Chapter 52: The Little Mermaid Under the Sea (15)

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The steward of the sea snake guarded outside the main hall all night, after Xiu Hu left, he also went back to rest, and was called back when he walked halfway.

He hurried to the main hall, and there were many patrolling sea snakes inside and outside the hall, searching everywhere, as if they were catching someone.

The steward of the sea snake faintly sensed that something was wrong, so he came to the main hall in panic, and saw Xiu Qi standing at the entrance of the hall, with two rows of sea snake soldiers and attendants kneeling underneath.

Xiu was dressed in black, without a robe, and looked up quietly.

He was holding something in his right hand, clutching it tightly, and the veins on the back of his hand were bulging.

The steward of the sea snake caught his gaze, and was startled by the coldness and hostility in his eyes, his legs went limp, and he fell to his knees with a "plop".

It was daytime now, but the light in the sky was not as bright as in the past, it was as gray as if covered with a layer of black veil.

Xiu Kun asked, "Where's Ming Shu?"

His voice was very soft, but it was like a moment of tranquility before a mountain rain. The sea snakes present did not dare to vent their breath, and the sweat rolled down from their foreheads.

The steward of the sea snake quickly guessed what happened. The beauty who was executed by Xiuji that day was still talking nonsense before pulling out her tongue, which meant that Shu was a mermaid who sneaked in.

But the leader didn't say anything, so they could only pretend that they hadn't heard of it, and now that the mermaid was being searched inside and outside the city, Ming Shu disappeared.

The manager of Sea Snake knocked his head to the ground: "This subordinate is not doing well, please punish me!"

He had already discovered Mingshu's unknown origin and some abnormalities, but he was afraid of Xiuju's anger and never brought it up, and Xiuju asked him to arrange his subordinates to guard him. Ming Shu, where Ming Shu went, what he did, who he met every day, he had to report everything to him.

The beautiful woman who was executed by Xiu Qi disturbed Ming Shu, Xiu Jin was already very displeased, he was too busy trying to coax her to let the Sea Snake Steward accept the punishment, and now he let Ming Shu escape under his nose... Sea Snake Steward's complexion was

gray Defeated, prepare to meet Xiu Qi's wrath.

Xiuwen looked down at the empty bottle in his hand, it was given to Mingshu yesterday, and it was originally filled with liquid.

Ming Shu left in a hurry, and the bottle left in the garden.

He said that because each sea snake's fluid was unique, he wanted it. However, after spending a whole day with himself, he escaped in a blink of an eye, and the fluid was used for no reason.

Xiu Qi crushed the bottle, and the powder scattered on the ground: "Catch him back, he will live." His voice paused

, the gloom in his eyes became even worse, and he almost gritted his teeth: "Don't hurt him.

" The city had already sent soldiers to seal it off. Ming Shu was still unable to get out of bed because of him last night. He disappeared before he came back this morning, so he must not have gone far.

Where can a delicate little fish hide.

But if there is anyone else helping him... Xiu Qi was expressionless, and the light in the sky dimmed a bit.

When he catches Mingshu back, he has to figure out why he escaped.

Is it because I am not good enough for him? Or he's been acting since the beginning.

The steward of the sea snake who was kneeling on the ground looked in disbelief when he heard Xiu Qi's order.

As expected, Xiuyun was so fascinated by Mingshu that he took the opportunity to escape, but Xiuyun didn't want to hurt him.

Not to mention that Shu lied to the leader. If he was really a mermaid, he shouldn't have appeared alive in the territory of the Sea Snake Clan.


Shu followed Xia Zhu to the gate of a side hall, and after going out here was the outskirts of the central city, Xia Zhu's friends met him in a more remote place far away.

"That's the hidden reef area, where the sea snakes exile prisoners," Xia Zhu said. "It's more dangerous. No one dares to come here on weekdays." At this time, the most dangerous

place is the safest place. Mingshu's disappearance After hiding for a long time, the leader of the sea snake found that he was missing, so he would definitely not come to search here first.

At this time, a group of sea snake soldiers came from the other side, Xia Zhu hurriedly took Ming Shu to hide behind several boulders, watching their movements.

The corner was temporarily safe, Ming Shu pulled off his mask, leaned on the stone and rubbed his lower back.

Xia Zhu noticed his movements, opened his mouth to speak but stopped.

Ming Shu blushed inexplicably, put down his hands and asked quietly: "Did those sea snakes come to look for us?"

