Chapter 37: The Wolf-Eared Boy (37)

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Mingshu didn't know about this, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't open any panels.

The system seems to have disappeared out of thin air. If you can't open the panel, you can't do anything.

Ming Shu began to panic, he had never encountered such a situation.

This is a single-player dungeon, and he is the only player in it. If the system cannot be repaired by itself, he may be trapped here forever.

He pushed Yuan Chen, avoiding his touch: "I want... to go out and have a look."

Yuan Chen remained silent, and read the information that popped up on Mingshu word by word, and his eyes fell on the last line " Please add friends first."

He was distracted for a while, and Ming Shu was even more worried about his state, and raised his hand and waved in front of his eyes: "Yuan Chen?"

Yuan Chen suddenly grabbed Ming Shu's wrist: "What are you going to see?"

He clenched his slender hands "You want to escape again."

Mingshu was at a loss: "No..."

"Isn't it?" Yuan Chen's eyes were dark, and the hidden emotions slowly surged, "You hide and take poison, don't you?" Not to escape?"

The strength in his hands increased: "You want to leave here, leave my side."

Ming Shu was pinched by him, and struggled lightly: "I...I didn't..."

How should he tell a system npc Explain...he didn't know how many days had passed, if he could pick up the time of his death after returning, Yuan Chen would not have seen his body.

But in the blink of an eye, Yuan Chen loosened the restraint on Ming Shu again, and carefully carried him into his arms.

"I'm sorry," he stroked Mingshu's neck lightly, with remorse and pity in his eyes, "does it hurt?"

Mingshu was stunned for a moment, almost thinking that Yuan Chen was saying that she died at his hands that time.

But this shouldn't be possible... the system is malfunctioning, could it make the npc's rollback and reset also invalid?

Ming Shu thought about it carefully, and felt that Yuan Chen was probably asking him if he felt pain after taking the poison.

In fact, compared to the previous two deaths, taking poison is already a relatively mild way, Ming Shu shook his head lightly.

Yuan Chen hugged him even tighter: "And..."

His voice paused, his eyes became a little cold, and he continued: "The wolf is already dead."

This was Jing Shuang's destined ending, Ming Shu did not Not surprised, just more confused.

Since Jing Shuang died, and he also died within the mission time limit, then the system failure was not the cause of the mission.

Later, Mingshu heard Yuan Chen say: "Jing Chu is also dead."

He opened his eyes wide: "Did...was it by a wolf?"

"No," Yuan Chen said calmly, "I killed it."

He looked at Shocked and puzzled on Ming Shu's face, his eyes were clouded: "It was he who gave you the poisonous weed powder."

Ming Shu's expression froze, with complicated emotions.

Jing Chu was actually just following his orders, he didn't know the purpose of the poisonous weed powder he wanted, but he was killed by Yuan Chen because of it.

From Yuan Chen's words, Ming Shu could vaguely guess what happened after his death.

He looked at Yuan Chen and asked, "Then... what about the others?"

Yuan Chen didn't answer this question, nor did he intend to take him out to have a look.

Ming Shu had a bad premonition. He remembered that when he returned to the yard, it seemed very quiet outside, and there was no human voice at all in broad daylight.

The authenticity of the system npcs is very high. Could it be that they saw the cracks in the sky and were afraid to run for their lives?

And the little mushrooms... the little mushrooms don't seem to be there.

Ming Shu turned his head and looked into the house, trying to find the figure of Little Mushroom.

The window was open, and the flowerpots planted with dill were placed inside the window sill, and the sluggish leaves drooped and swayed gently with the breeze blowing outside.

It was too far away, Mingshu couldn't see if the little mushroom was in the flower pot, but if it was there, it should appear as soon as he came back.

After a long time, Yuan Chen said: "The others have all left."

He was afraid of scaring Ming Shu, so he said it very tactfully.

After Jing Shuang and Jing Chu died, many strange memories appeared in his mind, and visions appeared in the sky.

All surrounding creatures fall, including all villagers, poultry pets, and small mushrooms.

They seemed to die collectively in an instant, losing signs of life, but their bodies showed no signs of decay, but became a little stiff.

The same is true for Ming Shu, but Yuan Chen still puts him in the freezer and wraps him in ice.

"Only I'm still here," Yuan Chen hugged Mingshu tightly, closed his eyes, and said with a hint of exhaustion, "I've been waiting for you." He rarely

showed such an expression, even though he looked calm and sober at the moment Mingshu couldn't even imagine his reaction when he came back and saw his dead body after finishing Jing Shuang and the wolves.

Ming Shu pursed her lips: "I'm sorry... I didn't mean it."

Yuan Chen quietly lowered his eyes, pinched Ming Shu's chin and slowly lifted it up.

He looked at this beautiful and delicate face, and said softly: "I know."

