Chapter 13: The Wolf-Eared Boy (13)

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It was only yesterday afternoon that she relaxed a little. As soon as the new task was released, Ming Shu became nervous and apprehensive again.

Although there is no time limit for completing the main task, it cannot reach three in total, otherwise he will die directly.

So as long as there are two unfinished main tasks, Ming Shu has to solve one of them quickly.

Fortunately, he completed Mission 2 without any risk yesterday, otherwise, when he woke up this morning, what awaited him would be a notification that he failed to clear the level.

Moreover, Ming Shu discovered that the main missions seemed to be related to his identity.

[Task 1: Please release your instincts to the fullest, and throw down the villagers in front of you! (Not completed)]

[Task 2: Find the same kind of werewolf hiding in the village, and see through his disguise (completed)]

[Task 3: On the night of the full moon, reveal your true body under the bath of moonlight (not completed) ]

From this point of view, the first task also seems to require him to use his identity as a werewolf. Unleashing his nature may mean transformation, and throwing down villagers may represent an active attack?

For example, like Jing Shuang, he can also become a werewolf on a night without a full moon, and the maintenance time is limited.

But...Mingshu didn't know what to do.

He looked down at his palms. These hands belonged to humans. The fingers were slender and fair-skinned. The nails were neatly trimmed and round. The slender bones looked harmless.

In his own body, Mingshu couldn't feel anything related to werewolves.

In addition to today, there are still five days left before the night of the full moon, Ming Shu began to worry.

It is written in the rules that the main task is released on time, but the interval between the three current tasks is not the same, which should be related to the progress of the plot.

It is uncertain when the next mainline task will be released, so in these five days, he still has to try to complete task one first, and then plan how to complete task three safely and securely.

A mushroom with a purple umbrella cap suddenly jumped into Ming Shu's palm, and the thin arm dangled in front of his eyes: "Shu Shu?"

Ming Shu came back to his senses, and replied, "Mmm...

I 'll get up right away." He opened the quilt and got out of bed, changed his clothes and finished washing, and brought the little mushrooms to the front hall.

Yuan Chen gets up very early every day, and when Ming Shu wakes up, the mattresses on the floor are always put away.

On the table was the unfinished jujube porridge yesterday, Ming Shu checked the temperature, it was just reheated.

Yuan Chen was missing, Ming Shu was about to wait for him, when he saw Jing Chu push the door in.

Little Mushroom didn't see the stranger, so he immediately hid it in Mingshu's pocket.

Jing Chu held a plate in his hand, which seemed to be some scallion pancakes, which smelled delicious.

He walked to the table, saw the porridge on the table, and said in a disgusted tone, "You eat this every day?"

Ming Shu saw him, immediately recalled what happened yesterday morning, and took a step back involuntarily: "I don't eat it every day... "

Yuan Chen doesn't know how to cook, but he often brings back some meals from other villagers, but the breakfast will be a bit monotonous, Ming Shu doesn't care.

Jing Chu put down the plate, and suddenly reached out and grabbed Ming Shu's wrist tightly.

Ming Shu couldn't dodge, and wanted to break free in a panic: "What are you doing?"

Jing Chu pulled Ming Shu to his side with great strength, "Is that why you don't want to see me?"

When he came in, Ming Shu's eyes widened. Li's defense and vigilance could not be concealed at all.

Reminiscent of the two of them embracing by the window after Yuan Chen came back yesterday, and Ming Shu's relaxed yet dependent posture, Jing Chu felt more and more irritable.

And in the end, Yuan Chen seemed to kiss Ming Shu, and he didn't resist at all.

Jing Chu moved closer, with a low voice: "I'll help you hide it and bring you food. Is this your attitude?"

Ming Shu leaned against the table behind him and couldn't back away, trying to defend: "I don't have... I didn't make the trap."

Jing Chu's strength in his hand didn't weaken, and he chuckled, "Then tell me who is it?"

He seemed convinced It was Mingshu, even if there was no real evidence, no matter what Mingshu said, he would not believe it.

Ming Shu pretended to be calm, and asked back: "You obviously found out that the trap was destroyed, why didn't you say it?"

The implication was that Jing Chu himself had problems.

Jing Chu answered irrelevantly: "It's a joke to go to such a far place to set up traps."

At the same time, the system prompt sounded.

[A new plot update has been detected, do you want to check it immediately? 】

Ming Shu opened the new plot, and quickly glanced at it.

