Chapter 93: Dragons and Elves (23)

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Ming Shu nodded blankly, not doubting the authenticity of Si Ning's words.

In fact, thinking about it carefully, Si Ning suddenly offered to teach him the spell in person. His attitude was completely different from when he didn't allow Ming Shu to read, and he suddenly seemed to compromise.

But Mingshu trusted Si Ning and was determined to complete the task, so he didn't think much about it.

Si Ning read out a string of characters slowly, and Mingshu followed him.

He only needs to learn a single spell, and he can just remember the pronunciation. Beginners need to pronounce it when casting spells, and they need to reach a proficient level.

Mingshu stumbled over his words, but he didn't remember several parts, and his pronunciation was not up to par. He looked at Si Ning eagerly, wanting him to teach him a few more times.

Si Ning looked at his appearance and couldn't help but lift his chin with her fingertips and caress it gently.

Mingshu is not only illiterate, but also seems to have no ability to distinguish spells. Si Ning does whatever he says, he is simple and easy to deceive.

If he does this, even if he learns offensive spells, they probably won't have much lethality and will be interrupted before the spell is finished.

Si Ning has been reading this book these days, never shying away from Ming Shu, just to see his reaction. Now it seems that he has nothing on his mind.

He was silent for too long, and Ming Shu asked in confusion: "Your Highness, what's wrong?"

"Am I too stupid?" He hugged Si Ning's hand, "Your Highness, please teach me a few more times, and I will definitely learn it. "

Si Ning took the initiative to admit: "This is not a protective spell."

Ming Shu was slightly stunned: "No?"

This is not a protective spell. What kind of spell is it?

"Don't you want to grow up?" Si Ning said softly, as if coaxing him, "This is a transformation spell that allows you to take on a human form, which can last for three days at a time."

This spell is considered an auxiliary type and is relatively unpopular. It will be included in the category of black magic, probably because it is always used as a disguise for doing bad things. Under normal circumstances, no race will hide itself and turn itself into a human.

The side effects of the spell are very small. The notes say that it turns into a human without mana. In fact, you can still use the spell, but it is different from some races that are born with mana. After you become proficient, it will not have much impact, but it cannot be used continuously. Too often.

Of all the spells, this one is the most suitable for Mingshu, and can even be said to be tailor-made for him.

This is also one of the few gentle spells in the book. Some of the other spells included in it were ones that even Sining had never heard of before. They were vicious and cruel enough to poison the mind.

His purpose was clear, so he only flipped through it hastily, and when the book was no longer useful, he burned it again.

"Grow up?" Ming Shu was caught off guard and blushed, "Then how did you lie to me..."

He knew that Si Ning had been reading this book for the past two days, but he had been like this before and was not reading. He was just practicing the spell, but he didn't expect to find a way to change his body shape.

He also said that this was a hidden protective spell and that he had to teach it to him... If he told the truth directly, Mingshu would probably learn it.

He pushed Si Ning's hand away, only to be trapped again.

"I want to see... if you really don't understand," Si Ning raised his fingertips to Ming Shu's face and said to himself, "You are so beautiful, but you don't know a word of it."

His tone was low, this The words sounded doting, and it was the first time he told Mingshu that he was beautiful so bluntly, as if he had already imagined what he would look like in human form.

Mingshu's face turned even redder and his eyes wandered: "What does it matter if you don't know how to read? I can learn even if you don't know how to read."

Si Ning didn't dislike Mingshu. He looked at Mingshu's red cheeks: "Why are you blushing?"

"Don't you want to learn?" He lowered his voice again and coaxed: "Don't you mean you want to grow up? This spell can make you become a human temporarily."

Don't you mean you want to kiss him?

Si Ning considered that Mingshu might be afraid or nervous, after all, he would be turning himself into an unknown race.

But Mingshu himself cannot go back on what he said.

Mingshu hesitated: "I didn't say I didn't want to..."

Si Ning added: "You learn this first, and then I will teach you the hidden protective spell."

Mingshu was still worried about Si Ning deceiving him, He glared at him weakly: "But you lied to me."

He pushed Si Ning's hand again, and Si Ning simply lifted him up gently.

"Are you angry?" He sighed, "It's my fault." The

noble Dragon Royal Highness actually admitted his mistake to an elf. It was the first time for Sining to do such a thing, but it was extremely natural and skillful.

Mingshu snorted: "Then why did Your Highness teach me this?"

Si Ning touched his silver hair: "You said it yourself."

This was not the answer Mingshu wanted to hear, so he glared at Si Ning again. She turned around and tried to escape from his hands.

Si Ning did not stop him, but let go of his hand. When Ming Shu landed on the table, the sound of dragon wings vibrating could be heard beside him.

The black dragon threw him down and licked him affectionately.

After changing back to his original form, he could express his true wishes through actions. The black dragon licked the side of Mingshu's neck, wrapped its tail around his ankles, turned him over and let him lie on top of him, holding him tight.

