Chapter 9: The Wolf-Eared Boy (9)

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With self-awareness, thinking and talking, Little Mushroom is also an NPC of the instance.

"Guji, this name is so cute." Mingshu stretched out his hand and gently wiped off a little dirt on the umbrella cap of the little mushroom, "My name is Mingshu, don't call me a bad wolf anymore." The little mushroom hugged her

thin Arm, turned his head and ignored Mingshu.

Ming Shu didn't care, he pulled a stool and sat down: "Actually, I'm not the only wolf in this village."

As expected, Little Mushroom was attracted by Ming Shu's words, and turned to look at him.

It knows that this is the village where Yuan Chen lives, and the tree mushrooms are willing to help Yuan Chen and the villagers, not only to repay Yuan Chen, but also because they hate werewolves.

"But he's hiding too deep," Mingshu said with embarrassment, "I'm not sure who he is, are you willing to help me?"

The little mushroom tilted its head and let out a "woo", as if wondering if Mingshu was also a wolf. How could they not find the same kind of camouflage.

It thought for a while, and thought that Ming Shu was lying to it, just like scaring it and saying that it would eat it. Little Mushroom turned his back to Mingshu, and said angrily: "Bad wolf



I don't want him to get hurt."

He was telling the truth, Yuan Chen did save him from the gray wolf once.

Little Mushroom turned its head suddenly: "Huh?"

It widened its eyes, ran over to the table a few steps, and looked up at Ming Shu: "How did you save him?"

Probably because of similar experiences, Little Mushroom was very curious.

It finally took the initiative to talk to itself, and Mingshu took this opportunity to tell it what happened after the wolves attacked the village that night.

Little Mushroom listened intently, and had many questions, such as why Yuanchen brought Mingshu into the village, and why the wolves targeted him.

Mingshu's answer was half-truth and half-false, telling it that he had nowhere to go, and ended up wandering into another wolf's territory by mistake.

Little Mushroom's cognition was shocked. It turned out that werewolves would also attack werewolves. Although the tree mushrooms sometimes fought with each other, they were not so ruthless. The way it looked at Mingshu suddenly changed.

At the same time, the system prompts that the npc favorability has been updated.

Ming Shu opened it and saw that the favorability of Little Mushroom had increased by 20 points.

[Name]: Gu Ji

[Gender]: None

[Age]: 2 months

[Identity]: Tree Mushroom

[Favourability]: 60 (full value 100)

[Likes]: Green bamboo leaves, Yuan Chen, to be explored

[ Hate]: Werewolves, waiting to be explored


The column of pure stubbornness, kindness and soft-hearted characteristics has also been updated, and the favorability has not reached 70, which should be triggered by Mingshu's actions just now.

Little Mushroom was innocent and soft-hearted, so after Mingshu told her story, her attitude changed immediately.

Ming Shu felt faintly guilty. Did he deceive the other party?

He looked at the little mushroom sitting in the porcelain spoon, holding the umbrella cap and looking at him, and felt that it was a bit dangerous to let it get close to Jing Shuang.

It is only half the size of a palm, it can only pick up stones and throw people, it looks stupid, if it is caught by Jing Shuang...

Ming Shu sighed, found a clean soft cloth, and wiped off the little mushroom. of ash.

The favorability increased by 20 all of a sudden, and the little mushroom became very close to Ming Shu, it even crawled directly into Ming Shu's palm.

The sun is gradually setting, Yuan Chen should be back soon.

Ming Shu fed the little mushroom some water again: "Are you going back to the forest?"

Little Mushroom lay down on his hand: "No, I won't go back... I'm so tired."

Then when Yuan Chen came back, did he hide it in the bowl again? Ming Shu struggled for a while, then asked cautiously: "Are you still going to tell Yuan Chen that I am a wolf?"

Little Mushroom turned over and sat up, looking at Ming Shu with puzzled eyes.

"I'm not a bad wolf, and I won't hurt Yuan Chen," Ming Shu tried to discuss with Little Mushroom. "If Yuan Chen knows that it's me, he will definitely hate me. I don't want him to hate me.

" I don't understand, Mingshu seems to be really different from other wolves. He can talk to it and feed it food and water.

It doesn't understand why Ming Shu doesn't want Yuan Chen to hate him, but is willing to keep a secret for him, at least for now, as long as Ming Shu is really as he said, he is not bad at all.

Little Mushroom nodded, and stretched out his hand to scratch the umbrella cap.