[Plot reminder]:

[Yuan Chen is going to the forest again to look for small mushrooms, and his actions have aroused the dissatisfaction of some villagers. Silver nuggets can indeed test out the identity of werewolves, but that's the only function. Relying on such non-human creatures to deal with werewolves and wolves is not advisable. ]

[Some villagers even believe that it was Yuan Chen who asked the little mushroom to bring back the way to drive away the werewolf, which made the werewolf hold a grudge, and did not hesitate to expend energy to frequently gather wolves to retaliate against the village. ]

[Also, Yuan Chen has only just come of age. Although he is the son of the late village chief, he is still far from being able to lead the village and make some important decisions. 】

Ming Shu turned off the panel, and looked at Jing Chu in front of him.

Does the "some villagers" mentioned in the plot refer to Jingchu?

In Jingchu's character details, the [Hate] column only says "Yuan Chen". Maybe it's because he hates Yuan Chen and is dissatisfied with the other party's decision, so he hides it.

This way... it seems to make sense.

Sure enough, Jing Chu immediately said: "It's all useless work, so what if there is one more animal trap, I can't wait..."

He didn't say the rest, and turned around: "Anyway, I always think you are unusual."

While speaking, he bent slightly to get closer to Mingshu, and the heat of his breath almost sprayed on his face: "If I had silver pieces with me, I would definitely try it now."

Silver products are relatively precious items in the village, and there are only a few pieces in total. If Jing Chu wants them, he has to ask Jing Bo or Yuan Chen for them.

Ming Shu looked at Jing Chu and felt a faint headache.

The mysterious intuition described in Jing Chu's [Features] made some of his guesses terribly accurate.

However, these intuitions of his seemed to be applied to Mingshu alone...

Mingshu should be thankful that Jing Chu also has a 75 favorability degree, otherwise he would not know how to deal with it.

At this time, another system prompt sounded.

[Ding Dong--Submission release]

[Task five: Intensify the conflict between the villagers and Yuan Chen without revealing their identities] The

task time limit is three days, which can just connect with the plot just now.

Intensifying the conflict...Mingshu has even more headaches, let alone how the plot will develop, who are the "villagers" in this mission? Can any one do?

Seeing that Ming Shu didn't speak, Jing Chu stretched out his hand to caress his cheek, but Ming Shu turned his head to avoid it.

He was not angry either, he took out an egg from his pocket and stuffed it into Mingshu's hand, before finally letting go of his wrist.

The egg is hot, it seems that Jing Chu's body temperature still remains, Ming Shu holds the egg with complicated and unspeakable emotions.

Jing Chu asked again: "Yuan Chen is not here today, how about..."

Before he finished speaking, Yuan Chen's familiar voice sounded behind him.

"He went out with me in the morning."

Jing Chu's face suddenly turned a little ugly, and he turned to look at Yuan Chen who walked into the house.

Yuan Chen didn't know when he came over, his face was as calm as water, and he looked over with a pair of dark eyes.

He stepped forward, saw an extra piece of bread on the table, and said softly: "Trouble." Jing

Chu snorted coldly: "It's you who are going to find some mushrooms, why drag others along."

The atmosphere is very strange, the most nervous is Mingshu.

He was very flustered, if he had to offend someone... Ming Shu almost instinctively leaned towards Yuan Chen, and said, "No... I'm the one to follow." So

Jing Chu's expression became even uglier, and Ming Shu suddenly withdrew The system prompt of the task has arrived.

[Submission Five: Intensifying Conflicts (1/2)]

... Huh? That's half done?

Ming Shu quietly looked at the expressions of the two of them, trying to say something more.

However, Jing Chu didn't give him a second chance to try, so he turned around and left without saying a word.

When he walked away, the little mushroom poked out from Mingshu's pocket: "Huh?"

Yuan Chen pulled the stool and sat down, and pushed the plate with the bread towards Mingshu: "Eat it, it's still hot.

" He didn't mention what happened just now, as if nothing had happened, but the more he did this, the more disturbed Ming Shu felt.

When did Yuan Chen come here? Did he hear the conversation between Jing Chu and himself?

Jing Chu mentioned traps and silver nuggets. If he had really heard about it, Yuan Chen would probably not be like he is now, not asking half a word.

Ming Shu calmed down, sat on the other side of the table, reached out and pulled Yuan Chen's sleeve.

Yuan Chen lowered his head and saw Ming Shu was still holding an egg in his hand.

Ming Shu wanted to pass the egg to Yuan Chen, and put it in his hand: "Do you... eat this?"

His hands were smaller than Yuan Chen's, and there was a difference in skin color, because he had been pinching the egg just now, his fingertips were slightly blush, and they lightly touched Yuan Chen's palm.

Yuan Chen caught the egg and grasped Ming Shu's hands tightly together.

