingshu was worried that if he had other friends he knew in the dungeon, they would tell him and everything that happened at night.

Xiu Kun only said: "How do you want him to die?"

After being tortured and then executed, or thrown into the reef area to feed the octopus, it all depends on Ming Shu's words.

Ming Shu was silent for a long time, then he made up his mind: "As soon as possible, I'm... scared."

Luo Yunfu clearly wanted to put him to death, if it wasn't for the repair, he might be the one who had his tongue pulled out.

Although he relied on Xiuqi to survive, Xia Zhu once said that luck is also a part of strength, Mingshu has Xiuqi's protection, why can't he use it?

Xiu Qi said without hesitation: "Okay."

He raised his right hand, and a small water ball appeared in his palm.

Wrapped with Xiu's instructions, the water polo flew outside.

After finishing all this, Xiuju kissed Mingshu soothingly, and said in a low voice, "You can't stay here anymore, I'll take you somewhere else." He

called several sea snake soldiers and white shark mounts for transportation, and took Mingshu out of the courtyard , to the direction of the main hall.

The white shark is a fish unique to Central City. It is of medium size. The head and bottom are covered with aquatic plants and sea water. Only a pair of small eyes are exposed. A chair is tied to the back.

It was the first time for Ming Shu to sit on this kind of fish, he was curious and a little afraid, and shrank in Xiu Qi's arms, not daring to move.

The white shark was fast and shuttled steadily in the sky. After a while, it came to the main hall and put down the two people on its back.

The main hall is very large. The place where the white shark stopped is the side of the main hall where the leader lives. There is a very large courtyard, or it cannot be called a courtyard, but a palace.

It was night, and there was not a single sea snake attendant in the hall, and the huge algae lamps lit up one by one, just like daytime.

Mingshu followed Xiuju all the way in, and couldn't help reaching out to touch the coral decorations on the side of the road.

He remembered the palace where the leader lived, no one could break into it without the order of repairing, and there was no precedent for any sea snakes to live in it. As Ming Shu, having an independent courtyard is already the most favored treatment.

But Mingshu gradually realized that it didn't seem like a bedroom or a room was what Xiuju took him to.

Passing through the long corridor, behind the rockery formed by boulders and coral bushes, there is a very large garden. Mingshu saw from a distance that the center of the garden was emptied, and a section of glass-like wall was erected.

When he got closer, Ming Shu realized that it was a huge and transparent water tank.

The side of the water tank was ten meters long, and the part exposed to the ground was about the height of a person. The rest was embedded in the ground like the algae tank in his yard, and it was filled with clear sea water.

Ming Shu stretched out his hand to touch the water tank, and some small groups of algae in the water lighted up faintly as if they had sensors.

The edge of the water tank is engraved with golden patterns, and the exposed edges and four corners are covered with polished white jade, which feels cold and smooth to the touch.

Ming Shu stared at the water tank in front of him, and said blankly: "This is..."

Is this what Xiu Qi said he would give him?

A staircase was built beside the water tank, and Xiu Qi led him to step up.

From this angle, it looks like a small swimming pool, with a layer of fine sand on the bottom, and a lot of aquatic plants and corals.

Xiuju hugged Mingshu from behind: "Do you like it? Xiaoyu."

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