Chapter 54: The Little Mermaid Under the Sea (17)

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The two signed up and quietly came to talk behind a clump of coral.

Xia Zhu frowned: "This task is even more difficult than it was in the Sea Snake Clan. We are all successors. Why should we help our competitors complete the campaign?" Not only that, but if they

found a suitable NPC, they might have to compete with each other. people.

Mingshu carefully read the plot, combined with the previous two tasks and the completion conditions, guessed: "Maybe the faction value is at least 50, just complete the campaign task, and you don't have to find an npc who is willing to help." The first

one The main quest also requires the faction value to be at least 20. Later, the second quest was released. Players with insufficient faction value can also complete quest one if they obtain the sea serpent liquid in other ways and successfully return to the mermaid clan to sign up.

According to this rule, a new mainline mission will be released in the near future, requiring them to complete all the mission objectives of the successor campaign.

It doesn't matter if there are npcs to help them at that time.

Xia Zhu thought for a while, nodded in agreement, and said, "You're right, the faction value is not difficult, but we have to find a way to complete the mission goal." The

mermaid's faction value is 20 at the beginning, and 30 is enough. Xia Zhu is very confident.

At this moment, there was no one around, Ming Shu quietly took out the little jellyfish hidden in her hair.

"Pearl, do you want to follow me all the time?" Mingshu confirmed to it again and again, telling it the disadvantages of staying, "You can't be discovered by other mermaids, you have to hide well, and there are no young red-spotted fish here.

" The pet is a giant white jellyfish, which is well-known in the bottom of the sea. The appearance of the pearl is too iconic. When there is a strange mermaid, it must not grow bigger.

The red-spotted juvenile fish it likes is also a unique fish in the sea snake family. Not only is its freedom restricted by following Mingshu, but its food will also deteriorate.

The little jellyfish was held in the palm of Mingshu's hand, it leaned close and rubbed against his cheek, and hugged Mingshu's finger with its thin tentacles, expressing that it didn't want to leave.

Mingshu said again: "But you've been away for so long, the leader will worry about you."

Speaking of Xiuwen, Pearl didn't look very happy, swam to the side and smashed a small piece of coral branch with her tentacles, and threw the residue on the On the ground, step hard into the fine sand.

Its behavior seems to take this piece of coral branch as a pruning to vent its anger.

Mingshu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and hugged it back: "Then help us, can you complete a few tasks?" On

the way back, he and Xia Zhu both saw the power of pearls, and almost no creatures could beat giant jellyfish. Chased and escaped, it ate everything, and even ate half a water plant with Ming Shu.

With it, safety is guaranteed, and you can also find ways to "cheat" in the election.

It's just that Mingshu still has some inexplicable feelings in his heart. He abducted the pearl for no reason. Before, he lied and cheated it, but now he even asked for help from a simple little jellyfish for the mission.

Pearl didn't care about this little "request". It happily swung its tentacles and hid them in Mingshu's hair again.

Seeing this, Xia Zhu was both surprised and envious: "It really likes you, how many favorability points have you gained?"

Mingshu straightened her shoulder-length black hair and replied, "As I mentioned to you before, 10 Point."

After he joined the Sea Snake Clan, he only did the Xiuju and Pearl raid missions, and the sum of the two missions reached 30.

"10 o'clock...Pearl is considered a high-level npc, this value is normal," Xia Zhu said to himself, "it listens to you so much, it almost becomes your pet." Not only obedient, but also because of Mingshu's

injury Angry at Xiuqi.

Ming Shu remained silent, he didn't know why Pearl was so kind to him, it seemed that it had been very friendly to him since the first time we met.

He had guessed before whether Pearl might be the little mushroom from the previous dungeon, but Pearl didn't have any special reaction to the name "Guji".

At this time, two black-tailed mermaids swam close: "Are you the newly registered mermaids just now? The clan has arranged a residence, and you can live in with everyone if you want." All the mermaids participating in the selection can live in the arranged place for free

. Until the occupancy is full, it is not a disadvantage to live with other mermaids and exchange experiences with each other.

Xia Zhu and Ming Shu looked at each other, and politely refused: "No, thank you."

They also brought a "smuggled" pearl, so it's better not to go to the place where mermaids gather to avoid trouble.

Ming Shu is the only player who has obtained high-quality liquid. His name has been broadcast in the system announcement. He needs to be more cautious. Even the name he signed up just now is not his own. He randomly picked "Shiyue" on the way, which sounds like an npc.

