Chapter 60: The Little Mermaid Under the Sea (23)

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Ming Shu leaned his back against the rock behind him, his amber pupils dilated slightly, looking at Xi Yu in front of him in shock.

His lips were numb, he was kissed too hard just now, and Xiyu was obviously not very good at it like the original Xiuju, the two of them bumped several times during the kiss.

The two fish tails are intimately attached together, Mingshu's black fish tail is obviously a little smaller, he is the one being suppressed, if other mermaids come to see it at this time, they will definitely be shocked by Xi Yu's audacity to commit the following offense.

Ming Shu didn't know the "rules" among the mermaid class, he just felt that Xi Yu suddenly changed his appearance.

Although some of his actions in the previous two times were considered overstepping, he generally maintained a low posture, and even asked Mingshu to accept Tiaotiaoyu, coaxing him with the most pleasing words.

But in the short time after they parted, Xi Yu seemed to have torn off his disguise, revealing his true character inside, and kissed him half forcefully.

This is different from Ming Shu's willingness to kiss him proactively. Ming Shu has no defense at all, which makes him a little uncomfortable.

Xi Yu seemed to have calmed down at this moment, and took a step back: "Sorry."

He retracted his gaze, and returned to his previous appearance, with apology and remorse in his words: "I lost my temper and offended you."

Ming Shu remained silent. Speaking, Xi Yu took one of his hands and asked gently: "Scared?"

He really regretted it, while reminiscing about the kiss just now, he was also worried that he would scare Ming Shu.

Ming Shu didn't withdraw his hand, and looked at Xi Yu cautiously, confirming that he really just wanted to kiss herself, and had no other intentions.

Instead, he breathed a sigh of relief, no matter how big the contrast between Xi Yu's disguise and reality was, Ming Shu only needed to know that he belonged to another Yuan Chen who had lost his memory.

He likes himself, so don't hurt him.

The wire cage containing the jumping fish fell to the ground, but luckily it didn't break. Ming Shu lowered his eyes, his thick eyelashes trembling slightly: "En."

How could he have forgotten that the person in front of him is the best at disguising, and he will not reveal any strangeness until the goal is achieved. This was the case in the last dungeon, and so is this dungeon.

"I'm sorry," Xi Yu softened his voice when he saw Ming Shu's slightly aggrieved expression, "Don't be angry."

He picked up the wire cage and handed it to Ming Shu again, and Ming Shu took it, hesitating to speak.

Xi Yu couldn't help approaching again, and hid with him in the shadow under the reef: "You say."

Ming Shu's flustered look didn't last long, and he didn't show any resistance or disgust. be inclusive.

Xi Yu noticed this, and the thought that was hidden before began to stir again.

"You..." We were too close, so Mingshu grabbed Xiyu's cuff and asked anxiously, "Will you help me complete the campaign mission in the future?"

Mingshu was caught off guard by the kiss just now. Yu's capriciousness in front of him made him want to know whether Xi Yu had also discovered his disguise.

After returning to the mermaid family for so long, Ming Shu also gradually discovered that the characteristics of the black-tailed mermaid are not only the color of the tail, but also the strength and physique are quite different from other mermaids. It is because too many players have appeared recently that this makes this strange It doesn't look that special.

If Xiyu really found something, would he still help?

If you can't complete the task and you can't pass the level, all that Ming Shu has done is meaningless.

Xi Yu looked down at Mingshu's hand holding his cuff, stared at the white fingertips for two seconds, and replied, "Of course.

" The silk flowers were given to him, as well as the green water plants not long ago, and his demeanor and expression could not be faked.

Xi Yu stretched out his hand, hugged Ming Shu lightly, and repeated again: "Of course, I like you, and I am willing to do anything for you." Ming Shu

blushed upon hearing these words, but Xi Yu changed the subject: "But You also have to give me some reward, okay?"

It's the reward again... Ming Shu struggled and said, "Then what do you want?"

He almost asked the question knowingly, hoping to hear the exact answer from Xi Yu.

Xi Yu didn't speak anymore, her dark eyes fell on Ming Shu's face.

He thought about it, as if he couldn't come up with a specific request in such a short period of time, so he said, "I'll tell you later."

Seeing that Ming Shu was silent, he coaxed again: "It's just a small reward, I won't let you It's difficult."

He rushed to hand over the jumping fish needed for the task to Mingshu at the first time, which is enough to prove his strength, he is the silver tail, but it is Mingshu's best choice.

Xiyu hugged Mingshu Xuxu, his palm touched the scales on his waist through the clothes, and stroked lightly or heavily: "I like you, you know it." Of course Mingshu knew, he hurriedly pressed

Xiyu's hand , agreed: "...Okay."

