Chapter 76: Dragons and Elves (4)

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The three-line progress bar in the panel has no more explanations and explanations. Mingshu is not sure what the qi-receiving value really means.

Or is Si Ning angry?

But at the same time, his favorability level also increased. Mingshu couldn't understand, could someone get angry and increase his favorability level at the same time?

It was just the first day in the dungeon. Facing a face that was unfamiliar again, Mingshu still felt uneasy, worried that Si Ning would be really angry and not form a contract with him.

Si Ning said nothing and glanced at Ming Shu.

There were also a few drops of water on the book on the table, which wetted the writing on the pages. Si Ning reached out to brush it over and closed the book.

Mingshu continued to move forward, squatted down and raised his face: "I'm sorry..."

He looked pitiful, as if he was afraid that Si Ning would not want him.

In the past, Yuan Chen or Xiu Han always looked cold when there was no expression on their faces. Now Si Ning is the same way. Ming Shu can't guess what he's thinking, and he doesn't even know why his favorability level has increased.

Si Ning raised his hand, and the books on the table floated automatically and returned to the bookshelf by the wall.

His eyes fell on Mingshu again, wondering what he was thinking.

Mingshu organized his words and wanted to say something more. Before he could speak, an attendant knocked on the door. After receiving Si Ning's response, he came in with a pile of colorful fabrics.

"Your Highness," the attendant presented the cloth, "these can be found for the elves."

There are not only tops and trousers, but also small shoes. There are several pieces in total. The elves are all about the same size, and there is always Mingshu who can wear them. It's worth it.

The attendant put down his clothes and left. Mingshu stepped forward and picked up a coat and looked at it curiously.

He turned back to look at Si Ning and saw that he didn't stop him, so he was picking and choosing.

After choosing, Mingshu came to Si Ning again with the clothes in his arms: "Your Highness, I... went to change clothes, thank you."

Si Ning nodded slightly and motioned for Mingshu to change.

This is a study room. There is no bed or anything like that. The tabletop is clean. Mingshu looked around and hid behind the flowerpot.

The height of the flowerpot was just enough to cover Mingshu, with a little bit of the top of his head exposed. Sining looked at the flowerpot beside the table, listening to the subtle sound of the fabric rubbing against each other until Mingshu finished changing and came out.

The clothes are specially made for elves, with a slit in the back to expose the wings. The size is suitable, but... the color is brighter.

Mingshu stood in front of the table and looked at Si Ning expectantly: "Your Highness."

He wore an orange dress that reached to his knees and a delicate thin belt. His pants and shoes were not changed, they were still the same.

Elves all like bright and vivid colors. Mingshu is beautiful, even if she wears red and green clothes, it will not affect her, but in Sining's eyes, she always feels that she is not as good-looking as before.

He is still more suitable for white, with silver hair and transparent wings, like a simple little butterfly.

Looking at the other clothes sent by the attendant, they were not as good as the one Ming Shu was wearing.

Si Ning reluctantly responded: "It's okay."

Ming Shu had been quietly paying attention to Si Ning's attitude, and carefully asked: "Are you not angry anymore?"

Not only did Si Ning not drive him away, but he also gave him new clothes, even if he was angry , it should only be a little bit.

He boldly took hold of the sleeve edge of Si Ning's right hand: "This time it was an accident. From now on, I will do whatever you ask me to do, and I will definitely not cause any trouble." He had changed clothes just now, and the unbuttoned top was

from The hair that was worn on the top of the head and had not been sorted out was slightly messy.

Si Ning raised his fingertips and gently smoothed a strand of raised silver hair.

This move gave Mingshu great confidence, and he hugged Si Ning's fingers.

"Your Highness," Ming Shu obediently pressed his fingertips, "It's very late. Do you want to rest?"

In fact, he didn't know the specific time now. Anyway, it was already dark.

Si Ning half-closed his eyes, and after a moment he said "hmm" and made a gesture to stand up.

Mingshu quickly let go of him, flapped his wings and flew up, leaving the study with him.

There were only two or three attendants waiting in the corridor. Ming Shu followed Si Ning closely to the sleeping hall not far away.

Si Ning entered the bedroom without stopping, walked around the side and back, and entered another connected bathroom.

The bathroom is steaming hot, and the pool in the center is like a natural hot spring, with warm white jade lining the edges.

