Chapter 18: The Wolf-Eared Boy (18)

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Jing Chu's attitude changed suddenly, Ming Shu was at a loss, looking at the blurred figure outside the window: "...I don't know what you are talking about." "

Then let me make it clearer," Jing Chu approached, his voice deliberately lowered, "I don't know why Yuan Chen locked you up all of a sudden. I really want to help you, but..."

He paused, and said vaguely, "This is just right..."

Ming Shu was even more at a loss, still not understanding what he meant Just now, he thought his identity had been exposed.

However, Jing Chu's next words did not seem to be the case.

He said he wanted to help himself, but he wouldn't let him out.

"Does Yuan Chen also think you are suspicious?" Jing Chu chuckled, and said mockingly, "I thought he was so fascinated by you that he even forgot his last name.

" With a hint of sourness, it seems that he is jealous that Yuan Chen can get so close to Ming Shu.

Hearing this, Ming Shu's tense nerves eased a little. Jing Chu should not be sure that he is a wolf. The night of the full moon mentioned just now may be intuition and guessing.

With some confidence in his heart, he was silent for a moment: "What about you?"

What kind of role does Jing Chu play in this dungeon.

He hated Yuan Chen, and concealed the fact that the trap had been sabotaged by humans. In the side mission, the conflict between him and Yuan Chen had intensified.

Ming Shu didn't think it was all because of him. From entering the village to now, Jing Chu's favorability has only increased once.

"Me?" Jing Chu said honestly, "I really like you, but it's a pity that Yuan Chen was the one who brought you back first." Halfway through his speech, his tone became a little resentful: "Why did he fall in love with you?

" , it must belong to him? I just brought you breakfast once, and he arranged for me to guard the fruit forest outside the village, and I couldn't come back for a few days." So this is the reason why

Jing Chu didn't show up these days?

What he said in his mouth should be the day when the side quest "Intensification of Contradictions" was released, he didn't leave after delivering breakfast, and before Yuan Chen came back, he grabbed Ming Shu's hand and didn't let go.

Ming Shu didn't expect Yuan Chen to do this. He didn't say anything at that time, and he didn't ask questions. Ming Shu thought he didn't know.

He may have seen Jing Chu's thoughts on Ming Shu long ago, so he used his own method to keep Jing Chu away from Ming Shu.

Ming Shu felt more and more uneasy, and asked again: "Where is Yuan Chen?"

Jing Chu answered irrelevantly: "I'll bring you food tonight, take a good rest."

After he finished speaking, he turned and left, and the sound of footsteps gradually faded away.

He also tightened the lock on the outside of the window, making sure that Mingshu couldn't come out.

Ming Shu had no choice but to sit on the chair alone, hugging her knees and waiting.

In the evening, Jing Chu really came again, he opened the window only a little bit, and stuffed a bag of steamed buns through the gap.

The window was quickly re-closed, Jing Chu said softly, "I'm wronged first." There

was no light in the room, Ming Shu caught the steamed bun in the dark, it was still warm in his hand.

He knocked on the window again, and called Jing Chu: "I... want to relieve myself."

The toilet is in the corner of the yard, and you need to leave the room to go.

Jing Chu didn't like this at all: "I won't let you out."

Ming Shu's throat smacked, trying to make him believe in himself: "I've been suffering all afternoon...I won't run around."

He touched Touching the window, he said in an aggrieved tone, "Can you let me out? Only you can help me now."

Jing Chu outside was silent for a moment, then turned and left.

Ming Shu was getting discouraged when he heard him turn back.

With a "click", Jing Chu unlocked the lock, grasped the edge of the window and lifted it up.

He stood outside the window, showing a face similar to Yuan Chen's, and looked a little cold under the dim sight.

Before Ming Shu had time to say "thank you", he saw him throwing in a wooden basin.

"Let's use this to solve it." Jing Chu's eyes stopped on Mingshu's face, and then slowly moved down: "If you are afraid, I can look at you."

Mingshu: "..."

The window is only open on one side, narrow The entrance can accommodate a person to pass through, and he has to step on the table first.

Ming Shu knew that he couldn't escape from Jing Chu in this situation, so he picked up the wooden basin and said, "No need."

Jing Chu actually showed a regretful expression, and then closed the window again.

After he left, Ming Shu threw away the wooden basin, holding the steamed bun in his hand, without any appetite at all.

It's already so late, Yuan Chen still hasn't come back.

Ming Shu was worried about herself from the beginning, now she is worried about Yuan Chen.

Could something happen to him?

The toxin was taken away by Jing Shuang, and there was another Jing Chu with an unknown purpose outside.

There is no hint of the plot, he is locked here without knowing anything.

Ming Shu flipped the system panel back and forth several times, the room was completely dark, and the system in front of him was the only thing with light.

Suddenly, a system message popped up.

[A new plot update has been detected, do you want to check it immediately? ]

Mingshu sat up straight and clicked to view.