Xia Zhu nodded lightly: "It should be."

He saw a few soldiers staying behind, looked around vigilantly, and frowned. Raising eyebrows: "This is troublesome."

Ming Shu put on the mask, hesitating in his heart.

He knew that most of these sea snake soldiers came to look for him. If Xia Zhu didn't take him with him, he would probably be able to escape more easily.

Now that the soldiers who blocked the gate of the palace are here, it will only be more difficult to leave if it drags on.

"How about..." Ming Shu said, "I'll lure them away, and you go out first."

He just needs to find another opportunity, maybe Xiu Qi won't kill him, but he will definitely kill Xia Zhu.

Even if Xiuwen is really angry, he still has extra life points, and this is the last way out when he has to.

Xia Zhu turned his head when he heard the words, with a strange expression on his face: "What are you thinking about?" He cast a comforting look at Ming Shu

: "Look at me."

At one corner, he yelled: "Don't run!"

The voice attracted several soldiers at the door, and immediately ran towards the source. Xia Zhu quickly returned the same way, took Mingshu out of the palace gate, and came all the way to a place farther away. place to stop.

The surrounding environment is chaotic, there is no human figure, and there are many black boulders of different shapes standing outside. The coral clusters that are short of water are dead in the sand, and there is no water source.

"Go this way," Xia Zhu pointed in a direction, and urged: "Be careful."

It is said that passing through the reef area can directly leave the territory of the Sea Snake Clan, but it is full of ferocious black octopuses, once you enter it, you can't get out.

The two walked forward carefully along the border, Xia Zhu took Ming Shu to a more desolate open space, and looked around.

"Did we come early?" Xia Zhu said to himself, "Shouldn't be..."

At this time, three people walked out from behind the boulder not far away, wearing plain gray robes.

Seeing them, Xia Zhu's expression changed, and he immediately put Ming Shu behind him, and whispered to him: "The situation may change." He didn't know

these three people, and it should be his friend who came here to meet them. right.

The three strangers were wearing hoods, one of them showed a few strands of white hair from the edge of the brim, and looked at Xia Zhu and Ming Shu warily.

"Are you Xia Zhu?" One of them stared at Xia Zhu and asked aloud, "The one who used two bottles of medium-quality liquid."

They were indeed players, and Xia Zhu backed away calmly: "You misidentified the person."

The man smiled: "It seems that you don't know yet, the Sea Snakes you bribed sold your information to us." The sea

snakes who can bring the Mermaids in and help them escape naturally have a very low bottom line. , betraying the employer is a common thing, as long as there is money to make.

Xia Zhu's heart sank, the person he had made an appointment with didn't show up, maybe he was killed by these three people.

He took out a small bottle from his body: "Don't you just want liquid? I can give it to you."

But the person who spoke shook his head: "Not enough."

Xia Zhu spread his hands: "That can't be helped, our The liquid has been used."

Fortunately, he didn't mention Mingshu to anyone, he only said that he would take a player he met later to leave with him, and these people didn't know Mingshu's identity.

Xia Zhu took off his hat, revealing his black hair, expressing that he was not lying.

The other person on the opposite side showed impatience: "Why are you talking nonsense with them?"

The liquid only adheres to polluting living things. Once the mermaid dies, the liquid in the body will automatically withdraw and can be reused.

It was not easy to sneak into Central City. At this juncture, the Sea Snake soldiers began to search around again. Players who failed to obtain intermediate-level and above quality liquid had to find another way.

The man who drew the sword was stopped by his companion, and the man before him cast his eyes on Ming Shu who was behind Xia Zhu: "Or you give me Ming Shu's information, and I will let you die.

" It is possible to know Mingshu, the only player who got high-quality liquid.

Or, the one guarding behind him is that although players who can obtain high-quality fluids, they shouldn't look so weak.

Ming Shu, whose name was called, pretended to be calm, feeling uneasy.

Xia Zhu shook his head: "I'm sorry, I don't know."

But at this moment, there was a movement from the direction of the palace gate behind him, and they looked back together, and found that a group of sea snake soldiers were chasing them.

Xia Zhu's voice didn't last long, and the soldiers still found them here.

There were about seven or eight soldiers who came, and the three on the opposite side looked calm and not worried at all. The leader said to his companions in a regretful tone: "Fix it as soon as possible." They must have confidence and

certainty in daring to come here. Knowing that the enemy was invincible, he pulled Mingshu and turned his head to escape in the direction of the reef area.