After a while, it tore off a little purple gills from the nape of its neck, crumpled it up and handed it to Mingshu.

Ming Shu asked curiously: "What is this?"

He picked it up with his hand, and a prompt popped up by the system.

[Obtain the item [Toadstool of Tree Mushroom], click on the item to view the item information]

Ming Shu squeezed the little purple dumpling in his hand, and slowly opened his eyes wide.

[Property name]: Toadstool of tree mushrooms

[Effect]: It will make the werewolf dizzy, weak, incapacitated, and answer every question, unable to lie. It takes effect within ten minutes after taking it and can last for about half an hour. The concentration is high, and it is recommended to dilute it for use.

Little Mushroom pointed to Zi Tuanzi: "Give it to that bad wolf."

Didn't Ming Shu say that he couldn't be sure of the identity of the second wolf hiding in the village?

Little Mushroom is willing to help, but there are so many people in the village, and it doesn't want to appear in front of strange villagers. Yuan Chen warned them that not all villagers have goodwill towards Talking Mushroom.

This can be regarded as repaying Mingshu for giving it food and water, even though he is a wolf.

Ming Shu immediately understood what Little Mushroom meant, and he carefully put away the Zituanzi: "Thank you, Guji."

Little Mushroom shook the umbrella hat, as if saying no thanks.

At this time, the sound of the courtyard door being pushed open sounded outside.

Ming Shu opened the curtain and looked out, it was Yuan Chen who came back.

He hurriedly told Little Mushroom: "Don't tell Yuan Chen that I am a wolf."

Little Mushroom nodded emphatically, expressing that he knew.

Mingshu's decision is still risky, he can't guarantee that Little Mushroom will always keep the secret for himself.

But rather than letting the little mushroom shut up forever, he is more willing to trust this simple and lovely creature, to be friends with him, and to increase his favorability.

Facts have proved that it is effective, and the little mushroom also gave him his toadstool.

When he finds a chance, secretly feed this to Jing Shuang and let him admit that he is a werewolf, so that the task will be completed.

Yuan Chen pushed open the closed door, and saw a familiar little mushroom running towards him: "Woo!"

It hugged Yuan Chen's trousers and began to climb up.

Yuan Chen frowned, leaned over and held it up: "Why are you here?"

"It's here to look for you," Ming Shu stepped forward, and said first, "Because I'm too worried about you, I want to come and have a look." "

He looked nervously at the little mushroom until it nodded: "Yeah!"

Ming Shu secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and helped Yuan Chen remove the bamboo basket from his back.


Mushroom was exhausted from the journey from the forest to the village, and refused to go back no matter what, and wanted to stay with Yuan Chen for a few days.

Yuan Chen didn't refuse, but told Xiao Mushroom to be safe in the village and not to run around.

Ming Shu took the initiative: "Let me take care of it."

He went to the window and picked some green bamboo leaves, washed them and handed them to the little mushroom.

The little mushroom sat in Mingshu's palm, tearing off the skin of the leaf stem and chewing it deliciously, Mingshu touched its umbrella cap with the other hand: "Guji is so good."

Yuan Chen raised his eyes and looked over: "Guji? "

"This is its name," Mingshu explained: "Don't you know?"

Yuan Chen was silent for a moment: "I never asked."

At this time, a dull bell rang outside.

"Dong dong dong-"

Ming Shu immediately looked at Yuan Chen, and sure enough, he saw his face darken.

The bell was the signal for the wolves to attack the village, but the trap still failed.

Ming Shu destroyed the three traps, it shouldn't have such a big effect, it must be Jing Shuang.

Without the slightest hesitation, Yuan Chen picked up his coat and the short knife hanging behind the door, and left in a hurry after saying "Hide it well".

For unknown reasons outside, it was impossible for him to bring along Ming Shu who was powerless.

Ming Shu could only protect himself. He blew out the lamp and closed the door tightly. He pulled the table to the window and put a few stools to resist it.

After doing all this, he was still worried, took the little mushroom and hid under the bed, and blocked the entrance with some clothes.

Compared to Ming Shu's nervousness, Little Mushroom seemed much calmer. It crawled out of Ming Shu's sleeve and said in the dark, "Shu Shu is afraid." After spending an afternoon

and a night together, Little Mushroom and Ming Shu The relationship between her and her has grown by leaps and bounds, and now it doesn't call "bad wolf" anymore, and it gropes and lays on Mingshu's palm.

