Chapter 117: Halloween (21)

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The middle-aged woman never flinched in the face of Sang Yin, but now she is afraid of a little black cat.

The street lights came on one by one, and the streets were deserted.

The middle-aged woman shivered and turned around to hide in the house. The little black cat kicked off its hind legs and rushed over.

Mingshu subconsciously wanted to stop him, and immediately said: "Don't!"

Even Sang Yin's attack had no effect. Even though the little black cat was not an ordinary creature, it was such a small one...

However, the next moment, Mingshu's voice He stopped abruptly and looked at the door in disbelief.

The little black cat was extremely fast and bit the middle-aged woman's trouser leg just before she hid in the house. The woman immediately screamed, but was unable to withstand the strength of the kitten and was dragged out.

Her whole body was translucent, including her clothes. The bitten area seemed to have dripped ink, turning it black and beginning to gradually spread to other parts of her body.

The little black cat vigorously pulled her out and scratched her with its claws. The middle-aged woman was in so much pain that she couldn't even make a sound.

Not long after, her whole body turned into opaque black, looking very strange, curled up into a ball like the townspeople who had experienced strange changes at night.

In the end, she turned into a ball as big as a palm. The little black cat slapped its claws, and the ball was punctured, turning into a wisp of smoke and drifting out of sight.

Mingshu looked at this scene in shock and couldn't help but shrink into Sang Yin's arms.

He could feel that the little black cat wanted to protect him, but what happened before him overturned his impression of the little black cat...

It seemed a bit powerful... No wonder the middle-aged woman was scared just now, the little black cat seemed to be born Beat her.

So what kind of creature is the little black cat? What about the middle-aged woman who appeared in the house?

Mingshu's guess was more inclined to things like souls. He remembered that Xia Zhu once said that a ghost tried to break into the player's house, but then a clay pumpkin was placed at the door and the ghost stopped appearing.

There was also a pumpkin at his door, and a new one was replaced every day. Although it did not stop the middle-aged woman from breaking in, she had some resistance to the pumpkin before opening the door.

The middle-aged woman disappeared completely. The little black cat licked its paws, raised its tail and walked towards Mingshu.

It returned to its cute and well-behaved appearance, without showing any of its ferocious appearance not long ago. Mingshu felt inexplicably complicated.

Is it because I fed it pumpkin for a few days? That's why it helped get rid of the ghost-like creature.

Sang Yin's vigilance never diminished, and he took a step back to protect Mingshu: "Let's go back to the house first."

He couldn't trust the kitten yet. The middle-aged woman disappeared completely, and the house became safe again. The little black cat should not be able to Those who enter the house should take Mingshu back first.

The little black cat approached, Sang Yin hugged Mingshu and prepared to go around it.

As soon as he moved, the nearby streetlight suddenly went out, and a familiar pulling feeling came over him.

In the darkness, a familiar shadow entangled Sang Yin, separated him from Mingshu, and threw him to the side.

The nearby street lights within about a hundred meters flickered a few times and then regained their light, but further away they were still in darkness.

Sang Yin was nowhere to be found, and Ming Shu stood alone, at a loss.

Why is this familiar situation so similar to yesterday? Yesterday, the shadow appeared and drove the vampire away from him, but also did not allow Sang Yin who came to get close.


Mingshu looked down and saw the little black cat standing in front of him, slowly wagging its tail.

The shadow drove away Sang Yin, but left the little black cat behind.

The house is right in front, and the door is still open. Mingshu can hide in immediately, and Sang Yin should be able to follow him.

He hesitated for a moment, but unexpectedly squatted down and stretched out his hand towards the little black cat.

Mingshu always had a feeling that the little black cat was just a coo, especially after seeing the scene just now, this feeling was the strongest.

Even if he guessed wrong and it wasn't Guji, he couldn't help but want to get close to the kitten. He believed that the kitten wouldn't hurt him.

There was also the shadow that drove away Sang Yin. Not only did it not hurt him yesterday, it also sent him home specially.

A vague idea suddenly flashed through Mingshu's mind, but he failed to grasp the key point.

The little black cat looked at Mingshu's hand getting closer and closer, and took a step forward without hesitation, leaning his head against Mingshu's palm and rubbing it.

Its body is very cold. This is the only place where it feels peaceful apart from its appearance. Like other nocturnal creatures, its body temperature is very low.

Mingshu touched the little black cat's head: "Thank you."

The little black cat purred in its throat, moved closer to Mingshu, put its front paws on Mingshu's knees, and jumped in into his arms.

The furry ball rushed over, Mingshu's back tensed, and then slowly relaxed.

It seems that his feeling is right. The little black cat is different from other monsters and is a very friendly creature.

The nearby street lights were still the same. Mingshu stood up with the little black cat in his arms and walked into the yard.

He turned around and saw two pumpkin lanterns placed in the courtyard lying on the ground. There were some burn marks on the surface, and the glowing red balls inside were also damaged.

Mingshu frowned and walked closer to check. The condition of the jack-o'-lantern reminded him of the red marks and blisters on the middle-aged woman's body.

He put the little black cat on his shoulder, bought two new jack-o-lanterns and placed them, and threw the broken ones in the corner.

After doing all this, Mingshu came to the door. Sure enough, the clay pumpkin on the armrest seemed to have been burned, and the surface on the side facing the door was charred black.

Mingshu picked up the pumpkin, and the little black cat jumped down along his arm, squatted on the armrest and sniffed it close.