[Plot reminder]:

[When preparing to use the toadstools, Yuan Chen discovered that all the toxins had been stolen. Most of the villagers only knew what Yuan Chen had brought back, but they didn't know about the new plan and where the toadstools were stored. When they learned that the toxins had been stolen and a large amount of prepared raw meat could not be used, the villagers were very angry and thought that Yuan Chen On his own initiative, Jing Bo helped Yuan Chen explain to no avail. 】

[At this time, Yuan Chen told them that there is still a werewolf hidden in the village, and they need to use silver products again to find it. 】

The plot update this time is very long, after Ming Shu finished watching the first two paragraphs, his palms were sweating a little.

Sure enough, the trap failed last time, and the villagers have already resisted Yuan Chen's approach.

Also, the wolf Yuan Chen mentioned refers to Jing Shuang, or Ming Shu who was locked up by him.

There are two more episodes in the plot, Ming Shu continued to scroll down.

[However, there are many objections among the villagers. A villager who had conflicts with Yuan Chen took this opportunity to say that Yuan Chen is the most suspicious person. Under his leadership, everyone has done a lot of useless work, setting traps and Building fences did not stop the wolves, and large numbers of poultry were lost. Even the function of silver products may be fake, it is the means used by Yuan Chen to deceive everyone. ]

[The villager is Jing Bo's eldest son, Jing Chu. Seeing that everyone was dubious, he called out his younger brother Jing Shuang. Jing Shuang was only fifteen years old, usually the most well-behaved and lively child, but now facing Yuan Chen, his expression was full of fear. 】

【Jing Shuang told the villagers that he saw Yuan Chen secretly pouring all the poisonous bacteria into the well water at night, intending to poison everyone. Yuan Chen denies this, Jing Shuang is lying, he is most likely a werewolf in disguise. 】

【But under the instigation of the two brothers, the villagers have lost their trust in Yuan Chen. Immediately afterwards, Jing Chu said another thing, Yuan Chen also forcibly locked a foreigner living here in the house, his behavior and purpose were very suspicious. 】

The plot came to an abrupt end here, Ming Shu couldn't believe it, and re-watched the updated plot this time.

This development completely exceeded Ming Shu's expectation.

He originally thought that his identity might not be able to be hidden anymore, but he didn't expect that Yuan Chen became the target of public criticism, and it was caused by the joint efforts of Jing Chu and Jing Shuang.

Jing Chu must know something... A terrible idea gradually emerged in Ming Shu's mind.

He may not only know, but also reached a certain cooperative relationship with the wolf Jing Shuang.

The more Ming Shu thought about it, the more uneasy he became. He still underestimated the complexity of the story of this dungeon.

So what should he do now... Yuan Chen, the only one who can protect him, is in trouble, and he is still locked in this room.

He didn't have any useful tools around him, but he had two invisibility pills in his pocket, but he didn't know when they would come in handy.

The steamed bun in his hand was already cold, Ming Shu tore off a small piece and stuffed it into his mouth.

He sat silently in the dark for a while, and heard noisy footsteps outside the courtyard, and some swaying faint light came in from the window.

There was more than one person coming, Ming Shu felt vigilant, got up and retreated to the corner.

The people outside went to the door and used the key to unlock the door.

A slightly unfamiliar face appeared. He lifted the lamp in his hand and glanced inside the house, then turned to the rest of the people and said, "It's inside! It's really locked up!" After him, four or five villagers came in one after another, among

them There are Jingbo and Jingchu.

Ming Shu had only met the rest of them once or twice, and basically didn't know them.

Seeing Ming Shu's vigilant expression, Jing Bo stood at the corner and did not dare to approach him, so he comforted him, "Don't be afraid, child, we won't hurt you." Afterwards,

several people brought Yuan Chen in.

Several lights were turned on in the room, Yuan Chen stood at the door and cast his eyes on Ming Shu.

Seeing that he seemed to be fine, Ming Shu felt relieved, and was about to walk towards him when he suddenly received a notification from the system.

[Ding Dong--Submission release]

[Mission 7: Use some method to make the villagers think Yuan Chen is a werewolf without revealing his identity]

Ming Shu's face paled instantly, and his footsteps stopped.

This task is for him to push Yuan Chen into the predicament again.

How could he have forgotten that his identity was a werewolf, and his role in the dungeon was destined to do the same thing as Jing Shuang and Jing Chu.

No matter how much Yuan Chen likes him, the two of them seem to have truly become a couple, but they can't change the fact that they are opposites.

The previous tasks of destroying traps, intensifying conflicts, and throwing and biting villagers were all completed by Ming Shu in a foolish way, and it seemed that they did not greatly promote the plot.

However, for this task, he seems to be unable to use a more neutral method.

The time limit for the task is only ten minutes, if it is not completed within ten minutes, Ming Shu will die.

Ming Shu's pale and helpless expression was seen by everyone, as if he was interested in Yuan Chen, Jing Bo took a step forward: "Xiao Shu, did Yuan Chen lock you up here?" Jing Chu

quietly He walked to the side and quietly blocked the unfinished steamed buns on the chair.

Mingshu saw his actions, and all the villagers in front of him were waiting for his answer.

He also saw Jing Shuang in the crowd, his eyes were slightly cold, and he looked at Ming Shu with a threatening look, as if if Ming Shu said something wrong, he would never let him go easily.

