Chapter 148: Angel in Disguise (25)

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The devil soldier did not know the specific location of the Lord of Hell. He could only vaguely point out a direction, saying that he should go that way.

This is the border, and the devil has not gone further, but he doesn't want Zhiyuan to see through his low status.

He tried his best to dissuade Zhiyuan from this idea, and tactfully reminded him that the Lord of Hell could not be seen just by wanting to see him, and how could Zhiyuan have the confidence to kill him?

The demon looked at Zhiyuan and saw his burning wings and cold eyes, and suddenly felt a strong sense of fear in his heart.

He wanted to say something more, but his throat suddenly hurt, and he lost his breath and fell to the ground.

Zhiyuan's move was caught off guard, and even Mingshu, who was closest behind him, did not react. He took a step back with a pale face and covered his nose with his sleeves, not wanting to smell the smell of blood floating in the air.

Angels are always kind and kind. Even if the person in front of them is a demon, they will hesitate and consider the other party's begging for mercy. Zhiyuan originally had a cold personality, and now that he has fallen into hell, he will not have any scruples.

He was still gentle to Mingshu, turned around, hugged him into his arms to comfort him, and said, "Let's go."

The devil couldn't ask for any other information, so Zhiyuan planned to visit the territory he mentioned.

Mingshu was not familiar with this place either, so the two of them headed in the direction pointed out by the devil before.

The wings behind Zhiyuan spread out, and some fine ash fell with the wind. He seemed not to feel it at all.

The little black cat hurried over and climbed up on Mingshu's clothes. Finally, with a cat curled up in Mingshu's arms, Zhiyuan held him up and flew high into the sky.

At this time, Mingshu finally had the opportunity to open the system and check the updated plot after arriving in hell.

The side mission was completed when Zhiyuan appeared. The new plot this time is very long, and large sections of text slowly emerge.

[Plot Tips]:

[The devil racked his brains and couldn't figure out how he could steal the archangel's most important feather and escape from the temple smoothly. There may still be a chance for ordinary feathers. You may be able to find them by searching in the clothes that the archangel has changed, but the most important feathers are not something that any angel would show off to others easily, let alone an archangel. ]

[ Seeing that the deadline was about to expire, the devil came to the archangel and talked a lot about it. He said that he had admired the archangel for a long time and hoped that one day he would grow beautiful wings like him. He said he didn't know what it felt like to fly, and finally the topic turned to the most important feathers, whether these feathers were different. The devil's lies were clumsy, but the archangel kept looking at him quietly without saying a word, as if he had already seen through him in his quiet eyes. 】

【The archangel's gaze made the devil restless. Feather stopped looking and stood up to leave. The archangel stopped him and asked him if he needed help. The devil didn't understand this sentence at first, until the archangel sighed and said: "I know you come from another place, a completely different place from here."] [

It turns out that the archangel already knew the true identity of the devil, just because he saw Seeing that he had no intention of hurting anyone, he kept him in the temple. The devil suddenly panicked and fell to his knees begging the Archangel for forgiveness. The Archangel personally helped him up. He told the devil that gods are tolerant, and the same is true for temples. There is a saying that hell and devils are actually created by gods, and everything has its own meaning. He has no reason for the time being and will not do anything to the devil. . 】

【The archangel's words stunned the devil. His cognition was almost subverted, and his inner feelings also changed. Under the archangel's questioning, he explained the purpose of coming to the temple and what he had been doing all along. Wu Yi Shi said it out and was ashamed of it. The archangel did not blame him, but if the mission of caring for him was not completed, it would be dangerous to return to hell. ]

[In the end, the archangel really wanted to help the devil, so he took a feather from his body and handed it to the devil. Plucking out a feather will not cause any harm to an angel. Even if it is called the most important feather, there are more than one or two on the archangel who has everything in his heart. The devil couldn't believe it and was extremely excited as he held the feather. However, there was another condition for the archangel to send the feather, which was that he should stick to himself, find his true heart, and not do anything he would regret. ]

[The devil seemed to understand, but finally said goodbye to the archangel, took the feathers and left, returning to hell before the deadline given by the Lord of Hell came. 】

【He dedicated the feather to the Lord of Hell, but the Lord of Hell was not at all happy, but looked at the devil with suspicion. Because the devil does not have the breath of an angel, it does not look like he has succeeded in seducing him and hangs out with the archangel all day long. The Lord of Hell is well aware of the angel's temperament and always aloof approach, so he begins to doubt the origin of the feather, letting the devil Give more proof, such as marks on the body and details of being with the archangel. ]

[In order to save their lives, the demon was forced to make up many lies, and at the request of the Lord of Hell, he told them to different demons every day. Soon, this matter spread throughout hell, and the demons used it as a source of conversation when they were bored. They made fun of heaven every day, saying that the group of angels were not even as good as demons. They also wanted to see what the angel's most important feather looked like, which was evidence of the devil's success. ]

[The more they made noises, the more the devil blamed himself. He felt that he had damaged the reputation of the heaven and the archangels. This was not the case at all. The archangels were not who they said they were. ]

[Until more and more demons became interested in angel feathers, the Lord of Hell agreed to take out the feathers and spread them among the demons. After hearing the news, the devil finally couldn't sit still. He went out quietly at night and planned to steal the feathers. 】

The plot ended abruptly here. Mingshu buried his face in the side of Zhiyuan's neck, his expression slightly frozen.

This is completely different from the real development. The demon in the plot received the selfless help of the archangel to get the feather to complete the mission, but he successfully seduced Zhiyuan and directly led to Zhiyuan's fall.

Mingshu's mood was subtle. He didn't know whether he was happy or worried. It was different from the direction of the plot, which meant that subsequent tasks might also be difficult.