He had to go to see Xiuqi at night, worried that Xiyu would leave any traces on him.

With the current situation, Ming Shu wants to successfully complete the task and clear the dungeon, but he still cannot let Xiu Qi and Xi Yu know about each other's existence.

Xi Yu only thought that Ming Shu was shy, and let go of him: "There are still a few days before the next mission, you should rest well." He seemed to be leaving, but

Ming Shu hurriedly stopped him.

"That..." Mingshu was inexplicably flustered, "I can't let other mermaids know about this."

Besides the players, there is also Xiuqi. If there are too many people who know about it, it's hard to guarantee that it won't reach Xiuqi's ears.

He just told Xiu Qi yesterday that he had to complete the campaign task by himself, so he turned around and had sex with a mermaid...

Xi Yu smiled, and gently squeezed Ming Shu's palm: "I know, do

n't worry." Staying longer, his gaze swept over Ming Shu's reddish lips, and he turned and walked away.

After Xi Yu left completely, the pearl hidden in Ming Shu's hair came out.

Xiyu also frightened it just now, especially because the aura exuding from him was completely different from before, and it was actually very similar to Xiuyun.

With lingering fear in its heart, it rubbed against Mingshu's cheek.

But in this way, Pearl does not reject Mingshu getting close to Xiyu, she used to think that Xiyu was too weak to be worthy of Mingshu.

On the contrary, it is gloating now, because Xiuji didn't protect Mingshu well in his own territory, so he has to be left out in the cold by Mingshu.

Ming Shu touched the pearl, then returned to the residence with the jumping fish.

Beside a reef in a certain sea area, there are two black-tailed mermaids talking quietly.

"Did you really see it? Green, something like water plants?"

"No mistake," one of the players said, "The other black tail must be a player too, I saw him give the water plants in his hand to Xi Yu, Xi Yu Yu accepts it!"

While the campaign is going on, the players are also constantly trying to capture the NPCs of the mermaid clan and complete the main quest as soon as possible.

Up to now, Xiyu has become the most difficult one among npcs to conquer. It's fine if the strategy mission is difficult to complete, but the key point is that he usually doesn't talk to people at all, and it's difficult to say a few words.

He also participated in the election, but he is a silver tail after all. The system has never updated the plot related to him, and the players don't know his strength.

Now someone is finally able to get close to Xiyu and seems to have successfully delivered the item. Unfortunately, the player who saw this scene is a little far away, so he can only roughly tell what the item looks like.

He wanted to catch up with Mingshu and ask him, and exchange other materials or information with him, but he lost it on the way.

"Green, aquatic plants..." Another player thought about it, turning his head and looking around.

There are aquatic plants everywhere in this sea, but it is impossible for Xiyu to like such ordinary things, it is unreasonable.

"Anyway, jumping fish are hard to catch," he said while looking around, "let's look around to see if there are any that meet the requirements, and give it a try."

If it is true, this information can be sold to other players in exchange for props needed for campaign missions.

The companion hesitated and said, "But there are so many aquatic plants in the sea..."

How can we be sure which one Xiyu likes?

The person who spoke before said without hesitation: "It must be right to find the rarest one."

There must be different types of aquatic plants, so they just go to a few NPCs and ask. -Xia

Zhu came back from the outside and saw the jumping fish in the wire cage.

With Ming Shu, anything impossible could happen, he didn't find it strange at all, but was surprised by Xi Yu's speed.

"He's so fast? It's less than an afternoon," Xia Zhu lifted the wire cage, "Is he caught?"

Although Xiyu is most likely to be the protagonist, and his abilities in all aspects must not be bad, but he is better than those few The most powerful black-tailed npc is even more powerful, which is unusual.

Xia Zhu put down the cage: "Xi Yu is not easy..."

He wanted Ming Shu to be more cautious when facing Xi Yu, but after thinking about it, he still kept his mouth shut. This kind of warning is suitable for ordinary people.

"It's a pity that he only gave me one, your task..." Ming Shu stretched out his hand to poke the cage, and was almost bitten by the jumping fish that rushed over.

Xia Zhu didn't care: "Forget it if you can't finish it, the most urgent thing is to get more faction points."

The two main quests require the Mermaid faction to have a value of 50, and the Sea Serpent faction to have a value of 70.

Sea Snake's Xia Zhu basically gave up, and the Mermaid was still 5 points short.

Mingshu opened his system panel, he did two tasks of Xiyu, plus the initial 20 of Mermaid Clan, it has reached 50.

The faction value has reached the standard, but the task has not been completed. It is estimated that it will wait until all the campaign tasks are completed.

Ming Shu hesitated, and told Xia Zhu that he gave Xi Yu a water plant.