The two black-tailed mermaids did not insist, and continued to look for other merfolk who signed up.

There are still three days before the registration deadline, and the campaign mission will be released after that. If the two of them don't live in the place arranged by the clan, they have to find it by themselves.

Xia Zhu purposely went to a remote place, complaining: "There are missions to be done, it's really difficult."

While talking, he quickly thought about the preparations that should be done in the near future. They will find a place to rest for a night, and they will start tomorrow. Look for NPCs that can gain favorability, and after three days the election mission will be announced, and then find a way to get Pearl to help, and strive to be stable, accurate and fast.

The territorial environment of mermaids and sea snakes is very different. There are no palaces here. Except for the courtyard where the patriarchs and elders are located in the center of the territory, there is not even a decent building anywhere. Skeletons of large fish and coral branches come back to build huts.

Some even find it troublesome and don't want to build a house, so they sleep directly on the water grass pile at night.

The two passed by several seabeds inhabited by mermaids, and finally found a suitable foothold in a place densely populated with coral and aquatic plants before dark.

Xia Zhu cleared out two adjacent areas, spread aquatic plants and stones to hold down the edges, and barely used it as a "bed", and then moved a few corals and placed them on the periphery, indicating that there are already mermaids here.

"Just make it up," Xia Zhu smoothed the water and grass, "This place is not as good as the Shanghai Snake Clan, just get used to it." If it is not as good as it is,

Ming Shu feels like he has entered the deep mountains and old forests from a normal civilized city. The food that can be used to fill the stomach now is some raw food, aquatic plants or raw fish or something.

Fortunately, they are mermaids, and their bodies and habits and preferences have been systematically modified. For Ming Shu, raw fish is better than eating hard and fishy aquatic plants.

Zhuzhu rushed into the coral bush not far away, dragged out a few small fishes that were stunned by the tentacles, and placed them in front of Mingshu like offering treasures.

The meat of this small fish is tender, with almost no fish bones, and it tastes like a chewy soft jelly, with a little sweetness.

Mingshu refused this at first, he had no worries about food and clothing by Xiuji's side, but now he needed to eat small fish to feed his hunger, so he couldn't get used to it in a short time.

It was Xia Zhu who comforted him: "This is a good-tasting mass of data. Aquatic plants are data, so are fish. It doesn't make any difference." His words

made Ming Shu let go of his inner grievances, and eat when it's time to eat.

Mermaids breathe in seawater, and they can rely on the gills to filter to obtain some substances to supplement their physical strength. Other than that, they don't need much food.

Ming Shu distributed the small fish to Xia Zhu, asked Pearl to find something to eat by herself, and told it not to be seen by other mermaids.

Pearl shook her body as if nodding, and swam away in the blink of an eye.

It came to an empty and remote corner, secretly increased its size, grabbed two fish and stuffed it into its stomach.


On the second and third days, many black-tailed mermaids signed up to participate in the selection, probably all players who came back from the sea snake clan.

All of a sudden, many black-tailed mermaids appeared in the territory that they had never seen before. Fortunately, mermaids are creatures that like to go alone. .

Xia Zhu went to the registration place to inquire several times, and with her harmless baby face and friendly temperament, she got to know several players.

"There are more than 50 mermaids participating in the selection this time, and I guess half of them are players." Xia Zhu leaned against the stone and ate a small fish the size of a finger. "They have also received new plots and missions. I'm worrying."

There are more players and fewer NPCs, which makes it more difficult to complete the main task.

Some people also thought of what Mingshu guessed, and began to look for suitable candidates among the players to cooperate and form a team to do campaign tasks together.

As Xia Zhu said, he took out a small blue flower from his pocket, the root of which was still wrapped in a ball of soil.

"You take this and give it to a black tail who lives near the registration site, called Aunt Jun, who is quite old." He handed the little flower to Mingshu, "I helped her move some things during the day, and the brush came out. Raiders mission, I tried it out, luckily I chose the right one, and added 3 points to the faction."

Ming Shu held the flowers carefully, surprised at Xia Zhu's speed: "You are so amazing..."

They only came back the next day, Xia Zhu Bamboo started to attack npc.

Xia Zhu scratched her head: "It's nothing... You are in a special situation. It's better to stay here with Pearl and avoid going out as much as possible. The faction is worth it. I'll figure out a way.

" Bamboo automatically took the npc's strategy task to himself.

"Someone still asked me today, asking me if I know you." Xia Zhu was speechless, "It's not good to see it."