The two were still hugging each other intimately, unable to escape each other's reactions, Mingshu moved uncomfortably, his cheeks flushed.

Unable to find the cause of the system failure, he was unable to leave for a while, as if he had returned to the time when he was with Yuan Chen.

Before the wolves came, Ming Shu originally planned to have a trial with Yuan Chen, but it was a pity that he couldn't make it in time.

Now... it's not dark yet, so it's not appropriate.

And he just came back, and he hasn't recovered from all the emergencies.

Mingshu tried to escape: "I'm not cold anymore..."

However, Yuan Chen didn't give him any chance, and easily pressed in front of him, rubbing his lips vaguely with his fingertips: "Stick out your tongue."

At first, Yuan Chen remained gentle, but soon became irritable.

All the emotions accumulated in the past few days finally found an outlet. He wanted to make Mingshu cry, but he was a little bit reluctant.

Ming Shu was forced to bear Yuan Chen's kiss, the base of his tail was pinched tremblingly, and his exhausted hands barely held the quilt.

Until his hand was empty, Yuan Chen threw the quilt on the ground and looked down at him.

"Underage?" Yuan Chen kissed Ming Shu's knee, and said in an unclear tone, "Little liar."


don't know if it was because of the dungeon, Ming Shu didn't feel too much pain, and even got used to it quickly.

But he cried for a long time and was shaking all over.

Yuan Chen made him feel scared, he seemed to be being punished and abused, but his body felt completely different.

This kind of contradiction made Ming Shu inexplicably wronged, and he couldn't resist, and felt even more ashamed when he obeyed.

Yuan Chen picked him up and kissed his ear tip: "Do you like it?"

There can only be one answer, and the only two words Ming Shu spoke intermittently.

He was like a peach that was forced to ripen, the skin was gently torn off, and he was eaten bite by bite.

Yuan Chen tugged at his tail, and whispered the opposite in his ear: "Hey, eat more."

Ming Shu wept aggrievedly, but when he turned around, he saw his tail tightly wrapped around Yuan Chen's arm.

Yuan Chen fed him some water halfway, and wiped away the tears on his face: "It's really made of water."

Ming Shu's tail was also wet, and he couldn't tell what caused it. He leaned against Yuan Chen's neck and said in a muffled voice, "My back hurts."

Yuan Chen rubbed him and continued.

Ming Shu hurriedly tried to hide: "No, I can't..."

"You've lied to me for so long," Yuan Chen didn't soften his heart at all, the depression in his eyes was still there, "So you want to escape?"

Ming Shu whimpered, his ears flushed.

Without the system, he has always been in the form of a werewolf. Yuan Chen doesn't shy away from it at all, and even calls him a kitten when he is excited.

Ming Shu didn't know when it would end. When he woke up, he found that Yuan Chen had prepared a huge wooden barrel, which was filled with hot water at a suitable temperature.

Yuan Chen carried him in and washed him.

Ming Shu was too tired to move, so he fell asleep for a while.

He finally woke up hungry, and when he opened his eyes, he found that it was already night, the cracks outside were still there, and a faint red light came through the window.

Candles were lit in the house, and Mingshu could smell the aroma of meat porridge.

Yuan Chen found that he was awake, picked him up and fed him porridge himself.

Ming Shu thought it was uncomfortable to lean on him, so she went back to the bed and hugged the pillow.

After feeding him a bowl of porridge, Yuan Chen fished him over: "Still angry?"

Ming Shu lowered his head without saying a word, and bit his collarbone.

He accidentally bit the skin and licked the spilled blood.

During the day they quarreled for a long time, Yuan Chen was bitten by Ming Shu several times, he was still in werewolf form, but Yuan Chen didn't care, as if he knew he couldn't hurt himself.

He didn't seem to have any doubts or worries about all the strange things that happened in this world after Ming Shu died of poison.

Yuan Chen stroked Ming Shu's back, coaxing: "Does it hurt?"

Ming Shu blushed, not wanting to answer this question, he hesitated and said: "I'm still sleepy... want to sleep."

"Okay." Yuan Chen took care of him to lie down, turned off the light and came to sleep beside Ming Shu.

He behaved well, and even rubbed Mingshu's waist, Mingshu was really sleepy, buried her face in his warm embrace and fell into a deep sleep.

After an unknown amount of time, Ming Shu was woken up by Yuan Chen.

It was still night outside the window, but the previous red light was not seen. The green radish by the window was revived, and the leaves swayed with the wind.

Little Mushroom grabbed the side of the flower pot and probed, yawning big.

"Ming Shu," Yuan Chen said in the dark, stroking his soft black hair, "You should go."

Ming Shu was not fully awake yet, confusedly said: "...what?"

Yuan Chen leaned closer and kissed gently On his lips, it was extremely gentle: "Don't be afraid, I will find you."