The fog rat sat silently on the window sill, turned around and pointed its tail at them.

After a while, Si Ning returned to his human form and carefully arranged Ming Shu's clothes and hair.

"I'll teach you," he said, "Don't be afraid, nothing will happen."

Mingshu responded vaguely and took the opportunity to make a condition to him: "I also want to learn other spells."

Si Ning paused slightly and agreed. Come down: "Okay, but you can't learn the ones in this book."

Except for the transformation spell and the protective spell that Mingshu asked about yesterday, he will not teach any of the spells in it. After that, Mingshu can learn some other simple and no-nonsense spells. Disadvantages.

Mingshu glanced at the book on the table, pretending to be curious and asked: "Why?"

Maybe he could get a clue from Si Ning and ask about the origin of the book in his hand, and then he would know the reason for the deviation of the plot. .

However, Si Ning did not tell him his plan and only said that other spells were not suitable for Ming Shu.

Mingshu asked again: "Is this book given to His Highness by Wizard Qing? I have never seen a cover like this in the study before..." Before he

finished speaking, Si Ning raised his eyes and looked over.

Mingshu felt inexplicably nervous. There seemed to be nothing wrong with what he just said. Qingji did send some books to Si Ning a few days ago.

Si Ning quickly looked away: "No, I got it by chance."

He didn't want to say more about this, and added: "When you learn the transformation spell, you can throw away this book." The

meaning of his words It seems to be saying that the purpose of this book's existence is just to find a way for Mingshu to change his form. There is no second use.

Mingshu looked confused. This book of black magic spells should have nothing to do with his change of form, right? The elves in the plot want to find a way to dissolve the contract from beginning to end. The spell intended to be used on the Fifth Prince is not called a transformation spell.

The book inexplicably appeared in Si Ning's hand, and Si Ning found a spell he could use in it. This development had nothing to do with the plot, which made Mingshu feel a little confused.

He didn't know if the current plot was too far off, but the previous missions had been going smoothly.

But this time he had to hurry up. Among the unfinished side tasks and main tasks, one required him to understand the hidden protective spell, and the other required him to learn the transformation curse, both of which required this book.

If Si Ning really threw away the book, he would not be able to complete his mission.

Si Ning also made it clear that he would not teach him other spells in the book. For the first time, Ming Shu was so upset that he was illiterate.

Or he could first find out which one the transformation curse is, and then secretly tear out the page.

Mingshu squatted next to the open spell book and touched the yellowed paper: "What spells are in it? I don't want to learn it, I'm just curious... Your Highness, can you tell me about it?"

Si Ning didn't even think about it. He said coldly: "No."

After saying that, he put the book away and put it in the drawer.

The drawer was unlocked. Mingshu glanced at it calmly and turned around and said, "Stingy..."

Si Ning touched his knee with his hand and said, "Be obedient."

Mingshu hugged his fingers and said, "Then please teach me first." I'm going to learn the protective spell... and then I'll learn the transformation one."

Let's delay for a while, otherwise he would be afraid that after learning the transformation spell, Si Ning would regret it and throw away the book.

Si Ning was silent for a moment, then compromised and said, "Okay."

He took out the book again, turned to the page just now, and continued to teach Ming Shu how to read.

In essence, the spell is not difficult to learn. Just memorize each character without making mistakes or changing the order.

Mingshu followed Si Ning in reciting the spell seriously, and it took more than ten minutes to go from stumbling to becoming proficient.

He chanted it fluently for the last time, but the spell didn't take effect.

"You are a beginner," Si Ning explained, "It's not that fast. Try one more time."

Until Mingshu almost memorized the string of characters, a small circle of light finally appeared in front of his eyes, and then quickly extinguished.

He opened his eyes wide: "Did it succeed?"

Si Ning said "hmm" and asked Mingshu to use it on an object.

Mingshu looked around, picked a leaf from the flower pot and placed it in front of him.

He concentrated his energy, and when he finished reciting the spell, the leaves glowed with white light and disappeared out of thin air.

Mingshu touched the table in front of him: "Where is the leaf?"

Si Ning read out another string of characters. This time Mingshu learned much faster. After the new spell was activated, the previous hidden protective spell was lifted and the leaf reappeared. .

[Side mission nine has been completed! Please go to the backend to check your reward points]

Sure enough, you have to learn it to fully understand this spell. Mingshu breathed a sigh of relief and tilted his head and fell into Si Ning's hand.

His mind was now filled with those weird-looking characters with obscure pronunciations, as if he had memorized a bunch of heavenly books. He simply wondered how Si Ning was able to memorize so many spells.

Si Ning helped him up and moved his lips: "There is still a transformation spell to learn."

Ming Shu closed his face: "Let me rest for a while."

The progress was faster than he expected, and he had to throw it away before Si Ning Before reading the book, you must first find the transformation spell.

This delay lasted until the afternoon. Mingshu wanted to go to the garden to play with Mist Rat, but Si Ning refused and asked him to learn the spell first.