Mingshu's name is well known among the players, and they are all waiting to see what it is Which powerful person can get the only high-quality liquid.

And once the player dies, the liquid that has not expired can be used again. It is hard to say whether anyone will miss the high-quality props on Mingshu.

He stayed by Xiuju's side before, and hadn't met other strange players face to face, but it's better to be cautious and keep a low profile.

Ming Shu nodded seriously: "Okay, you should be careful too."

"Also..." Xia Zhu hesitated for a moment, but still said the words, "I heard from several players that the leader of the Sea Snake slaughtered many of his own people in his territory a few days ago, from nobles to soldiers, what is his identity? Everything."

Ming Shu's eyelashes twitched: "Slaughter?"

"Yes." Xia Zhu nodded.

No one knows the specific reason, maybe some of the players who were killed were exposed players.

The leader of the sea snake has been labeled cruel and violent since he succeeded to the throne. The massacre seems to be wanton and random, but Xia Zhu thinks it is mostly because of Mingshu.

During those few days, the atmosphere in the Sea Snake Clan was oppressive and gloomy, filled with fear and death everywhere, and a few players trapped inside were even desperate.

But suddenly, everything that was going on stopped abruptly, and the soldiers who searched everywhere were called back.

The leader of the sea snake seems to have disappeared, and no one knows where he went. Several players also took this opportunity to escape from the territory.

Pearl is also listening, holding Mingshu's fingers quietly.

Ming Shu lowered his head: "He's missing..."

"Or he just doesn't want to show up," Xia Zhu comforted, "He is the leader, even if he doesn't want to be the leader, he has to arrange for a successor."

Ming Shu responded With a sound, Xia Zhu knew that he was still thinking about that npc, and changed the subject: "By the way, I also heard a very interesting thing. There is an npc in the mermaid clan, whose appearance is very similar to a player from long ago. Many people were taken aback..."

But Ming Shu's mind was still on Xiu Qi, he didn't listen carefully to what he was saying, and absently held the little blue flower in his hand.

Seeing this, Xia Zhu tactfully shut up, and arranged the surrounding coral bushes for sleep.

Early the next morning, Mingshu took Xiaolanhua to look for an npc called Aunt Jun.

He deliberately got up very early, and many mermaids were still sleeping at this time.

When he came to the registration point, Ming Shu asked a passing mermaid about the direction of Aunt Jun's residence.

He thanked the mermaid npc who showed the way, and continued to swim forward.

The pearl is hidden in Mingshu's hair, holding a few strands of hair and quietly looking outside, occasionally revealing a little white body, which is hard to spot unless you look carefully.

After Mingshu swam for a while, she suddenly felt her hair entangled in pearls loosen.

He turned his head and saw that the little white jellyfish was swimming extremely fast, with a stream of water behind it, rushing straight in one direction.

There was a silver-tailed mermaid over there, it should be an NPC, Pearl's move was unexpected, Ming Shu was afraid that it would be discovered, so he swam over to stop it: "Come back quickly!" Pearl didn't listen to Mingshu's words for the first time in the past few days, but she still

remembered You can't increase your size at will, otherwise Mingshu will be in danger.

The silver-tailed mermaid saw a small jellyfish half the size of a palm rushing towards him, and was about to bump into it without slowing down, so he raised his hand to resist.

The pearl bumped into his arm, and then exposed a row of small thorns on the edge of the umbrella cover, and stabbed it hard.


the silver-tailed mermaid frowned slightly, and tore off the little jellyfish wrapped around her arm.

Pearl refused to give up, and picked up a coral branch from the ground with her tentacles, intending to throw it at the mermaid.

Mingshu rushed over in time, grabbed it, and quickly apologized to the silver-tailed mermaid: "I'm sorry, it's usually very good..."

Only then did he see the appearance of the silver-tailed mermaid, his eyes fell on the other's face, and he was dumbfounded. stopped.

This silver-tailed mermaid is a male, about ten years old, with short silver hair and a silver-white fish tail.

Mingshu held the pearl in his hand, his eyes were dull: "You..."

"It's okay," the silver-tailed mermaid didn't care, he caught Mingshu's sight and asked calmly, "What's wrong with you?"

Ming Shu is Heiwei, the highest-ranking mermaid in the clan, with a light-colored tail, and you have to use honorific names when you see him.

Ming Shu was still in a daze, staring at the boy's face: "What..."

His brain could hardly think, because the mermaid in front of him looked very similar to Yuan Chen.