Yuan Chen stood quietly on the spot, with no superfluous expression on his face.

Mingshu took a deep breath, since the system task asked him to do it, then he would do it.

But Yuan Chen was only mentioned in the mission, but it didn't say that he couldn't drag others into the water.

He still believes in the halo of the protagonist. In fairy tales, the villain will never win. Yuan Chen's current predicament is only temporary.

Ming Shu also doesn't trust Jing Chu and Jing Shuang, they are all using him to achieve their own goals and complete the task of slandering Yuan Chen, so he may not be safe either.

Since Yuan Chen is already destined to be hated by the protagonist of the story, there seems to be no big difference between offending one and offending two.

The more chaotic the situation, the more chances might be to escape from here, Ming Shu decided to go all out.

He lowered his head, pretending to be scared: "Yes."

Yuan Chen remained expressionless, his gaze never leaving Ming Shu.

For a moment, the villagers had different expressions, some could not believe it, some were disappointed with Yuan Chen, Jing Shuang quietly raised the corners of her lips from behind.

Jing Bo was the calmest, and asked again: "Why did Yuan Chen lock you up?"

The task was to make the villagers think Yuan Chen was a wolf, and Ming Shu had to tell some information.

There are only six minutes left in the countdown, and Ming Shu's heartbeat starts to speed up: "I...I saw Yuan Chen cut Xiao Qi's hind leg the other day, and took a lot of blood..."

Xiao Qi is a donkey in the backyard, Ming Shu's voice fell , Someone immediately went to the backyard to check, and came back soon to tell everyone: "Little Qi has a wound on his leg! It's not a few days ago."

Only werewolves would have a desire for blood, and Jing Chu said at the right time: "I I said it earlier, there must be something wrong with Yuan Chen."

His words helped the mission, and the villagers around Yuan Chen retreated one after another, not daring to get too close to him.

[Submission 7 has been completed! Please check your points rewards in the background]


Mingshu waited for a while, but no new tasks or plots appeared.

"But," he clenched his palms, and said again, "Jing Chu also came this afternoon."

He raised his head to look at Jing Chu, his voice trembling: "He brought me food at night, but he refused to let me go out. "

Jing Chu's complexion changed: "You..."

Ming Shu's accusation against Yuan Chen went so smoothly, he never expected that Ming Shu would also speak out about him.

"You lied... Is Yuan Chen threatening you? He asked you to slander me?"

Jing Chu gritted his teeth and looked back in Yuan Chen's direction.

Jing Shuang was also standing there, the curvature of his mouth disappeared, and his eyebrows were slightly frowned.

Immediately afterwards, Mingshu mustered up his courage, and continued in a panicked tone: "I'm sorry, I didn't steal the toadstool on purpose, can you stop locking me up?" Startled, she asked eagerly, "Did you steal the toxins?"

But didn't Jing Shuang say that seeing Yuan Chen pour all the toxins into the well...

Ming Shu nodded timidly, and raised his finger to Jing in the back. Shuang: "Xiao Shuang said he wanted to take a look, so I..."

Cold sweat fell from Jing Bo's forehead: "What about the toadstool?"

"It's not with me," Ming Shu whispered, "it was taken away by Xiao Shuang . "

There was silence in the room, several eyes were turning between Ming Shu, Yuan Chen and the Jing family brothers.

Mingshu's words contain too much information...

Jing Chu knew clearly that Ming Shu was here, so he deliberately didn't let him out. Jing Shuang took away the toxin, but said that Yuan Chen poured it into the well.

Yuan Chen seemed to be slandered, but Ming Shu said that Yuan Chen not only took the donkey's blood, but also locked him here.

Among the four of them, who is the one with the problem.

Jing Chu smiled angrily, took a few steps forward, and stared at Ming Shu: "Are you the same kind of werewolf from Yuan Chen? Why don't you take a test with silver to see how truthful you are.

" Before coming here, it was Jingchu himself who said that the silver products were Yuan Chen's tricks, and that he could touch Yinkuai safely and soundly does not mean that he is not a wolf.

Conversely, if anyone is tested, it cannot be used as an absolute basis.

This was originally his way to protect Jing Shuang, but now Ming Shu took advantage of it.

Jing Shuang didn't say a word. The day before the full moon night was when he was the weakest. He couldn't transform. If his identity was discovered, it would be a disaster.

He was careless, thinking that Ming Shu was really a well-behaved little wolf.

Ming Shu huddled in the corner, looking like he was about to cry, Jing Bo hurriedly asked someone to stop Jing Chu, preventing him from doing anything to Ming Shu.

The situation reached a stalemate, and some villagers suggested: "Why don't we lock them up first?"

One day later it will be the night of the full moon, and the werewolf's disguise will not be able to maintain, and then we will know who is lying and who is lying. real wolf.

Under the eyes of everyone, Jing Bo wiped the sweat from his forehead and sighed, "Okay." Among the

four people, two are his sons and one is his nephew. Handle it fairly.

Locking them all up right now is indeed the best way.

The villagers who proposed earlier looked at a few people: "Shut together? Or..."

The author has something to say:

Can't be locked together

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