Mingshu hesitated: "Okay..."

Si Ning touched his cheek and turned to another page in the book where the transformation spell was recorded.

Mingshu followed him and recited it as usual. This incantation was twice as long as the previous one. He fished openly, but even after reciting it for a long time, it was still not smooth enough.

He did not forget to hold Si Ning's hand and said aggrievedly: "This is so difficult, I can't even remember it." He

learned two spells in one day and used them. Even if he didn't remember them completely, he might have forgotten them tomorrow, but for It's already pretty good for Mingshu, who has no foundation and is even illiterate.

Si Ning relented, took his own cup, poured some water, and fed it to Ming Shu himself.

Mingshu drank some water, rested for a while and continued to memorize characters.

Halfway through carrying it, an attendant knocked on the door and said that Si Lian was here and was waiting in the front hall.

This seemed to be a good time. Ming Shu said obediently: "Go down, Your Majesty, I will carry on for a while."

Without Si Ning's help, he would probably recite the wrong thing, but Si Ning happened to not want to take him to the front hall. I don't know what my intention is when I come back.

So Mingshu and Mist Rat stayed in the study together, including the black magic spell book on the table.

As soon as Si Ning left, Mingshu quickly flipped through the pages of the book, trying to find where the transformation spell was.

He deliberately wrote down the appearance of some characters, such as the characters "glyph" and "curse", and thought of finding them by identifying characters.

However, the book was too thick and the characters inside were small. His speed was very slow and it seemed that he would not be able to read the entire book before Si Ning came back.

Even so, Mingshu didn't want to give up and turned the pages of the book hard, looking for familiar symbols.

Seeing his anxious look, the Mist Rat came close to him: "Guji?"

Mingshu hissed: "I'm looking for something."

The Mist Rat tilted its head, becoming even more curious: "Guji?"

It seemed to be asking. Mingshu, what is he looking for? Mingshu muttered: "Transformation curse...transformation..."

Wushu heard those four words clearly, scratched the tips of his ears with his front paws, and squeezed Mingshu away with his round body.

Then it quickly turned the pages of the book with a pair of front paws, and its dark eyes stared at the column where the spells were recorded. Mingshu had no time to stop him, and he was afraid that it would scratch the book.

"Guji," he said anxiously, "Don't touch this..."

The fog rat turned a deaf ear and continued to flip through the book. He didn't finally stop until he had flipped through more than half of the book. His little paw pointed at one place: "Gurgling!"

Mingshu followed its paws and looked over. The spell name on this page had a total of four characters, including the words "shape" and "curse".

Is this the transformation curse?

He was stunned: "Can Guji read?"

Guji could speak in the first dungeon, but for a fog rat to be able to read, it was still a bit beyond the realm of common sense...

Mingshu didn't care about that much, Deciding to trust Guchi who had followed the three copies, he carefully tore off the page completely, folded it into small pieces and hid it behind the potted plant in the corner of the study room.

On the other side, Si Ning came to the front hall, and Si Lian stood up hurriedly: "Fifth brother!"

He frowned and looked worried: "Is the fog rat I sent last time still there? I was negligent. Later I heard Said that this fog rat is not a docile beast at all..."

He usually tampered with the things he sent without leaving any evidence. If he gave a fog rat that might hurt Mingshu, of course he would come and deal with the aftermath. .

As Si Lian spoke, he looked behind Si Ning and said in an anxious tone, "Your guardian elf didn't follow you? Nothing happened, right?"

"You mean the little gray-haired beast you sent last time?" Si Ning said calmly. He said: "It was a little disobedient and almost hurt my elf. I have buried it in the backyard as flower fertilizer. Do you still want to go back?"

Si Lian seemed to have not heard the last part of the sentence, and looked ashamed: "It's okay, it's okay. I came over as soon as I found out. Next time, I'd better be more cautious about what the outside world brings in... Fifth brother, don't be angry... "

He kept talking, and mentioned that he would see her off another day and come to apologize.

Si Ning said impatiently: "I don't lack anything here, brother, don't bother."

He refused any kindness from Si Lian, saying that he had something else to do and couldn't chat with Si Lian.

Si Lian said goodbye to him wisely and left with his subordinates.

Si Ning looked at his back indifferently and turned towards the study.

Back in the study, Mingshu was still sitting on the table, and the book turned to the page about the Transformation Curse.

Si Ning approached and asked, "What's wrong?"

He looked at the book on the table and seemed to notice something. His eyes narrowed slightly and he reached out to flip through the edge.

Mingshu immediately became nervous and rushed over to hug his hand: "I...I've almost learned it."

Si Ning's attention was indeed attracted, and he held Mingshu up: "Try?"

Mingshu recited a spell, Nothing went wrong.

The first time it didn't work, he read it a second time, and his eyes suddenly blurred.

The small fabric was torn, making a slight squeaking sound, and a slender figure suddenly appeared.

Si Ning subconsciously reached out and hugged her, staring intently at the familiar face in front of her.

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