Ming Shu's eyes suddenly went dark, and a long-lost voice sounded in his ears.

[System repair completed]

[Congratulations to the player for successfully clearing the first copy! ]

[The system is being liquidated--]

[The player is stranded due to force majeure, and the extra compensation is 30 points, please check it in the background later] [I am

about to leave the instance, please wait patiently]

After a strong dizziness, Mingshu appeared in a small and simple s room.

The layout and furnishings in front of him are extremely familiar. This is Mingshu's "home" in the infinite world.

When he is not doing tasks, he will go back to this small room alone, buy some books to read, and play some stand-alone games.

Seeing everything familiar in front of him, Ming Shu was in a daze.

He just... came back?

Yuan Chen's words were still echoing in his ears, Ming Shu slowly squatted down.

He wasn't prepared at all, he thought he could stay in the dungeon for a few more days.

Leaving like this is even more uncomfortable than the time he took poison before.

Mingshu opened her system, and saw that her points had increased a lot, and the page of the customs clearance dungeon had been updated.

He opened the page, and there was a line of words quietly lying on it: "Fairy Tale Game" copy one (repeatable entry).

This is also the only copy that Mingshu has cleared. He looked disappointed when he saw the following words.

Re-entry is not allowed, which means that the player cannot enter again after clearing the level, no matter in what way.

Although he had already thought that this would be the case, Ming Shu was still sad, buried his face in his knees, and let out a long sigh.

He was about to turn off the system panel, when he glanced out of the corner of his eye, he found that the world channel had exploded.

[Anonymous]: What? ? Is it a copy of the fairy tale I've heard?

[Anonymous]: That fairy tale dungeon that is comparable to a midnight battle royale, where no one can survive 24 hours?

Ming Shu froze for a moment, and swipe up the message, and sure enough, he saw a system prompt from World Channel.

[Congratulations to player [Ming*] for successfully clearing the first copy of "Fairy Tale Game"! Get tons of points! 】

This kind of system message will only appear when someone clears the high-difficulty dungeon, but there are countless high-difficulty dungeons, and the people in the channel are very excited when they see this one.

[Anonymous]: It has been a long time since no one has been able to enter this dungeon. Why did it suddenly appear again?

[Anonymous]: I was lucky enough to enter. I was chased halfway up the mountain by an npc with a knife. I didn't survive five hours of my three lives.

[Anonymous]: Then I am a little better than you. I touched the gate of the village and was shot through the throat by a kid playing with a crossbow.

The speeches on the World Channel are all anonymous, and only the color can be distinguished at the same time. It is difficult to distinguish who is who without looking carefully.

[Anonymous]: There doesn't seem to be anyone with the surname Ming on the ranking list, is it a newcomer?

[Anonymous]: Is this dungeon really so difficult? Has anyone come out to speak.

[Anonymous]: Ghost story, I saw that the number one in the list has increased by 300...

The channel suddenly became strangely quiet, and after a while, a new message popped up.

[Anonymous]: But the number one on the list is not named Ming...

[Anonymous]: Could it be that we all misremembered that the number one on the list used to be this number of points?

[Anonymous]: After all... they've been dead for so long.

Mingshu stared blankly at the news on the world channel, those words were quickly covered by new news.

This topic was quietly revealed, and no one paid any attention to the difficult dungeon that was cleared just now.

Ming Shu also turned off the system, and sat down with her back against the wall and hugged her knees.

His total points are very low, so no one cares about clearing the difficult copy.

Ming Shu hesitated, wanting to click on the ranking list to have a look.

Suddenly, a system prompt pops up.

[Going to the second instance of "Fairy Tale Game", please get ready]

Ming Shu stood up abruptly, because she squatted for too long, she supported the wall to slow down for a while.

When he regained his composure, his eyes went dark again.

[The "Fairy Tale Game" system is being connected...]

[Connection completed, creating characters--1%]

[Dungeon scene layout has been completed]

[NPC is in place]

Mingshu opened her eyes, but found herself completely alone They all sank in the water.

Immediately he struggled to swim up to the surface, dully aware that something was wrong.

It's like he... can breathe water.

"What are you doing!" A voice yelled not far away, "We are almost at the border of the Sea Snake Clan, be honest!"

Ming Shu looked over in response, and a man with a fish tail stared at him angrily. Holding a giant steel fork.

The male mermaid has a burly body, and the scales on the fish's tail are pitch black, but the color is not pure, with some gray mixed in.

There were a few mermaids nearby, who cast their gazes in this direction. Ming Shu didn't understand the situation, so he bowed his head in a submissive manner.

The next moment, he saw that his legs had also turned into fish tails, silvery white.

"Smuggling is a violation of family rules. If they are discovered, none of the mermaids here will be able to escape." The male mermaid glared at Mingshu and swam to the front. "Hurry up, it's going to be night.

" little mermaid

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