The corner of Xia Zhu's mouth twitched: "I knew it...but your strategy, no one can do it except you."

The two were talking, and Pearl at the side saw that Ming Shu was almost bitten by a jumping fish, and swam over angrily, using The tentacles entangled the jumping fish and pulled it to the edge of the cage to beat it a few times.

Ming Shu hurriedly stopped: "You can't fight, you can't fight, you have to live..."

Zhuzhu gave up and shook her tentacles like a threat.

The jumping fish in the cage was frightened and curled up at the bottom of the cage without moving. Suddenly, with a "poof", a smaller jumping fish spit out from under its belly.

There were two more "puff puffs", a total of three spit out, Tiaotiaoyu's bulging belly suddenly deflated.

Ming Shu was stunned: " it pregnant?"

The gap in the wire cage was not narrow enough, the three little jumping fish fled in a hurry after being squeezed out, Pearl jumped up and quickly caught them back.

Looking at the little jumping fish that was entangled by tentacles, Xia Zhu shook her head: "It should not be pregnant, but a cub."

These three fish obviously didn't just break their shells, they had been hidden in the belly by adult jumping fish before, and were beaten by pearls After being frightened for a while, he vomited out.

"Then..." Ming Shu wrapped a small fish in water plants and placed it in Xia Zhu's hand.

The small fish was intact and still struggling among the aquatic plants.

Xia Zhu's eyes brightened: "This is fine!"

The fish Xiyu sent were actually four, but it was not clear whether such a small juvenile fish was considered to have completed the task.

Mingshu looked at the three little jumping fishes: "What about the remaining two?"

They don't need that much, so they can be considered for other players.

Xia Zhu thought for a while: "If you trust me, leave it to me to deal with it. The remaining two fish can be sold to others." They can be

exchanged for strategy information, or props for future campaign missions, but they must be found. The right people will do.

Ming Shu nodded: "Okay."

The wire cage was re-reinforced with strong aquatic plants, and the four fish were put in together. Xia Zhu suggested to keep score tonight, try to see if the small fish can succeed, and release the news by the way. Time to screen sellers well.

Ming Shu had no objection, and went to the registration point with Xia Zhu while night was just approaching.

Sure enough, juvenile fish can also score points, but there is no precedent, and the mermaid npc specially marked it in the booklet.

The remaining two juveniles were taken by Xia Zhu, it was getting late, Ming Shu had to go to find Xiu Qi.

Before leaving, he deliberately asked Xia Zhu to take a look: "I don't see anything wrong, right?"

Xia Zhu said with a blank face, "No."

Ming Shu said embarrassedly, and replied: "That's good... ..."

Xia Zhu was the same as last night, and still sent him to the vicinity of where Xiu Qi was.

Mingshu kept the pearl by his side, told it to protect Xia Zhu and the two young fishes, then turned around and swam to the water wall supported by the stone pillars.

Sure enough, there were no mermaids guarding the water wall, so Mingshu came to the place yesterday and saw Xiuji waiting inside.

He stuck his hand into the water wall and was pulled in.

A familiar aura enveloped his whole body, Xiuyun pulled away his coat and hugged Mingshu, with a slightly displeased expression: "Why is it so late?"

He was worried, and almost sent his subordinates out to look for it.

Ming Shu said innocently: "I'll come as soon as it gets dark, and I'll be discovered by other mermaids too early."

He didn't dare to show up until it was dark and everyone went back to sleep.

Xiu Kun reluctantly agrees with his words, and walks into the yard with him in his arms.

Ming Shu looked around, but there was no one nearby: "Didn't you prepare clothes for me?"

He didn't want to be carried around by Xiu Qi like this, since all the sea snakes guarding the yard had been sent away, he wouldn't be there after he came. No more hiding.

Xiu Qi didn't look sideways: "What do you need clothes for?"

He walked into the bedroom, and Ming Shu saw a water tank made of rocks in the center of the room, which was filled with water and covered with a layer of soft algae.

Ming Shu opened his eyes wide, and was put into the water tank after being repaired.

"They rushed to make this today." Xiuju took off his wet robe, bent over and squatted in front of the water tank, "it's not as good as the original one, let's just make it up." He still has a long time

in the mermaid clan For a while, make a bigger and more beautiful one another day.

The water tank can just hold Ming Shu, which is about the same size as the algae tank in his yard before. He touched the algae at the bottom, and his tail fins were swinging in the water: "Who did it? Didn't they suspect it?" Xiu Qi just chased him away

yesterday In exchange for the silver-tailed mermaid, I got such a big water tank in the house today.

"Who dares to doubt?"