At the same moment, the little white jellyfish was restless, swimming in the water tank, hitting the glass with a bang.

The noise it made attracted two sea snakes who were in charge of taking care of it, and asked cautiously, "Do you have any orders?"

Pearl couldn't speak, and angrily slapped the water surface, swimming to the side near the entrance from time to time.

Another sea snake guessed: "Could they be looking for Lord Mingshu?"

Mingshu hasn't come for two days, he usually comes at this time, playing with Pearl for a while, and then feeding it the small fish.

As soon as she heard them mention Mingshu, Zhenzhu stopped and swam to them.

"But, I heard this morning..." The two sea snakes glanced at each other, "Master Mingshu is gone."

These things are not for them to discuss, but Pearl has a bad temper. If you don't tell her where Mingshu is , it might look for it by itself, then anger the leader, and they will be punished again.

Pearl tilted her body and floated on the water, as if she was thinking about what "disappeared" meant.

It turned around in the water, turned over and poked its thin tentacles out of the water, as if it was catching the faint breath left in the air.

Afterwards, the size of the little jellyfish gradually increased, and the water in the tank continued to overflow.

The faces of the two sea snakes turned pale, and they hurriedly retreated into the distance.

One of them asked: "What should I do? Are you going to tell the leader..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the pearl that turned into a giant jellyfish smashed into several boulders, and the tentacles swept away several balls of seawater and wrapped it around himself. The strength rushes to the distance.


In the hidden reef area, Ming Shu hid behind two connected boulders, holding his breath and not daring to move.

Behind him is a wall of water, and inside the water wall is the real reef area. Many floating debris pass along the edge of the water wall, and it is pitch black inside, and nothing can be seen clearly.

Xia Zhu hid on the other side not far away, and Chao Mingshu made a silent movement.

Those three players came prepared, and their strength was good. Two of them temporarily withstood the rushing sea snake soldiers, and the remaining one came here after Xia Zhu and Ming Shu. Surrounded by huge boulders, he was lost for a while. people.

There was the sound of footsteps, approaching on the soft sand.

"Why do you bother, what if you are discovered by an octopus in the water," the man said aloud, "If you are killed by a player, you will get more points for dungeon settlement." The place where the two hid was far away from the water wall

. It was too close, and he didn't dare to act rashly. As for the settlement points of the dungeon, it was to deceive them.

Fairy Tale Dungeon 1 was only entered by players during the initial test run. It was said that no one could clear the level. Later, this dungeon disappeared, and no one had heard of Fairy Tale Dungeon 2. He didn't know what punishment would be for failing to clear the level.

The footsteps continued, then suddenly stopped.

Ming Shu was only one step away from the water wall, and there was only the sound of his breathing in the silence, and then he heard the sound of turbulent water coming from behind him, and something was approaching extremely fast.

Before entering the territory of the Sea Snake Clan, Ming Shu was once attacked by the tentacles of an octopus. His body reacted faster than his brain, and he leaned over and rolled out from behind the boulder.

There was a loud "bang", and a pitch-black tentacle broke through the water surface, smashing the boulder where Ming Shu was before.

The strange player not far away backed away to avoid the gravel, but seeing Mingshu appearing on his own initiative, his face became even more gloomy.

Such a big movement will only attract more Sea Serpent soldiers.

The tentacles outside the water wall slowly retracted, and he took advantage of this gap to try to grab Mingshu.

Seeing this, Xia Zhu didn't hide anymore, and rushed over to block Mingshu's attack, using a coral branch he picked up as a weapon.

The two left in a hurry without anything on them, Xia Zhu never expected to be betrayed by the sea snake clan who promised to send them away, otherwise he would not have been forced to hide by these three people.

With Xia Zhu's help to resist, Ming Shu retreated to a safer place.

The sea snake soldier didn't know what was going on, there were octopuses waiting in the water wall, he was worried about Xia Zhu, so he didn't run away.


Water splashed everywhere, and the tentacles aimed at Xia Zhu's back for the second time. Xia Zhu barely avoided it, and his arm was cut by the knife in the player's hand in front of him.

He covered the wound, and was kicked hard in the chest again. Seeing that the dagger

was about to stab Xia Zhu's neck, Ming Shu said anxiously: "Wait! I know where Ming Shu is."


Xia Zhu was winking at Mingshu to tell him not to be reckless, but Mingshu pretended not to notice.