"I don't want this one," Mingshu moved the pumpkin away, bought a new one and placed it in front of the little black cat, "Eat this."

He also kept the pumpkins that the little black cat had not finished eating before, thinking that he could not It's a waste of points. At this point, I really can't bear to watch the little black cat eat "leftovers".

The little black cat's tail shook: "Meow!"

It hugged the pumpkin with its front paws, exposed its fangs and took a hard bite. The hard clay was easily chewed off, making a clicking sound.

Ming Shu was thinking about Sang Yin and saw the little black cat eating. He turned around to go into the house, but his sleeve was caught.

He turned his head, and the little black cat's paws were pulling at him. There were pumpkin-colored crumbs on his face. The golden eyes looked at him eagerly: "Meow..."

It didn't want Mingshu to leave, and it didn't even eat the pumpkin. .

Mingshu felt soft and returned to the little black cat, stroking its soft back hair: "Eat quickly, I... I'll go in and take a look, and I'll come out to find you later."

He wanted to see Sang Yin's condition, and there was He was not hurt by the shadow, and even if he was in the house, he could watch the little black cat eating from the door or window.

The little black cat still refused, hooking its sharp claws into Mingshu's sleeve, and said louder than before: "Meow!"

It was very unwilling, knowing that once Mingshu entered the house, Sang Yin would follow him in, And it can't get in yet.

It jumped forward using all four limbs, and Mingshu quickly caught it.

The little black cat meowed and moved restlessly, all the scraps of its body rubbing against Mingshu.

Mingshu couldn't resist, and felt even softer.

How about...bringing the little black cat into the house? But he didn't know whether he could do this. The little black cat was also a living creature of the night, and whether it needed something belonging to it to be accepted by Mingshu and brought into the house.

Moreover, the middle-aged woman who disappeared before Mingshu still had lingering fears. After receiving the things, she could not throw them away. Getting close to the little black cat was completely different from leaving it in the house. Without absolutely ensuring safety, he still Don't dare to do this.

Mingshu sighed, glanced at the lighted room, and finally compromised: "I'll stay a little longer, and you can eat some more?"

The little black cat then reluctantly calmed down, nuzzled Mingshu's chin, and jumped to Pumpkin gnawing on the armrest.

When it was finally full, Mingshu said goodbye to it and thanked it again: "Kitten, I'm going back. You should go back quickly."

As usual, half of the pumpkin was left, and Mingshu took it away and replaced it with another. new.

The little black cat looked at Mingshu's actions. It was already full and was not ready to move the new pumpkin.

Mingshu touched its head and said, "This is your ration for tomorrow."

The little black cat seemed to understand, and raised its paw to pull at the pumpkin.

Mingshu really wanted to go back now. He waved to the little black cat and walked in the door under its reluctant eyes.

The moment he stepped in, the wizard's figure appeared out of thin air.

Sang Yin hugged Mingshu tightly and closed the door.

He let out a deep breath: "Why did it take so long?"

He was pulled a hundred meters away by the sudden shadow and couldn't get even half a step closer. He didn't know the situation on Mingshu's side, so he could only wait anxiously.

This feeling was very uncomfortable. Sang Yin tried to use spells to attack, but it had no effect at all. The shadow never even responded, swallowing up everything. It occasionally trembled due to his attacks and refused to relieve him and Ming Shu. barriers between.

Twice in a row, Sang Yin's anger gradually rose, and he finally calmed down after seeing Ming Shu return safely.

Mingshu hugged Sang Yin tightly: "I... I was feeding the cat outside, but it wouldn't let me go..."

Sang Yin was silent for a moment and sighed: "It's okay."

Although he was reluctant to admit it, the little black cat Neither the shadows nor the shadows seem to harm Mingshu.

There is also the connection between these two creatures... Sang Yin vaguely felt that the simultaneous appearance of the shadow and the little black cat was not a coincidence.

They also saw the kitten on the street yesterday.

"The cat is gone?" Sang Yin asked, "Is there something wrong with it?"

"Is there anything wrong with it?" Mingshu raised his head and thought about it carefully, "It doesn't seem like..."

At this time, Mingshu I heard two faint noises, like something scratching at the door.

He let go of Sang Yin, turned around, opened the door, and saw the little black cat.

The little black cat hadn't left yet, squatting at the door and wagging its tail at Mingshu: "Meow!"

It moved its eyes to Sang Yin aside, immediately changed its face, and whined at him.

Sang Yin looked at it expressionlessly and leaned over to squat down.

The little black cat couldn't get in, so it could only wave its paws at him from a distance and spin in circles.

Apart from the inexplicable shadow, if you just look at the little black cat's attitude towards him, it really looks a bit like Goo Chi.

Mingshu and Sang Yin squatted down together, reached out and touched the little black cat: "Didn't I tell you to go back quickly?"

The little black cat rubbed Mingshu's palm and meowed softly.

Sang Yin was quiet for a moment, and then stretched out his hand towards it, as if he also wanted to touch it.

The little black cat didn't appreciate it very much, so it opened its mouth and bit his fingertips hard.

Mingshu suddenly became nervous, pulled Sang Yin's hand back, and looked down.

There were two sharp teeth marks on the fingertips, but there was no bleeding, only marks were left.

The little black cat still squatted on the spot, its tail swung, and it raised its paws to lick it. Its golden eyes stared at Sang Yin.

Sang Yin was also looking at it and suddenly raised his lips and smiled.

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