Ming Shu wisely stopped following and was about to turn back and wait outside the door when he heard Si Ning's voice: "Come in." Si Ning stood inside

and slowly took off his robe: "Fetch water yourself and wash it clean.

" Shu had no choice but to fly in, but the pool was too big, and he was afraid that he would accidentally drown... Moreover, this was where Si Ning bathed. He had not yet formed a contract with Si Ning, and it was impossible to have the qualifications to be with him.

Mingshu hesitated for a moment, then left the bathroom and brought in a clean, empty cup from outside.

Si Ning had already entered the pool, and Mingshu lowered his head silently and flew to the corner of the pool to fetch water.

He filled only half the glass of water and left. He quietly hid behind the wooden rack in the corner where the clothes were hung, took off his clothes and got into the teacup.

The size of the teacup was just right. Mingshu sat in it, with his two pairs of wings hanging outside the cup wall so as not to get wet. He picked up the warm water and quickly washed himself.

However, after washing, the problem came again. Mingshu didn't have a towel to dry the water stains on his body.

He still had to wear the clothes he had taken off, and those that the attendant had sent earlier were still in the study, without even a piece of usable cloth.

Mingshu raised his head and looked at Si Ning's robe hanging on the wooden rack.

The clothes that Si Ning changed out of should not be worn for a while... He just wiped them with water to avoid getting them dirty.

Si Ning in the pool had his back to Mingshu, seemingly unaware of what was happening behind him.

Mingshu flew up, opened his outer robe, quickly dried his body with the softest inner layer, and put on his clothes again.

Just as he was thinking about what to do with the tea cup he had used, Si Ning stood up from the pool and walked towards the wooden stand.

Si Ning did not shy away from Ming Shu at all, as if he didn't care at all, or didn't regard him as a living individual.

Mingshu was not familiar with him yet. His face turned red and he hurriedly walked out of the bathroom with his head buried, ignoring the teacup on the floor.

When Sining walked out of the bathroom, Mingshu squatted at the door and raised his head, realizing that he was still wearing the undergarments he had worn before taking a shower, but not the outer robe.

The dragons all practice magic and can transform into human forms. They no longer need the most primitive way of cleaning themselves, such as bathing. Soaking in hot spring water is just Sining's personal habit.

With the cleaning spell, of course the clothes won't really get dirty.

Si Ning looked down from a high position and glanced at Ming Shu who was squatting by the door.

Mingshu felt guilty inexplicably. He didn't know if he had been discovered using his robe to wipe the water. He flapped his wings and flew to his shoulder: "Your Highness..." Two attendants

opened the door on the other side of the bathroom and came in. , cleaning the floor and replacing the water in the pool, Si Ning looked away from Mingshu and left without saying a word.

He didn't say anything, so Mingshu just pretended that he didn't know anything and followed him as if nothing had happened.

The decoration of the bedroom is several times more gorgeous than that of the study, with furniture and exquisite ornaments carved from gold and wood everywhere. Even the top of the bed curtain is sewn with several gems.

The dragons are a race that loves and collects gold, silver and jewelry. All the palaces on the island are magnificently built. It is said that these are only one thousandth of the dragon treasures.

Mingshu watched Si Ning lie down, and the lights went out, plunging the room into darkness.

He was confused for a while, then flew to the window, picked two leaves, and spread them on the table to serve as his bed.

However, the palace was located in a mountain forest, and the temperature was low at night. Ming Shu's clothes were thin, and he felt very cold after sleeping for a while.

He sat up and hugged his knees, stared at Si Ning's bed for a while, and then quietly touched it.

Mingshu took off his shoes, opened the bed curtain and stepped onto the soft bed, approaching Si Ning gently.

The entire bed was large, more than enough to sleep two adults, but Mingshu carefully chose the corner position at the head of the bed so that Si Ning would not be pressed against it.

He also took a leaf with him, covered him with it, lay down comfortably, and soon fell asleep.

In the darkness, Si Ning opened his eyes.

He looked at Ming Shu, who was sleeping soundly in the corner, with a slight frown between his brows.

He had no experience raising an elf, and he didn't understand how other dragons and guardian elves got along.

But he did not exclude Mingshu. This silver-haired elf seemed to be special from the beginning. Some things that he thought were absolutely intolerable in the past seemed to have completely changed when it came to Mingshu.

For example, he wiped the water with his own robe, which was so audacious.

He must be too good at coquettishness. Si Ning looked away with a cold expression.

If you are angry with him, he will definitely hold his fingers tightly and look at you with aggrieved eyes.