He was still wearing a mask, and his black hair was hidden by the hat: "Don't you want high-quality liquid? There is only one copy in the entire dungeon." The player looked at

him suspiciously: "How do you know there is only one copy?" "Ming Shu told me that only the leader's liquid is of high quality." Ming Shu continued to lie, trying to delay as much time as possible, "I also know where he

hid the liquid."

He moved forward a few steps: "You let him go, I'll take you there." The

player's eyes turned around Ming Shu and Xia Zhu: "You have a pretty good relationship."

He stepped on Xia Zhu's palm and lowered his head. Coldly said: "What he said is true?"

Xia Zhu snorted, and the other injured hand pinched a piece of gravel at some point, and stabbed the sharp end towards the player's leg.

The player backed away, the water wall waved again, and the dark, sticky tentacles attacked in his direction.

The moment the water surface broke, Ming Shu saw tentacles protruding from the gap between the two boulders standing in the water.

The boulder restricts the octopus' movement. It is constantly looking for a suitable angle, and the tentacles protruding out of the water wall are getting longer and longer.

The attacked player dodged sideways, and Xia Zhu took the opportunity to escape to Mingshu.

Not far away, there were chaotic footsteps approaching, it was the Sea Serpent soldiers who had escaped from the obstruction.

The player's face is ugly, knowing that most of today's actions will end in failure.

But when the soldiers came after them, Xia Zhu and Ming Shu didn't get away so easily.

He snorted coldly, turned around and prepared to run away.

The sound of the wind was fierce, and a golden arrow suddenly pierced through the air from outside the reef area, piercing his throat accurately.

He paused, raised his hand to touch a large amount of bright red blood, and fell down with his eyes open.

In an instant, a large number of Sea Serpent soldiers poured in from all over, surrounding the surrounding area.

The octopus in the water wall sensed the dangerous atmosphere, turned around and fled, and the water surface gradually calmed down.

Holding a bow and crossbow in his hand, Xiu Kun approached slowly.

When Ming Shu saw him, he immediately protected Xia Zhu behind him.

He was very guilty, he didn't dare to look at Xiuju, he was flustered and apprehensive, he stood there at a loss what to do.

Xiuwen didn't care about Xia Zhu, his eyes were on Mingshu from the beginning to the end, and he stretched out a hand to him: "Little fish, come here."

As long as Mingshu returns to him, he can act as if nothing happened.

No, there may be a small punishment, depending on whether Mingshu listens or not.

Xiuyun didn't seem to be too angry, Mingshu was shaken, and took a step forward: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lie to you..."

He can go back with Xiuyun, but he has to keep Xia Zhu and find a way to make her Only Xia Zhu can leave the Sea Snake Clan smoothly.

Ming Shu tried hard to think about what to do, but Xia Zhu behind him suddenly shouted: "Be careful!"

He tried to pull Ming Shu away, but it was still a step too late, another pitch-black arrow flew from the side and knocked Ming Shu away. An arrow pierces the heart.

There was severe pain in his heart, Ming Shu lowered his head in a daze.

He felt dizzy for a while, and the rapid loss of life made him unable to support his body, and he fell down as if exhausted.

Xia Zhu helped Ming Shu up on the ground, and the Sea Snake Steward not far away was subdued by several soldiers.

The steward of the Sea Snake threw away the bow and crossbow in his hand, and shouted: "I wiped the arrow! Chief! You can't keep him!" The accident happened suddenly, and the surroundings were in chaos. Before losing consciousness

, Mingshu saw a huge white jellyfish falling against the wind.

Xia Zhu was slapped away by a tentacle, and the white jellyfish squeezed between the narrow boulders, preventing anyone from getting close to Ming Shu, including Xiu Qi.

It attacked indiscriminately angrily, while carefully rolling up Mingshu on the ground with its tentacles, stuffing it into the opening inside its body.

Xiu's voice was full of anger, and contained a terrifying hostility: "What are you doing!?"

He didn't care about dealing with the sea snake steward who disobeyed the order, he just wanted to let Pearl go away.

Pearl ignored it, Mingshu's injuries and more and more attacks made him frantic, he waved a few tentacles and threw them towards Xiuwei, while propping up his body and breaking into the water wall.

Xia Zhu was quick-sighted, hugged a thin tentacle, and was also brought in.

[The player has lost the life feature]

[Deduct a little life point, and the life feature will be restored soon]

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