In other words, it is very similar to Xiuju, Pearl will suddenly become irritable, maybe it is because seeing this face reminds him of Xiuyun.

Silver Tail is also quietly looking at Ming Shu: "What's wrong with you? Why are you looking at me like this."

Ming Shu is a black tail, but he is more slender and more beautiful than ordinary black tail mermaids. Fish tails are even thicker than silver tail mermaids. It should be a little smaller, just looking at the size, the identities of the two should be reversed.

The silver-tailed mermaid looked away from Mingshu's fishtail without any trace, quietly waiting for him to come back to his senses.

Ming Shu's heart beat faster, and a bold guess emerged in his mind.

He didn't think it was a coincidence, maybe the npcs in this dungeon were from the same batch as the ones in dungeon one.

He swam a step closer and couldn't help but ask, "What's your name?"

His eyes were full of the silver-tailed mermaid in front of him, and he unconsciously wanted to get closer, his cheeks flushed slightly because of nervousness and excitement.

Thinking about it, it looks like... She couldn't control her instincts, and she developed a good impression of Silver Tail, and wanted to include him as a candidate for courtship.

This is a very common thing among mermaids. Mermaids don't need to have much emotional foundation to choose a spouse. Anyway, once the estrus period is over, they will break up with each other and separate.

The silver-tailed mermaid was taller than Ming Shu. He looked down at Ming Shu, as if he was guessing his intentions. After a while, his lips curved slightly: "Xi Yu." Ming Shu was dumbfounded again

. Stop, isn't this name the same mermaid that appeared at the beginning of the plot? Many players have speculated that this is the protagonist of the story.

"Xiyu..." he murmured, and the system prompt sounded suddenly.

[Ding dong--trigger a random task]

[Among the following items, which one is the npc in front of you favorite (you can get 15 favorability points if you successfully gift it)]

[a. Marine blue flower] [b. Black Little Shell]

Is this Xiyu's strategy mission? He seemed to just ask the other person's name, and did nothing else.

The successive situations made Mingshu a little confused, he hesitated to take out the small blue flower hidden in his pocket, and handed it to Xi Yu in front of him: " you like this?" This kind of

flower seems to be called Haisheng Lanjuanhua... ...

Xiyu stared at the flower in Mingshu's hand, but didn't pick it up for a while, his eyes lit up with an inexplicable light, and said softly, "Do you want to give it to me?

" kind of extreme.

No black tail has ever been willing to get close to Silver Tail, let alone show favor to Silver Tail for something, their identities have never been equal.

Even if Mingshu fell in love with Xiyu, whether he wanted to or not, it was reasonable and normal for him to insist on making him his temporary spouse.

Ming Shu thought that Xi Yu didn't want it, so he showed disappointment: "Don't you like it?"

He is obviously a black tail, possessing the highest strength and status, facing the suspected rejection, he didn't get angry or lose his temper, but showed such a look on the contrary. look.

Xi Yu's eyes moved slightly, and he took the initiative to swim close to the flower in Ming Shu's hand: "I like it."

[Congratulations to the player for successfully sending the [Hasheng Lanjuanhua], and the npc favorability increased by 15 points]

[The faction value has been updated, please go to the background Check by yourself]

Xi Yu accepted the flowers, but her eyes still stayed on Ming Shu's face.

He tried to touch Ming Shu's other hand hanging by his side, seeing that he didn't resist, he pulled it up and slowly bent down, and kissed lightly on the back of Ming Shu's fair hand.

This is a gesture of respect and intimacy, and is usually done by a merfolk of a lower status to a higher status one.

Xi Yu left as soon as he touched her, and said in a softer voice, "Thank you."

Ming Shu let him lead her, looked at this familiar face, and said with a blushing face, "You're welcome."

At the same time, A system message pops up.

[A new plot update has been detected, do you want to check it immediately? 】

Ming Shu wanted to turn off the message first, but accidentally clicked on it, and a few brief plots popped up.

[Plot prompt]:

[Silvertail searched among all the mermaids who participated in the selection, successfully found a suitable mermaid as the target, and tried every means to coax the other party to help him. But when Yinwei's election process was barely smooth, another bad news came out. ]

[In order to truly ease the relationship between the mermaid and sea snake clan, the mermaid clan will invite the leader of the sea snake clan to come to the territory to participate in the selection of the patriarch's successor and cast a valuable vote. 】

【Silver Tail turned himself into a black tail, using the liquid of the sea snake clan, other mermaids can't see it, but the sea snake leader may not. Once again he was in danger. 】

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