"Well," Ming Shu replied in a low voice, "I'm afraid of death."

As long as he has extra life points, he wouldn't be like this. The most threatening thing for him now is the wolves outside.

Hiding in the darkness, Ming Shu could only hear her own breathing and heartbeat.

It was very quiet outside, and he had been frightened for a long time, when he suddenly received a prompt to update the plot.

[A new plot prompt has been detected, do you want to check it immediately? 】

There are only plot updates, no missions.

Mingshu stared at the prompt for a while, then clicked to view.

[Plot Tips]:

[The trap was set successfully, but that night, the wolves still attacked the village. This time the wolves did not attack the villagers, but killed a large number of poultry, and the village suffered heavy losses.

[Someone questioned Yuan Chen why the trap didn't work, whether it was because they went to the wrong place, or Yuan Chen asked for help from a mushroom, it's all nonsense. Jing Bo, who had the most right to speak in the village, calmed everyone down and decided to check the reason why the trap failed tomorrow. 】

This is the fourth plot reminder, the progress has reached 25%, and the mall is unlocked.

There are only three products in it, and they are refreshed every day. Today's products are some very ordinary things, such as pills that replace food, very warm coats, and the like.

The things are not very useful, and they are still expensive. Ming Shu has no interest, so she just glanced at it and then turned it off, and read the plot prompt again carefully.

Sure enough, the wolves successfully attacked the village. According to the description of the plot, because the trap didn't work, the village suffered heavy losses. The villagers blamed Yuan Chen for this.

This is not a good development, Mingshu can't guess the direction of this story.

However, it seems normal for the protagonist to be in trouble in the early stage.

Ming Shu still hid under the bed and dared not come out until she heard the sound of the door being opened.

He locked the lock from the inside, and only Yuan Chen could unlock it and come in.

Footsteps sounded, Yuan Chen shouted: "Ming Shu?"

The room was empty, and there was no trace of intrusion, Yuan Chen frowned, and was about to turn around to go out when he saw movement under the bed.

Some old clothes were pushed out from under the bed, and Xiao Mushroom and Ming Shu emerged together.

It turned out that he was hiding under the bed, Yuan Chen looked slightly relaxed, and stepped forward to help Ming Shu up.

The vision in the room was dim, Ming Shu couldn't see Yuan Chen's face clearly, and could only smell a strong smell of blood.

He groped Yuan Chen's arm, the cuff was wet, it seemed to be soaked with water.

Yuan Chen let go of Ming Shu and lit the kerosene lamp.

When the light came on, Ming Shu saw Yuan Chen's appearance clearly, and couldn't help but gasp slightly.

Yuan Chen was covered in blood, his coat was missing, and the blood stained under his feet extended from outside the house.

There were some bloodstains on his face, his face was frosty, and his whole body was like an evil spirit who had stepped out of purgatory.

Ming Shu unconsciously took half a step back, not only him, but Little Mushroom couldn't smell such a strong smell of blood, so he ran away holding his nose.

Yuan Chen took off the blood-stained dagger from his waist, and his lowered eyes showed a trace of fatigue.

Combined with the reminder of the plot not long ago, Ming Shu guessed that he must be in a bad mood at the moment.

He took the initiative to take another step forward, worried: "Are you injured?"

Yuan Chen raised his eyes to look over, and was silent for a moment: "A little injury."

Ming Shu suddenly became nervous: "Where? Is it serious?"

Yuan Chen said He didn't speak, and closed his eyes as if he didn't want to answer.

Ming Shu pursed her lips, slowly approached Yuan Chen, and stretched out her arms to hug him.

"It's okay," he tried to comfort him, "it will get better."

This is also a good time to increase your favorability, Ming Shu thought to himself.

He wasn't sure if it would work, but he had to try.

Even if Yuan Chen took him in and protected him for the sake of that little favorability, he should show something.

Yuan Chen's breath was heavy, he didn't make a sound, slowly embraced Ming Shu, and stroked the ends of his hair.

He also had blood on his hands, but Ming Shu didn't care about the blood stains all over his body, so he didn't care either.

The two stood quietly in the room, Yuan Chen didn't speak, and Ming Shu couldn't figure out his attitude.

After a long time, Yuan Chen said in a low voice: "You seem to be flattering me all the time."

Ming Shu's body froze, not daring to vent his breath.

The author has something to say:

you let go of others before you speak

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