And what should he do with his main mission? Is he just like the demon in the plot, telling all the details about being with the archangel?

Moreover, Zhiyuan went to hell because of him, how can he prove it? Just now, the devil saw the two of them together, but the conditions for completing the mission were not triggered.

Mingshu raised his head, the sound of wind passing by his ears, he hugged Zhiyuan's neck tightly: "Why do you want to go to that territory?"

Zhiyuan also said that he wanted to kill the Lord of Hell, but Mingshu didn't take it to heart and just thought These were his words to scare the devil.

Regarding the Lord of Hell, Mingshu remembered that the first three demons mentioned that the monarch had been sleeping for a long time.

There were some bold guesses in his mind, thinking about how to deal with it then.

"Go and have a look." Zhiyuan said concisely.

The dark red sky gradually turned dark, which was a sign that night was about to fall. I went to the nearby territory and found a place to rest.


Half an hour later, Mingshu hugged the little black cat and came to the largest and most luxurious stone house in the center of the territory.

The demon lord followed Zhiyuan, trembling: "If you need anything else, just ask."

He was covered in injuries, but they were still fresh.

Not long ago, Zhiyuan led Mingshu into the territory, but was blocked by the surrounding demons.

Zhiyuan was too lazy to talk to them, and left Mingshu under the protection of the little black cat. He forced his way in with force and single-handedly killed many demons in the territory until the demon lord knelt down and begged for mercy and wanted to give the territory to Zhiyuan.

Mingshu originally thought that Zhiyuan would not accept it, but without thinking about it, he only hesitated for a second: "Okay."

The territory changed hands in an instant, and the demons did not dare to say a word. They respectfully sent the two of them to the place where the lord lived. Yiquyue

Mingshu looked at the house in front of him, hugged the little black cat tightly in his arms, and followed Zhiyuan in.

The smell of blood still lingered on Zhiyuan's body, and his white sleeves and hem were stained with red marks, which looked very obvious.

The door was closed tightly, Mingshu lowered his head and was hugged tightly by Zhiyuan and pushed into his arms.

The little black cat was also driven away by Zhiyuan. He sniffed Mingshu's scent and gently stroked his back: "Are you afraid of me?"

Mingshu came from hell. He may have seen some bloody scenes before, but Zhiyuan had never shown such a ferocious and bloodthirsty appearance before.

As he stepped on the demon's body, Mingshu showed some resistance in his eyes.

Mingshu shook his head and held his hand: "Your clothes are stained with blood...change them?"

He frowned slightly, not used to the smell of blood on Zhiyuan's body, but did not push him away.

Zhiyuan said "ok" and moved closer to kiss Mingshu for a while before letting him go and calling the demon lord to send him two pieces of clothes that fit him.

The demon lord worked very quickly, with clothes delivered and hot spring water ready for bathing.

Zhiyuan took Mingshu to take a bath together. They had a rough time at the border. Zhiyuan did nothing while taking a bath. He rubbed the finger marks on his waist that had not yet dispersed.

After coming out of the hot spring, Zhiyuan asked unconsciously: "Have you ever seen the Lord of Hell?"

Mingshu shook his head in confusion: "No... I had never seen him before I was sent to heaven. "

The monarch's order does not necessarily have to be delivered in person. Mingshu has never seen what the Lord of Hell looks like, so it is normal.

Zhiyuan didn't ask any questions and straightened Mingshu's sleeves.

The two sets of clothes prepared by the demon lord are all pure black. The fabric is not as soft as the one in heaven, and the style is more luxurious. The wide cuffs are inlaid with valuable gems, and the overly long hem hangs to the ground.

The collar is also lower than the clothes worn by angels, exposing a small part of the collarbone.

When Zhiyuan put on this outfit, he didn't look out of place at all. Instead, it fit perfectly. However, his temperament was completely different, full of oppression and danger. The wings behind him were condensed and invisible, but there were still some ashes falling continuously. , scattered in the air.

He was looking at Ming Shu, his dark pupils reflected.

For a period of time, Mingshu could only wear Zhiyuan's clothes. They didn't fit well and contained the aura deliberately left by Zhiyuan, which showed his belonging in every way.

Now that his clothes have been changed, this outfit may be more in line with his demonic identity.

Zhiyuan looked at him for a while, then suddenly pulled him into his arms, pulled away his collar with one hand and stroked it inside, then moved back to pinch his tail.

Mingshu's cheeks were slightly red and she pushed him gently.

Zhiyuan quickly retracted his hand, rearranged Mingshu's clothes, and led him out.

When he came to the bedroom next door, Mingshu saw the door open and a row of figures standing outside.

These are all demons, eight in total, both male and female. All of them have outstanding looks. They are all dressed up carefully, and some of them are wearing revealing clothes.

The demon lord stood aside and said flatteringly to Zhiyuan: "This is prepared for you. Take a look and see if there is anything suitable for your eyes?"

Mingshu was a little unhappy and pulled Zhiyuan's sleeves, not wanting him to see it. These demons.

Zhiyuan said coldly: "No need."

The demon lord thought it was because he didn't like these few, so he carefully asked if he wanted to find a few more batches. In short, Zhiyuan could choose all the beauties in the territory.

While he was talking, he actually looked at Mingshu: "And these people are actually prepared for you..."

Mingshu can follow Zhiyuan, and the two of them are so close, their status must be extraordinary, the demon lord He regarded him as the second object of service.

In hell, it is normal for both partners to find new fun independently. When the mood is high, they can even play together.

Mingshu was stunned and quickly refused: "I don't need..."

Before he finished speaking, the demon lord keenly felt that the air pressure around Zhiyuan beside him had become extremely low, and there was an icy murderous intention spreading in the air.

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