It is also troublesome to form a contract with Mingshu. After all, he is a guardian elf, how can he treat it as casually as raising a bird.


next day, Mingshu woke up and opened his eyes. He was the only one in the huge bed.

Through the bed curtain, he saw Si Ning standing by the window. The door was open and several attendants came in with something.

Mingshu yawned, got up quickly, put on his shoes and flew to Si Ning's side.

It was only when he got closer that he saw that the things the attendants brought seemed to be... for him to use.

There is a very exquisite small wardrobe, which can just accommodate a porcelain bowl the size of a petal, a very mini water cup, and a soft towel that can wrap Mingshu's whole body.

The attendant brought a lot of clothes, all white, carefully sorted them and stuffed them into the wardrobe and placed them on the table by the window.

The last attendant who came in had a palm-sized bathtub in his hand and took it directly into the bathroom.

Guardian elves feed on flowers and are not dirty creatures. Except for taking a bath and changing clothes as required by Si Ning, they generally do not need to clean themselves.

Mingshu stood in front of the full wardrobe for a while, touched the hanging towels, ran to Si Ning and said in disbelief: "Are these all mine?" "

Yes," Si Ning sat at the desk. He turned to his side and tapped the table with his fingers, "Go put it on."

Since you want to be his elf, you have to do it according to his preferences.

Mingshu was so happy that she picked out a set of clothes, hid behind the wardrobe, changed them, and returned to Si Ning.

Ming Shu, who had put on new clothes, was dressed in white. His cuffs and collar were edged with silver thread, which matched his hair color very well. His snow-white skin seemed to melt at the touch of a touch.

Mingshu hugged Si Ning's hand that was placed on the desk and said, "Your Highness is so kind to me."

Si Ning was noncommittal, and Mingshu said, "When will Your Highness form a contract with me?" She

gave him so many things specifically. Why not form a contract with him?

You have to complete the task quickly to avoid long nights and dreams.

Si Ning couldn't help but raise his finger, and gently rubbed the back of his finger against Mingshu's small chin: "You have only been here for less than a day, why are you so anxious?"

Mingshu was forced to raise his head and hesitated: "I want to stay so much. I'm with His Highness..."

As he spoke, the system beeped.

[Ding dong - Side mission released]

[Task 2: NPC [Si Ning]'s [favorability] reaches more than 20]

The same method as the previous mission, there are still only completion conditions, no prompts and related descriptions.

Could it be that Si Ning didn't form a contract with him because his favorability wasn't high enough?

The mission time limit this time was very short, only half a day. Mingshu carefully recalled everything that happened yesterday, trying to find the reason why Si Ning's favorability increased.

He still pressed against Si Ning's hand, tilted his head and rubbed it with his cheek, but there was no response.

He buried his head and kissed the fingertips again, but there was still no reaction.

Si Ning raised Mingshu's chin again: "Be honest."

He said it, but did not let Mingshu go away.

Mingshu simply climbed up with his fingers, while Si Ning subconsciously flattened his palms.

Ming Shu sat on the palm of Si Ning's hand, pretending to be uncomfortable, and reached out to touch the back of his neck: "Your Highness, my clothes seem to be a

little prickly." Rubbing hands and kissing didn't work, so he had to be bolder.

Si Ning frowned: "What's going on?"

"Can you help me take a look?" Ming Shu lowered his head, his silver hair hanging in front of him, and he pulled the collar down, "Is it red?"

However, this dress was too It fit well, but could only be pulled up a little, so you couldn't see clearly what was going on behind his neck.

Si Ning thought there was something wrong with the clothes, so he held the edge of the fabric with his other hand and pulled it gently.

With a "Crack" sound, the small top split into two halves.

Both of them were stunned. Mingshu's cheeks turned red and he hurriedly used Si Ning's fingers to block himself.

Half of it was instinctive, and the other half was intentional. He could obviously fly away, but he still wanted to stay in Si Ning's hands.

It was almost the first time for Mingshu to do this kind of thing, and at such a young age, he was nervous and shy. He hugged Si Ning's fingers tightly and leaned towards him, blushing and looking towards him in a dignified manner.

He even curled up his legs and moved slightly, letting his fingertips brush against his skin just like yesterday.

Mingshu thought silently in his mind, three, two, one.

[NPC favorability has been updated, please go to the backend to check]

[Side mission two has been completed! Please check your points rewards in the background]

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