Xiu Qi wrote lightly, one hand dipped into the water, stroking the black scales on Ming Shu's body.

He selfishly thought that Ming Shu's original appearance was more beautiful, but when he thought that the color of his fish tail was stained with his own venom, he felt that it was not bad.

Since seeing Xiu Qi, Ming Shu has been worried, afraid that he will find out something.

He didn't heave a sigh of relief until he didn't see anything unusual about Xiuju, and he took the initiative to put his arms around Xiuju and kiss him.

There was no suitable chair, so Xiuwen sat down on the spot and brushed the hair on Mingshu's cheeks: "How is the progress

of the new mission?" A special mermaid came to report everything about the election to Xiuwen, as if treating him as a one of the decision makers.

This kind of treatment made Xiu Qi quite satisfied, and promised an elder of the mermaid clan to visit other sea areas of the territory in two days.

Mingshu lied to him: "This is only the first day...I plan to try again tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

Xiu Kun didn't believe that he could do it alone. According to Ming Shu's own situation, even if he asked for Pearl's help, it would be difficult for him to go to the Dark Sea on the first day when there were the most people.

Xiu Qi replied, Ming Shu has pearls by his side, so he shouldn't worry about the task, and it's not good to get the limelight if he completes it too early.

"However," Xiuwen lowered his eyes, "I didn't see you on the list of candidates."

Ming Shu said quickly, "I used a new name."

He registered "Shiyue" on the list, pretending The name doesn't affect anything, it just prevents players from deliberately looking for him.

"Shiyue?" Xiu Ke's voice paused, "It's fine to change it."

The name "Shiyue" was indeed on the list, so he didn't doubt Mingshu because of it.

Mingshu changed the subject: "I don't want to soak in the water, you can carry me out."

After Xiuwen heard this, he carried him out, letting the water stains wet his clothes, he kissed Mingshu's lips: "Are you sleepy?"

Mingshu There was a smell of sea water on her body, especially when she kissed him, Xiu Qi kissed him for a while until the smell faded away.

Before Mingshu could reply, Xiuju took him back to the bed and took off his shirt.

Mingshu stretched out her legs, pulled the quilt and hid inside, trying to escape.

Xiuwen caught him back, and gently kissed him on the side of his neck: "I miss you very much."

Mingshu said aggrievedly, "You asked me to come here to do this."

"Don't you like Xiaoyu too?" Xiuwen Pull him out of the quilt, rub his back lightly, "If you don't want to, then forget it."

Ming Shu blushed and said nothing, and after a while begged: "Then...then you can't, in the I have marks on my body."

For example, on the arms or neck, don't bite the wounds and marks when kissing.

He was afraid that Xi Yu would find out, Xi Yu asked him about the wound on his lip during the day.

Xiuju was a little displeased: "What?"

"It will be discovered by other mermaids..." Ming Shu got angry for a while, kicked him, "Anyway, it is not allowed."

Xiuju grabbed his ankle and compromised helplessly .

He hugged Mingshu again and said softly, "Okay, I'll be gentle."

But after Mingshu turned back into a mermaid, the scales would cover everything on her legs, so Xiu's words were only a small part.

The water tank in the house also came in handy, with two black tails intertwined, Ming Shu leaned on Xiu Qi's body, and the algae at the bottom of the water tank were ripped off in several places.

The next day, Ming Shu quietly left as usual, and asked Xia Zhu to check for marks on the side of his neck as soon as he returned to his residence.

Xia Zhu finally understood what Ming Shu meant, with a tangled expression on

his face: "Don't worry,

no ." Venom campaigned and got another merman to do the job for him.

Once discovered, npcs don't know what system or copy.

Ming Shu looked away guiltily, and said vaguely: "I know."

After he left, two mermaids came to find Xiu Qi and reported the completion of the previous day's election mission.

Xiuju propped his forehead to show no interest, and after hearing the mermaid finished speaking, he suddenly said, "Show me the list."

He wanted to take another look at the situation of the name "Shiyue".

The mermaid responded, holding a few thin black stone slabs in both hands and handing them over.

Inscribed on the slate are the scores of all current candidates.

Xiuku scanned them one by one, and finally found the name "Shiyue".

- score 30.

The score for completing a task is 10, and the pure black tail of the fish tail has 10 extra points when you first sign up.

30 points means that a black tail has completed all the current campaign tasks.

Xiuju stared at the slate for a long time, until cold sweat broke out on the forehead of the mermaid npc.

He cautiously asked: "Boss, is there something wrong?"

Xiu Qi looked away and motioned for the mermaid to take the slate away: "No."

His voice was very cold, and the mermaid didn't dare to stay any longer. After bidding him farewell, she took the slate and hurried gone.

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