Ming Shu was taken aback, before he could react, Yuan Chen had already let go of him, slowly peeling the eggshell.

In the end, the peeled egg still went into Ming Shu's stomach. He didn't eat much bread, but drank a few mouthfuls of porridge.

When preparing to leave, Little Mushroom was still lying in Mingshu's pocket, and Yuan Chen went into the room to find a thick coat.

He asked Ming Shu to put it on, and buttoned it up for him: "Today is cool."

Yuan Chen himself was still wearing brown clothes, Ming Shu looked at him: "What about you?"

"I'm not cold," Yuan Chen said , He fastened the buttons, and took Mingshu's hand, "Let's go."

The donkey was brought to the front yard ahead of time, and it was given half a bottle of blood yesterday. Once the poison of the toxin passed, it became full of energy again. Can't see anything unusual.

Yuan Chen also didn't notice the injury on its hind leg, so he put away the saddle and rope.

Same as last time, Ming Shu sat sideways in front of Yuan Chen.

The donkey was not moving fast, and Ming Shu started to feel sleepy again, tilting his head against Yuan Chen and closing his eyes.

Yuan Chen deliberately walked on a smooth road, not too bumpy, so that Ming Shu could sleep more comfortably.

The sun gradually rises, dispelling the morning mist, Ming Shu breathes evenly, and the thick eyelashes quietly cast a small shadow.

Yuan Chen put his arms around him, held his left hand and lifted it up, and gently opened the cuff.

There are a few faint red marks on Mingshu's wrist, which were left when Jing Chu grabbed hold of her not long ago.

Yuan Chen stroked that small piece of skin, his drooping eyes were dim, and he couldn't help but increase his strength, as if he wanted to remove these traces or cover them again.

[Submission Five: Intensify Conflicts (2/2)]

[Submission 5 has been completed! Please check your point rewards in the background]

Two system prompts sounded in succession, Ming Shu woke up in a daze: "Have you arrived yet..." "

Not yet," Yuan Chen whispered, moving Ming Shu's hand naturally Hold on, "Sleep for a while."

Ming Shu agreed, then closed his eyes but couldn't fall asleep anymore.

He leaned against Yuan Chen's neck, and suddenly found two system prompts that hadn't been turned off yet.


Ming Shu raised his head subconsciously and looked at Yuan Chen.

He just fell asleep...there were only the two of them here just now, right?

Yuan Chen lowered his eyes to meet Ming Shu's gaze: "What's the matter?"

Ming Shu didn't know what to ask, so he shook his head, "It's okay."


Arriving at the familiar dense forest, Little Mushroom jumped out of Ming Shu's pocket, excitedly Run ahead.

Ming Shu was very cautious this time, and stopped a short distance away from the stream, not going any further.

"I..." Ming Shu lowered his head, "I'll wait for you right here, I'm not familiar with the tree mushrooms over there."

Yuan Chen didn't force it, and replied, "Okay."

He went alone, and Ming Shu saw it from a distance. A group of tree mushrooms clustered around him.

The little mushroom had arrived a long time ago, it found the biggest one among the tree mushrooms, and said a few words "chi-gu-ji-gu", telling it Yuan Chen's reason for coming.

Knowing that the wolves are still threatening the village, the tree mushrooms are very angry, and they are willing to help Yuan Chen, picking the poisonous fungus from their bodies one after another.

The little mushroom helped to pick a leaf, and asked the tree mushrooms to put the toadstools together so that they would not lose them.

When it turned its head, it found that Ming Shu was still standing alone in the distance.

Little Mushroom turned around in a circle, then turned back to look for Mingshu.

At this time, a tree mushroom asked Yuan Chen: "Are there any other wolves in the village?"

Yuan Chen frowned slightly: "Any other wolves?"

The tree mushroom nodded: "Guji said that."

Yuan Chen remained silent , looking at Ming Shu in the distance.

Ming Shu squatted under the tree, holding the little mushroom that ran over at some point in his hand, and seemed to be talking to the other party.

This scene was very harmonious, the little mushroom even came close to rubbing Mingshu's cheek.

"Stay here?" Little Mushroom looked at Mingshu eagerly, "I'll pick some fruit for you to eat."

Mingshu hesitated and said, "I..."

With the main task, he intends to stay. It looks safe.

But Yuan Chen, how to hide the past...

Ming Shu was struggling, and received another reminder from the system.

[Ding Dong--Submission release]

[Task 6: Steal the poisonous fungus from the tree mushrooms and make the poisoning plan fail]

The author has something to say:

Shu Shu: Anyway, my escape plan failed

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